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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Telangana circle union organises a huge seminar at Hyderayad.

Telangana circle union of BSNLEU organised a huge seminar at Hyderabad yesterday. The programme started with hoisting of the Union flag by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS. Com.Mohan Reddy, Circle President, presided over the huge meeting held in the Asman Mahal Auditorium. Com.J. Sampath Rao, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and initiated the discussion. Com.M.N. Reddy, veteran leader, as well as former Assistant General Secretary of AITEU, Class-III, addressed the meeting and spoke on the present policy of the government towards BSNL. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained about the present financial condition of BSNL, the proposals of the government for the revival of BSNL, the demands of the AUAB to turn BSNL in to a viable PSU, etc. The General Secretary also explained about the issues which have been taken up / settled after the 7th Membership Verification. He called upon the comrades to actively participate in all programmes to ensure a strong and prospering BSNL. Finally, Com.G. Sambhasiva Rao, ACS, proposed vote of thanks.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Donations received with thanks from Assam Circle to the "Contract Workers Relief Fund".

(1) Tezpur District Union-- Rs.5,000/-
(2) Com. M.R. Das, Patron - Rs.3,000/-
(3) Com. Bijoy Deka, C/S - Rs.2,000/-
(4) Com. Jayanta kr. Chowdhury, ACS - Rs.1,500/-
(5) Com. Nipu Bezbaruah, AGM - Rs.1,000/-

(6) Com. S.B. Roy, V.P, Rs.1,000/-

(7) Com.Fazal Ali, Org. Secy., Rs.1,000/-

(8) Com. Ajit Gogoi, V.P - Rs.1,000/-

(9) Com. Apu Roy, Org. Secy. - Rs.1,000/-

(10) Com. Bijoy Thakur, A.C.S - Rs.1,000/-

(11) Com. Meghnath Ray, Org. Secy. - Rs.1,000/

(12) Com. Jiban Gohain, Org. Secy. - Rs.500/-
(13) Com. Pabitra Deka, Treasure - Rs.500/-
(14) Com. Dipak Mahanta, V.P - Rs.500/-

17 - Sep - 2020
Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Deputy General Secretary, BSNLEU, bereaved.

Mrs. Minu Biswas, elder sister of Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, BSNLEU, passed away at Kolkata, today. She was 75 years old. She fell down inside her house day before yesterday and was admitted in a hospital. However, she passed away in the hospital today. The funeral took place at around 4:00 pm today. We deeply condole the death of Mrs. Minu Biswas and convey our heartfelt condolences to Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS and all the members of his family.  

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to Shri Santhokh Singh Choudhari, Member of Parliament from Jalandhar.

17 - Sep - 2020
Second day of the successful Mahapadav.

The Mahapadav, organised by the Central Trade Unions and independent Federations and Unions, was held massively and successfully for the second day today. Tens of thousands of workers participated in the Mahapadav. Leaders of the Central Trade Unions addressed. Totally, 996 comrades of BSNLEU participated in today's Mahapadav.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU conducted an educative Open Session at Ernakulam.

As a part of the ongoing 9th circle conference of BSNLEU, an impressive Open Session was conducted in the Town Hall, Ernakulam, yesterday the 02-02-2018. Com.A.V.Kuriakose, circle president, presided over. Com.Mohanan, circle secretary, welcomed every one. The main speaker of the Open Session was Com.M.V.Govindan Master, Chief Editor of the Deshabimani, who spoke elaborately on the economic policies being pursued by the successive governments at the Centre. Com.P.Abhimanyu,GS, addressed the session and exposed the anti-BSNL policies of the Modi government, spoke on the need to maintain BSNL as a vibrant and strong Public Sector Company, to serve the common people of this country. Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, former General Secretary of BSNLEU and many others spoke in the session.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Kerala circle union conducted circle executive committee meeting, to implement the decisions of Agartala CEC meeting.

The circle executive committee meeting of Kerala was held held today. Com.Manoharan, circle president, presided over the meeting. As per the decision of the Agartala CEC meeting, Com.H.V.Sudharshan, Organising Secretary(CHQ), participated in the meeting. He delivered the inaugural address and reported on the decisions of the Agartala CEC meeting. Com.Santosh Kumar, Circle Secretary, presented the report on activities. Com. M.Vijayakumar, Organising Secretary (CHQ) and Com.K.Mohanan, former circle secretary, also addressed the meeting. This was followed by deliberations by the members of the executive committee. Decisions were taken for the implementation of the decisions of the Agartala CEC.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU urges upon the GM (SR) to expeditiously process formation of the Joint Wage Negotiation Committee.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and com. Swapan Chakraborty, after their meeting with the CMD BSNL today, met shri A.M. Gupta, GM (SR). They briefed him about their discussion with the CMD BSNL, about the formation of the Joint Committee for Wage Negotiations. A copy of one of the minutes, issued at the time of last Wage Negotiation, was handed over to the GM (SR). The Union urged upon him to initiate without delay, formation of the Joint Committee in the similar line. The GM (SR) assured to take the needful steps.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU insisted for the amendments to the JAO RR.

BSNLEU representatives met Ms. Smiti Chaudhury, GM(FP) today and discussed about the amendments already demanded by BSNLEU, in respect of the JAO Recruitment Rules. The GM(FP) replied that action is being taken to get the approval of the Board of Directors, for the proposed amendments.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Sabarimala - Supreme Court judgement is being violated by the BJP for political gains".

सबरीमाला: राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए बीजेपी द्वारा माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय का उल्लंघन किया जा रहा है


हमने कई बार देखा है कि जब वर्किंग क्लास के हड़ताल पर जाने के बाद , न्यायालय, कई उच्च न्यायालय और माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय  ने हस्तक्षेप किया है और हड़ताल वापसी के आदेश दिए हैं। आदेश का पालन करते हुए ट्रेड यूनियन्स ने संघर्ष को विराम दिया है। पर अब हम देख रहे हैं कि सबरीमाला पर माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय का सरेआम उल्लंघन हो रहा है। सितंबर में माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने निर्णय दिया था कि अब 10 से 50 आयु वर्ग में आने वाली महिलाएं भी सबरीमाला मंदिर में प्रवेश कर सकती है। लेकिन, तुरंत बाद ही, कुछ लोगों द्वारा इस निर्णय को " हिन्दू धर्म और भगवान अय्यपा के अपमान " के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया। उनका कहना है कि धार्मिक आस्था के मसलों में न्यायालयों का हस्तक्षेप नही होना चाहिए।


माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय के बाद 10 से 50 आयु वर्ग की कई महिलाएं , जो सबरीमाला मंदिर में प्रवेश करने का प्रयास कर रही थी, को परेशान किया गया, उनके साथ बदसलूकी की गई और उनको पीट कर भगा दिया गया। जैसे तैसे जब दो महिलाएं मुख्य प्रवेश द्वार तक पहुंच गई तो मुख्य पुजारी, कंडारारु राजीवरु, ने मंदिर को बंद करने की धमकी दी। किन्तु अब यह साबित हो गया है कि सबरीमाला में विरोध सिर्फ राजनीतिक लाभ लेने के लिए किया जा रहा है।


केरल के बीजेपी अध्यक्ष, श्रीधरन पिल्लई,  कैमरा के सामने यह शेखी बघारते हुए पकड़े गए हैं कि किस तरह बीजेपी द्वारा सबरीमाला आंदोलन किया जा रहा है। वे वीडियो में यह कहते हुए दिखाई दे रहे हैं कि सबरीमाला के मुख्य पुजारी माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय की अवमानना के भय से चिंतित थे और इस संबंध में उन्होंने उनसे संपर्क किया था। बीजेपी अध्यक्ष ने मुख्य पुजारी से जो कहा वह बयान निम्नानुसार है।


" मैंने उनसे कहा कि वें अकेले नही है। यह न्यायालय की अवमानना नही होगी। यदि अवमानना का प्रकरण दर्ज होता है तो वह सबसे पहले हमारे खिलाफ होगा। आपके साथ हजारों लोग होंगे। जब मैंने उनसे कहा कि वें अपने आपको अकेला न समझे, बस यह एक शब्द ही उनके लिए काफी था। और उस दिन उन्होंने कड़ा निर्णय लिया। यह वह निर्णय था जिसकी वजह से राज्य सरकार और पुलिस को पीछे हटना पड़ा।" यह सब बीजेपी अध्यक्ष वीडियो में अपने कार्यकर्ताओं से कह रहे हैं। वे वीडियो में यह भी कहते हैं कि " सबरीमाला का मुद्दा हमारे लिए एक स्वर्णिम अवसर है।"


अब यह शीशे की तरह साफ है कि सबरीमाला आंदोलन राजनीतिक स्वार्थ पूर्ति के लिए बीजेपी के द्वारा आयोजित किया हुआ है। राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए हिंदुओं की भावनाओं का दोहन किया जा रहा है। प्रजातंत्र का मूल सिद्धान्त है " न्याय के समक्ष सब समान है और न्याय से ऊपर कोई नही है।" 


अब जबकि देश के कानून का वह पार्टी उल्लंघन कर रही जो केंद्र में सत्तासीन है, देखना यह है कि माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय क्या कदम उठाएगा। जो न्यायालय, प्रायः वर्किंग क्लास के खिलाफ काफी सख्ती से पेश आते हैं, उन्हें अब देश के कानून के सम्मान की खातिर वैसी ही सख्ती बरतनी चाहिए।

( सौजन्य: ND TV)

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "AUAB writes to the Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications - Informs strike will become unavoidable due to the delay in the settlement of the 3rd Pay Revision.."

AUAB ने माननीय संचार राज्य मंत्री को पत्र लिखा- सूचित किया कि 3rd पे रिवीजन के निराकरण में हो रहे विलंब के चलते हड़ताल अवश्यम्भावी...

कल हुई मीटिंग में लिए गए निर्णय अनुसार AUAB ने 3rd पे रिवीजन के निराकरण में हो रहे विलंब पर अपनी नाराजगी जाहिर करते हुए माननीय संचार राज्य मंत्री श्री मनोज सिन्हा को पत्र लिखा है। पत्र में AUAB द्वारा स्पष्ट रूप से लिखा गया है कि मांगों का सम्मान जनक परिणाम परिलक्षित न होने की  स्थिति में AUAB हड़ताल के लिए बाध्य होगी। उक्त पत्र AUAB के प्रतिनिधियों द्वारा माननीय संचार राज्य मंत्री के निजी सचिव को व्यक्तिगत रूप से सौंपा गया।

17 - Sep - 2020
Allotment of 4G spectrum still not referred to the TRAI.

As regards allotment 4G spectrum to BSNL, it is reported in the media that, the DoT was referring the matter to the TRAI. However, after more than one and half moths, the TRAI has said that, the matter was not referred to it. Is it a delaying tactics? It must also be remembered that the NITI Aayog had objected to the allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL. It had raised the question, as to what is the need for allotting 4G spectrum to BSNL when all the private operators are already providing 4G service. This speaks volumes about the attitude of the government and it’s Niti Aayog, towards the government owned BSNL.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "The AUAB writes to the CMD BSNL, demanding implementation of the assurance given on increasing the Management's contribution to the Superannuation benefits of the DR employees."

DR एम्प्लॉईज के लिए सुपरएन्युएशन बेनिफिट्स में मैनेजमेंट के कॉन्ट्रिब्यूशन की वृद्धि हेतु दिए गए मैनेजमेंट के आश्वासन के क्रियान्वयन हेतु AUAB ने CMD BSNL को लिखा...

03.12.2018 से होने वाली अनिश्चितकालीन हड़ताल की पृष्ठभूमि में CMD BSNL और AUAB के बीच 02.12.2018 को चर्चा हुई थी। चर्चा के दौरान CMD BSNL ने डायरेक्ट रिक्रूट एम्प्लॉईज के सुपरएन्युएशन बेनिफिट्स में मैनेजमेंट के कॉन्ट्रिब्यूशन की वृद्धि हेतु सहमति दी थी। यह तय हुआ था कि 3% कॉन्ट्रिब्यूशन वित्तीय वर्ष के अंत तक और शेष रहे हिस्से की वृद्धि आगामी वित्तीय वर्ष में की जाएगी। किन्तु यह वादा अभी तक पूर्ण नही हो सका है। इसीलिए AUAB ने CMD BSNL को उनके द्वारा दिए गए आश्वासन को पूर्ण करने की मांग करते हुए पत्र लिखा है।

17 - Sep - 2020
Organise demonstrations on 27.08.2019 in support of the striking Defence employees.

As has already been informed through our website yesterday, the employees of the 41 Defence Production Units (ordnance factories) are on a massive 30 day strike from 20th August, 2019. They are not on strike for any economic demand. Rather, they are opposing the decision of the Narendra Modi government to corporatise all the 41 ordnance factories. Everyone knows that corporatisation is the major step towards privatisation of the ordnance factories. BSNLEU heartily congratulates the brave comrades of the ordnance factories. The Central Trade Unions have called upon the working class of the nation to extend their support to the strike of the Defence employees, by way of organising demonstrations on 27.08.2019. CHQ calls upon circle and district unions to effectively organise demonstrations on 27.08.2019, supporting the strike of the Defence employees.

17 - Sep - 2020
Government should withdraw the corporate tax cut - demands Noble Laureate, Abhijit Banerjee.

Abhijit Banerjee, who has been conferred with the Noble Prize for economics, has questioned the recent step taken by the Narendra Modi government, to cut down the corporate tax from 30% to 22% and 15%. He has told that the concession given to the big corporates, through the cut in the corporate tax, is a huge burden on the economy. He has demanded that it should be withdrawn. Abhijit Banerjee has also stated that the amount given as concession to the corporates, should be spent for improving the NREGA and for the kisans.

[Source: The Hindu dated 21.10.2019]

17 - Sep - 2020
Discussion by BSNLEU, on certain issues lying pending with the DoT..

Com.Animesh Mitra, President and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, met the DoT officers of the Establishment Section on 3rd January, 2020. The details of the discussion are as follows.


  1. Granting 1st promotion under NEPP on completion of 4 years, to the TSMs  regularised on or after 01.10.2000.

The DoT informed the union representatives that in the particular issue, Member (Services), DoT has given reply on 06.02.2019 to BSNL, wherein it is mentioned that DoT has issued orders on pension to this particular officials who were TSM upto 29.09.2000 and who have been regularised on or after 01.10.2000 is treated as DoT recruitees. Regarding giving promotion under NEPP, it is BSNL who has formed the promotion policy. If the PSU (BSNL) wanted to extend the benefits to such employees, they may go for modification / amendments in their promotion policy, for which DoT has nothing to do. Further, BSNL has made another correspondence on 04.09.2019 in the same matter, for which DoT has given it’s reply on 17.09.2019, mentioning the stand of DoT. It is also mentioned that several CAT, High Courts have given judgements in the above issue and the SLP of BSNL has been rejected by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, hence, DoT feels that BSNL may go for a settlement on the basis of the earlier letters from DoT to avoid further court cases.


  1. Issuing of Presidential Orders to the TSMs directly promoted as Telephone Mechanics after 01.10.2000.
    The DoT officers informed that the BSNL is asked to clarify certain points on the above issue in 2017. No information is provided by the BSNL to the DoT. On receipt of  information from BSNL, the DoT will take decision in the matter.


  1. Employees recruited by the DoT prior to 01.10.2000 and who joined duty after the formation of BSNL – to treat them as DoT recruitees absorbed in BSNL, based on the order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court.

The DoT officers informed that, the matter is sub-judice since 2012. In one case of Shri Bhawan Kumar, Rajasthan, a Civil Leave Petition is pending in the Hon’ble Supreme Court vide No.CL 51/2016. The Hon’ble Supreme Court is to form a 3 judges bench to hear the case, which is not yet decided.

17 - Sep - 2020
More views of the Lunch Hour Demonstrations held at various circles on 21.05.2020.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Massive corruptions in Tamil Nadu Telecom Employees Co-operative Credit Society - BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA and AIBSNLEA organise demonstrations on 03-08-2020, demanding action..

BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA and AIBSNLEA, Tamil Nadu circle unions, are organising demonstrations throughout Tamil Nadu circle on 03-08-2020. They are demanding action on the massive corruptions that have taken place in the Tamil Nadu Telecom Employees Co-operative Credit Society, dissolution of the Board of Directors and on other demands to protect the interests of the Society members. 


  • Hundreds of crores of rupees have been swindled by the Society Directors, through illicit sale of society's lands.
  • The Society has become bankrupt due to the corrupt practices of the Society Directors. 
  • Dividend has not been paid to the members for the past three years. 
  • Audited accounts of the Society has not been made available to the members for the past 3 years. 
  • The tenure of the Board of Directors of the Society has already expired. 


The CHQ of BSNLEU extends it's whole hearted support and solidarity to the 3rd August demonstrations, being organised by BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA and AIBSNLEA. 

17 - Sep - 2020
Meeting of "All Unions and Associations of BSNL" to be held on 14.11.2017.

A meeting of the "All Unions and Associations of BSNL" will be held on 14-11-2017. The meeting will be held at 11:00 hrs, in SEWA BSNL office, near CTO Sabhagarh, at Eastern Court. The forthcoming human chain, two day strike on 12th and 13th, December, and other issues will be discussed.

17 - Sep - 2020
All the accused in the 2G scam acquitted.

A Delhi court on Thursday acquitted all accused, including former Telecom Minister A. Raja and DMK Rajya Sabha member Kanimozhi in the 2G spectrum allocation case. The CBI had chargesheeted Mr. Raja, Ms. Kanimozhi, the then Telecom Secretary Siddhartha Behura, Mr. Raja's former private secretary R.K. Chandolia, Unitech Wireless Managing Director Sanjay Chandra, Swan Telecom Director and DB Realty MD Vinod Goenka, and Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group's (R-ADAG) Gautam Doshi, Hari Nair and Surendra Pipara, Swan Telecom promoters Shahid Usman Balwa and Vinod Goenka, directors of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt. Ltd. Asif Balwa and Rajiv Agarwal, Bollywood producer Karim Morani, Kalaignar TV director Sharad Kumar. The accused also include Swan Telecom (now Etisalat DB), Unitech Wireless (Tamil Nadu) Pvt Ltd and Reliance Telecom Ltd.

[Courtesy - The Hindu]