Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]बीएसएनएल-BSNL प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी-Private Limited Company नहीं है - यह ठेका श्रमिकों-contract workers का शोषण-exploitation नहीं कर सकती - वेतन बकाया-wage arrears राशि का भुगतान-payment तुरंत किया जाना चाहिए - बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNL को पत्र लिखा है।
बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन-BSNL Management ठेका कर्मियों-contract workers को वेतन-wages नहीं दे रहा है। कुछ सर्कल-circle में ठेका मजदूरों-contract workers के वेतन का भुगतान 18 माह से नही किया है । बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU बार-बार सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNL को पत्र लिखकर उनके साथ इस मुद्दे पर चर्चा भी कर रहा है। लेकिन समय पर वेतन-wages का भुगतान-payment नहीं करके प्रबंधन-management ठेका कर्मियों-contract workers का शोषण-exploitation कर रहा है। इसलिए एक बार फिर बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNLEU को पत्र लिखकर याद दिलाया है कि बीएसएनएल-BSNL प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी-Private Limited Company नहीं है और इस तरह उसे ठेका कर्मियों-contract workers का शोषण-exploitation नहीं करना चाहिए ।
सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों-Retired Employees ने भी कंपनी-company के विकास-growth के लिए योगदान-contribution दिया है और उनके कल्याण-welfare की उपेक्षा नहीं की जानी चाहिए - सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों-retired employees के लंबित चिकित्सा बिलों-pending medical bills का तत्काल भुगतान-payment करें - बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD BSNL को पत्र लिखा है।
सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों-retired employees के मेडिकल बिलों-medical bills का भुगतान-payment मार्च-March 2019 से लंबित-pending है। बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU का सीएचक्यू-CHQ बार-बार इस मुद्दे को उठा रहा है। एक बार फिर बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNL को पत्र लिखकर सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों-retired employees के सभी लंबित मेडिकल बिलों-medical bills के भुगतान-payment की मांग की है। बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNL को याद दिलाया है कि बीएसएनएल के सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों-retired BSNL employees ने भी कड़ी मेहनत की है और कंपनी के विकास-growth of the Company के लिए काफी योगदान-contribution दिया है । बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने कहा है कि प्रबंधन-Management को सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों-retired employees के कल्याण-welfare की उपेक्षा नहीं करनी चाहिए।
केनरा बैंक-Canara Bank और यूनियन बैंक ऑफ इंडिया-Union Bank of India के साथ एमओयू-MoU के नवीनीकरण-renew करने के लिये तत्काल-immediate कार्रवाई करें।
बीएसएनएल-BSNL और केनरा बैंक-Canara Bank और यूनियन बैंक ऑफ इंडिया-Union Bank of India के बीच हस्ताक्षरित एमओयू-MoU काफी पहले समाप्त हो चुका है। बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU लगातार इस मुद्दे को निदेशक (एचआर)-Director(HR) और सीनियर जनरल मेनेजर,( सीबीबी)-Senior General Manager(CBB) के समक्ष उठा रहा है। हालांकि अभी तक एमओयू-MoU का नवीनीकरण-renewal नहीं होने से कर्मचारियों को परेशानी हो रही है। इसलिए बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने सीएमडी बीएसएनएल-CMD BSNL को पत्र लिखकर केनरा बैंक-Canara Bank और यूनियन बैंक ऑफ इंडिया-Union Bank of India के नवीनीकरण-renewal के लिए तत्काल कार्रवाई-immediate action की मांग की है।
BSNLEU is continuously pressurising the BSNL Management for the early conducting of the LICEs. In this connection, the Corporate Office has already sent letters to all the CGMs for submitting category wise staff strength in each cadre (for example SC, ST, OBC, etc.). The CHQ is continuously monitoring this issue with the Corporate Office. The issue was once again discussed yesterday the 21.12.2021, by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Irfan Pasha, Organising Secretary (CHQ), with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, Sr.GM(Estt.). It is replied by the Sr.GM(Estt.) that, so far Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka, NTR, Punjab, Rajasthan and Telangana circles have sent the requisite details to the Corporate Office. Since the LICEs cannot be conducted in the absence of the above details, CHQ is urging upon the circle secretaries of the remaining circles also, to immediately arrange to send the requisite details by the left out CGMs also.
The CHQ is receiving complaints from many circles that, the society dues deducted from the employees, are not being remitted to the concerned societies, by the BSNL Management. This has created suffocation for the societies and to the employees. This issue is once again discussed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Irfan Pasha, Organising Secretary (CHQ), with Shri P.C. Bhatt, Sr.GM(CBB). It is replied that, the Management is facing acute cash crunch, since refund of Rs.1,500 crore bank loan has to be made by the Management this month. However, the GS and the Organising Secretary (CHQ), insisted that, the Corporate Management should try to immediately remit of the society dues, deducted from the employees.
The MoUs signed between BSNL and the Banks, viz., Canara Bank and Bank of India, have expired long back. BSNLEU is continuously pressing upon the BSNL Management to take action for the immediate renewal of the MoUs. Today the matter is once again discussed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Irfan Pasha, Organising Secretary (CHQ), with Shri P.C. Bhatt, Sr.GM(CBB). It is replied that, BSNL is continuously approaching the aforementioned banks, for the renewal of the MoUs, but they are not showing much interest. Still, the GS and the Organising Secretary (CHQ), insisted upon the Sr.GM(CBB) to ensure the early renewal of the MoUs.
For the past many years, BSNLEU is demanding the following amendments to the JAO RR.
(a) All employees having graduation should be allowed to appear in the JAO (LICE). The condition that an official should have served for 5 years in NE 6 pay scale should be removed.
(b) The upper age limit for appearing in the JAO LICE should be increased from 53 years to 55 years (at par with JTO LICE).
(c) The cut-off date for calculating posts should be 01st July of every year, instead of 01st July of January.
Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Irfan Pasha, Organising Secretary (CHQ), met Shri Rajiv Kumar, GM(EF), today and complained that, the amendments to the JAO RR being sought by BSNLEU is lying pending in the Corporate Office for many years. They demanded an early action by the Management on this issue. The GM(EF) assured to take necessary action.
बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU की केंद्रीय कार्यकारिणी-Central Executive Committee की ऑनलाइन मीटिंग-Online Meeting कल दिनांक 22.12.2021 को होगी ।
बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU की केंद्रीय कार्यकारी समिति-Central Executive Committee की ऑनलाइन मीटिंग-Online Meeting कल दिनांक 22.12.2021 के दिन हो रही है। सीईसी-CEC की इस मीटिंग-Meeting में 23 और 24 फरवरी-February, 2022 को आयोजित होने वाली दो दिवसीय आम हड़ताल-Two Days General Strike, राष्ट्रीय मुद्रीकरण पाइपलाइन-National Monetisation Pipeline के खिलाफ अभियान-campaign आदि सभी महत्वपूर्ण घटनाक्रमों पर चर्चा की जाएगी l
अनुकंपा के आधार पर नियुक्तियों-Compassionate Ground Appointments पर लगाये गये प्रतिबंध-ban के बारे में बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने एक बार फिर सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNL को पत्र लिखा है ।
अनुकंपा के आधार पर नियुक्तियों -Compassionate Ground Appointments पर रोक लगा दी गई है। यह प्रतिबंध अप्रैल, 2019 से तीन साल के लिए है। बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU पहले ही इस अनुकंपा आधारित नियुक्तियों-CGA पर लगे प्रतिबंध का विरोध पत्र क्रमांक (BSNLEU पत्र BSNLEU/512 (सीजीए) दिनांक 10.04.2019 द्वारा कर चुका है। करीब 80,000 कर्मचारी पहले ही वीआरएस-VRS पर जा चुके हैं। इसलिए, प्रबंधन-Management अब यह नहीं कह सकता कि बीएसएनएल-BSNL में अधिशेष स्टाफ-surplus staff है। इसके अलावा बीएसएनएल के 250 से अधिक कर्मचारियों की कोविड-19 के कारण मृत्यु हो चुकी है। बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन-BSNL Management का फर्ज बनता है कि वह कोविड पीड़ितों के परिवारों के आश्रितों में से किसी एक को नौकरी दे। इसलिए बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने एक बार फिर सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल-CMD, BSNL को पत्र लिखकर मांग की है कि अनुकंपा के आधार पर नियुक्तियों-Compassionate Ground Appointments पर लगी रोक-ban तत्काल हटाया जाए।
Ban has been imposed on Compassionate Ground Appointments. This ban is for three years from April, 2019. BSNLEU has already opposed this Compassionate Ground Appointments (BSNLEU letter BSNLEU/512(CGA) dated 10.04.2019). Around 80,000 employees have already gone on VRS. Hence, Management can no more say that, there is surplus staff in BSNL. Further, more than 250 BSNL employees have expired due to COVID-19. It is the duty of the BSNL Management to give a job to one of the dependents of the families of Covid victims. Hence, BSNLEU has once again written to the CMD BSNL, demanding that the ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments should immediately be lifted.
The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU is meeting online tomorrow. All the important developments like the two day General Strike to be held on 23rd & 24th February, 2022, campaign against National Monetisation Pipeline, etc., will be discussed in this CEC meeting.
The 10th All India Conference of BSNLEU is being held at Guwahati on 07th, 08th & 09th March, 2022. The CHQ is working out the number of delegates entitled for each circle. This will be finalised in the All India Centre meeting to be held tomorrow. Thereafter, the same will be intimated to the circles.
A 35 year old leftist leader, Gabriel Boric, is elected as the President of Chile. He is a former student leader. Gabriel Boric secured 56% votes and has become one of the youngest presidents in the world. His rival, Jose Antonio Kast, who is a supporter of former dictator General Augusto Pinochet, secured 44% votes. Chile has got one of the world’s largest income inequalities. As per the report of the United Nations, only 1% of Chile’s population control 25% of the wealth in that country. Gabriel Boric has promised to address this inequality by reforming Chile’s pension and health care systems. He has also promised to reduce the working hours from 45 to 40 hrs.
बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU की सीईसी मीटिंग-CEC Meeting दिनांक 22.12.2021 को ऑनलाइन-Online आयोजित की जाएगी - सीईसी सदस्यों-CEC Members कृपया ध्यान देंl
यह पहले से ही सूचित किया गया है कि बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU की सीईसी मीटिंग-CEC Meeting दिनांक 22.12.2021 को ऑनलाइन-Online आयोजित की जाएगी। सभी सर्किल सचिवों-Circle Secretaries और केंद्रीय पदाधिकारियों-Central Office bearers से अनुरोध है कि वे बैठक अवश्य में शामिल हों। शीघ्र ही इस मीटिंग का लिंक-Link सीईसी सदस्यों-CEC Members को व्हाट्सएप-WhatsApp के माध्यम से भेजा जाएगा।
It is already notified that, the CEC meeting of BSNLEU will be held online on 22.12.2021. All the circle secretaries and central office bearers are requested to attend the meeting without fail. The link for this meeting will be sent to the CEC members through WhatsApp shortly.
Circle Conference of BSNLEU, Haryana circle, is held at Rohtak today. Com.Surjith Singh, Vice President, presided over. The house paid homage to Com.Naresh, Circle President and other comrades who passed away after the last circle conference. Com.M.S. Kadian, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and presented the report on activities. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, delivered the inaugural address. He spoke at length about the present financial condition of the Company, the anti-BSNL and pro-private measures of the government, the National Monetisation Pipeline, the historic Kisan’s struggle and the call of the Central Trade Unions, for two day general strike in February, 2022, against the anti-people economic policies of the government. He called on the leaders and comrades of Haryana circle to make the two day general strike successful. Com.Satveer Singh, Vice President, CITU, Haryana state, made a brief but impressive speech. Shri S.K. Chopra, CGM (look after), Haryana circle and Shri Gauri Shankar Sharma, GMTD, Rohtak, also greeted. In the post lunch session, deliberations by the delegates took place. It was decided to organise a Convention in the first week of February, 2022, at Ambala, for the preparation of the two day General Strike.
The anti- National Monetisation Pipeline Convention was held at Raipur on 12-12-2021. The convention was organised by the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF at DOT Cell Office, Raipur. Com. S.C. Bhattarcharya, AIBDPA, presided over the meeting. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, BSNLEU, inaugurated the convention. He explained the Modi government's outlook regarding the NMP, particularly its impact on BSNL. He strongly condemned the role of BJP government to sell out the towers and OFC cables of BSNL, to the private operators. Com. Dharmadas Mahapatra, Secretary, CITU, Com. Ramjanam Dubey, President, Raipur Dist, Com. Aswini Koushik, Circle Secretary, BSNLCCWF, Com. R.P. Atmapujya, CS, AIBDPA and Com.Pradip Mishra, Secretary, Sales & Medical Representatives Union, were the other speakers. Everybody urged upon for a united struggle of the BSNL employees to save the PSU as well as to save the people. They urged upon the BSNL employees to make the 2 day General Strike, to be held on 23rd and 24th February, 2022, successful.
स्वास्थ्य बीमा पॉलिसी का कार्यान्वयन : Implementation of Health Insurance Policy. - L1 कंपनी द्वारा घोषित राशि बहुत अधिक है :- कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय-Corporate Office इसे कम करने की कोशिश कर रहा है ।
जहां तक बीएसएनएल कर्मचारियों-BSNL Employees के लिए स्वास्थ्य बीमा पॉलिसी-Health Insurance Policy लागू करने का संबंध है, कोर्पोरेट कार्यालय-Corporate Office और बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU दोनों गंभीर प्रयास कर रहे हैं। आज, साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, जनरल सेक्रेटरी-Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary ने बीएसएनएल कोर्पोरेट कार्यालय के जनरल मेनेजर, (एडमिन) श्री एसपी सिंह-Shri S.P. Sinh, General Manager (admin), Corporate Office, BSNL से चर्चा की और इस मुद्दे की प्रगति के बारे में पूछताछ की। जनरल मेनेजर, (एडमिन)-General Manager, (admin) ने बताया कि, सभी चार सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की बीमा कंपनियां-Public Sector Insurance Companies जैसे यूनाइटेड इंडिया इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-United India Insurance Company Limited, न्यू इंडिया एश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-New India Assurance Company Limited, ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-Oriental Insurance Company Limited और नेशनल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-National Insurance Company Limited ने पहले ही अपने कोटेशन-Quotations जमा कर दिए हैं । हालांकि, जनरल मेनेजर, (एडमिन)-General Manager(admin) ने बताया कि, एल1-L1 कंपनी-Company द्वारा घोषित राशि बहुत अधिक है । इसलिए, कोर्पोरेट कार्यालय-Corporate Office एल1 कंपनी-L1 Company द्वारा घोषित राशि-quoted amount को कम करने का काम कर रहा है। एल1 कंपनी-L1 Company की प्रतिक्रिया-response जल्द ही पता चल सकता है ।
The successful two day strike of the Public Sector bank employees and officers is concluded today. The strike is organised under the leadership of the UFBU, against the privatisation of the Public Sector banks. It is highly successful throughout the country. The employees and officers of the Public Sector banks have recorded their strongest protest against the privatisation of the Public Sector banks, in no uncertain terms. BSNLEU salutes the UFBU, as well as the employees and officers of the Public Sector banks, for this historic strike.