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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

23 - Sep - 2020
Authoritarian assault on the Indian Parliament..

The destructive anti-farmer bill, to serve the interests of big landlords and their corporate friends, was brought in the Rajya Sabha day before yesterday. It was tooth and nail opposed by the members belonging to the opposition parties. When the bill was taken for voting, the government did not have sufficient members from the ruling party and it’s allies, to pass the bill. Hence, when the opposition members demanded a division (voting) on the bill, the same was not accepted by the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. Instead, he put the bill for voice voting and announced that the bill was passed. This is nothing but murder of democracy and an attack on the Parliamentary system of this country.

Opposition members protesting inside Parliament premises against the attack on Parliamentary system. 

23 - Sep - 2020
Conduct district general body meetings, wherever it is not conducted.

The CEC meeting of BSNLEU decided to observe 19th September, 2020, as Martyr’s Day. The All India Centre decided that District General Body meetings should be conducted on that day and the decisions of the CEC meeting should be explained to the members. Holding of the district general body meeting is very essential, to take the decisions of the CEC meeting to the grass-root level workers. 


Hence, the CHQ calls upon such of those district unions, which have not yet conducted their district general body meetings, to immediately conduct the same and to explain the decisions of the CEC meeting. All the circle unions are requested to ensure that the district general body meetings are conducted in all districts without fail.

23 - Sep - 2020
CHQ's Hindi Circular No.11 dated 22.09.2020.

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23 - Sep - 2020
National Protest Day is being observed today..

As per the call of the 10 Central Trade Unions, National Protest Day is being observed throughout the country today. This day is being observed to protest against the severe attacks being launched on the public sector, including the Indian Railways, Defence Production Units, Petroleum Companies, Coal mines, Banks, LIC and BSNL. 


Further, the Modi government is also taking away the hard-worn rights of the workers, to benefit the corporates. The voice of democracy is being stifled. Those who raise their voice against the government and criticise it’s policies, are being branded as Deshdrohis. They are being arrested under the National Security Act and thrown behind the bars.


Together with the above issues, BSNLEU is raising the denial of 4G to BSNL and demanding early revival of BSNL. BSNLEU has given call to organise lunch hour demonstrations throughout the country. This day is  being observed as a part of BSNLEU’s countrywide campaign programme.

23 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "All India Protest Day to be observed tomorrow the 23.09.2020 – organise lunch hour demonstrations."

कल, 23.09.2020 को अखिल भारतीय विरोध दिवस- भोजन अवकाश में प्रदर्शन आयोजित करें....

10 सेंट्रल ट्रेड यूनियन्स द्वारा कल, 23.09.2020 को, मोदी सरकार द्वारा पब्लिक सेक्टर, वर्कर्स के अधिकार और जनता के प्रजातांत्रिक अधिकारों पर किए जा रहे हमलों के विरोध में "अखिल भारतीय विरोध दिवस" आयोजित करने का आव्हान किया गया है।

BSNLEU के ऑल इंडिया सेन्टर द्वारा भी कल भोजन अवकाश में प्रदर्शन आयोजित करने का आव्हान किया गया है। सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट यूनियन्स से अनुरोध है कि यह कार्यक्रम सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित करें। सोशल डिस्टनसिंग, मास्क लगाने व अन्य सावधानियों का ध्यान रखा जाए।

इस कार्यक्रम के जरिए,  BSNLEU की CEC मीटिंग में, BSNL की 4G सेवा की शीघ्र शुरुआत, BSNL का रिवाइवल आदि सुनिश्चित करने हेतु लिए गए निर्णय अनुसार अभियान भी चलाया जाए। कार्यक्रम की रिपोर्ट और फोटोज CHQ को ई-मेल द्वारा प्रेषित करें। 

22 - Sep - 2020
Implementation of the decisions of the CEC meeting - CHQ's circular no.11.

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22 - Sep - 2020
Com.M.Vijayakumar, AGS, donates Rs.One lakh to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund.

The working class of Kerala is liberally donating to the Chief Ministers’ Distress Relief Fund, to enable the state to overcome the crisis created by COVID-19 pandemic, landslides, etc. Com.M.Vijayakumar, AGS, BSNLEU, whose daughter's marriage has taken place some days back,  has donated Rs.One lakh to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund. CHQ heartily congratulates Com.M.Vijayakumar, AGS and his family, for their large-heartedness. 

22 - Sep - 2020
Corporate Office issues modified notification for holding the 39th National Council meeting as an online meeting.

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22 - Sep - 2020
All India Protest Day to be observed tomorrow the 23.09.2020 – organise lunch hour demonstrations.

The 10 Central Trade Unions have given the call to observe "All India Protest Day" tomorrow the 23.09.2020, to oppose the attacks being launched by the Modi Government on the public sector ,  on workers rights and on the democratic rights of the people.


 The All India Centre of BSNLEU , has called upon to organise lunch hour demonstrations tomorrow. Circle and District unions are requested to organise this programme successfully. Social distancing, wearing of masks and other precautions should be taken. 


This programme should also be utilised to organise the campaign, as decided by the CEC meeting of BSNLEU, to ensure immediate launching of 4G service by BSNL, Company's revival, etc. Report and photos of the programme may be emailed to the CHQ.

21 - Sep - 2020
Corporate Office sends fund authorisation for payment of salary.

The Corporate Office has sent fund authorisation to the circles for the payment of salary. Payment of August salary will be made now.

21 - Sep - 2020
Com.N.K. Nalawade, Vice President (CHQ) & Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Maharashtra, bereaved.

CHQ is saddened to hear that Com.N.K. Nalawade, Vice President (CHQ) & Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Maharashtra circle, has lost his elder sister and her husband. Both of them had been affected by the COVID-19. They had been admitted to the hospital. However, they could not be saved. CHQ expresses its heartfelt condolences to Com.N.K. Nalawade, and to all his family members.

21 - Sep - 2020
“The Hindu” publishes salient points of BSNLEU’s resolution.

The CEC meeting of BSNLEU, held on 10th & 11th September, 2020, has passed a detailed resolution, explaining how the cancellation of BSNL’s 4G tender has harmed the Company. The resolution has also emphasised the need for the employees to come together and to organise campaigns and struggles. The salient points of this resolution has been published in "The Hindu"  newspaper. 

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21 - Sep - 2020
The "Financial Express" says cancellation of BSNL’s 4G tender will harm the PSU..

The Financial Express, a leading daily on economic and financial matters, has published an article today, explaining how BSNL’s 4G launching, as well as it’s Financial Revival, is going to be harmed, due to the cancellation of BSNL’s 4G tender. 


The article reveals that, BSNL is going to be told by the government to build it’s 4G networks, through the “Managed Networks Model”. Under this model, hardware and software from different companies like Nokia and Ericsson would be purchased and would be assembled by an Indian company.


 While other private companies have installed their networks through “Turnkey Contracts”, where a single vendor will commission and manage the networks, it would be risky for BSNL at this stage, to undertake experiments, explains the article. 


This is exactly what is being told by BSNLEU and the AUAB. The Financial Express article very well explains how the decision of the government to cancel BSNL’s 4G tender and to direct BSNL to carry out experiments, will be suicidal for BSNL.

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19 - Sep - 2020
Martyr’s observed as per the call of BSNLEU.

The CHQ of BSNLEU has called on to observe Martyr’s Day today, to pay homage to those who sacrificed their lives in the one day strike of Central Government employees, held on 19th September, 1968. Responding to the call of CHQ, Martyr’s Day is observed throughout the country. District General Body meetings were organised and the comrades are explained about the demands and victimisations of the 1968 strike. CHQ congratulates the district unions for implementing the call.

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19 - Sep - 2020
General Secretary addresses Facebook live on Martyr’s Day.

As a prelude to observing 19th September, 2020, as the Martyr’s Day, the All India Centre of BSNLEU has decided to organise a Facebook live programme on 18.09.2020. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed this programme at 08:00 pm yesterday. The General Secretary elaborately explained about the demands of the 1968 strike and the repressive measures unleashed by the government to crush the strike. He also explained about the relevance of “Need Based Minimum Wage”, which was the number one demand of the 1968 strike, with reference to the present day economic situation. The speech was made in English and Hindi.

19 - Sep - 2020
Observe All India protest day on 23rd September, 2020.

The Narendra Modi government is launching an all out attack on the public sector. Highly profit earning public sectors in the Banking, Insurance, Petroleum and Coal sectors are being disinvested / privatised. Privatisation is coming in a big way in the Indian Railways and Defence Sector also. Simultaneously, the hard worn rights of the working people are being snatched away by the Central Government as well as various State Governments. Above all, the Modi government has  launched a severe attack on the democratic rights of the people. Anyone who critises the government is being branded as anti-national (Desh drohi) and is being arrested under the National Security Act (NSA). It is sure that, the trade union leaders will also be brought under the category of Desh drohis, soon. 


Against these attacks, the 10 Central Trade Unions have jointly given call to observe National Protest Day on 23.09.2020. The CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to organise lunch hour demonstrations and observe the National Protest Day on 23.09.2020. 


The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU has decided to launch a powerful campaign demanding 4G to BSNL, settlement of Wage Revision, Pension Revision, etc. These demonstrations to be organised on 23.09.2020 should also be utilised as an occasion for our  campaign. 

19 - Sep - 2020
Red salutes to the Martyrs.

52 years ago, on 19th September, 1968, 40 lakh Central Government Employees, went on a heroic one day strike, demanding need based minimum wage, full neutralisation for price rise, abolition of casual and contract labour system and on other demands. The participants in the strike included Railwaymen, Defence workers, P&T workers, etc. The strike was a roaring success throughout the country. However, the Central government headed by Smt. Indira Gandhi, unleashed a reign of terror to defeat the strike.  ESMO (Essential Services Maintenance Ordinance) was promulgated to crush the strike. 17 workers were killed at Pathankot, Bikaner, Bongaigaon, Mariani and Indraprasth in Delhi. 12,000 leaders and workers were arrested. 65,000 employees were served with termination notices. 40,000 employees were placed under suspension. Police firing, lathi charge, arrests, terminations and suspensions were heaped on the strikers. The workers who picketed trains were crushed to death, by running the trains over them. However, it is significant to note that, the Communist Party ruled Kerala state, headed by Com.E.M.S. Namboodiripad, refused to take any action against the strike. He refused to implement the ESMO, even when the Central Government threatened to dismiss the Kerala state government. On this day we pay red salutes to the comrades who became martyrs in that strike. We also gratefully remember the sacrifices made by other comrades in that heroic strike. It was a strike against exploitation. BSNLEU pledges to carry forward that struggle.

18 - Sep - 2020
Unity is the need of the hour - AUAB writes to other unions and associations to come forward for campaign /struggle under common platform.

4G is being denied to BSNL. Revival of BSNL is becoming a distant dream and the future of the Company is becoming a very big question mark. It is the need of the hour that the entire Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL, come under a common platform, to launch campaigns and struggles, to create pressure on the government, so that BSNL can start it’s 4G service. The AUAB, in it’s meeting held on 07.09.2020, discussed this issue at length and has decided to  appeal to all the unions and associations to come forward for united action under a common platform. Accordingly, AUAB has written letters to the General Secretaries of all the unions and associations which are presently not part of the AUAB. 

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18 - Sep - 2020
Case admitted in the Principal Bench of the CAT, New Delhi, for pension revision of BSNL and MTNL retirees.

A case has been filed in the Principal Bench of the CAT, New Delhi, praying for the revision of pension for the BSNL and MTNL retirees. This case, which is filed by the AIRBSNLEWA, came up for hearing in the Principal Bench of the CAT yesterday. The case has been admitted and notice has been issued to the respondents to file reply. Now, the case has been posted for hearing on 3rd November, 2020.

18 - Sep - 2020
Facebook live.