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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

envelope[email protected]
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

envelope[email protected]

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

30 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thanks and appreciates Com.Mihir Dasgupta, former Assistant General Secretary, for his contribution.

The CHQ of BSNLEU is promptly informing the employees, about the changes that take place in the IDA. The comrade who enables the CHQ to do this job is Com.Mihir Dasgupta, former Assistant General Secretary of BSNLEU. He keeps doing his homework regularly and  also keeps the CHQ informed about the changes. CHQ appreciates the commitment of Com.Mihir Dasgupta, former AGS and heartily thanks him for his contributions.

30 - Sep - 2020
IDA increase w.e.f 01-10-2020.

Based on the consumer price index, issued by Shimla Labour Bureau on 30/09/20, 5.5% IDA increase has become due w.e.f. 1st October 2020. The current IDA is 159.9%. With the 5.5% increase, the total IDA will become 165.4%.

30 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU strongly opposes the proposals of the Management, to change the existing system for the submission authorisation for union membership..

The SR Branch of the Corporate Office has given some new proposals, for changing the existing practice of submitting authorisation by an employee, for the deduction of union subscription. If the changes are implemented, it will create a chaotic situation. The proposals will also give leverage to the unscrupulous officers at the field level, to meddle into the affairs of the unions. Hence, BSNLEU has submitted it’s views, strongly opposing the new proposals.

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30 - Sep - 2020
Massive National Convention of Workers being held online on 02nd October, 2020 – militant future course of action to be decided..

The Narendra Modi government has hurriedly passed the anti-labour bills in the Parliament to amend the already existing Labour Laws.  This is only to favour the employers. The Modi government wants to convert workers into slaves.


Similarly, unprecedented attacks are being launched on the Public Sector. Through these privatisations, huge wealth of the people are being handed over to the big corporates. 


 The Central Trade Unions have decided to organise militant struggles against the anti-labour and pro-corporate policies of the Modi government. In this direction, the Central Trade Unions are organising a massive online National Convention of Workers at 03:00 pm on 02nd October, 2020.  Lakhs of workers are participating in this convention. 


CHQ requests the All India, Circle and District level leaders of BSNLEU to massively participate in this Convention. The links for this online convention on Facebook and YouTube are given in the above posters.

29 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU demands concessional FTTH connections at the residences of serving and retired Non-Executive employees."

कार्यरत और रिटायर्ड नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव कर्मचारियों के निवास पर कन्सेशनल FTTH कनेक्शन हेतु BSNLEU की मांग...

BSNL मैनेजमेंट द्वारा JAG लेवल से नीचे के कर्मचारियों को उनके निवास पर कन्सेशनल ब्रॉडबैंड कनेक्शन उपलब्ध कराने का निर्णय लिया जा चुका है। किन्तु, अभी तक, कर्मचारियों को कन्सेशनल FTTH कनेक्शन उपलब्ध कराने के संबंध में कोई निर्णय नही लिया गया है। BSNLEU ने,  कार्यरत और रिटायर्ड BSNL नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव कर्मचारियों के निवास हेतु 50% छूट के साथ  FTTH कनेक्शन उपलब्ध कराने की मांग करते हुए  CMD BSNL को पत्र लिखा है।

28 - Sep - 2020
Doubts / queries being raised on the Consolidation of Business Areas – Circle secretaries and CHQ office bearers note please.

The BSNL Corporate Office has already issued a letter on 27.08.2020, regarding Consolidation of Business Areas and rationalisation of work and delegated powers. CHQ is receiving requests / queries regarding Consolidation of Business Areas. In this connection, the CHQ requests the circle secretaries and the CHQ office bearers to go through the above mentioned order and to submit their suggestions / views to the CHQ, so that CHQ can consolidate the same and take up with the Corporate Office instead of taking up the issues in a piece-meal manner.

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28 - Sep - 2020
Validity of BSNL MRS card of retired employees extended up to 31.03.2021.

The validity of the BSNL MRS card, in respect of the retired employees had already been extended up to 30.09.2020. Now, based on the requests received from the unions and associations, the validity has been extended up to 31.03.2021.

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28 - Sep - 2020
Andhra Pradesh Circle Union successfully conducted it's online executive committee meeting.

The Andhra Pradesh Circle Executive Committee meeting is held online today. Com.K.Prabhakar Rao, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Com.P. Asokababu, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, delivered the inaugural address and explained the decisions of the Central Executive Committee meeting, as well as the attacks being launched by the Modi government on the public sector, and on the democratic rights of the people. Com.K. Ramadevi, Vice President (CHQ) greeted the conference. The report on activities was presented by Com.P.Asokababu, CS. 19 comrades participated in the deliberations. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary replied to the All India level issues raised in the meeting. Finally, Com.P. Asokababu, CS, summed up the discussions and replied to the important issues raised in the meeting. CHQ heartily congratulates the Andhra Pradesh circle union for successfully organising a fruitful executive committee meeting.

28 - Sep - 2020
Chennai circle executive committee meeting held online today.

The Chennai Circle Executive Committee meeting is held online today. Com.E. Natarajan, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Com.D. Parandhaman, Assistant Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the meeting and explained about the recent developments that have taken place at the national level, as well as at the circle level. Com.S.Chellappa, AGS, greeted the meeting. All the 16 comrades who participated in the meeting took part in the deliberations. The meeting took decisions to successfully organise the call of the AUAB, to observe Black Day on 01st October, 2020. The meeting also decided to successfully organise the campaign programme, as per the decision of the Central Executive Committee meeting. Finally, the meeting conducted elections to fill up the circle office bearers' posts, which have become vacant due to the resignations.

26 - Sep - 2020
AUAB writes to the Secretary, Telecom and CMD BSNL intimating the decision to organise Black Day on 01.10.2020.

The AUAB, in it’s meeting held on 07.09.2020, has unanimously decided to observe a Black Day on 01.10.2020, with the view to attract the attention of the government and the people, towards the fact that the future of BSNL and it’s employees are getting darker and darker, due to the road-blocks being created by the government in the launching of BSNL’s 4G service and thereby inflicting irreparable damage for the future of the Company. The AUAB has written to the Secretary, Telecom and the CMD BSNL, conveying this decision to organise the Black Day on 01.10.2020. Copy of this letter has been sent to the Principal Secretary in the PMO, Cabinet Secretary and the Chief Labour Commissioner of India.

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26 - Sep - 2020
Take all out efforts, to make the Black Day and hunger strike programmes a total success.

The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU has already decided to successfully organise the Black Day on 01.10.2020. As per the decision of the AUAB, hunger strike with social distancing, is to be organised throughout the country. Posters should be printed and displayed. The employees should wear badges with black ribbon. Lunch hour demonstrations should be organised with maximum mobilisation of the employees. Suitable media coverage of the programme should also be made. The Circle and District Secretaries of BSNLEU are requested to take all out efforts, in coordination with the other constituents of the AUAB, to make the Black Day programme a grand success.

25 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Corporate Office sends funds to the circles for clearing the Society dues up to August, 2020."

कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस द्वारा, अगस्त, 2020 तक के सोसाइटी ड्यूज क्लियर करने के लिए फंड्स प्रेषित....

BSNL कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस द्वारा, अगस्त, 2020 तक की अवधि तक कर्मचारियों के वेतन से काटे जा चुके  सोसाइटी ड्यूज की राशि प्रेषित करने के लिए, सर्कल्स को फंड्स आवंटित कर दिए गए हैं। BSNLEU, और साथ ही  AUAB द्वारा कई आंदोलनों के दौरान, कर्मचारियों के वेतन से काटे जा चुके सोसाइटी ड्यूज, सोसाइटी को प्रेषित करने के लिए मांग की गई थी। आज दिनांक तक, सोसाइटी ड्यूज क्लियर करने के लिए फंड्स प्राप्त हो जाने से, कर्मचारियों को परेशान करने वाली एक चिंतनीय समस्या का निराकरण हो गया है।   

25 - Sep - 2020
Legendary singer, Shri S.P. Balasubramanyam, passes away.

Legendary singer, Shri S.P. Balasubrahmanyam, has passed away today. He was 74 years old. He had been affected by COVID-19 and had been under treatment at a Chennai Hospital since 05th August, 2020. Shri S.P. Balasubrahmanyam had been singing for movies in 16 Indian languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. He held a Guinness World Record for singing over 40,000 songs. He had received the coveted awards of Padmashree and Padma bhushan. The death of Shri S.P. Balasubrahmanyam is a great loss to the country and the people. BSNLEU pays it’s respectful homage to the great singer.

25 - Sep - 2020
Corporate Office sends funds to the circles for clearing the Society dues up to August, 2020.

The BSNL Corporate Office has allotted funds to the circles for remitting the society dues, already deducted from the salary of the employees, for the period up to August, 2020. BSNLEU, as well as the AUAB have raised the demand in a number of struggles that, the society dues, deducted from the salary of the employees, should be remitted to the society. With the receipt of funds, for clearing the society dues up to the date, a serious problem that has been suffered by the employees, has been resolved.

25 - Sep - 2020
Circle Executive Committee of Telangana circle, held successfully online.

Circle Executive Committee of BSNLEU, Telangana circle, was successfully held online today. The District Secretaries and Circle Office Bearers overwhelmingly participated in the meeting. Com.K. Yadaiah, Circle President, presided. Com.J. Sampath Rao, Circle Secretary, welcomed every one and placed the report on activities. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the meeting and explained about the decisions of the CEC meeting of BSNLEU. He also narrated, how the national assets are being handed over by Modi government, to the corporates, in the name of privatisation of the PSUs, attacks being launched on the rights of the workers, as well as on the democratic rights of the people, the need for successfully implementing the decision of the AUAB to observe black day on 01st October, 2020. Com.J. Sampath Rao, Circle Secretary, initiated the discussion and all the participants took part in the meeting. The meeting took important decisions including successfully organising the campaign, as decided by the CEC meeting of BSNLEU and also the black day programme, as decided by the AUAB.

24 - Sep - 2020
Reconstitution of the National Council.

It is already informed that the 39th meeting of the National Council is going to be held online on 07th October, 2020. This is the first meeting of the National Council after the conducting of the 8th Membership Verification. In continuation of it’s decision to hold the 39th meeting of the National Council, the BSNL Management has announced the reconstitution of the National Council. We are enclosing hereunder the list of new Staff Side, as well as Official Side members.

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24 - Sep - 2020
Views of the National Protest Day observed in various districts of Punjab circle.

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24 - Sep - 2020
Conciliation conducted by the RLC (Central) on the demands for the 3 day strike held on 18th to 20th February, 2019.

The RLC (Central) conducted a conciliation meeting today, on the demands contained in the strike notice, served for the 3 day strike which took place from 18th February, 2019. Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convenor, AUAB, Com.S. Sivakumar, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com.Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, Com.Anil Kumar, GS, BSNL ATM and Com.H.P.Singh, GS, BSNL OA, participated in this conciliation. The important arguments placed by the AUAB in the meeting are briefly as follows:-


  1. Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL

The government has allotted 4G spectrum to BSNL. But, BSNL could not launch 4G service, due to the cancellation of it’s 4G tender, as per the directive of the government. The AUAB demanded that BSNL should be allowed to launch it’s 4G service immediately.


  1. Pay Revision to employees.

The DoT has already directed BSNL Management to immediately negotiate the wage settlement of the Non-Executives, sign the agreement and send the same for the approval of the DoT. However, BSNL Management had abruptly discontinued the wage negotiation. BSNL Management should be told to resume the wage negotiations.


  1. Pension Revision.

Pension revision is already given to the DoT retirees. Whereas, their counterparts in BSNL, are not given the pension revision. The government should immediately implement pension revision to BSNL retirees by delinking it from pay revision of the serving employees.


  1. Payment of pension contribution by BSNL.

The AUAB demanded that the Government of India Rule should be implemented in respect of payment pension contribution by BSNL.


  1.  Superannuation Benefits (SAB) of the Directly Recruited employees.

The CMD BSNL assured in February, 2019 that BSNL's contribution for the SAB would be increased by 3% before 31.03.2019 and the short fall in BSNL’s 30% contribution would be made good in the subsequent financial year. The Management has gone back from this assurance. The settlement of this demand should not be dragged on, by linking it with the financial condition of the Company.  The Management should immediately start contributing it’s full 30% contribution towards the SAB.


After discussion, the RLC directed the Management to discuss and decide the issue of at least Wage Revision of the Non-Executives. Next sitting of the Conciliation will be held at 11:30 hrs on 26.11.2020.

23 - Sep - 2020
More views of the National Protest Day observed in BSNL throughout the country.

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23 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Authoritarian assault on the Indian Parliament.."

भारतीय संसद पर तानाशाही पूर्ण हमला....

परसों, राज्यसभा में, बड़े जमींदारों और उनके कॉर्पोरेट मित्रों के हित साधने के लिए, विनाशकारी किसान विरोधी बिल लाया गया था। विरोधी दलों के सदस्यों द्वारा इसका पुरजोर तरीके से विरोध किया गया था। जब बिल वोटिंग के लिए प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा था, तब सरकार के पास सत्ताधारी दल और उनके सहयोगियों के, बिल पास करवाने हेतु वांछित सदस्य नही थे। अतः, जब विरोधी दल के सदस्यों ने बिल पर विभाजन (वोटिंग) की मांग की, राज्यसभा के उप सभापति द्वारा इसे मान्य नही किया गया। विपरीत इसके, उन्होंने बिल वॉइस वोटिंग के लिए प्रस्तुत कर दिया और बिल पास होने की घोषणा कर दी। यह और कुछ नही, वरन, लोकतंत्र की हत्या है और देश की संसदीय व्यवस्था पर प्रहार।