Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]On 13.07.2022, Corporate Office has issued letter, wherein it is directed that no outstation transfer order should be issued for the Non-Executives, till the completion of the 9thMembership Verification. However, violating this Corporate Office order, transfer orders have been issued in the Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh circle. Even the district secretary of BSNLEU, Mandi, has been transferred to a far away place. This is a high handed action by the district administration of Mandi. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Ms. Anita Johri, PGM(SR), today and recorded his strong protest to the transfer orders issued in Mandi district. The General Secretary demanded immediate cancellation of all the transfer orders. The General Secretary also demanded that, action should be taken against the Mandi district administration, for it’s blatant violation of the Corporate Office order.
Ms. Y. Nagaveni, working as AOS, in Anantapur district, AP circle, had applied for transfer, under Rule-8 to Hubli BA. Her husband is working as an AOS in Hubli BA. Even though, this is a very genuine case, the official has not been able to get the transfer. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, discussed this issue with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM(Estt.),today. The PGM(Estt.) in turn, telephonically discussed this issue with the Karnataka circle administration. He assured that, this issue would be settled at the earliest.
Some DR JEs of NE-I circle have applied for transfers under Rule-8, to Chhattisgarh and Kolkata circles. As per the Corporate Office order, NE-I is a surplus circle and the other to circles are deficient circles. Hence, the DR JEs of NE-1 circle should get their transfers. However, this is not done and the matter is getting unnecessarily delayed. Com.Abhimanyu, GS, discussed this issue with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM(Estt.) today. The PGM(Estt.) assured that, the issue would be settled at the earliest.
The 2 day Trade Union class of the Eastern Zone, comprising of the circles of West Bengal, Kolkata, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, NE-I and NE-II started today. The 2 day class is being organised on “the role of working class in freedom struggle” and other topics.
The AUAB has already given call to organise Black-badge wearing lunch hour demonstrations on 28.07.2022, against the handing over of BSNL’s 14,917 mobile towers to the private and also demanding the immediate launching of BSNL’s 4G service. Both the issues are very serious in nature. Hence, the CHQ requests the circle and district secretaries to ensure that, each and every Executive and Non-Executive is made to participate in this programme.
Adani Group chairman, Gautam Adani, has overtaken Bill Gates and has become the 4thrichest man in the world. This is revealed in the ‘Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List’. Adani’s net worth is $116.3 billion, while the net worth of Bill Gates is $105.1 billion. It is reported that Adani amassed the maximum wealth in the year 2021, when his wealth increased at the rate of Rs.6,000 crore per week.
[Source: Times of India dated 22.07.2022]
A question was raised in the Rajya Sabha yesterday, by Dr. V. Sivadasan, MP, regarding the vacancies and recruitment in BSNL. According to the reply provided by Shri Devusinh Chauhan, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, the number of total BSNL employees as on 31.03.2022 was 62,208. Out of this, the strength of the Non-Executives was 32,551 and the strength of the Executives was 29,657. It is also stated that, the strength of the contract workers was 9,169. As regards the vacancies, the Hon’ble MoS(C) has stated that, there were 7,263 vacancies of the Executives and 4,152 vacancies of the Non-Executives.
Ms. Droupadi Murmu has becomes India’s next President. The 64 year Ms. Droupadi Murmu secured 64% of the total votes, defeating the opposition candidate, Shri Yashwant Sinha. Ms. Murmu started out as a primary school teacher, then served as a Minister in the Odisha government and later on became the Governor of Jharkhand. BSNLEU heartily congratulates Ms. Droupadi Murmu and wishes her success in her new responsibility.
BSNLEU’s Eastern Zone trade union class on the topic of the “Role of the working class in the freedom struggle” is being held at Kolkata on 23rd & 24th July, 2022. The venue of the class is K.G.Bose Smirti Bhawan, Kolkata. Delegates from West Bengal, Kolkata, Assam, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, NE-I and NE-II are participating in this class. CHQ wishes all success for this class.
Due to VRS, the staff strength has been reduced by 50%. As a result of this, the number of district unions actually functioning, has also gone down. However, the CHQ is not having the exact details in this regard. Hence, all the circle secretaries are requested to immediately send the list of the functioning district unions, in their respective circles. This information may please be sent to the CHQ within 3 days. Kindly treat this matter as urgent. The details may please be sent in the following format:-
अमेरिकी डॉलर के मुकाबले भारतीय रुपये का मूल्य एक नए निचले स्तर पर गिर गया है।
हाल के वर्षों में अमेरिकी डॉलर के मुकाबले भारतीय रुपये का मूल्य लगातार गिर रहा है। मंगलवार को भारतीय रुपया अपने जीवनकाल के सबसे निचले स्तर 80.06 रुपये प्रति अमेरिकी डॉलर पर पहुंच गया है। इकोनोमिक टाइम्स की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, भारतीय रुपये के मूल्य में गिरावट जारी रहेगी और इस वित्त वर्ष के अंत तक अमेरिकी डॉलर के मुकाबले 82.50 रुपये तक पहुंच जाएगा।
(स्त्रोत : इकोनोमिक टाइम्स - दिनांक 20.07.2022)
In the recent years, the value of the Indian Rupee, against the US dollar, has been continuously falling. On Tuesday, the Indian Rupee has reached it’s lifetime low of Rs.80.06 per US dollar. The Economic Times reports that, the value of Indian Rupee will continue to fall and will reach as low as Rs.82.50, against the US dollar, by the end of this financial year.
[Source: The Economic Times dated 20.07.2022]
It has become clear now that, 4 companies are going to participate in the forthcoming 5G spectrum auctioning. These companies are Jio, Airtel, Vodafone Idea and Adani Group. These companies have made payment of the EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) for participating in the auctioning. Jio has paid the highest EMD of Rs.14,000 crore, while Airtel has paid Rs.5,500 crore. Vodafone Idea has paid Rs.2,200 crore while the new entrant, Adani Group, has paid Rs.100 crore.
4 कम्पनियाँ 5G स्पेक्ट्रम नीलामी में भाग लेने के लिए तैयार है।
अब यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि आगामी 5G स्पैक्ट्रम नीलामी में 4 कंपनियां भाग लेने जा रही हैं। ये कंपनियां हैं जियो, एयरटेल, वोडाफोन आइडिया और अडानी ग्रुप। इन कंपनियों ने नीलामी में भाग लेने के लिए ईएमडी (अर्नेस्ट मनी डिपॉजिट) का भुगतान किया है। जियो ने सबसे ज्यादा 14,000 करोड़ रुपये का ईएमडी दिया है, जबकि एयरटेल ने 5,500 करोड़ रुपये का भुगतान किया है। वोडाफोन आइडिया ने 2,200 करोड़ रुपये का भुगतान किया है जबकि नए प्रवेशकर्ता अडानी समूह ने 100 करोड़ रुपये का भुगतान किया है।
The All India Centre of BSNLEU has decided to organise two online meetings in observance of the 75th anniversary of the Indian independence.
The online meeting in English will be held at 19:00 hours on 25-07-2022.
The online meeting in Hindi will be held at 19:00 hours on 26-07-2022.
Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, will address both the meetings. The duration of each meeting will be from 1 to 1 ½ hours. The circle secretaries are requested to mobilise maximum number of comrades in these meetings and to make them successful.
साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, महासचिव, BSNLEU के नाम से फर्जी संदेश प्रसारित किया जा रहा है । BSNLEU का CHQ इस शरारत की कड़ी निंदा करता है।
सरकार ने नॉन एक्ज़िक्यूटिव्स की आईडीए वृद्धि को दिनांक 01.10.2020 से 01.04.2021 तक स्थगित किया है। इस अन्याय के खिलाफ BSNLEU ने माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय में एक मामला दायर किया और माननीय न्यायालय ने आदेश दिया कि बीएसएनएल के नॉन एक्ज़िक्यूटिव्स पर आईडीए स्थगन लागू नहीं है। हालांकि, सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल ने आईडीए बकाया का भुगतान नहीं किया। इसके बाद, दूरसंचार विभाग ने बीएसएनएल को आईडीए बकाया का भुगतान नहीं करने का निर्देश दिया है। इसलिए मामला विचाराधीन है। BSNLEU ने पहले ही अपने अधिवक्ता से आवश्यक कानूनी कार्रवाई करने का अनुरोध किया है। इन परिस्थितियों में कल महासचिव साथी पी. अभिमन्यु के नाम से एक फर्जी संदेश प्रसारित किया गया। संदेश में कहा गया है कि कोर्पोरेट कार्यालय ने आईडीए बकाया के भुगतान का आदेश जारी कर दिया है। साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, महासचिव ने ऐसा कोई संदेश जारी नहीं किया है, क्योंकि कोर्पोरेट कार्यालय ने आईडीए बकाया के भुगतान के लिए आदेश जारी नहीं किया है। BSNLEU और साथी पी. अभिमन्यु, महासचिव की छवि खराब करने के लिए शरारती तत्वों द्वारा फर्जी संदेश प्रसारित किया गया है। BSNLEU का सीएचक्यू इस हरकत की कड़ी निंदा करता है। BSNLEU के सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि शरारती तत्वों द्वारा प्रसारित किए जा रहे ऐसे संदेश पर विश्वास न करें। केवल परिमंडल सचिवों और जिला सचिवों द्वारा प्रसारित संदेशों को हमारे साथियों द्वारा ध्यान में लिया जाना चाहिए।
The government has frozen the IDA increase of the Non-Executives from 01.10.2020 up to 01.04.2021. Against this injustice, BSNLEU filed a case in the Hon’ble Kerala High Court and the Hon’ble Court ordered that IDA freezing is not applicable to the Non-Executives of BSNL. However, the CMD BSNL did not make payment of the IDA arrears. Subsequently, the DoT has directed the BSNL not to make payment of the IDA arrears. Hence, the matter is lying pending. BSNLEU has already requested it’s advocate to take necessary legal action. Under these circumstances, a fake message was circulated yesterday in the name of Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary. The message says that, the Corporate Office has issued order for payment of IDA arrears. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, has not issued any such message, since the Corporate Office has not issued order for the payment of IDA arrears. The fake message has been circulated by miscreants to tarnish the image of BSNLEU and Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary. The CHQ of BSNLEU strongly condemns this mischief. Members of BSNLEU are requested not to believe such message being circulated by mischievous elements. Messages forwarded only by the circle secretaries and district secretaries should be taken into account by our comrades.
The government and the BSNL Management are moving fast to handover BSNL’s 14,917 mobile towers to the private, under the National Monetisation Pipeline. The CMD BSNL is taking speedy action to implement the decision of the government. In the budget, the government has categorically stated that, it would earn Rs.40,000 crore, by way of handing over BSNL’s mobile towers and optic fibre (OFC) to the private. If BSNL’s towers and OFC are handed over to the private, under the National Monetisation Pipeline, thereafter, BSNL will have to pay rent to the private, for using it’s own towers and OFC. It is needless to state that, this will kill BSNL.
At a time when the private companies are getting ready to launch their 5G service, launching of BSNL’s 4G service is no where in sight. The TCS has so far not completed it’s Proof of Concept (PoC). The original deadline set for TCS to complete it’s PoC was 30th November, 2021. This deadline has been extended many times. However, TCS has not been able to complete the PoC till today. It means, the TCS has not been able to prove that, it is having the technology to supply 4G equipments to BSNL. It must be noted that, TCS has committed to supply 1 lakh 4G BTSs to BSNL. However, no one knows how and when TCS is going to do this. Since, BSNL has not been able to launch it’s 4G service, it has started loosing it’s customers. In May, 2022 alone, BSNL has lost 5.3 lakh customers. BSNL’s Revival Package remains only on paper. The Company’s financial condition is deteriorating and it is returning fast to the pre-VRS situation.
Hence, the AUAB has given call to organise Lunch-hour Black badge wearing demonstrations on 28-07-2022, opposing the handing over of BSNL’s towers and OFC to the private and demanding meaningful action by the government and the Management to immediately start BSNL’s 4G. The AUAB has decided to invite the media for this programme. All circle and district unions of BSNLEU, are requested to successfully implement this call of the AUAB.
As per TRAI report, Reliance Jio gained net 31.11 lakh mobile subscribers in May, Bharti Airtel added net 10.27 lakh users. Vodafone Idea lost net 7.59 lakh mobile subscribers, BSNL shed net 5.3 lakh subscribers and MTNL lost net 2,665.