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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

21 - Jan - 2022
Hindi translation of "BSNL lost it’s first position in the FTTH segment."

बीएसएनएल ने एफटीटीएच सेगमेंट-FTTH segment में पहला स्थान खो दिया है। 

लंबे अरसे तक बीएसएनएल की एफटीटीएच सेवा (फाइबर आधारित ब्रॉडबैंड) ग्राहकों की पहली पसंद के रूप में बनी रही। भले ही बीएसएनएल मोबाइल सेगमेंट में अच्छा प्रदर्शन नहीं कर रहा था लेकिन वह एफटीटीएच सेगमेंट में नंबर वन पोजिशन पर था । लेकिन यह एक बुरी खबर है कि जियो अब बीएसएनएल से आगे निकल गया है । मीडिया रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक बीएसएनएल ने नवंबर, 2021 में 05 लाख एफटीटीएच ग्राहकों को खो दिया। इसके साथ ही जियो ने 0.19 मिलियन जियो फाइबर कस्टमर्स को जोड़ा है। एयरटेल ने नवंबर 2021 में 01 लाख ब्रॉडबैंड ग्राहकों को भी जोड़ा है। नतीजतन, जियो ने नवंबर, 2021 में 17.8% मार्केट शेयर के साथ पहला स्थान प्राप्त किया है। *बीएसएनएल का मार्केट शेयर 17.2%* और एयरटेल 16.7% मार्केट शेयर के साथ तीसरे नंबर पर आता है।  

(सौजन्य: इकनॉमिक टाइम्स dt. 19-01-2022)

21 - Jan - 2022
BSNL lost it’s first position in the FTTH segment..

For long, BSNL’s FTTH service (Fibre based broadband) remained as the favourite of the customers. Even though, BSNL was not performing well in the mobile segment, it was holding number one position in the FTTH segment. But, it is a bad news that, Jio has now overtaken BSNL. According to the media report, BSNL lost 0.5 million FTTH customers in November, 2021. At the same time, Jio has added 0.19 million Jio fibre customers. Airtel has also added 0.1 million broadband customers in November, 2021. As a result, Jio has gained first position with 17.8% market share in November, 2021. BSNL’s market share is 17.2% and Airtel comes third with 16.7% market share.  

(Courtesy: The Economic Times dt. 19-01-2022)

20 - Jan - 2022
40th anniversary of the first General Strike observed amidst alarming COVID 19 situation.

The All India Centre of BSNLEU had given call to observe 40th anniversary of the first General Strike held in 1982. Accordingly, the programme has been observed in many circles yesterday, even amidst the alarmingly spreading Omicron variant of the COVID-19 pandemic. CHQ heartily congratulates all the circle and district unions which have taken the initiative to organise the programme even at a very difficult situation.

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20 - Jan - 2022
West Bengal circle organises programmes throughout the circle to mark the 40th anniversary of the first General Strike.

West Bengal circle union of BSNLEU effectively organised programmes yesterday, to mark the 40th anniversary of the first General Strike held on 19.01.1982. Physical meetings were organised at CTO, Kolkata, as well as in various districts. As per the call of the All India Centre, donation was also collected among the employees for the Agricultural Workers Union. 

20 - Jan - 2022
40th anniversary of the first All India General Strike observed in Kerala circle.

The 40th anniversary of the first All India General Strike was observed by Kerala circle union, by way of an online seminar. Com.P. Manoharan, Circle President, presided over and Com.C. Santhosh Kumar, CS, welcomed everyone. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr.V. Sivadasan, MP. He elaborately spoke on the anti-worker policies of the government, as well as the attacks being launched on the public sector. He called on the entire BSNL employees to make the General Strike, to be held on 23rd & 24th February, 2022, a total success. The seminar is also addressed by Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, one of the leaders of the 1st General Strike, Com.M. Vijayakumar, AGS and Com.P.R. Parameswaran, Org. Secretary (CHQ).

20 - Jan - 2022
Superannuation benefits of 3,899 retired/ deceased Directly Recruited employees not claimed, says Corporate Office letter.

Recently, the Corporate Office has issued guidelines to the circles, for processing the cases for claiming superannuation benefits of the retired/deceased Directly Recruited employees. In this connection, the CA Branch of the Corporate Office has issued one more letter to the CGMs today. In that letter it is stated that, superannuation benefits have not been claimed so far, in respect of 3,899 Directly Recruited employees who have either superannuated or deceased.  Hence, circle and district secretaries of BSNLEU are once again requested to ensure that, the claims are made without further delay by the dependents of the superannuated / deceased Directly Recruited employees. 

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20 - Jan - 2022
Corporate Office issues letter communicating the strength in the cadres of JTO(T), JE(T), TT and ATT.

After the implementation of VRS, the BSNL Board had approved the manpower requirement of various cadres in BSNL, w.e.f. 01.02.2020. Based on this approval, the Corporate Office has issued letter today, communicating the sanctioned strength of various circles, in the cadres of JTO(T), JE(T), TT and ATT. 


Accordingly, the new sanctioned strength in these cadres is:-

JTO : 11,756 ;      JE: 7991 ;     TT: 11,112 ;     ATT: 11,112.

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19 - Jan - 2022
40th anniversary of the 1st General Strike.


19 - Jan - 2022
Red salutes to the martyrs of the first General Strike - strengthen worker-peasant unity.

40 years ago it was on this day, i.e., on 19th January,1982, the first country - wide General Strike was organised by the Indian working class. The strike was organised by the Sponsoring Committee of the Central Trade Unions” and “National Federations”. It was supported by the opposition parties like Janata Party, BJP, CPI(M), CPI, Lokdal, Forward Block, RSP and the DSP. The charter of demands of the strike included, food and other essential commodities at reasonable prices to the people, remunerative prices for the peasants and minimum wages for the agricultural workers. This General Strike  was joined by the workers, peasants and agricultural workers. Ten comrades were killed in this strike by police brutalities, in different parts of the country. Among them, many were poor agricultural workers. In Tamil Nadu alone, 3 agricultural workers were killed in police firing. Despite severe repressions,  the strike was a resounding success and it gave birth to the slogan of “ Worker-Peasant Unity”. Today, when the Modi government is bulldozing the country with it’s  pro-corporate policies and is launching all out attacks on the working people, the spirit of “Worker-Peasant Unity” has to be strengthened. This is the lesson that we have to learn from the first General Strike, that shook the nation 40 years ago. Red salutes to the martyrs.

18 - Jan - 2022
Hindi translation of "Rule 8 transfers of DR JEs – Corporate Office takes action after BSNLEUs intervention at the CMD BSNL level."

डीआर जेई-DR JEs  के नियम 8 तबादले-Rule 8 Transfers : निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office ने बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU द्वारा सीएमडी बीएसएनएल-CMD BSNL के हस्तक्षेप की माँग के बाद कार्रवाई की है।


बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU लगातार प्रबंधन-management पर दबाव डाल रहा है कि बीएसएनएल ट्रांसफर पॉलिसी-BSNL Transfer Policy के पैरा -para 8 के अनुसार डीआर जेई-DR JEs के अनुरोध तबादलों-request transfer पर विचार किया जाए। बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने 56 डीआर जेई-DR JEs की सूची सौंपी है, जो पहले ही 5 साल की सेवा पूरी कर चुके है और उन्होंने नियम-Rule 8 ट्रांसफर-transfer के लिए आवेदन-apply किया था, लेकिन विचार नहीं किया गया । इस मामले पर साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, महासचिव-Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary ने बीएसएनएल के सीएमडी-CMD BSNL के साथ दिनांक 05.01.2022 को चर्चा की। इसके आधार पर निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office ने कार्रवाई शुरू कर दी है। आज निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office द्वारा एक पत्र जारी किया गया है, जो सभी सीजीएम-CGM को संबोधित किया गया है, जिसमें डीआर जेई-DR JEs के स्वीकृत स्ट्रेंथ-sanctioned strength, वर्किंग स्ट्रेंथ-working strength, शॉर्ट फॉल का प्रतिशत-percentage of shortfall, अनुरोध किए गए तबादलों की संख्या-number of transfers requested आदि जैसे विवरणों का आह्वान किया गया है ।  सभी सर्कल सचिवों-Circle Secretaries से अनुरोध है कि वे तत्काल यह सुनिश्चित करें कि निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office द्वारा मांगे गए विवरण-details तत्काल प्रस्तुत किए जाएं ।

18 - Jan - 2022
40th anniversary of the first General Strike – organise district level general body meetings tomorrow.

The All India Centre of BSNLEU has decided to observe the 40th anniversary of the first General Strike held on 19.01.1982. Call has been given to organise district level general body meetings tomorrow in this connection. Apart from the 40th anniversary, the issues of National Monetisation Pipeline, General Strike to be held on 23rd and 24th February,2022 shall also be discussed in the meetings. The All India Centre has also given call for the collection of Rs.5/- from each member, as donation to the Agricultural Workers Union. All the circle and district secretaries are requested to organise the programme successfully and also to send report and photos to the CHQ.

18 - Jan - 2022
Rule 8 transfers of DR JEs – Corporate Office takes action after BSNLEUs intervention at the CMD BSNL level.

BSNLEU is continuously pressing on the Management to consider the request transfers of DR JEs, as per para 8 of the BSNL Transfer Policy. BSNLEU has submitted a list of 56 DR JEs, who had already completed 5 years of service, applied for Rule 8 transfer, but were not considered. The matter was discussed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS with the CMD BSNL on 05.01.2022. Based on this, the Corporate Office has started taking action. A letter is issued by the Corporate Office today, addressed to all the CGMs, calling for the details such as sanctioned strength, working strength, % of short fall, number of transfers requested, etc. of the DR JEs.  All the circle secretaries are requested to immediately ensure that, the details called for by the Corporate Office are furnished immediately.

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17 - Jan - 2022
Hindi translation of "Implementation of Group Health Insurance Scheme."

सामूहिक स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना का कार्यान्वयन-Implementation of Group Health Insurance Scheme.  

जैसा कि सभी जानते हैं बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU ने कर्मचारियों-employees के लिए एक सामूहिक स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना-Group Health Insurance Scheme को लागू करने के लिए लगातार प्रयास कर रहा है । इसके आधार पर बीएसएनएल-BSNL और न्यू इंडिया एश्योरेंस कंपनी-New India Assurance Company के बीच एमओयू-MoU साइन किया गया। हालांकि, इस एमओयू-MoU को न्यू इंडिया एश्योरेंस कंपनी-New India Assurance Company के कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस -Corporate Office ने मंजूरी नहीं दी थी। इसके बाद यूनियन-Union के अनुरोध के आधार पर निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office ने एक बार फिर विभिन्न बीमा कंपनियों-insurance companies से नए सिरे से कोटेशन-quotations की मांग की। यूनाइटेड इंडिया इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-United India Insurance Company Limited, न्यू इंडिया एश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-New India Assurance Company Limited और ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-Oriental Insurance Company Limited जैसी तीन कंपनियों-companies ने अपने कोटेशन-quotations जमा किए । इसमें ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-Oriental Insurance Company Limited के कोटेशन-quotations सबसे कम हैं, जो इस प्रकार हैं (5 लाख रुपये की पॉलिसी के लिए-for Rs. 5 lakh पॉलिसी). 


(1) विकल्प-Option :  1- माता-पिता के बिना (without parents) - 16,041 रुपये

(2) विकल्प-Option : 2 - माता या पिता के साथ (with one parent ) Rs.25,814/-

(3) विकल्प-Option :  3 - दोनो माता-पिता के साथ (with 2 parents) - 35,804 रुपये


चूंकि दर्शित राशि-quoted amounts बहुत अधिक है, बीएसएनएल कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय-BSNL Corporate Office ने प्रीमियम राशि-premium amount को कम करने के लिए ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड-Oriental Insurance Company Limited के साथ बातचीत की। आज साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, महासचिव-Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary ने इस मुद्दे पर जनरल मेनेजर, (एडमिन) श्री एसपी सिंह-Shri SP Sinh, General Manager (Admin) के साथ चर्चा की, जिन्होंने बताया कि ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी-Oriental Insurance Company प्रीमियम राशि-premium amount को कम करने के लिए तैयार नहीं है। इस मामले पर गतिरोध-deadlock बना हुआ है। अब, हमें कारपोरेट कार्यालय-Corporate Office को सलाह देनी होगी कि वे या तो उद्धृत राशि के आधार पर समझौता ज्ञापन-MoU पर आगे बढ़ें और हस्ताक्षर करें या कर्मचारियों के लिए समूह स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना-Group Health Insurance Scheme को लागू करने के प्रस्ताव-proposal को छोड़ दें । सीएचक्यू-CHQ सर्कल सचिवों-Circle Secretaries और केंद्रीय पदाधिकारियों-central office bearers से अनुरोध करता है कि वे तुरंत अपने विचार सीएचक्यू-CHQ तक पहुंचाएं, ताकि बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU इसे कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय-Corporate Office को सुझाव-suggestions दे सके । 

17 - Jan - 2022
Implementation of Group Health Insurance Scheme..

As all are aware, BSNLEU had taken efforts continuously, for implementing a Group Health Insurance Scheme for the employees. Based on this, an MoU was signed between BSNL and the New India Assurance Company. However, this MoU was not approved by the Corporate Office of New India Assurance Company. Thereafter, based on the request of the Union, the Corporate Office once again called for the quotations afresh from various insurance companies. Three companies, viz., the United India Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company Ltd., and the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., submitted their quotations. In this, the quotations of the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. are the lowest, which are as follows (for Rs.5 lakh policy)


(1)   Option 1 - Without parents – Rs.16,041/-

(2)   Option 2 - With 1 parent  - Rs.25,814/-

(3)   Option 3 - With 2 parents  - Rs.35,804/-


Since, the amounts quoted are very high, the BSNL Corporate Office tried to negotiate with the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. for reducing the premium amount. Today, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, discussed this issue with Shri S.P. Singh, GM(Admn.), who replied that the Oriental Insurance Company is not prepared to reduce the premium amount any more. There is a deadlock on this matter. Now, we have to advise the Corporate Office either to proceed and sign the MoU based on the quoted amount or to drop the proposal of implementing Group Health Insurance Scheme for the employees. CHQ requests the circle secretaries and central office bearers to immediately convey their views to the CHQ, so that, BSNLEU can give it’s suggestion to the Corporate Office. 

17 - Jan - 2022
Com.J.V.Keshav, a veteran leader of BSNLEU, Karnataka circle, passed away.

CHQ is shocked to know that, Com.J.V.Keshav, former Circle Treasurer of BSNLEU, Karnataka circle, has passed away at Bengaluru on 15.01.2022. He had a massive heart attack while at home and was rushed to the hospital, where he was declared as ‘brought dead’. Com.J.V.Keshav had functioned as the Treasurer of our Karnataka circle union for long years. Above all, he served as the Treasurer of the Reception Committee of the 09th All India Conference of BSNLEU, held at Mysuru and had relentlessly worked for the success of the Conference. Com.J.V. Keshav was a thorough gentleman, friendly to all and had dedicated his life to the trade union movement. He was only 65 years old and is survived by his wife and a daughter. The CHQ of BSNLEU pays it’s respectful homage to Com.J.V.Keshav and conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to all his family members, comrades and friends.

15 - Jan - 2022
Sanction medical advance for the hospitalisation of Covid patients/dependants- BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL.

On 11.01.2022, Corporate Office has issued certain guidelines for the treatment of employees affected with COVID-19. But, nothing is mentioned regarding the sanctioning of medical advance to the employees / dependents who are affected with the COVID-19. BSNL Empanelled hospitals are not offering cashless treatment, due to the non-payment of bills by BSNL Management. Last year, the Director (HR) issued letter for the sanctioning of medical advance to the hospitalised employees at the rate of Rs.1 lakh / Rs.2 lakh / Rs.3 lakh. Hence, BSNLEU has written to the CMD BSNL today to issue instructions to the CGMs for the sanctioning of similar medical advance to the COVID-19 affected employees / dependents. 

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14 - Jan - 2022

14 - Jan - 2022
Payment of Superannuation Pension to the retired/ family of the deceased Directly Recruited Employees- Corporate Office issues guidelines.

The Superannuation Pension Scheme (SPS) for BSNL’s Directly Recruited employees is implemented from 05.05.2016. LIC is the Fund Manager for this SPS. The Corporate Office has issued guidelines today, for claiming the payment of the Superannuation Pension, by the retired/ families of deceased Directly Recruited employees. Forms to be filled up by the beneficiaries for claiming the Superannuation Pension Scheme are also enclosed. The filled-up forms, received by the Corporate Office will be forwarded to the LIC, who will release the Superannuation Pension to the beneficiaries. This information may be taken to the notice of the superannuated Directly Recruited employees as well as to the families of the deceased employees. 

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13 - Jan - 2022
BSNLEU wishes all the comrades and their families, a very happy Lohri, Magha Bihu, Makar Sankranti, Pongal and Baisakhi.

13 - Jan - 2022
Stopping deductions from the salary of employees, on account of LIC, PLI, Society, Clubs, etc. - BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL, demanding immediate withdrawal of the instruction.

The Corporate Office has issued letter, for stopping the deductions from the salary of employees, on account of LIC, PLI, Society, Clubs, etc. We are at loss to understand the rationale behind this decision of the Management. Every naya paisa is being deducted from the salary of the employees, by the Management and the same is being remitted to the concerned organisation. As such, what is the problem of the Management? Hence, BSNLEU has written letter to the CMD BSNL, demanding immediate withdrawal of this instruction.

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