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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

envelope[email protected]
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

envelope[email protected]

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

07 - Oct - 2020
Gang rape and brutal murder of a Dalit girl at a Hathras - BSNLWWCC calls for lunch hour demonstrations on 09.10.2020..

The entire nation has been shocked at the gang rape and brutal murder of a Dalit girl in Hathras.  A gang has raped her, after which she had been killed by breaking her spine and cutting off her tongue. This is an exact repetition of the gang-rape and brutal murder of Nirbaya, which had taken place in the National Capital a few years ago.


 It is a barbarous act which needs to be condemned by one and all. Such barbarities should not happen hereafter. The culprits should be promptly punished. All attempts being made to destroy the evidences and to silence the witnesses, should stop. Raising these demands, the BSNL Working Womens' Coordination Committee (BSNLWWCC) has called upon to organise  lunch hour protest demonstrations on 09.10.2020. CHQ calls upon all the circle and district unions to effectively organise these demonstrations. Sizable number of the women employees should be mobilised in this programme. 

07 - Oct - 2020
Electricity workers of UP show the way against privatisation.

In tune with the steps being taken by the Modi government to demolish the public sector, the Uttar Pradesh government had also decided to privatise the distribution of electricity. However, the 15 lakh electricity workers of Uttar Pradesh state are determined to stop this privatisation. They started an indefinite strike against this privatisation. On the second day of the strike itself, the Yogi Adityanath government is forced to withdraw it’s plan to privatise the electricity service. The 15 lakh electricity workers of Uttar Pradesh have shown the way to fight against privatisation of the public sector. This is a historic victory. BSNLEU heartily congratulates the Uttar Pradesh electricity workers. 

07 - Oct - 2020
Management plays dirty game - BSNLEU boycotts the National Council meeting..

All the 8 Staff Side members of BSNLEU have boycotted today’s National Council meeting, protesting against the “dirty game” being played by the BSNL Management in the matter of nominating Staff Side members. From the beginning of the formation of the National Council, non-members were permitted to be nominated to the Staff Side, by the Recognised Union. However, in between, the Management took a stand that the Recognised Unions can nominate only their paid members to the Staff Side of the National Council.


When BSNLEU nominated Com.Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, to the National Council, the Management rejected that nomination, stating that Com.Suresh Kumar was not a paid member of BSNLEU. However, a few days back, NFTE nominated a non-member to the National Council and this has been accepted by the Management. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, spoke to the Sr.GM(SR) and demanded that, BSNLEU should also be allowed to nominate  non-members to the National Council. However, it was not accepted. The Management is telling blatant lies to justify it’s stand. As a result of this, BSNLEU has boycotted today’s National Council meeting.


BSNLEU wishes to make it’s stand very clear. BSNLEU does not oppose the nomination of any individual to the National Council. BSNLEU only demands that, it should also be permitted to nominate non-members to the National Council. 


मैनेजमेंट का गंदा खेल - BSNLEU ने नेशनल कौंसिल मीटिंग का बहिष्कार किया..

BSNLEU के सभी 8 स्टाफ साइड मेंबर्स ने, स्टाफ साइड मेंबर्स के नामांकन के संबंध में मैनेजमेंट द्वारा खेले जा रहे "गंदे खेल" का विरोध करते हुए, आज की नेशनल कौंसिल मीटिंग का बहिष्कार किया। नेशनल कौंसिल के गठन के समय से ही मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियन को, नॉन मेंबर्स को स्टाफ साइड हेतु नॉमिनेट करने की अनुमति प्राप्त थी। किन्तु, इसी बीच, मैनेजमेंट ने तय किया कि, मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियन, नेशनल कौंसिल में स्टाफ साइड के लिए केवल अपने पेड मेंबर्स को ही नॉमिनेट कर सकती है।

जब BSNLEU ने कॉम सुरेश कुमार ,GS, BSNL MS, को नेशनल कौंसिल हेतु नॉमिनेट किया, तब मैनेजमेंट ने उनके नामांकन को यह कहते हुए निरस्त कर दिया कि कॉम सुरेश कुमार BSNLEU के पेड मेंबर नही है। बहरहाल, अभी कुछ दिनों पूर्व, NFTE ने नेशनल कौंसिल हेतु नॉन मेंबर को नॉमिनेट किया और मैनेजमेंट द्वारा इसे स्वीकार कर लिया गया है। कॉम पी अभिमन्यु, महासचिव ने Sr.GM(SR) से बात कर मांग की, कि  BSNLEU को भी नेशनल कौंसिल में नॉन मेंबर को नॉमिनेट करने की अनुमति दी जाए। किन्तु, इसे मान्य नही किया गया। मैनेजमेंट द्वारा अपने दृष्टिकोण (stand) के औचित्य को साबित करने के लिए सफेद झूठ बोला जा रहा है। परिणामस्वरूप, BSNLEU ने आज की नेशनल कौंसिल मीटिंग का बहिष्कार कर दिया है। 

BSNLEU अपना स्पष्ट मत प्रस्तुत करना चाहेगी। BSNLEU, नेशनल कौंसिल में किसी भी व्यक्ति के नॉमिनेशन के विरोध में नही है।  BSNLEU केवल यह मांग करती है कि उसे भी नेशनल कौंसिल में नॉन मेंबर को नॉमिनेट करने की अनुमति दी जानी चाहिए।

06 - Oct - 2020
Com.J.Sampath Rao, AGS and Circle Secretary, Telangana, bereaved.

CHQ is saddened to hear that Smt.Julapally Susheelamma, mother of Com.J.Sampath Rao, AGS and Circle Secretary, Telangana, has passed away yesterday. She was 90 years old. We share the grief of Com.J.Sampath Rao and convey our  heartfelt condolences to him and all his family members.

06 - Oct - 2020
39th meeting of the National Council is to be held online tomorrow the 07-10-2020..

The 39th meeting of the National Council will be held online tomorrow the 07.10.2020. The meeting will start at 11:00 am. All the Staff Side members of BSNLEU are requested to take part in this meeting without fail. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, has discussed about the conducting of this meeting, with the Sr.GM(SR), yesterday. The General Secretary requested that a trial run should be conducted before the actual meeting, so as to enable the Staff Side members to get themselves acquainted with the system.


In response to this, the Sr.GM(SR) assured that, the digital platform for the National Council meeting would be opened tomorrow at 10:00 am itself.  Hence, the Staff Side members can login for the meeting, any time from 10:00 am onwards, to ensure that there is no problem in their participation in the National Council meeting.  All Staff Side members are requested to kindly note this.

05 - Oct - 2020
CBI and ED appeal in the Delhi High Court, against the acquittal of A.Raja and others.

The Delhi High Court has admitted an appeal made by the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the 2G scam case. Justice Brijesh Sethi has said that, the hearing on this case will be held on a day to day basis, till further orders. It may be remembered that, former Telecom Minister, A. Raja and others had been acquitted by the CBI Special Court, in the 2G scam case. Now,  the CBI and the ED have appealed in the Delhi High Court, against this acquittal.

05 - Oct - 2020
BSNLEU, UP(East) circle, organises online Executive Committee meeting.

BSNLEU, UP(East) circle, organised it’s online Circle Executive Committee today the 05.10.2020. Com.D.N. Tripati, Circle Present, presided over the meeting. Com.R.K. Mishra, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and presented the report on activities. Com.John Verghese, AGS, greeted the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained about the decisions taken in the CEC meeting of BSNLEU. The General Secretary explained about the decision of the Central Trade Unions to organise a General Strike on 26.11.2020.

05 - Oct - 2020
BSNLEU, Chennai circle union, organises special meeting for reporting the decisions of the Central Executive Committee..

The Chennai Circle Union of BSNLEU, organised a special online meeting, yesterday the 04.10.2020, for reporting the decisions of the Central Executive Committee meeting, held online on 10th & 11th September, 2020. 59 comrades participated in this online meeting. Com.E. Natarajan, Circle President, presided over. M. Sridhara Subramanian, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.S. Chellappa, AGS, greeted the meeting and briefly addressed. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained the decisions of the CEC meeting. He reported that the CEC meeting has decided to organise a massive campaign among the employees and the general public in the months of September and October and to organise a strike in the month of November. The General Secretary also elaborated the attacks being made by the Modi government on the public sector, labour rights and on democratic rights. He also explained in detail the decisions of the Central Trade Unions, to organise a General Strike on 26.11.2020, to protect the public sector and workers' rights. The meeting ended with Com.S.Hemavathy, Circle Treasurer, proposing the vote of thanks. CHQ heartily congratulates the Chennai Circle Union for this initiative. 

03 - Oct - 2020
Defence employees to go on indefinite strike from 12th October, 2020.

The Defence employees, working in the Ordnance Factories, are going on an indefinite strike from 12th October, 2020, opposing the decision of the Modi government to corporatise the Ordnance Factories. This corporatisation is being viewed as opening the floodgates for the privatisation of the Defence Ordnance Factories. The Defence employees had already organised a heroic 5 day strike in August, 2019. Some time back, the Defence trade unions had conducted a strike ballot. The workers had overwhelmingly voted in favour of strike. The National Convention of Workers, held online yesterday, has called upon the working class to organise solidarity actions in support of the strike of the Defence employees.

03 - Oct - 2020
Retrenchment of contract workers – the Regional Labour Commissioner (C), Chennai, directs the CGM, Tamil Nadu circle, to maintain status quo.

The BSNL Corporate Office has issued instruction to all the Chief General Managers for the retrenchment of the contract workers, even without paying their 14 month wage arrears. The Tamil Nadu Telecom Contract Workers Union is conducting a series of struggles, opposing the retrenchment and demanding payment of the wage arrears. The Tamil Nadu Telecom Contract Workers Union has raised a dispute in this connection with the Regional Labour Commissioner (C), Chennai. The RLC(C), Chennai, has issued directions to the CGM, Tamil Nadu circle, to maintain status quo, as per Section 33 of the ID Act, 1947.

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03 - Oct - 2020
Punjab farmers burn Jio’s SIM cards as a token of their protest to the corporates.

The farmers, especially in Punjab and Haryana, are conducting agitations, to protest against the bills undemocratically passed in the Parliament recently. The new Laws  have thrown the farm sector to the ruthless exploitation of Indian and Foreign corporates. During one such agitations in Punjab, the farmers have burned Jio SIMs, as a token of their opposition to the exploitations of the corporates. Kizan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee’s, state General Secretary, Shri Sarwan Singh Pandher said, “First corporates will try to lure us with good offers. But, later on they render us helpless.” 


The statement of this Kizan leader very much applies to the business tactics being adopted by Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio.

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03 - Oct - 2020
Nationwide General Strike on 26th November, 2020..

The online National Convention of Workers, organised by the Central Trade Unions and Sector-Wise trade unions (including BSNLEU), yesterday the 02nd October, 2020, has given a clarion call to the working class of the country to organise a nationwide General Strike on 26th November, 2020. The Charter of Demands for this strike is as follows: -


Charter of Demands:

1)  Cash transfer of Rs 7500 per month for all non-income tax paying families.

2)  10 kg free ration per person per month to all needy.

3)  Expansion of MGNREGA to provide 200 days’ work in a year in rural areas, at enhanced wages; extension of employment guarantee to urban areas.

4)  Withdraw all anti farmer laws and anti-worker Labour Codes.

5)  Stop privatisation of the Public Sector including the financial sector and stop the corporatisation of Govt. run manufacturing and service entities like Railways, Ordnance Factories, Ports etc.

6)  Withdraw the draconian circular on forced premature retirement of Government & PSU Employees.

7)  Provide Pension to all, scrap NPS and restore earlier Pension, improve EPS-95.

03 - Oct - 2020
Central Trade Unions and Sector-Wise trade unions conduct National Convention of Workers.

An online National Convention of Workers, was organised by the Central Trade Unions, including the Sector-Wise Trade Unions, yesterday the 02nd October, 2020. Dr. G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President, INTUC, presided over the Convention. A good number of comrades, including the General Secretary, CHQ Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of BSNLEU also participated in this online Convention. The massive privatisation moves being made by the Narendra Modi government, the recent 3 labour codes passed in the Parliament, replacing the existing 44 Labour Laws and the bills passed by the Parliament, throwing the Indian agriculture into the grip of Indian and foreign corporates, were severely criticised by the speakers. The efforts taken by the government to kill BSNL, by denying 4G service, was sufficiently highlighted in the Convention. Ultimately, the Convention adopted a declaration, calling on the working class of India to organise nationwide General Strike on 26th November, 2020. Apart from Dr.G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President, INTUC, the Convention was  addressed by Com.Amarjit Kaur, GS, AITUC, Com. Harbhajan Singh, GS, HMS, Com.Tapan Sen, GS, CITU, Com.Sankar Dasgupta, GS, UTUC, Com.Devarajan, Secretary, TUCC, Com.Sonia George, GS, SEWA, Com.Santosh Rai, AICCTU, Com.Shanmugam, GS, LPF and Com.Chitrujit Singh, UTUC. The declaration passed in the Convention is enclosed hereunder.

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03 - Oct - 2020
More view of the "Black Day" programme held today, the 01.10.2020.

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03 - Oct - 2020
“Newsclick” reporting on the ‘Black Day’ programme, called on by the AUAB, held on 01.10.2020..

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02 - Oct - 2020
Respectful homage to the Father of the Nation.

BSNLEU joins the nation in paying it's respectful homage to the Father of the Nation, on his 151st birth anniversary. Mahatma Gandhi strongly advocated the unity of the people belonging to all the religions. He firmly believed that, India belongs to the people of all the religions, viz., Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, etc.,etc. It is exactly for this reason that, Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by religious fanatics. On this day, BSNLEU takes the oath that, it will stand up to defend the unity of the people, and the secular character of the Constitution.

01 - Oct - 2020
DR. P.D. Vaghela, is the new chairman, TRAI.

Dr. P.D. Vaghela, IAS, Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals is appointed as the Chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). He will be succeeding the incumbent, R.S. Sharma. It must be noted that it is under the chairmanship of R.S. Sharma, that the Indian Telecom Industry had gone into a huge crisis. All the telecom companies, except Reliance Jio, had gone into loss making. The total debt burden of the telecom industry is Rs.8 lakh crore. The biased steps taken by R.S. Sharma, like allowing predatory pricing, cutting down the IUC (Interconnection Usage Charge)etc., benefited Reliance Jio in a big way, while all other companies, including BSNL went to the dogs.

01 - Oct - 2020
India’s figures of death due to Corona Virus are not reliable - says Donald Trump.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi considers the US President, Donald Trump, as his special friend. India has become a junior partner to the US, and implements whatever directive given by the world’s super power. It may be remembered that Prime Minister, Narendra Modi accorded a massive reception to Donald Trump, at Ahmedabad, in February this year. In that programme, both Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and US President, Donald Trump, hugged each other many times, to demonstrate their closeness to the world. However, yesterday, Donald Trump has stated that India's figures of death, due to Corona Virus Disease, are not reliable.  We do not know what is the response of the Indian Prime Minister, to this remark made by the US President.

[ Source : The Indian Express dt. 30-09-2020]

01 - Oct - 2020
Compassionate appointment to the wards of the officials killed in accidents, while on duty - General Secretary speaks to the Sr.GM (Estt), BSNL CO.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, spoke to Shri Saurabh Tyagi, Sr.GM(Estt.), today and urged upon him to approve the Compassionate Ground Appointment cases sent from Andhra Pradesh circle. The Corporate Office has imposed a ban for Compassionate Ground Appointments for the posts created after 01.04.2018. Whereas, the two cases, belonging to AP circle, relate to the officials killed in accidents while on duty, in the years 2016 and 2017. The General Secretary pointed out that the ban does not apply to these cases and urged upon the Sr.GM(Estt.) to accord necessary approval to both the CGA cases, which are already referred to the Corporate Office, by the CGM, AP circle. The Sr.GM(Estt.) assured to do the needful.

01 - Oct - 2020
BSNL employees observe Black Day on the 20th anniversary of the Foundation of BSNL-organise hunger strikes throughout the country to protest against the conspiracy to kill BSNL.

BSNL employees are observing Black Day throughout the country today, which is the 20th anniversary of BSNL’s foundation. As a part of observing this Black Day, employees are wearing black-badges and are observing hunger strike today. This Black Day is being observed to express the anguish and mental agony of the employees to protest against the sinister moves being made by the government to kill BSNL. The atrocious cancellation of the 4G tender floated by BSNL, is nothing but a part of the conspiracy to stop BSNL from launching it’s 4G service and thereby to ensure that the telecom PSU never gets revived.