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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

18 - Oct - 2022
BSNL Management grants Recognition based on 9th Membership Verification results.

Following the declaration of the results of the 9th Membership Verification, wherein BSNLEU has secured 15,311 votes (48.62%) and NFTE has secured 11,201 votes (35.57%), the BSNL Management has issued letter yesterday, granting Recognition. BSNLEU is once again recognised as the Main Recognised Union and NFTE BSNL is recognised as the Second Recognised Union.

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18 - Oct - 2022
CHQ circular on All India Convention of BSNLWWCC.

CHQ has issued circular no.4/2022-25 dated 18.10.2022, regarding the All India Convention of BSNL Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee (BSNLWWCC). As per the decision taken in the All India Centre meeting held on 15.10.2022, CHQ is requesting all the circle unions to send delegates to this All India Convention. 

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17 - Oct - 2022
4G and 5G are essential for BSNL’s Revival.

17 - Oct - 2022
Disbursement of October salary before Deepawali - BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL.

BSNLEU has written to CMD BSNL today, demanding disbursement of salary for the month of October, 2022, before Deepawali, so that the employees can celebrate the festival.

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15 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU heartily thanks and congratulates SNATTA and the DR JEs.

In the last Membership Verification, SNATTA made an alliance with the NFTE. However, the assurances given by NFTE were not fulfilled and SNATTA got completely dejected. However, it is only BSNLEU, which has relentlessly been taking up all the issues of the DR JEs. Hence, SNATTA and the DR JEs have snapped their ties with the NFTE and have supported BSNLEU in the just concluded 9th Membership Verification. BSNLEU heartily thanks and congratulates SNATTA and the DR JEs. As usual, BSNLEU will continue to take all out efforts to settle the issues of the DR JEs.

15 - Oct - 2022
The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU to be held online on 31.10.2022.

An online meeting of the Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU will be held on 31.10.2022. The CEC meeting will start sharply at 10:00 am and will end at 6:00 pm. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, will preside over the meeting. All the circle secretaries and CHQ office bearers are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the CEC meeting on time. Notification for this CEC meeting, issued today, is enclosed. Letter, requesting for the grant of Special Casual Leave, will be given on Monday. 

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15 - Oct - 2022
All India Centre meeting held online today.

The All India Centre meeting of BSNLEU is held online today. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, presided over the meeting. The meeting made a brief review of the just concluded 9th Membership Verification. The meeting heartily thanked the employees for massively voting for BSNLEU and electing it for the 8thtime consecutively. The All India Centre also congratulated the All India, circle and district level leaders, for working tirelessly to ensure this victory. The meeting expressed it’s thanks to SNATTA for extending support in the 9th Membership Verification. Other decisions taken in the meeting are as follows:-


  1. To hold an online meeting of the Central Executive Committee meeting on 31.10.2022, for making a detailed analysis of the 9th Membership Verification.
  2. To hold the All India Convention of BSNL Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee (BSNLWWCC) at Kanyakumari on 10.12.2022. The number of delegates will be limited to 250. The travelling expenses of the delegates shall be borne by the respective circle unions.
  3. It is decided that, all the circle conferences which have already become due, should be completed before 30.11.2022.

15 - Oct - 2022
Chief Returning Officer declares the results of the 9th Membership Verification.

The 9th Membership Verification was held on 12.10.2022. The counting was done on 14.10.2022. Based on this, the results of the 9th Membership Verification are officially communicated by Shri S.N. Gupta, Chief Returning Officer, to the CMD BSNL, vide his letter no.CRO/BSNL/MV-2022 dated 14.10.2022. A copy of the letter is enclosed.

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14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU records a glorious victory in the 9th Membership Verification.

Dear comrades,

The following is the final result of the 9th Membership Verification.


Votes polled:-

BSNLEU-15,311     (48.62%)

NFTE-11,201         (35.57%)

BTEU-1,634          (5.19%)

FNTO-573           (1.82%)


BSNLEU has narrowly missed the target of reaching 50% votes. At the same time, BSNLEU has increased it’s votes from 43.44% in the 8th Membership Verification, to 48.62% in the 9th Membership Verification. This is a great achievement. Further, BSNLEU has recorded it’s 8th consecutive victory in the Membership Verifications. This is another landmark achievement. 


On behalf of the CHQ, I sincerely thank all the employees who have voted for BSNLEU and reposed their unwavering trust in BSNLEU. I also heartily congratulate all our comrades at the All India, circle and district levels, who have put in tremendous efforts to achieve this glorious victory.


14 - Oct - 2022
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU records a glorious victory in the 9th Membership Verification."

BSNLEU ने 9वीं सदस्यता सत्यापन में शानदार जीत दर्ज की।


 प्रिय साथियों,


 9वीं सदस्यता सत्यापन का अंतिम परिणाम निम्नलिखित है।


 मतदान हुआ:-

 BSNLEU-15,311     (48.62%)

 एनएफटीई-11,201     (35.57%)

 बीटीईयू-1,634          (5.19%)

 एफएनटीओ-573     (1.82%)


BSNLEU 50 फीसदी वोट हासिल करने के लक्ष्य से काफी चूक गया है।  वहीं, BSNLEU ने 8वीं सदस्यता सत्यापन में अपने वोटों को 43.44% से बढ़ाकर 9वीं सदस्यता सत्यापन में 48.62% कर दिया है।  यह एक बड़ी उपलब्धि है।  इसके अलावा, BSNLEU ने सदस्यता सत्यापन में लगातार 8वीं जीत दर्ज की है।  यह एक और ऐतिहासिक उपलब्धि है।


सीएचक्यू की ओर से, मैं उन सभी कर्मचारियों को तहे दिल से धन्यवाद देता हूं जिन्होंने BSNLEU को वोट दिया और BSNLEU में अपना अटूट विश्वास जताया।  मैं अखिल भारतीय, सर्कल और जिला स्तर पर अपने सभी साथियों को भी दिल से बधाई देता हूं, जिन्होंने इस शानदार जीत को हासिल करने के लिए जबरदस्त प्रयास किए हैं।


 -पी.अभिमन्यु,महासचिव ।

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins with comfortable margin in Gujarat circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won with comfortable margin in Gujarat circle.


Vote details:

BSNLEU – 814

NFTE – 672


CHQ heartily congratulates Com. V.P. Prajapati, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins with huge margin in NE-I circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won with huge margin in NE-I circle.


Vote details:

Total votes - 664

BSNLEU – 414

NFTE – 37


CHQ heartily congratulates Com. Shivjee Ray, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU scores big victory in Karnataka circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has scored a big victory in Karnataka circle.


Vote details:

Total votes: 1963

BSNLEU – 1140

NFTE – 693

BSNLEU wins with 58.0% votes.


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.H.V. Sudharshan, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins with huge margin in West Bengal circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won with huge margin in West Bengal circle.


Vote details:


Total votes: 1292

BSNLEU – 974

NFTE – 208

BSNLEU has won with 75% votes.


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.Sujoy Sarkar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins in Kerala circle massively.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won massively in Kerala circle.


Vote details:

BSNLEU – 1198

NFTE – 149


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.M. Vijayakumar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Kerala and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins in Punjab circle.

CHQ is pleased to inform that BSNLEU has won in Punjab circle.


Vote details:

Total – 1189

BSNLEU – 665

NFTE  - 417


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.H.S. Dhillon, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Punjab circle and his entire team.

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins in Odisha circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won in Odisha circle.


Vote details:

BSNLEU – 332

NFTE – 154

BSNLEU wins with 62% votes.


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.J.Kameswar Rao, Circle Secretary, Odish circle and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins big in Rajasthan circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won with a big margin in Rajasthan circle.


Vote details:

Total votes: 1221

BSNLEU – 649

NFTE – 327


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.Ashok Pareek, Circle Secretary, Rajasthan and his entire team. 

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU wins in Himachal Pradesh circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won in Himachal Pradesh circle.


Vote details.

BSNLEU – 471

NFTE – 224

BTEU – 291


CHQ heartily congratulates Com.Tara Chand, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Himachal Pradesh circle and his entire team.

14 - Oct - 2022
BSNLEU has won in Andaman & Nicobar circle.

CHQ is glad to inform that BSNLEU has won in Andaman & Nicobar circle.


Total votes – 77

Polled votes – 74



NFTE – 29


BSNLEU won with 58.44% votes. Hearty congrats to Com.S.P. Kalairajan, Circle Secretary and his entire team.