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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

06 - Jul - 2023
Donations received for the Agricultural Workers Union.

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06 - Jul - 2023
Salutes to Karnataka circle which has sent Rs.35,933/- as donation to Agricultural Workers Union.

Accepting the decision of the Central Executive Committee, various district unions of Karnataka circle, as well as office bearers and individual comrades have liberally contributed for the donation to Agricultural Workers Union.  Altogether, Rs.35,933/- is received from Karnataka circle. This is a good response from the Karnataka circle comrades for a noble-cause. CHQ heartily congratulates all the comrades of Karnataka circle. The list of donations received from Karnataka circle is enclosed.

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06 - Jul - 2023
Hindi translation of "Salutes to Karnataka circle which has sent Rs.35,933/- as donation to Agricultural Workers Union."

कर्नाटक सर्कल को सलाम जिसने एग्रीकल्चरल वर्कर्स यूनियन को दान के रूप में 35,933/- रुपये भेजे हैं।

केंद्रीय कार्यकारी समिति के निर्णय को स्वीकार करते हुए कर्नाटक सर्कल के विभिन्न जिला यूनियनों के साथ-साथ पदाधिकारियों और व्यक्तिगत साथियों ने एग्रीकल्चरल वर्कर्स यूनियन को दान के लिए उदारतापूर्वक योगदान दिया है। कुल मिलाकर कर्नाटक सर्कल से 35,933/- रुपये मिले हैं। यह एक नेक काम के लिए कर्नाटक सर्कल के साथियों की ओर से एक अच्छा प्रतिसाद है। सीएचक्यू कर्नाटक सर्कल के सभी साथियों को हार्दिक बधाई देता है। कर्नाटक सर्कल से प्राप्त दान की सूची संलग्न है।


06 - Jul - 2023
Former BSNLEU office bearers also donate to the Agricultural Workers Union.

Former BSNLEU office bearers and active comrades, who have since retired, have also generously contributed for Agricultural Workers Union. For example, Com.Raghavendra, Chikkamagaluru, who is a former Karnataka circle office bearer, has sent Rs.2,000/-. CHQ heartily congratulates Com.Raghavendra and all the retired comrades who have donated.

05 - Jul - 2023
BSNLEU, Corporate Office Circle Branch, conducted it’s Conference.

The Circle Conference of BSNLEU, Corporate Office Circle Branch, is held today. Com.Pankaj Atri, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone. The Conference is addressed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS. Both the GS and the Dy.GS spoke elaborately and explained about the main issues, viz., Wage Revision, inordinate delay in BSNL’s 4G & 5G launching and the agitational programmes being organised by the Joint Forum. They also explained about the anti-Public Sector and pro-corporate policies of the government. Thereafter, the members participated in the deliberations. The General Secretary replied to the issues raised by the members. Finally, election of office bearers took place unanimously.  

04 - Jul - 2023
Review of the results of the failed SC/ST candidates in the JE LICE – General Secretary discusses with the PGM(Estt.).

BSNLEU has demanded that the results of the SC/ST candidates who have failed in the JE LICE held on 18.12.2022 should be reviewed. There is no progress in this case so far. Hence, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS discussed this issue with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM(Estt.) today and demanded that, this issue should be settled as per the existing rules. The PGM(Estt.) agreed with the General Secretary and assured that the matter early.

04 - Jul - 2023
Non- declaration of JTO LICE results in Punjab circle – General Secretary discusses the issue with the PGM(Estt.).

BSNLEU is continuously pressurising the Management to take necessary steps for the declaration of the JTO LICE results in Punjab circle. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS discussed this issue with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM(Estt.) and demanded implementation of the assurance given by the Director (HR) that a senior advocate would be engaged for fighting the case in the Hon’ble CAT, Chandigarh. The PGM(Estt.) assured that the Management would certainly engage a senior advocate to argue the case in the next hearing.

04 - Jul - 2023
Early reconstitution of the National Council – GS and Dy.GS discuss with the PGM(SR).

BSNLEU is pressurising the BSNL Management for the early reconstitution and also holding of the National Council. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS, met Ms. Anita Johri, PGM(SR) today and once again discussed this issue. The PGM(SR) assured that the National Council will be reconstituted shortly since nominations are received from NFTE BSNL also. The General Secretary requested the PGM(SR) to reconstitute the National Council this week itself and to hold the meeting of the National Council at least in the first week of August. The PGM(SR) assured to do the needful.

04 - Jul - 2023
Functioning of Local Council at the OA level – GS and Dy.GS discuss with the PGM(SR).

In some circles, Management has rejected the formation of Local Councils at the OA level. This is completely wrong. The CHQ of BSNLEU has already demanded the Corporate Management to issue necessary guidelines to the field units about the functioning of the Local Council at the OA level. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS, met Ms. Anita Johri, PGM(SR) today and demanded early issuance of the guideline on the functioning of Local Council at the OA level. The PGM(SR) assured that needful guideline would be issued at the earliest. 

03 - Jul - 2023
Donation for AIAWU - WTR district union has done a great job.

The WTR district union is a small district union in Maharashtra circle. However, it has done a big job in sending donation for the Agricultural Workers Union. Com.Ganesh Hinge, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra circle, has informed that, WTR district union has donated Rs.15,000/- for the Agricultural Workers Union. The CHQ heartily thanks the WTR district union. 

03 - Jul - 2023
Donation for AIAWU - CHQ heartily congratulates Vadodara district union.

Responding to the call of the CHQ, for collection of donations for the Agricultural Workers Union, the Vadodara district union has taken great initiative. Within a short time, Vadodara district union has collected Rs.3,001/-. The CHQ congratulates the Vadodara district union and also heartily thanks all the comrades who have liberally donated for this noble-cause.

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03 - Jul - 2023
Donation for Agricultural Workers Union – CHQ salutes Amritsar district union.

CHQ has given call to collect Rs.10/- from each comrade as donation for Agricultural Workers Union. In this connection, the Amritsar district union of BSNLEU has done a tremendous job.  It has collected Rs.3,150/- from 26 comrades. CHQ salutes the Amritsar district union and heartily thanks all the comrades of Amritsar district union who have liberally given the donation.   The list of donors of Amritsar district union is enclosed.

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03 - Jul - 2023
Hindi translation of "Donation for Agricultural Workers Union – CHQ salutes Amritsar district union."

एग्रीकल्चरल वर्कर्स यूनियन के लिए दान - सीएचक्यू अमृतसर जिला यूनियन को सलाम करता है।

सीएचक्यू ने एग्रीकल्चरल वर्कर्स यूनियन के लिए प्रत्येक साथी से दान के रूप में 10/- रुपये एकत्र करने का आह्वान किया है। इसी सिलसिले में BSNLEU की अमृतसर जिला यूनियन ने प्रशंसनीय काम किया है । इसने 26 साथियों से 3150 रुपये प्राप्त किये हैं। सीएचक्यू अमृतसर जिला यूनियन को सलाम करता है और अमृतसर जिला यूनियन के सभी साथियों को दिल से धन्यवाद देता है जिन्होंने उदारतापूर्वक दान दिया है। अमृतसर जिला यूनियन के दानदाताओं की सूची संलग्न है।

01 - Jul - 2023
BSNLWWCC, West Bengal circle, holds it’s meeting.

The BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee (BSNLWWCC), West Bengal circle, conducted it’s meeting yesterday the 30.06.2023. Around 50 lady comrades attended this meeting. Com.Jhumur Banerjee, presided. Com.Vithika Saha, Convenor, BSNLWWCC, West Bengal circle, welcomed everyone. Com.Nandita Dutta, Joint Convenor of the All India BSNLWWCC and Com.Sujoy Sarkar, CS, BSNLEU, addressed the meeting and explained about the latest developments on various issues. The Delhi Chalo programme to be organised on 07.07.2023, involvement of BSNLWWCC members at circle and district level functioning, cultural and social activities, etc., came up for discussion in the meeting. 

01 - Jul - 2023
Hindi translation of "BSNLWWCC, West Bengal circle, holds it’s meeting."

बीएसएनएलडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यूसीसी, पश्चिम बंगाल सर्कल ने अपनी बैठक आयोजित की।

बीएसएनएल वर्किंग वुमेन कोऑर्डिनेशन कमेटी (बीएसएनएलडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यूसीसी), पश्चिम बंगाल सर्कल ने कल 30.06.2023 को अपनी बैठक आयोजित की। इस बैठक में लगभग 50 महिला साथी शामिल हुईं। अध्यक्षता साथी झुमुर बनर्जी ने की । बीएसएनएलडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यूसीसी, पश्चिम बंगाल सर्कल की संयोजक साथी विथिका साहा ने सभी का स्वागत किया। अखिल भारतीय बीएसएनएलडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यूसीसी की संयुक्त संयोजक साथी नंदिता दत्ता और BSNLEU के सर्कल सेक्रेटरी साथी सुजॉय सरकार ने बैठक को संबोधित किया और विभिन्न मुद्दों पर वर्तमान स्थिति के बारे में बताया। बैठक में 07.07.2023 को आयोजित होने वाले दिल्ली चलो कार्यक्रम, सर्कल और जिला स्तर के कामकाज में बीएसएनएलडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यूसीसी सदस्यों की भागीदारी, सांस्कृतिक और सामाजिक गतिविधियों आदि पर चर्चा हुई।

01 - Jul - 2023
Collection of donation for Agricultural Workers Union - non-implementation of the CEC decision.

CHQ regrets to inform that, still many circle unions have not implemented the decision of the Bhopal CEC, regarding collection of donation for the Agricultural Workers Union. Hence, all the circle unions which have not sent donations are requested to immediately complete the same. Non-implementation of the decision of the CEC meeting is not desirable.

01 - Jul - 2023
Hindi translation of "Collection of donation for Agricultural Workers Union - non-implementation of the CEC decision."

एग्रीकल्चरल वर्कर्स यूनियन के लिए चंदा एकत्र करना - सीईसी के निर्णय का कार्यान्वयन न करना।

सीएचक्यू को यह बताते हुए खेद हो रहा है कि अभी भी कई सर्कल यूनियनों ने एग्रीकल्चरल वर्कर्स यूनियन के लिए चंदा एकत्र करने के संबंध में भोपाल सीईसी के निर्णय को लागू नहीं किया है। इसलिए, सभी सर्कल यूनियनों, जिन्होंने दान नहीं भेजा है उनसे अनुरोध है कि वे इसे तुरंत पूरा करें। सीईसी बैठक के निर्णय का क्रियान्वयन नहीं होना उचित नहीं है ।

01 - Jul - 2023
Corrected list of donations for Agricultural Workers Union.

Some corrections have been pointed out in the list of donations for Agricultural Workers Union, published on CHQ website yesterday.Together with those corrections, the new updated list is enclosed. 

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01 - Jul - 2023
IDA expected to increase by 3.3% w.e.f. 01-07-2023.

As per the Consumer Price Index numbers released by the Labour Bureau on 30-06-2023, IDA ( on 2007-Pay-Scale & Pension) is likely to increase by 3.3% w.e.f 01-07-2023. With this increase, the new IDA rate will be 205.6% (202.3% + 3.3% = 205.6%). This 3.3% IDA increase will become payable after necessary order is issued by the DPE.

[ With input from Com.Mihir Dasgupta former AGS, BSNLEU]

30 - Jun - 2023
Updated list of donations for Agricultural Workers Union.

The updated list of amounts received by CHQ, towards donation for Agricultural Workers Union, is given below. The circles which have not yet completed the collection of the donation are requested to immediately complete the same.

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