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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

21 - Dec - 2020
Com.Raghunath Singh, National Vice President of CITU and a great friend of BSNLEU passed away.

BSNLEU is extremely saddened to hear that Com.Raghunath Singh, the National Vice President of CITU, as well as General Secretary of CITU, Punjab, has passed away. He was readmitted in hospital for post COVID-19 complications. Com. Raghunath Singh was a militant and hardworking comrade and had been a great friend of BSNLEU. His death is a very big loss to the working class movement. BSNLEU pays it’s respectful homage to Com.Raghunath Singh and conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to the family members of the departed leader.  

21 - Dec - 2020
Samyukta Kisan Morcha organising Anti-corporates Day – BSNLEU is invited for today’s online consultation meeting.

The farmers’ agitation has entered the 25th day, demanding withdrawal of the 3 Anti-Farmers' Acts, as well as the Electricity Bill-2020. It is important to note that, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, which is spearheading the Farmers' struggle has already given a call to boycott the products of Ambani and Adani, including the Jio mobile, Reliance petrol and Adani food products. 


Under these circumstances, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha is planning to give call for an Anti-corporates Day, for which an online consultation meeting is being organised at 06:00 pm today. It is a matter of privilege for us that, BSNLEU is invited to attend this online meeting. Accordingly, Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, will be participating in this online meeting.

19 - Dec - 2020
Number of people affected by COVID-19 in India reaches one crore.

India has got the dubious distinction of being the second most affected country by COVID-19, only next to the United States. Despite the tall claims made by the Modi government, it is a fact that the handling of the pandemic by the government is inept. When the pandemic was fast gripping the entire world, the Modi government mobilised lakhs of people at Ahmedabad on 24th February, 2020, in honour of Donald Trump. Similarly, the unprecedented lock-down was imposed in the whole country by the Modi government, by giving only a 3 hour notice. This brought untold miseries to the 12 crore migrant workers in the country. On the top of everything, even this pandemic was used by the RSS parivar to spread communal hearted. They unleashed a venomous propaganda that the people belonging to a particular religion is responsible for the spread of COVID-19. However, it gives relief that the situation is improving in most parts of the country. At this movement, BSNLEU salutes the doctors, nurses, health workers and all the frontline workers, who have immensely contributed in safeguarding mankind from this unprecedented human disaster. BSNLEU also salutes and pays it’s respectful homage to all those frontline workers who have laid down their lives in this battle.

19 - Dec - 2020
Com.Sunil Patel, former Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Telecom Factory, Jabalpur, passed away.

CHQ is extremely saddened to know that, Com.Sunil Patel, former Circle Secretary, Telecom Factory, Jabalpur, has passed away today. As per the belated report received by the CHQ, Com.Sunil Patel, suffered a massive heart attack and passed away at 05:00 am, today. He was 58 years old. Com.Sunil Patel, took over as the Circle Secretary of the Telecom Factory, Jabalpur, in the last Circle Conference, and held that post till the Telecom Factory, Jabalpur, was merged with Madhya Pradesh telecom circle. Com.Sunil Patel was a dedicated leader of BSNLEU. CHQ pays respectful homage to Com. Sunil Patel and also conveys heartfelt condolences to his family members, friends and comrades.

18 - Dec - 2020
Transfer of Non-Executives out of the SSA after consolidation of Business Area – General Secretary speaks to the Director (HR).

Non-Executives have been transferred out of SSA in Assam circle, contrary to the assurances given by the Management that, Non-Executives would not be transferred out of the SSA, after consolidation of the Business Area is implemented. This is a serious violation of assurance given by the Management. Hence, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, telephonically discussed the issue with Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) and requested immediate cancellation of the transfers. The Director (HR) assured the General Secretary that, needful direction would be given to the Assam circle.

18 - Dec - 2020
ET Telecom publishes write-up on non-payment of salary to BSNL employees.

The Economic Times Telecom has published a write-up prominently, highlighting the non-payment of November salary to BSNL employees. The write-up has quoted many passages from the letter written by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, addressed to Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL on 16.12.2020.

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18 - Dec - 2020
Demonstration organised at CGM Office, West Bengal circle, demanding payment of salary and wages.

BSNLEU and BSNL CMU, organised demonstration yesterday, in front of the Chamber of the CGMT, West Bengal circle, demanding immediate payment of salary, as well as the pending wages to the contract workers. Com.Animesh Mitra, CS, Com.Amitava Chattopadhyay, ACS and Com.Sachhidanandan Maity, DS, BSNL CMU, addressed. 

18 - Dec - 2020
Farmers have the right to organise peaceful agitations – says the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

The farmers agitation has entered 24th day today, despite cold wave conditions in North India. The peacefully agitating farmers are being branded as "terrorists". It is also being maligned that  Pakistan and China are behind the farmers' agitation. As a part of maligning the farmers' agitation, petitions were filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, praying for the banning of the farmers’ agitation. 


However, the Hon’ble Supreme Court, which heard the case yesterday, has stated that the farmers have the right to organise peaceful agitation. The three Judge Bench, headed by the Chief Justice S.A. Bobde, has suggested to the Central Government to consider putting the Farm Acts on hold. The Hon’ble Supreme Court has also suggested that an independent committee of experts, consisting of people like Shri P. Sainath, to be constituted, to look into the whole issue.  

18 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of "Terms and conditions for the GTI of Non-Executives - CEC members are requested to convey their views."

नॉन एग्जीक्युटिव्ज के GTI के लिए  नियम और शर्तें- CEC मेंबर्स से अनुरोध है कि वें अपने विचारों (views) से अवगत कराएं....

BSNLEU द्वारा निरंतर रूप से निर्मित दबाव की वजह से मैनेजमेंट ने  नॉन एग्जीक्युटिव्ज के लिए ग्रुप टर्म इश्युरंस(GTI) लागू करने की प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी है। इसी प्रक्रिया के तहत, मैनेजमेंट ने मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियन्स को LIC के प्रस्ताव प्रेषित किए हैं और उनके विचार (व्यूज) मांगे हैं। LIC का पत्र, जिसमें GTI पर उनके नियम और शर्तों का उल्लेख है, संलग्न है।  मोटे तौर पर नियम और शर्तें निम्नानुसार है :-

a..पालिसी की राशि रु.20 लाख होगी।

b..18 वर्ष से 50 वर्ष की आयु के बीच के नॉन एग्जीक्युटिव्ज के लिए प्रीमियम की दर रु 1.80 प्रति रु एक हजार + GST प्रति वर्ष रहेगी। यह राशि रु 3,600/- + GST प्रति वर्ष बनती है।

c..51 वर्ष से 59 वर्ष की आयु के बीच के नॉन एग्जीक्युटिव्ज के लिए प्रीमियम की दर रु 7.70 प्रति रु एक हजार + GST प्रति वर्ष रहेगी। यह राशि रु 15,400/- + GST प्रति वर्ष बनती है।

d..LIC चाहती है कि कम से कम    70% नॉन एग्जीक्युटिव्ज इस ग्रुप टर्म इश्युरंस योजना में शामिल हो जिससे कि उनके लिए यह व्यावहारिक (viable) हो सके। 

सर्किल सेक्रेटरीज और सेंट्रल ऑफिस बेयरर्स, साथ ही इच्छुक साथियों से अनुरोध है कि वें LIC के पत्र का अवलोकन करें और अपने विचार (व्यूज) CHQ को ई-मेल द्वारा प्रेषित करें।  

17 - Dec - 2020
Leaders of BSNLEU, Haryana, visit the venue of farmer's agitation and express solidarity.

The farmers agitation has reached the 23rd day. Farmers demand that, the three Farm Acts should be repealed. Government has turned down the demand. BSNLEU has already organised two demonstrations, extending support to the struggle. Today, leaders of BSNLEU, Haryana circle union, including, Com.M.S. Kadian, Circle Secretary, Com.Parveen Kumar, District Secretary, Gurgaon, visited the venue of the agitation and extended their support to the agitation.

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17 - Dec - 2020
Proposals of LIC on Group Term Insurance - Views of the Karnataka circle union is worth considering.

CHQ of BSNLEU had called for the views of the CEC members, on the GTI proposals given by LIC. Karnataka circle union of BSNLEU has immediately responded. It's views are worth considering and are reproduced hereunder for our comrades to go through.


Respected Com. P. Abhimanyu, G.S., CHQ. I first of all want to congratulate you & CHQ for taking up this issue continuously with the management as a result non-executives will now be extended with GTI scheme. This scheme is very good. At this situation of pandemic and many more unanticipated threat to life it is must that one should have this policy. This will be helpful for family of employees in case of any accidental death in addition to the retirement benefit (if eligible). When the premium is noted it is affordable of course for the age group above 50 up to 59 seems to be high (around Rs.1,525/- monthly including GST 18%), but affordable when risk factor is concerned. For employees of the age group of 18 to 50 is also well within reach (Rs. 360/- monthly). It really helps a lot for DRs. Few clarifications are requested in order to communicate to the employees when enquired. 


1.Will the premium be monthly or yearly. 

2. In the present situation where the premium deducted from salary is not being remitted regularly what happens when in case of claim. Will it lead to in eligibility criteria.

3. Will employee will be allowed to opt for annual premium payment.

4. Will each Employee will get any policy or confirming letter from LIC or BSNL Company.

5. Any rebate for Employees paying annual premium.


I think all the circle secretary can hold one special seminar in this regard and help employees to understand the value of hard earned GTI scheme facility. 





17 - Dec - 2020
Service has gone to the dogs – Management does not bother to talk – circle wide hunger strike in Tamil Nadu circle.

After implementation of VRS, quality of services has seriously deteriorated. Massive retrenchment of the contract workers and mindless outsourcing of works have aggravated the problem. After a series of struggles,  assurances were given by the CGM, Tamil Nadu circle on 5th November, 2020. But, all the assurances have been thrown to the winds and the CGM does not bother to meet the unions thereafter. Left with no other option, BSNLEU and TNTCWU have started agitational programmes. Accordingly, one day hunger strike is successfully organised in all the District Head Quarters today. The CHQ heartily congratulates the Tamil Nadu circle comrades. 

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17 - Dec - 2020
Terms and conditions for the GTI of Non-Executives - CEC members are requested to convey their views.

Due to the continuous pressure exerted by BSNLEU, the Management has started the process to implement Group Term Insurance (GTI) to the Non-Executives. As a part of it, the Management has forwarded the proposals of LIC to the Recognised Unions and has called for their views. The letter of the LIC, on it’s terms and conditions on the GTI, is attached below. The terms and conditions are broadly as follows:-


  1. The policy amount is Rs.20 lakh.
  2. For the Non-Executives between 18 years to 50 years of age, the premium rate comes to Rs.1.80, per thousand rupees + GST, per year. This works out to Rs.3,600/- + GST per year.
  3. For the Non-Executives between 51 years to 59 years of age, the premium rate will be Rs.7.70, per thousand rupees + GST, per year. This works out to Rs.15,400/- + GST per year. 
  4. LIC wants a minimum of 70% of the Non-Executives to join this Group Term Insurance, so that it will be viable for them. 


Circle Secretaries and Central Office bearers, as well as interested comrades, are requested to go through LIC’s letter and send their views to the CHQ through e-mail.

16 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL on non-disbursement of salary."


वेतन वितरण न होने के मुद्दे पर  BSNLEU ने CMD BSNL को पत्र लिखा....
माह नवंबर 2020 के वेतन का वितरण अभी होना शेष है। वेतन वितरण न किए जाने के मुद्दे पर हर माह BSNLEU द्वारा BSNL मैनेजमेंट को पत्र लिखा जा रहा है। COVID-19 महामारी की स्थिति में देश के अधिकांश हिस्सों में सुधार हुआ है। अतः BSNL मैनेजमेंट महामारी की वजह से राजस्व कलेक्शन कम होने के कारण का सहारा भी नही ले सकता है।   अतः, BSNLEU ने CMD BSNL से नवंबर 2020 का वेतन शीघ्र वितरित करने और नव-वर्ष के मद्दे नजर दिसंबर, 2020 के वेतन का वितरण समय पर किया जाए, यह सुनिश्चित करने की मांग करते हुए पत्र लिखा है।

14 - Dec - 2020
#BoycottAmbaniAdani is trending.

After the break down of the talks held between the farmers and the government, call has been given by the farmers’ organisations to boycott the products of Ambani and Adani. This call includes the boycotting of Ambani’s Jio sims. Consequent to this call, Twitter is flooded with posts, supporting the farmers and the hashtag #BoycottAmbaniAdani is trending. The farmers organisations have taken the right decision. The call of the farmers remind us the call of Mahatma Gandhi to boycott British goods during the freedom movement. 

14 - Dec - 2020
Issuing of Presidential Orders to the TSMs who directly became Telecom Technicians.

BSNLEU is continuously demanding that, Presidential Orders should  be issued to all the TSMs who have directly become Telecom Technicians. We are told that the DoT was not agreeing to accept the demand. Thereafter, BSNLEU has written to the Secretary, Telecom, apart from continuously taking up the issue with the BSNL Management. Today, the issue was once again discussed with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, Sr.GM (Estt), by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS. In this discussion, the General Secretary is informed that, the Corporate Office is now sending the file, with all the requisite details, for the approval of the  case by the DoT. BSNLEU will further pursue the case. 

12 - Dec - 2020
In Modi’s Gujarat, 21.8% households go to sleep without a single meal.

Shri Narendra Modi fought the 2014 Parliament election, promising to bring the Gujarat model of growth in the entire country. Time and again, the media has proved that, the growth in Gujarat is only for corporates like Adani and Ambani and not for the common man. In a recent survey, conducted in September, by the ‘Anna Suraksha Adhikar Abhiyan (ASAA)’, it has been found that in this COVID-19 pandemic situation, 21.8% households in Gujarat have said, they sometimes go to sleep without a single meal. The survey samples were collected from 403 households which fall under the most backward communities in both rural and urban Gujarat.     

[Courtesy: Times of India dated December 11, 2020]

12 - Dec - 2020
The Supreme Court Bar Association condemns the use of brute force against protesting farmers.

The Executive Committee of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) passed a resolution on December 10, 2020, condemning the use of water cannons and tear gas by the police, to suppress the farmers’ agitation. The press release noted that the farmers' protests have been non-violent in nature and hence use of brute force was uncalled for.

[Courtesy: The Leaflet dated December 10,2020]

12 - Dec - 2020
Punjab circle BSNLEU and AIBDPA leaders' token participation in farmers' agitation.

The leaders of BSNLEU and AIBDPA, Punjab circle, extended their support to the ongoing Farmers' Agitation, by making a token participation in the agitation. Comrades from Ludhiana and Chandigarh, under the leadership of Com.H.S.Dhillon,CS, BSNLEU, Com.Balwinder Singh, CS, AIBDPA and Com.Avtar Singh Jhande, DS, Ludhiana went to the venue of the farmers's protest and participated in the agitation. CHQ heartily congratulates all the comrades who participated in the programme. 

12 - Dec - 2020
West Bengal circle organises impressive education programme to mark the death anniversary of Com.K.G. Bose.

The West Bengal circle, BSNLEU, K.G.Bose Smriti Bhavan Trust, BSNL CMU and AIBDPA, organised an impressive education programme yesterday the 11th December, 2020, to mark the death anniversary of the legendary trade union leader, Com.K.G.Bose. A good number of comrades attended this programme. Com.Dilip Das, President, K.G.Bose Smriti Bhavan, hoisted the flag.  Floral tributes were paid at Com.K.G.Bose's statue. Com.Animesh Mitra, Circle Secretary and President BSNLEU, welcomed everyone to the programme. 


In the first session of this programme, Com.Anjan Bera, General Secretary, AIPSO, spoke on ‘The Role of Social Media and Mass Media in Campaign Movement’. In the second session, Com.Somenath Bhattacharjee, CITU leader, West Bengal, spoke on ‘The Role of the Alliance of Workers and Farmers in Developing the Democratic Movement in our Country’. Both the programmes evoked good response from the audience. Finally, Com.Tapas Ghosh, Circle Secretary, BSNL CMU, proposed vote of thanks.

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