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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

03 - Nov - 2023
General Secretary meets the Director (HR)..

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Shri Sandeep Govil, Director (CM), who is also holding the additional charge of the Director (HR), yesterday and discussed the following issues:-


    1. Validation of caste certificate of ST employees in Maharashtra circle.

In the name of validation of caste certificate, the ST employees of Maharashtra circle are being harassed by the Management. BSNLEU is continuously taking up this issue, both at the circle and at the CHQ levels. Recently, the CHQ of BSNLEU has written to the Director (HR) demanding to exempt the ST employees who are recruited under Compassionate Ground, Persons with Disability (PwD) quota and also under the scheme of regularisation of TSMs and casual labourers. Since, these employees have not availed the benefits of caste certificate, BSNLEU is demanding them to be exempted from validation of caste certificate. In yesterday’s meeting, the General Secretary raised this issue and demanded expeditious action. The Director (HR) assured to do the needful.


    1. Declaration of JTO LICE results in Punjab circle.

The results of the JTO LICE held in Punjab circle, for the vacancy year 2014-15 were not declared, due to court case. Now, the court case has been withdrawn. Hence BSNLEU is demanding to declare the JTO LICE results without delay, by carrying over the unfilled vacancies of the JTO LICE conducted for the vacancy year 2013-14. In yesterday’s meeting, the General Secretary insisted immediate settlement of this issue. The Director (HR) assured that needful would be done.


    1. Unjustified transfer of Com.Rakesh Kumar Maurya, District Secretary, Ghazipur, UP (East) circle.

The CHQ of BSNLEU has strongly protested the unjustified transfer of Com.Rakesh Kumar Maurya, District Secretary, Ghazipur, in UP (East) circle. The General Secretary has already discussed this issue with the CMD BSNL. In yesterday’s meeting with the Director (HR) also, the General Secretary raised this issue and discussed in detail and demanded the immediate cancellation of this unjustified transfer. The Director (HR) replied that needful would be done.

03 - Nov - 2023
Hindi translation of "General Secretary meets the Director (HR)."

महासचिव ने निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) से मुलाकात की।

साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, महासचिव ने कल श्री संदीप गोविल, निदेशक (सीएम), जो निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) का अतिरिक्त प्रभार भी संभाल रहे हैं, से मुलाकात की और निम्नलिखित मुद्दों पर चर्चा की :


 (1) महाराष्ट्र सर्कल में एसटी कर्मचारियों के जाति प्रमाण पत्र का सत्यापन।

जाति प्रमाण पत्र के सत्यापन के नाम पर महाराष्ट्र सर्कल के एसटी कर्मचारियों को प्रबंधन द्वारा परेशान किया जा रहा है। BSNLEU इस मुद्दे को सर्कल और सीएचक्यू दोनों स्तरों पर लगातार उठा रहा है। हाल ही में, BSNLEU के सीएचक्यू ने निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) को पत्र लिखकर अनुकंपा आधार, विकलांग व्यक्तियों (पीडब्ल्यूडी) कोटा और टीएसएम और केज्युअल मजदूरों के नियमितीकरण की योजना के तहत भर्ती होने वाले एसटी कर्मचारियों को छूट देने की मांग की है। चूंकि, इन कर्मचारियों ने जाति प्रमाण पत्र का लाभ नहीं उठाया है, इसलिए BSNLEU उन्हें जाति प्रमाण पत्र के सत्यापन से छूट देने की मांग कर रहा है। कल की बैठक में महासचिव ने यह मुद्दा उठाया और शीघ्र कार्रवाई की मांग की। निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) ने आवश्यक कार्रवाई करने का आश्वासन दिया।


 (2) पंजाब सर्कल में जेटीओ एलआईसीई परिणामों की घोषणा।

वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2014-15 के लिए पंजाब सर्कल में आयोजित जेटीओ एलआईसीई के परिणाम अदालती मामले के कारण घोषित नहीं किए गए थे। अब कोर्ट केस वापस ले लिया गया है। इसलिए BSNLEU वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2013-14 के लिए आयोजित जेटीओ एलआईसीई की अधूरी रिक्तियों को आगे बढ़ाते हुए जेटीओ एलआईसीई परिणाम अविलंब घोषित करने की मांग कर रहा है। कल की बैठक में महासचिव ने इस मुद्दे के तत्काल समाधान पर जोर दिया। निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) ने आश्वासन दिया कि आवश्यक कदम उठाये जायेंगे। 


 (3) साथी राकेश कुमार मौर्य, जिला सचिव, ग़ाज़ीपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश (पूर्व) सर्कल का अनुचित स्थानांतरण।

BSNLEU के सीएचक्यू ने उत्तर प्रदेश (पूर्व) सर्कल में गाज़ीपुर के जिला सचिव, साथी राकेश कुमार मौर्य के अनुचित स्थानांतरण का कड़ा विरोध किया है। महासचिव इस मुद्दे पर बीएसएनएल के सीएमडी से पहले ही चर्चा कर चुके हैं। कल निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) के साथ बैठक में भी महासचिव ने इस मुद्दे को उठाया और विस्तार से चर्चा की और इस अनुचित स्थानांतरण को तत्काल रद्द करने की मांग की। निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) ने उत्तर दिया कि आवश्यक कार्रवाई की जाएगी।

03 - Nov - 2023
Views of the district level joint meetings organised on 02.11.2023, as per the call of the Joint Forum.

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02 - Nov - 2023
General Secretary’s meeting with the CMD BSNL.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary, had a meeting with Shri P.K.Purwar, CMD BSNL and discussed important issues of the employees. The details the issues taken up by the General Secretary and the reply given by the CMD BSNL are given below:-


  1. Candidates selected in the special JTOLICE and have declined promotion in the last minute - considering the other qualified candidates for promotion.

Around 50 candidates who got qualified in the Special JTO LICE, have declined to join the training class in the last minute. BSNLEU has already demanded that, in the place of those candidates, other qualified candidates should be considered. In the last meeting itself, the CMD BSNL has agreed to look into this demand. The issue was raised once again by the General Secretary in today’s meeting. The CMD BSNL replied that, he has not yet looked into this issue and assured to look into it early.


  1. Difficulties faced by employees in TT LICE.

The General Secretary pointed out that the TT LICE held on 27.08.2023 was held as online exam. As a result of which, many ATTs and other Group ‘D’ employees not having knowledge in computer operation could not qualify in the LICE. Further, there were no vacancies in 14 circles. As a result of this, aspirant candidates could not appear in the exam in those circles. Hence, the General Secretary demanded the following:-


(a)    TT LICE should not be conducted as “On-line” exam, but should be conducted only as “Off-line” exam.

(b)    Since BSNL is not making direct recruitment in the cadre of TT, the Direct Recruitment quota posts should be diverted for the 50% LICE quota.


The CMD BSNL replied that 90% of BSNL works are being outsourced nowadays. As such, there is no need to divert the Direct Recruitment quota posts and fill them up through the LICE. After much insistence by the General Secretary, the CMD stated that, the demand of holding the TT LICE as “Off-line” exam would be looked into.


  1. Review of the results of the failed SC/ST candidates by adopting “Lesser Standard of Evaluation”.

The General Secretary complained that, the DoP&T order on reviewing the results of the failed SC/ST candidates, by adopting “Lesser standard of evaluation”, is not being followed in BSNL. 


The CMD BSNL replied that, BSNLEU’s letter on the subject has already been looked into by the Management and that the number of SC/ST employees getting qualified in the Internal Exams, are more than the SC/ST quota. The General Secretary stated that he disagrees with the stand of the Management. The CMD BSNL told that the Management would give proof to BSNLEU which will show that more number of SC/ST employees are getting qualified in the exams, compared to the quota meant for the SC/ST employees. This stand of the Management is not correct and BSNLEU will take up this issue with the appropriate authority.


  1. Lifting / relaxation of the Ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments(CGA).

The General Secretary placed detailed arguments to establish that, the families of young employees who die while on duty are facing a miserable situation. He demanded that, the Ban imposed on CGA should be at least relaxed and employment should be given in such cases. In reply to this, the CMD BSNL stated that, the Management can consider the option of creating a corpus (fund), by way of contributions from Management and employees, from which a sizeable amount can be given to such families. He requested the General Secretary to consider this option.


  1. Rule 8 transfers of JEs under “Spouse Ground” to the surplus circles.

The General Secretary pointed out that, as per the DoP&T orders, husband and wife working in the Central / State government departments and in PSUs, should be posted in the same station. However, this order is not being followed in BSNL. Especially, in the JE cadre, Rule 8 transfers under “Spouse Ground” are not being permitted to the surplus circles. The General Secretary pointed out that, this is violation of the DoP&T orders. After much discussions, the CMD BSNL agreed to look into the issue, by taking into consideration the number of applicants waiting for transfer to the surplus circles.


  1. Career progression of the sports personnel - implementation of the cases already recommended as per the earlier Career Progression Policy.

A new Sports Compendium has been introduced by the Management, for the career progression of the sports personnel. However, cases already recommended by the CGM‘s, as per the previous Career Progression Policy are not implemented. BSNLEU is continuously taking up this issue. The General Secretary raised this issue in today’s meeting with CMDBSNL. The General Secretary insisted that the old cases should be implemented immediately.


  1. Unlawful transfer of the District Secretary of BSNLEU, Ghazipur OA in UP (East) circle.

The District Secretary of BSNLEU, Ghazipur district, UP(East) circle, has been transferred from Varanasi BA to Kanpur BA. This is violation of the Rules. Further, the District Secretary of BSNLEU is being unlawfully victimised for raising his voice against corruption in Ghazipur OA. In today’s meeting, the General Secretary strongly opposed the transfer of the District Secretary of BSNLEU, Ghazipur OA and requested the CMD BSNL to ensure that rules are not violated. The CMD BSNL assured that the case would be looked into.

02 - Nov - 2023
District level joint meetings are being organised throughout the country today.

The Joint Forum of the Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL has given call for conducting district level joint meetings today, to explain the Wage Revision issue to the employees at the grass-root level. In accordance with this, meetings are being organised throughout the country. Circle and district secretaries are requested to send report and photos of the programme to the CHQ.

01 - Nov - 2023
Publishing objectionable / offensive material on Union website / journal – BSNLEU replies to the Management’s letter.

The BSNL Management has sent letter to the General Secretary, BSNLEU with the direction not to publish objectionable / offensive material on website / journal. BSNLEU has replied to this letter today. In it’s letter, BSNLEU has stated that the Union is extending it’s fullest cooperation to the Government and the Management to improve the financial condition of the Company. At the same time, it is the basic right of the trade union to oppose the wrong labour policies of the Government and the Management and also to fight for the justified demands of the employees. BSNLEU has stated that it never uses objectionable/offensive language.

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01 - Nov - 2023
Hindi translation of "Publishing objectionable / offensive material on Union website / journal – BSNLEU replies to the Management’s letter."

यूनियन वेबसाइट/जर्नल पर आपत्तिजनक/अपमानजनक सामग्री प्रकाशित करना - BSNLEU प्रबंधन के पत्र का जवाब देता है।

बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन ने BSNLEU के महासचिव को पत्र भेजकर वेबसाइट/जर्नल पर आपत्तिजनक/अपमानजनक सामग्री प्रकाशित न करने का निर्देश दिया है। BSNLEU ने आज इस पत्र का जवाब दिया है। अपने पत्र में, BSNLEU ने कहा है कि यूनियन कंपनी की वित्तीय स्थिति में सुधार के लिए सरकार और प्रबंधन को अपना पूरा सहयोग दे रही है। साथ ही सरकार और प्रबंधन की गलत श्रम नीतियों का विरोध करना और कर्मचारियों की जायज मांगों के लिए लड़ना भी ट्रेड यूनियन का मूल अधिकार है। BSNLEU ने कहा है कि वह कभी भी आपत्तिजनक/अपमानजनक भाषा का इस्तेमाल नहीं करता है। 

01 - Nov - 2023
Why does BSNLEU criticise the government and the Management?

BSNL has not been able to start even it’s 4G service, while the private telecom companies have already launched their 5G service. It is reported that BSNL will be able to start it’s 4G service only in October, 2024. As a result of this, BSNL is losing lakhs of mobile customers. This is severely affecting the financial revival of the company. 


The net result of this is that, none of the justified demands of the employees are getting settled, including the most important demand of Wage Revision. Who is responsible for this? 


Undoubtedly, the pro-private and anti-BSNL policies of the government are responsible for this. The failure of the BSNL Management is also equally responsible. Hence, BSNLEU criticises the wrong policies of the government and the failures of the BSNL Management. 


 We wish to remind the Management that, “Freedom of Expression” is enshrined as one of the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution. The Indian Constitution has not been made invalid so far, we believe. 


 BSNLEU is responsible trade union. It does not involve in unhealthy criticism. Being the Main Recognised trade union of the Non-Executives of BSNL, the Union is carrying out its legitimate responsibilities of safeguarding the interests of the employees. Hence, the Management should not curtail the democratic rights of BSNLEU.

01 - Nov - 2023
Hindi translation of "Why does BSNLEU criticise the government and the Management? "

BSNLEU सरकार और प्रबंधन की आलोचना क्यों करता है ?

बीएसएनएल अपनी 4G सेवा भी शुरू नहीं कर पाई है, जबकि निजी टेलीकॉम कंपनियां अपनी 5G सेवा पहले ही शुरू कर चुकी हैं। खबर है कि बीएसएनएल अक्टूबर, 2024 में ही अपनी 4G सेवा शुरू कर पाएगा। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, बीएसएनएल को लाखों मोबाइल ग्राहकों का नुकसान हो रहा है। इससे कंपनी का वित्तीय पुनरुद्धार बुरी तरह प्रभावित हो रहा है। 


 इसका नतीजा यह है कि कर्मचारियों की किसी भी जायज मांग का निपटारा नहीं हो रहा है, जिसमें सबसे महत्वपूर्ण मांग वेतन पुनरीक्षण भी शामिल है। इसके लिए कौन जिम्मेदार है ?


 नि:संदेह इसके लिए सरकार की निजी समर्थक और बीएसएनएल विरोधी नीतियां जिम्मेदार हैं। बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन की विफलता भी उतनी ही जिम्मेदार है। इसलिए, BSNLEU सरकार की गलत नीतियों और बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन की विफलताओं की आलोचना करता है। 


 हम प्रबंधन को याद दिलाना चाहते हैं कि, "अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता" भारतीय संविधान में मौलिक अधिकारों में से एक के रूप में निहित है। हमारा मानना ​​है कि भारतीय संविधान अब तक अमान्य नहीं किया गया है।


BSNLEU जिम्मेदार ट्रेड यूनियन है। इसमें अस्वस्थ आलोचना शामिल नहीं है। बीएसएनएल के नोन एक्ज़ीक्यूटिव्स की मुख्य मान्यता प्राप्त ट्रेड यूनियन होने के नाते, यूनियन कर्मचारियों के हितों की सुरक्षा की अपनी वैध जिम्मेदारियों को निभा रही है। इसलिए, प्रबंधन को BSNLEU के लोकतांत्रिक अधिकारों में कटौती नहीं करनी चाहिए। 

31 - Oct - 2023
JE LICE announced for the vacancy year 2022.

The Recruitment Branch of the Corporate Office has issued notification for holding the JE LICE under 50% Internal Quota for the vacancy year 2022. The Corporate Office has also issued details of availability of vacancies in various circles. According to this, vacancies are available only in 14 circles ( see enclosed letter for details). This is because, in the name of Restructuring of Manpower, thousands of JE posts have been abolished by the Management. This is creating a big hurdle in the promotional avenues of the Non-Executives. BSNLEU is continuously taking up this issue with the BSNL Management.

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31 - Oct - 2023
Hindi translation of "JE LICE announced for the vacancy year 2022."

वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2022 के लिए जेई एलआईसीई की घोषणा ।

कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय की भर्ती शाखा ने वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2022 के लिए 50% आंतरिक कोटा के तहत जेई एलआईसीई आयोजित करने के लिए अधिसूचना जारी की है। कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय ने विभिन्न सर्किलों में रिक्त पदों की उपलब्धता का विवरण भी जारी किया है। इसके अनुसार, केवल 14 सर्किलों में रिक्त पद उपलब्ध हैं (विवरण के लिए संलग्न पत्र देखें)। *ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि प्रबंधन ने मानव संसाधन के पुनर्गठन के नाम पर हजारों जेई पदों को समाप्त कर दिया है।* यह नोन एक्ज़ीक्यूटिव्स के पदोन्नति के रास्ते में एक बड़ी बाधा पैदा कर रहा है। BSNLEU लगातार इस मुद्दे को बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन के समक्ष उठा रहा है।

31 - Oct - 2023
Do not write / post anything objectionable / offensive - Management writes to BSNLEU.

The CHQ of BSNLEU has received a letter from the Corporate Office through email today. In that letter, the Management has directed the General Secretary of BSNLEU to refrain from writing or publishing any obiectionable / offensive material in the journals/ websites/ correspondences/ communications. BSNLEU has not written or posted anything objectionable or offensive against the Management or the Government. However, BSNLEU criticises the anti- worker and anti- people policies of the Management and the Government. We do not know how such criticism is being viewed as objectionable or offensive. Freedom of expression has been enshrined as one of the fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution. The Indian Constitution has not been made invalid so far, we believe. In the Ramlila Maidan Incident v. Home Secretary, Union Of India & Ors. case (2012), the Hon’ble Supreme Court had stated, “Citizens have a fundamental right to assembly and peaceful protest which cannot be taken away by an arbitrary executive or legislative action.” 

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31 - Oct - 2023
Hindi translation of "Do not write / post anything objectionable / offensive - Management writes to BSNLEU."

आपत्तिजनक/अपमानजनक कुछ भी न लिखें/पोस्ट न करें - प्रबंधन ने BSNLEU को लिखा। 

BSNLEU के सीएचक्यू को आज ईमेल के माध्यम से कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय से एक पत्र प्राप्त हुआ है। उस पत्र में प्रबंधन ने BSNLEU के महासचिव को निर्देशित किया है कि पत्रिकाओं/ वेबसाइटों/पत्राचारों में कोई भी आपत्तिजनक/अपमानजनक सामग्री लिखने या प्रकाशित करने से बचें। BSNLEU ने प्रबंधन या सरकार के खिलाफ कुछ भी आपत्तिजनक या अपमानजनक नहीं लिखा या पोस्ट नहीं किया है। हालाँकि, BSNLEU प्रबंधन और सरकार की कर्मचारी-विरोधी और जन-विरोधी नीतियों की आलोचना करता है। हम नहीं जानते कि इस तरह की आलोचना को कैसे आपत्तिजनक या आक्रामक के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। भारतीय संविधान में अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को मौलिक अधिकारों में से एक माना गया है। हमारा मानना ​​है कि भारतीय संविधान अब तक अमान्य नहीं किया गया है। रामलीला मैदान घटना बनाम गृह सचिव, भारत संघ एवं अन्य मामले (2012) में, माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने कहा था, "नागरिकों को इकट्ठा होने और शांतिपूर्ण विरोध करने का मौलिक अधिकार है, जिसे किसी मनमाने कार्यकारी या विधायी कार्रवाई द्वारा छीना नहीं जा सकता है।" 

31 - Oct - 2023
Hindi poster for the Human Chain programme to be organised on 28.11.2023.

30 - Oct - 2023
Trade Union class for the young employees of the Hindi speaking circles – circle secretaries to kindly note please.

As per the decision of the Bhopal CEC meeting, trade union class was organised earlier, for the young employees of the Hindi speaking circles at New Delhi. However, this class was postponed due to the G-20 summit that was held at New Delhi. This trade union class is again being organised at New Delhi now. Dates of the class are 07th & 08th December, 2023. Maximum number of comrades who will participate in this class will be 50 only. Hence, CHQ will allot seats for the circles in consultation with the Circle Secretaries. Circle Secretaries of the Hindi speaking circles are requested to immediately contact the General Secretary and finalise the students of their respective circles. 

30 - Oct - 2023
District Secretary of BSNLEU, Ghazipur, vindictively transferred from Varanasi BA to Kanpur BA - The CHQ of BSNLEU vehemently opposes and demands immediate cancellation of this transfer.

The UP (East) Circle administration has high-handedly transferred the District Secretary of BSNLEU, Ghazipur district, to Kanpur BA. Ghazipur OA comes under Varanasi BA. Com.Rakesh Maurya, District Secretary, Ghazipur OA, is an Office Superintendent, which is an SSA cadre. Thus, transferring him from Varanasi BA to Kanpur BA cannot be accepted. It is alleged that, Com.Rakesh Maurya has written letter, levelling corruption charges against the GM, Gorakhpur. Com.Rakesh Maurya has stated that, this is a forged letter and that he did not write any such letter. It is under these circumstances that, the UP(East) circle administration has transferred Com.Rakesh Maurya to Kanpur BA. The CHQ of BSNLEU deplores this action and demands the immediate cancellation of the transfer of Com.Rakesh Maurya, DS, Ghazipur.  

28 - Oct - 2023
TT LICE - divert the Direct Recruitment Quota posts to the Internal Quota - hold the TT LICE as ‘Off line’ exam - BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL.

The TT LICE, for the vacancy years 2020 and 2021 was held on 27-08-2023. The results have been declared now. However, very less number of employees are benefited out of this exam. There are two reasons for this.


  1. Firstly, the TTLICE was conducted as an ‘Online’ exam. As a result of this, many ATTs and group ‘D’ employees were not able to do well in the exam.
  2. Secondly, there was no vacancy in many circles. Hence, the candidates desirous of appearing in the TT LICE were not able to appear in the exam.


In view of the above mentioned two difficulties, BSNLEU has written a letter to the CMD BSNL today, raising the following two demands:-


  1. The TT LICE should be conducted as an ‘Off-line’ exam. It should not be conducted as an ‘Online’ exam.
  2. In the last 23 years, no direct recruitment has been made in the cadre of Telecom Technician. Hence, BSNLEU has demanded that, the Direct Recruitment quota posts should be diverted to the Internal Quota. Based on this, the TT LICE for the vacancy years 2020 and 2021 should be conducted once again.
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28 - Oct - 2023
Hindi translation of "TT LICE - divert the Direct Recruitment Quota posts to the Internal Quota - hold the TT LICE as ‘Off line’ exam - BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL."

टीटी एलआईसीई - सीधी भर्ती कोटा पदों को आंतरिक कोटा में डायवर्ट करें - टीटी एलआईसीई को एक ऑफ-लाइन परीक्षा के रूप में आयोजित करें - BSNLEU ने सीएमडी बीएसएनएल को लिखा।

वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2020 और 2021 के लिए टीटी एलआईसीई 27-08-2023 को आयोजित की गई थी। नतीजे अब घोषित कर दिए गए हैं। हालाँकि, इस परीक्षा से बहुत कम संख्या में कर्मचारियों को लाभ मिला है। इसके दो कारण हैं :


  1. सबसे पहले, टीटी एलआईसीई एक 'ऑनलाइन' परीक्षा के रूप में आयोजित की गई थी। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, कई एटीटी और ग्रुप 'डी' कर्मचारी परीक्षा में अच्छा प्रदर्शन नहीं कर पाए।
  2. दूसरा, कई सर्किलों में कोई वैकेंसी नहीं थी। इसलिए, टीटी एलआईसीई में शामिल होने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार परीक्षा में शामिल नहीं हो पाए।


उपरोक्त दो कठिनाइयों को देखते हुए, BSNLEU ने आज सीएमडी बीएसएनएल को एक पत्र लिखा है, जिसमें निम्नलिखित दो मांगें उठाई गई हैं :


  1. टीटी एलआईसीई को 'ऑफ़-लाइन' परीक्षा के रूप में आयोजित किया जाना चाहिए। इसे 'ऑनलाइन' परीक्षा के रूप में आयोजित नहीं किया जाना चाहिए।
  2. पिछले 23 वर्षों में टेलीकॉम टेक्नीशियन के कैडर में कोई सीधी भर्ती नहीं की गई है। इसलिए, BSNLEU ने मांग की है कि, सीधी भर्ती कोटा पदों को आंतरिक कोटा में स्थानांतरित किया जाना चाहिए। इसके आधार पर, वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2020 और 2021 के लिए टीटी एलआईसीई एक बार फिर से आयोजित की जानी चाहिए। 

28 - Oct - 2023
Results of the TT LICE held on 27/08-2023 declared..

The Telecom Technician LICE under 50% internal quota, for the vacancy years 2020 and 2021 was held on 27-08-2023. The results of this TT LICE are declared now. BSNLEU heartily congratulates all the employees who have qualified in this exam.

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28 - Oct - 2023
Hindi translation of "Results of the TT LICE held on 27/08-2023 declared."

27-08-2023 को आयोजित टीटी एलआईसीई के परिणाम घोषित।

वेकेन्सी वर्ष 2020 और 2021 के लिए 50% आंतरिक कोटा के तहत टेलीकॉम टेक्नीशियन एलआईसीई 27-08-2023 को आयोजित की गई थी। इस टीटी एलआईसीई के परिणाम अब घोषित किए गए हैं। BSNLEU इस परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण होने वाले सभी कर्मचारियों को हार्दिक बधाई देता है।