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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
IDA increases by 3.4%.

3.4% increase in IDA rate becomes due w.e.f. 01.04.2020 i.e. 157.3% + 3.4% = 160.7%. Subject to issue of statutory Orders.

17 - Sep - 2020
Ministry of Home Affairs extends the lock-down upto 31st May, 2020.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, vide it’s order No.40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated 17th May, 2020, has extended the lock-down upto 31st May, 2020. According to this order all domestic and international flights, metro, rail services, educational institutions, etc., will remain closed. Interstate and intra-state bus services will be there, subject to the decision of the states. Movement of individuals will remain strictly prohibited between 7 PM to 7 AM, except for essential activities. Refer to the Ministry of Home Affairs order, given below for full details.

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17 - Sep - 2020
The 2 day CEC meeting of BSNLEU starts at New Delhi tomorrow.

The CEC meeting of BSNLEU is being held at New Delhi tomorrow and day after tomorrow. Hotel Dakha International, Karol Bagh is the venue of the meeting. The meeting is expected to discuss the important issues of wage revision and Subsidiary Tower Company, and to work out the strategy of the Union. Many other important organisational matters will also be discussed. Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, veteran trade union leader and vice-president of the CITU has kindly consented to inaugurate the meeting.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hearty congrats to all the Non-Executives and Executives, as well as the leaders at all levels for making the two day strike a historic success.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Satyagraha and Work According to Rule struggles to start from tomorrow.

The Satyagraha and Work According to Rule struggles, as called on by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL's, are to start from tomorrow the 30-01-2018. Circle and district unions are requested to ensure that maximum number of employees participate in the Satyagraha agitation, on all the five days. Similarly, "Work According to Rule" struggle should be strictly conducted from tomorrow onwards. Doing extra work should be completely stopped. For queries, circle secretaries are requested to contact the CHQ.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Meeting with the GM(BFCI)."

GM(BFCI) के साथ मीटिंग...
कॉम पी अभिमन्यु, जीएस एवं कॉम स्वपन चक्रबोर्ति, Dy GS ने 18.03.2019 को GM(BFCI) श्री पी सी भट्ट से मुलाकात कर निम्न मुद्दों पर चर्चा की।

(अ) केनरा बैंक और बैंक ऑफ इंडिया से अनुबंध (MoUs) का नवीनीकरण

केनरा बैंक और बैंक ऑफ इंडिया से पूर्व में हुए अनुबंध (MoUs) की समयावधि खत्म हो जाने से उनके नवीनीकरण की मांग करते हुए BSNLEU  द्वारा पूर्व में  GM(BFCI) को पत्र लिखा गया है। 18.03.2019 को सम्पन्न मीटिंग में MoUs के शीघ्र नवीनीकरण हेतु GM(BFCI) से पुनः अनुरोध किया गया।


(ब) कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स के वेजेस भुगतान हेतु फंड्स की उपलब्धता  

GM(BFCI) के संज्ञान में लाया गया कि सभी सर्कल्स में कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को महीनों से वेजेस का भुगतान नही हुआ है। ये वर्कर्स नेटवर्क के मेंटेनेंस का कार्य भी कर रहे हैं, वेजेस भुगतान न होने से निःसंदेह मेंटेनेंस कार्य प्रभावित होगा। GM(BFCI) से वेजेस भुगतान हेतु शीघ्र फंड्स उपलब्ध कराने हेतु आग्रह किया गया।

17 - Sep - 2020
Tamil Nadu circle union organised an impressive seminar, titled "Our tasks in the changed scenario''.

The Tamil Nadu circle union of BSNLEU, organised an impressive seminar at Coimbatore on 1st June, 2019. The topic of the seminar was, “Our tasks in the changed scenario”. A large number of comrades attended this seminar from Coimbatore, Erode and Nilgiris districts. Com.S.Chellappa, circle president & AGS, presided over the seminar. Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, circle secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, addressed this seminar and spoke in detail about the results of the Parliament elections, as well as on the strategy to be adopted by the unions and associations of BSNL, in the present scenario. The General Secretary expressed the confidence that the united trade union movement of BSNL will overcome the hurdles in the settlement of the issues of the employees, as well as the revival of BSNL. The seminar came to an end with a positive note.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Mathura, the citadel of BSNLEU organised election campaign meeting.

BSNLEU, Mathura district union organised it's Membership Verification campaign meeting today the  17th August,2019 at the Telephone Exchange, Mathura.  The meeting was presided over by Com. Udaivir Singh, DS,BSNLEU. Com. Naresh Pal, Organising Secretary(CHQ) and Com. Upender Singh Teotia, CS, addressed the meeting. Addressing the meeting, Com Swapan Chakraborty, Dy GS,BSNLEU explained in detail about the issues related to the Revival of BSNL, so called Revival Package of the DoT, issues of the Non-Executives etc. The meeting decided to organise maximum votes in favour of BSNLEU.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Validation of the caste certificates of 857 Scheduled Tribe employees of Maharashtra circle – General Secretary, BSNLEU discusses the case with the Director (HR).

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) today, and discussed about the issue of the harassment of 857 employees belonging to the scheduled category, who are being harassed by the Maharashtra circle administration, in the matter of validation of their caste certificates. The General Secretary firmly demanded that the caste certificates should be validated only through the district magistrate / district collector, as per DoP&T orders. Presently, the Maharashtra circle administration has taken the stand that the certificates should be validated through the Scrutiny Committees formed by the Maharashtra state government. The Director (HR) assured to look into the case. The case could not be discussed with the CMD BSNL today, since he is not in the Corporate Office.

17 - Sep - 2020
Distribution of food materials in Belagavi district, City Telephone Exchange, NTB & CEN Telephone Exchange branches in Karnataka circle.

Distribution of food materials to the contract workers is continuing in Karnataka circle. Office bearers of BSNLEU, SNEA and AIBDPA are participating in the programme. Details of the  programmes organised on 16-05-2020 are given below. 


Belagavi: - Food materials were supplied to 150 contract workers in Belagavi on 16.05.2020. Com.Y.R. Hanchinamani, DS, BSNLEU, Com.A.H.Chavali, DS, SNEA, Com.S.R. Kuriyavar, DP, BSNLEU, Com.S.S. Mulimani, DP, SNEA, Com.Panduranga Naik, All India Office bearer, SNEA and other leaders participated.  


City Telephone Exchange, Bengaluru: - Food materials were distributed to 50 contract workers by BSNLEU and SNEA in the City Telephone Exchange on 16.05.2020. Com.C.K. Gundanna, CP, Com.S.V.Sudarshan, CS, Com.Irfan Pasha, OS (CHQ), Com.M.Manchaiah, DS, participated from BSNLEU. From SNEA, Com.Vishwanath, DS, SNEA and Com.Suresh, participated.

The programme was also attended by Com.D.R. Krishnamurthy, ACS, Com. Murali, CT, Com.Mohammed Ali Khan, Com. Adbul Arif, Com.C.P. Vijayakumar and Com.Devraj, OS, also participated.


NTB & CAN OD Telephone Exchange: -  On 16.05.2020, food materials were also distributed to the contract workers working in OD OFC. This Programme was held in the NTB & CAN Telephone Exchange, which was jointly organised by BSNLEU and SNEA. Com.C.K. Gundanna, CP, BSNLEU, Com.H.V. Sudharshan, CS,  BSNLEU, Com.Ramesh, ACS, SNEA, Com.T.S. Krihsnamurthy, AIBDPA,  Com.Irfan Pasha, OS (CHQ), Com. M.Manchaiah, DS, Com.Mohammed Ali Khan and Com.C.P. Vijay Kumar, BGTD participated.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Assessment of the two day strike - All circle secretaries to kindly note please.

We have conducted a glorious strike. At the same time, we have to assess the exact impact of the strike, strength and weaknesses. Hence, all circle secretaries are requested to immediately send the following particulars, through this Whatsapp Group.

  • Total number of Non-Executives in the circle, and the number of Non-Executives who participated in the strike.
  • Total number of Executives in the circle, and the number of Executives who participated in the strike.
  • Any other important information connected with the strike in the circle.

The above details may be collected immediately from the district secretaries, and sent to the CHQ by tomorrow evening. Circle secretaries are requested treat this as an urgent work.

17 - Sep - 2020
MTNL's financial condition.

In 2016-17, MTNL's revenue from operations is Rs.3,070 crores. It's expenditures are Rs.6,498 crores. Net loss is Rs.2,491 crores. The net worth of MTNL has turned negative, and it stands at Rs. (-) 3,366 crores. MTNL has been classified as an Insipient Sick company. It is with this MTNL that the government wants to merge BSNL's !

17 - Sep - 2020
Prime Minister's Office responds to the letter written by BSNLEU on non-transferring of assets to BSNL.

BSNLEU has written letter to the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 02.08.2018, drawing his attention to the non-transferring of assets to BSNL, and also the taking over of BSNL’s buildings and office spaces by the DoT. The PMO’s Office has responded to the letter of BSNLEU.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, is the Chairman of the AUAB and Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, is the Convenor of the AUAB.

The All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) was formed in October, 2017. Ever since then, it has successfully organised many struggles, including the two day strike in December, 2017 and the massive March to Sanchar Bhawan on 23.02.2018. However, so far it functioned without a Chairman and Convenor. This issue has been discussed in many earlier meetings of the AUAB. Again, it came up for discussion in yesterday’s meeting of the AUAB. Yesterday's meeting has taken unanimous decisions on this issue. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, is elected as the Chairman and Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, is elected as the Convenor.  The meeting also decided that in all circles and districts, the AUAB should be formed immediately and also the Chairman and Convenor should be elected on the similar pattern followed at the All India level.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU wishes all a very Happy Pongal and Makar Sankranti.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Meeting to be held on 25.03.2019 to finalise EGI".

एम्प्लॉईज ग्रुप इन्शुरन्स (EGI) को अंतिम रूप देने के लिए 25.03.2019 को मीटिंग...
20.11.2018 को सम्पन्न 37वीं नेशनल कौंसिल की मीटिंग में लिए गए निर्णय अनुसार मैनेजमेंट डायरेक्ट रिक्रूट नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव एम्प्लॉईज के लिए भी एम्प्लॉईज ग्रुप इन्शुरन्स (EGI) स्कीम के क्रियान्वयन हेतु सहमत हो गया है। BSNLEU ने इस हेतु तत्काल मीटिंग आयोजित करने की मांग की थी। अब यह तय हो गया है कि मीटिंग 25.03.2019 को होगी।

17 - Sep - 2020
Meeting at Panipat, Haryana on 19th August,2019.

BSNLEU, Karnal District Union, conducted an election campaign meeting at Panipat. The meeting was presided over by com Ram Singh, District President. Com Swapan Chakraborty, Dy. GS, BSNLEU addressed a largely attended general body meeting of BSNL Non-Executives.  In his speech he gave the details of the issues that are disturbing the minds of the employees .i.e., VRS/CRS, reductions in retirement age from 60 to 58, Revival of BSNL, Role of BSNLEU in the struggles of AUAB and our achievements during the last 3 years. Others who spoke in the meeting were Com. M.S. Kadian,CS, Haryana, Com.Ramesh Chand,Organising Secretary( CHQ), Com. Kuldeep Singh, CS,AIBDPA and Com. I.S.Malik,DS,Karnal.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Good Bye 2019 and welcome 2020 - Let us change the challenges into stepping stones.

The year 2019 is coming to a close. This year witnessed many struggles, movements and campaigns, by BSNL employees, for the revival of BSNL. Despite the invoking of ESMA, BSNL employees went on a glorious 3 day strike in February, 2019. BSNLEU heartily congratulates the employees for their participation in these struggles. 2019 also witnessed the allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL, by the government, which is undoubtedly due to the impact of the struggles. Undoubtedly, this will go a long way in the financial revival of BSNL. At the same time, 2019 also witnessed the implementation of VRS and 50% of the employees opting for it. The year 2020 is going to be challenging for BSNL and it's employees. The united trade union movement has to change the challenges into stepping stones for the revival of BSNL and for a better future of the employees.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to raise "Contract Workers Relief Fund".


सभी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट सेक्रेटरीज से CHQ का "कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स रिलीफ फण्ड" एकत्रित करने का अनुरोध....

आप को यह जानकारी है कि BSNL के कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को विगत 10 माह के वेजेस का भुगतान अभी तक नही किया गया है। BSNLEU और BSNLCCWF द्वारा, कॉर्पोरेट मैनेजमेंट पर कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स के वेजेस एरियर्स का भुगतान करने हेतु लगातार दबाव बनाया जा रहा है। किन्तु, यह अभी तक नही हो पाया है। ऐसी परिस्थितियों में, कोरोना वायरस के फैलाव को रोकने के लिए सरकार द्वारा 21 दिन का लॉक डाउन कर दिया गया है। इस लॉक डाउन की वजह से कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स की परेशानियों में और अधिक वृद्धि हुई है। ऐसे में, कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को मानवीय आधार पर तत्काल सहयोग करना बेहद जरूरी हो गया है। अतः, BSNLEU के CHQ द्वारा सर्किल सेक्रेटरीज और सेंट्रल ऑफिस बेयरर्स से चर्चा पश्चात, कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को मदद करने के लिए "कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स रिलीफ फण्ड" एकत्रित करने का निर्णय लिया गया है। सर्किल, डिस्ट्रिक्ट और ब्रांच सेक्रेटरीज से अनुरोध है कि वें तत्काल सक्रिय हो जाएं और हमारे मेंबर्स, शुभ चिंतकों, रिटायर्ड कर्मचारियों व अधिकारियों से सहयोग राशि (donations) एकत्रित करना शुरू करें। लॉक डाउन के चलते, सभी से सहयोग राशि हेतु फ़ोन पर सम्पर्क कर डोनेशन की सहमति लेवें। CHQ सभी सर्किल सेक्रेटरीज़ से, सहयोग राशि प्राप्त करने हेतु, सेंट्रल ऑफिस बेयरर्स, जिला सचिव व अन्य से समन्वय स्थापित कर पहल का अनुरोध करता है। CHQ सभी कॉमरेड्स से अनुरोध करता है कि  वें युद्ध स्तर पर कार्य करते हुए फंड्स एकत्रित करने हेतु सक्रिय हो जाएं। इस संबंध में अन्य दिशा निर्देश CHQ द्वारा जारी किए जाएंगे।

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLCCWF calls on the casual and contract workers to participate in the demonstrations to be held on 21-05-2020.

The BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation (BSNL CCWF) , in it's circular dated 18-05-2020, has called upon the contract and casual workers to participate in the Demonstration, called on by BSNLEU, which is to be organised on 21-05-2020. Hence, circle and district secretaries are requested to take steps to ensure their participation also.

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