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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

21 - Jun - 2022
Views of the day long dharna called on by the AUAB, organised throughout the country today..

20 - Jun - 2022
Dharna on 21.06.2022.

20 - Jun - 2022
Corporate Office directs the CGMs to empanel more number of reputed hospitals.

The Corporate Office has issued letter to the CGMs, directing them to empanel more number of hospitals, especially reputed hospitals, for providing cashless treatments to BSNL employees and pensioners under BSNL MRS. In the letter, the Corporate Office has expressed concern that, the number of empanelled hospitals has got reduced. The CHQ requests the circle and district unions to utilise this opportunity and to co-ordinate with the management so as to bring reputed hospitals into the empanelment of BSNL. A copy of the letter is enclosed.

View File

20 - Jun - 2022
Memorandum submitted to Shri Rajendra Gavit, Hon’ble MP of Palghar constituency.

The comrades of the AUAB, Kalyan district have submitted memorandum today, to Shri Rajendra Gavit, Hon’ble MP of Palghar constituency. The representatives of AUAB explained in detail to the Hon’ble MP, about the justification for 3rd Pay Revision / Wage Revision to BSNL employees.

20 - Jun - 2022
BSNLEU circle union is formed in Sikkim.

Till recently, Sikkim had been one of the SSAs of West Bengal circle. Due to the insistence of the Chief Minister of Sikkim, decision was taken to convert Sikkim into a full-fledged circle. Accordingly, Sikkim has become a circle, with Gangtok as it’s Head Quarters, w.e.f. 01.09.2021. Yesterday a meeting of BSNLEU was held at Gangtok. Com. Arun Rai, presided over the meeting. A good number of comrades participated in the meeting from all parts of Sikkim. From the CHQ, Com.Animesh Mitra, President, participated and addressed the meeting. In his speech, Com.Animesh Mitra, spoke elaborately on the anti-public sector policies of the government, issues connected with BSNL’s revival, agitational programmes of the AUAB, issues being taken up by the CHQ of BSNLEU, including the holding of JTO LICE and other LICEs, issues of the casual contract workers and other issues. Thereafter, deliberations by the members took place. Finally, the new circle office bearers of Sikkim circle union were unanimously elected with Com.Rakesh Roshan as Circle President, Com.Arun Rai as Circle Secretary and Com.Kamal Sharma as Circle Treasurer.

18 - Jun - 2022
AUAB submits memorandum to the Hon’ble MP of Belagavi, Karnataka.

As per the call of the AUAB, Memorandum is submitted today, to the Hon’ble  MP of Belagavi, Smt. Mangala Angadi, demanding immediate settlement of 3rd Pay Revision/ Wage Revision. CHQ heartily congratulates the AUAB, Belagavi, for submitting the memorandum.

18 - Jun - 2022
AUAB memorandum submitted to Shri Kapil Patil, MP of Bhiwandi Constituency, as well as Union Minister of State in the Ministry of Panchayat Raj.

Memorandum, demanding settlement of 3rd Pay Revision / Wage Revision of BSNL employees is submitted today by the AUAB, Kalyan, to Shri Kapil Patil, MP of Bhiwandi Constituency, as well as Union Minister of State in the Ministry of Panchayat Raj. CHQ heartily congratulates the AUAB comrades of Kalyan.

17 - Jun - 2022
5G spectrum to be auctioned on 26thJuly, 2022.

The Union Cabinet has taken decision on 14thJune, 2022, for auctioning 5 spectrum. The auctioning will be held on 26th July, 2022. The Cabinet has approved the floor price as recommended by the TRAI. Earlier, the TRAI had recommended 39% reduction in the floor price for auctioning 5G spectrum.  The Cabinet has also decided to auction 5G spectrum in 9 frequency bands. The big tech firms will be allowed to take 5G spectrum from telecom companies on lease, for their captive non-public network. 

17 - Jun - 2022
AUAB, Nashik, submits memorandum to Hon’ble Minister.

Memorandum demanding 3rd Pay Revision/ Wage Revision is submitted today, by the AUAB Nashik, to Dr.Bharti Pawar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India. Hearty congrats to the AUAB comrades of Nashik.

16 - Jun - 2022
BSNL CCWF demonstration tomorrow the 17.06.2022 – circle and district unions are requested to fully participate in the programme.

The BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation (BSNL CCWF) is organising demonstrations at the district level and also organising submission of memorandum. The Co-ordination Committee (CoC) of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNL CCWF, in it’s meeting held on 04.06.2022 has decided to extend full co-operation to the programme of BSNL CCWF. The programme is being organised to demand immediate payment of the long pending wage arrears of the contract workers, opposing retrenchment of the contract workers and other issues. The CHQ of BSNLEU calls upon the circle and district union to fully participate in the demonstrations tomorrow and to make the programme a success. 

16 - Jun - 2022
Hindi translation of "BSNL CCWF demonstration tomorrow the 17.06.2022 – circle and district unions are requested to fully participate in the programme."

बीएसएनएल सीसीडब्ल्यूएफ के प्रदर्शन कल 17.06.2022 को : सर्कल और जिला यूनियनों से कार्यक्रम में पूरी तरह से भाग लेने का अनुरोध किया जाता है ।

बीएसएनएल कैजुअल कांट्रेक्ट वर्कर्स फेडरेशन (बीएसएनएल सीसीडब्ल्यूएफ) जिला स्तर पर प्रदर्शन आयोजित कर रहा है और ज्ञापन प्रस्तुत करने का भी आयोजन कर रहा है। BSNLEU, AIBDPA और BSNL CCWF की समन्वय समिति (CoC) ने 04.06.2022 को आयोजित अपनी बैठक में BSNL CCWF के कार्यक्रम में पूर्ण सहयोग देने का निर्णय लिया है। संविदा कर्मियों के लंबे समय से लंबित वेतन बकाए के भुगतान की मांग, ठेका श्रमिकों की छंटनी का विरोध करने और अन्य मुद्दों पर तत्काल भुगतान की मांग को लेकर कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। BSNLEU के CHQ ने सर्कल और जिला संघ से कल के प्रदर्शनों में पूरी तरह से भाग लेने और कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने का आह्वान किया है । 

16 - Jun - 2022
Submitting memorandum to the Hon’ble MPs / Ministers - Circle and District secretaries are requested to co-ordinate with the other constituents of the AUAB and to move on the top gear.

The AUAB has decided to submit memorandum to the MPs and Ministers, in this month (June, 2022) on the 3rd Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue. The memorandum is to be submitted to the MPs /Ministers. The draft memorandum is already sent to the circle secretaries and CHQ office bearers. Being the biggest union in the AUAB, it is the duty of the circle and district secretaries of BSNLEU, to take the initiative for the submitting of memorandum. The success of this campaign of submitting memorandum will go a big way in the settlement of 3rd Pay Revision/ Wage Revision. Hence, the Circle and District secretaries are requested to co-ordinate with the other constituents of the AUAB and to move on the top gear. The submitting of memorandum to all the MPs should be completed by 30-06-2022. Photos and report may please be sent to the CHQ, for displaying on the CHQ Website.

15 - Jun - 2022
Discrimination in granting special increments to the sports personnel.

In the Formal Meeting held with the Director (HR) on 13.06.2022, BSNLEU took up the issue of non-granting of special increments to the deserving sports personnel. At the same time, special increments have been sanctioned to the 3 officials working / worked in the Corporate Office. The GM(Admn.) argued that everything has been done properly. However, BSNLEU insisted to examine the file, which was accepted by the Director (HR). Accordingly, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS, went through the Committee’s Report today, in the GM(Admn)’s office. It is found that, out of the 33 cases received by the Corporate Office, only 3 cases have been approved and the remaining 30 cases have been rejected. Only the cases of 3 officials of the Corporate Office have been approved. It is found that many cases duly recommended by various CGMs have gone missing and not at all looked into by the Committee. Many deserving cases have also been rejected by the Committee. Prima-facie, it appears that the Committee meeting had taken place, only to approve the cases of 3 Corporate Office officials. BSNLEU will once again write to the Director (HR) in this connection. In the meanwhile, Sports Personnel, whose cases have been recommended and sent to the Corporate Office by their CGMs, may e-mail a copy of their CGM office letter on

15 - Jun - 2022
AUAB’s massive Twitter Campaign organised yesterday, has sent the right signal to the Hon’ble Minister and to the DoT.

The CHQ of BSNLEU once again congratulates all the unions and associations of the AUAB, for making yesterday’s Twitter Campaign a massive success. Yesterday, we informed that 38,100 tweets were made. However, by evening yesterday, around 40,000 tweets have been made with the #BSNL_PayRevision hashtag. Such a huge Twitter Campaign has certainly sent the right signal to the Hon’ble Minister of Communications, as well as to the DoT that, the 3rd Pay Revision / Wage Revision of BSNL employees cannot be dismissed just like that. The success of the Twitter Campaign has given the confidence that, the AUAB will move on the top- gear for  settling the 3rd Pay Revision / Wage Revision of BSNL employees.

15 - Jun - 2022
Hindi translation of "AUAB’s massive Twitter Campaign organised yesterday, has sent the right signal to the Hon’ble Minister and to the DoT."

AUAB द्वारा बड़े पैमाने पर कल आयोजित ट्विटर अभियान ने माननीय मंत्री और दूरसंचार विभाग को सही संकेत भेजा है।

BSNLEU का CHQ एक बार फिर AUAB के सभी यूनियनों और एसोसिएसंस को कल के ट्विटर अभियान को एक बड़े पैमाने पर सफल बनाने के लिए बधाई देता है। कल हमने बताया कि 38,100 ट्वीट किए गए थे। हालांकि कल शाम तक #BSNL_PayRevision के साथ करीब 40 हजार ट्वीट किए जा चुके हैं। ट्विटर के इतने बड़े अभियान ने माननीय संचार मंत्री के साथ-साथ दूरसंचार विभाग को सही संदेश दिया है कि बीएसएनएल कर्मचारियों के तीसरे वेतन संशोधन/वेतन संशोधन को इस तरह से खारिज नहीं किया जा सकता है। ट्विटर अभियान की सफलता ने नई उम्मीद दी है कि AUAB बीएसएनएल कर्मचारियों के तीसरे वेतन संशोधन / वेतन संशोधन का निपटारा सुनिश्चित करेगा।

15 - Jun - 2022
Immediately start preparations for AUAB’s dharna to be organised on 21.06.2022.

As has already been communicated, the AUAB will be organising day long dharna throughout the country on 21.06.2022. The dharna is being organised on the burning problems of the Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL. The CHQ requests the circle and district unions to immediately start preparations for successfully organising the day long dharna on 21.06.2022. Effective co-ordination may be done with the other constituents of the AUAB, to ensure the participation of maximum number of comrades in this dharna.

15 - Jun - 2022
Hindi translation of "Immediately start preparations for AUAB’s dharna to be organised on 21.06.2022."

दिनांक 21.06.2022 को आयोजित किए जाने वाले AUAB के धरना कार्यक्रम के लिए तुरंत तैयारी शुरू करें।

जैसा कि पहले ही सूचित किया जा चुका है एयूएबी दिनांक 21.06.2022 को पूरे देश में एक दिवसीय धरना का आयोजन करेगा। यह धरना बीएसएनएल के एक्ज़िक्यूटिव्स और नॉन एक्ज़िक्यूटिव्स की ज्वलंत समस्याओं पर आयोजित किया जा रहा है। सीएचक्यू सर्कल और जिला यूनियनों से अनुरोध करता है कि वे 21.06.2022 को दिन भर के धरना कार्यक्रम को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित करने के लिए तुरंत तैयारी शुरू करें। इस धरना कार्यक्रम में अधिक से अधिक संख्या में साथियों की भागीदारी सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एयूएबी के अन्य घटकों के साथ प्रभावी समन्वय किया जा सकता है।

15 - Jun - 2022
Hindi translation of "Issue Presidential Orders to 140 Regular Mazdoors of Darbhanga SSA – BSNLEU writes to the Director (HR)."

दरभंगा एसएसए के 140 रेग्युलर मज़दूर को प्रेसिडेंशियल ओर्डर जारी करें : BSNLEU ने निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) को पत्र लिखा है ।

वर्ष 2002 में बिहार सर्कल के दरभंगा जिले से संबंधित 140 टीएसएम को रेग्युलर मज़दूर के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया था। इन सभी को दिनांक 01-10-2000 से पहले अस्थायी दर्जा प्रदान किया गया था। लेकिन, अभी भी उन्हें प्रेसिडेंशियल ओर्डर जारी नहीं किए गए हैं। 140 आर.एम. में से कुछ कर्मचारियों की मौत हो चुकी है और कई अन्य सेवानिवृत्त हो चुके हैं। राष्ट्रपति के आदेश जारी न किए जाने के कारण उन्हें पेंशन/पारिवारिक पेंशन का निपटान नहीं किया गया है। सीएचक्यू ने इस मामले को उठाया है और निदेशक (एचआर) को एक विस्तृत पत्र लिखा है।

14 - Jun - 2022
AUAB’s Twitter Campaign is a grand success.

AUAB’s Twitter Campaign, demanding 3rd Pay Revision to BSNL’s Executives and 3rd Wage Revision to the Non-Executives is a grand success. 38,100 tweets have been made. Hats off to all the leaders and comrades who have taken the great efforts for this.

14 - Jun - 2022
Formal Meeting between the Director (HR) and BSNLEU held yesterday the 13.06.2022.

BSNLEU has sought a Formal Meeting with the Director (HR) to discuss certain burning issues of the employees. This meeting was held yesterday. Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) presided over the meeting. Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM(Estt.), Ms. Anita Johri, PGM (SR) and Shri S.P. Singh, GM(Admn.) were present in the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS, participated in the meeting. The details of the discussion are given below:-


  1. Implementation of a New Promotion Policy to the Non-Executives of BSNL.

Union pointed out that, there are many discriminations between the Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) and the Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP). The Union also pointed out that, within the NEPP also, discriminations are there between the employees absorbed from the DoT and the employees Directly Recruited by BSNL. The Union demanded that a New Promotion Policy is required which will remove all these discriminations. Similarly, the Union also pointed out that, the agreement for NEPP was signed 14 years ago and a lot of changes have taken place during this period. Hence, implementation of a New Promotion Policy for the Non-Executives has become inevitable. The Director (HR) gave a patient hearing and told that the issue would be looked into.  


  1. Urgent need to relax the ban imposed on Compassionate Ground Appointments.

The Union strongly argued that the ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments should be urgently reviewed. The Union argued that the ban should be relaxed at least to provide job to the families of the employees who have died in the Covid pandemic and also the employees who die in accidents while performing their duties. In reply to this, the Director (HR) replied that the BSNL Management has taken steps to provide cash compensation, instead of providing Compassionate Ground Appointments. BSNLEU said that providing cash compensation is not acceptable to the Union and insisted that Compassionate Ground Appointments should be provided.


  1. Holding of the JE LICE, JAO LICE, JTO(OL) LICE, Telecom Technician LICE and other LICEs of the Non-Executives.

BSNLEU strongly demanded that JE LICE, JAO LICE, JTO(OL) LICE, Telecom Technician LICE and other LICEs of the Non-Executives should be conducted immediately. The Director (HR) replied that notification for JE LICE will be issued shortly and steps would also be taken to hold all other LICEs of the Non-Executives.


  1. Inordinate delay in issuing Presidential Orders to the TSMs who were directly promoted as Telecom Technicians.

Presidential Orders (PO) are already issued for the TSMs who were regularised as RMs. However, around 450 TSMs who were directly promoted as Telecom Technicians are not yet issued with POs. BSNLEU is continuously taking up this issue. On this issue, the Director (HR) replied that the DoT has completely rejected this case. However, BSNLEU requested that this issue should be taken up by the CMD BSNL at the level of the Secretary, Telecom.


  1. Non-granting of special increments / promotions to the deserving sports personnels and granting special increments clandestinely to some Corporate Office officials.

BSNLEU accused that the Management has not considered the special increments for the deserving sports personnel, as recommended by their CGMs. At the same time, the Management has granted special increments only to 3 officials working in the Corporate Office. BSNLEU accused that irregularity is suspected in this case. After detailed discussion, the Director (HR) stated that representatives of BSNLEU can go through the relevant Corporate Office files and discussion can continue thereafter. BSNLEU agreed for this.


  1. Non-providing of passwords to the Non-Executives.

BSNLEU has long been demanding that the Sr.TOAs working in E-offices should be provided with passwords. Long back, Director (HR) assured that 25% of the Sr.TOAs working in E-offices would be provided with passwords. However, this assurance is not implemented. This issue was discussed in detail and the Director (HR) assured that Corporate Office would issue letter to all the CGMs in this connection.


  1. Denial of transfer under Rule 8 to DR JEs - requesting to take action to mitigate their sufferings.

BSNLEU is continuously demanding that all the DR JEs who have completed 5 years of service and who have applied for Rule 8 transfers should be relieved without delay. This issue was discussed in yesterday’s meeting. BSNLEU pointed that even the Corporate Office order of relieving DR JEs from surplus circles to deficient circles, is not being implemented. In this regard, BSNLEU pointed out the case of NE-I circle. The Director (HR) assured that steps would be taken to relieve DR JEs from surplus circles to deficient circles. As regards, other cases, he stated that immediately relieving them is not possible.


  1. Imposing rigorous conditions in the JAO Recruitment Rules.

BSNLEU has already opposed the rigorous conditions being imposed in the JAO Recruitment Rules. For example, it is proposed that 5 years of service in NE-9 pay scale is essential for appearing in the JAO LICE. In yesterday’s meeting, BSNLEU demanded that this condition should be removed. The Director (HR) replied that this condition would be relaxed. He further assured that before finalising the new Recruitment Rules for JAO, the views of the Recognised Unions would be taken.  


  1. Non-declaration of the results of the JTO LICE conducted in Punjab circle.

BSNLEU is continuously taking up the issue of non-declaration of the JTO LICE results in Punjab circle. This issue was once again discussed with the Director (HR) in yesterday’s meeting. The Director (HR) replied that BSNL has already filed a Miscellaneous Petition in the Hon’ble CAT, Chandigarh, requesting the permission of the Hon’ble Court, to declare the JTO LICE results. However, he stated that, the case is not coming for hearing, due to shortage of judges in the Hon’ble CAT, Chandigarh. He further assured that BSNL would do everything necessary to expedite declaration of JTO LICE results in Punjab circle.