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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Gujarat circle union organises an enthusiastic seminar on the Centenary of the Great October Revolution.

Gujarat circle union organised an enthusiastic seminar on the Centenary of the Great October Revolution today, at Vadodara. A large number of comrades attended the seminar from all the districts of Gujarat circle. Com. Deepak Trivedi, circle president, presided over the seminar. Com. D. K. Bakutra, circle secretary, welcomed everyone. The house paid homage to the martyrs, by observing silence for a minute. The seminar was addressed by com. K. Hemalata, President, CITU and com. P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary. Both the speakers highlighted the achievements of Soviet Union, under the leadership of the working class. The seminar drew very good appreciation from the participants. The Gujarat circle union and the Vadodara district union have made excellent arrangements for the programme. CHQ heartily congratulates both for successfully conducting the seminar.

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17 - Sep - 2020
March to CGM Office programme conducted in Andhra Pradesh.

The BSNL Casual Contract Workers Union of Andhra Pradesh conducted a successful March to CGM Office programme on 14.03.2018. On reaching the CGM Office, the participants of the March, conducted a dharna outside the CGM Office. They highlighted demands to put an end to the benami worker system, retrenchment of contract workers in STP and STR, etc. Com. K. Prabhakar Rao, CP, BSNLCCWF, presided. It was addressed by Com. P. Asokababu, CS, BSNLEU & Honorary President, BSNLCCWF, Com. M.V. Sudhakar, Secretary, CITU, Com. Umamaheswara Rao, CS, SNEA and Com.R.Maheswara Rao, CS, SEWA BSNL.

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17 - Sep - 2020
CEC Meeting of Inspection Circle, held at Jabalpur on 16.05.2018.

The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Inspection Circle, was held at Jabalpur on BSNLEU office on 16/05/2018. The meeting was presided over Com. R.S. Sen. Com. R.S.Tiwari, CS, welcome all and put the report of activities. He reported out of 33 Non-Executives our membership is 23 and no any pending issues in my circle. Com. Jagdish Singh, Vice President(CHQ), spoke on the decision taken in Agartala CEC and also spoke on present government’s pro-corporate anti worker, anti public sector (BSNL) policies and suggest to be ready to further struggle for achieving wage revision, pension revision and role back Subsidiary Tower Company. Com. Lakhan Patel, ACS, MP circle and CEC members also put their views on agenda.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Advocate appeared for the accused of the Kathua rape and murder, is promoted as the Additional Advocate General of the State.

Severe criticism and protest have come against the action of the Jammu & Kashmir government (which is under the governor’s rule) for appointing Aseem Sawhney, advocate, as the Additional Advocate General of the State. This is because, Aseem Sawhney had appeared as the lawyer of the accused persons earlier, in the gang rape and murder of the 8 year old Asifa Bano at Kathua. It may be remembered that two BJP Ministers had also participated in the rally, supporting the criminals who committed the rape and murder of Asifa Bano.

17 - Sep - 2020
Resolution adopted by the 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU on 3rd Pay Revision of BSNL employees.

The 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU, presently in session at Mysuru, has demanded the government to settle the 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment, to BSNL employees. The Conference thoroughly discussed the issue and severely criticised the government for denying the 3rd Pay Revision to BSNL employees, on the plea that BSNL is loss making. The Conference has pointed out that how the government is supporting the predatory pricings of Reliance Jio, which has led to the present crisis in the telecom industry. Further, the conference has also pointed out how the government is giving bail-out packages to the private telecom companies while denying justified wage revision to BSNL employees. The Conference has called upon the circle and district unions to keep the employees fully mobilised for struggle, if the 3rd Pay Revision is not settled amicably within a reasonable time. Com. C. Santhosh, circle secretary, Kerala, proposed the resolution and Com. D.K. Bakutra, circle secretary, Gujarat, seconded it.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Submitting of memorandum to the MPs - complete the task by 28.02.2019."

सांसदों को ज्ञापन- 28.02.2019 तक यह कार्य पूर्ण करें...

AUAB ने सभी संसद सदस्यों (MPs) को ज्ञापन देने का आव्हान किया है। सांसदों को दिए जाने वाले ज्ञापन का प्रारूप CHQ वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है और सभी सीईसी मेंबर्स को प्रेषित भी किया गया है। AUAB के निर्णय अनुसार सांसदों को ज्ञापन सौंपनें का कार्य 28-02-2019 तक पूर्ण किया जाना है।अभी तक कुछ ही सांसदों को ज्ञापन दिए गए हैं। सभी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट सेक्रेटरीज से अनुरोध है कि AUAB के अन्य घटकों के साथ समन्वय स्थापित कर सांसदों को ज्ञापन देने का कार्य जल्द से जल्द और 28-02-2019 तक पूर्ण करें।

17 - Sep - 2020
May Day rallies - circle and district secretaries to note please.

The All India Centre of BSNLEU has already given the call that, this year’s May Day should be observed, by organising “Save BSNL – Save Nation” rallies at the circle and district levels. This has already been intimated to all. Once again, CHQ appeals to the circle and district secretaries to take all out efforts, to organise the May Day rallies successfully.

17 - Sep - 2020
Finance Ministry rejects BSNL's Revival Package.

The Union Ministry of Finance rejected the much-anticipated package to revamp the public sector telecommunications company Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). The package was formed by the cabinet subcommittee headed by Minister for Home Affairs Amit Shah. It was rejected by the finance ministry pointing out that no funds can be allocated for the same.
The ministry also directed to submit a new package. The direction came after the then Cabinet Secretary Nripendra Misra completed the procedures to table the package before the cabinet and handed it over to the Ministry of Finance. Later, Nripendra Misra resigned from service.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also was part of the committee which finalised the package. However, it was rejected when it was handed over to the Finance Ministry.
The package gave importance to the voluntary retirement scheme based on the evaluation that there is excess of staff in the company. But the finance ministry made it clear that it cannot grant funds for the scheme.
Another recommendation was to allot fund from the government to provide 4G spectrum for BSNL. However, the ministry opposed this also and suggested that the BSNL should find the funds for the same.

[Courtesy : Mathrubhumi online dated 16-09-2019]

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "The GDP growth of India tumbles further – at 4.5%, it is the lowest in the 6 ½ years."

भारत की जीडीपी वृद्धि दर में और गिरावट-  4.5% के साथ, विगत 6.5 वर्षों में अपने न्यूनतम पर...

भारत आर्थिक संकट की गिरफ्त में होने से इसकी जीडीपी में गिरावट जारी है। जुलाई-सितंबर की तिमाही में जीडीपी वृद्धि दर गिर कर 4.5% रह गई है। मार्च, 2013 के बाद, यानी विगत 6.5 वर्षों में, जीडीपी की यह वृद्धि दर न्यूनतम है। ज्ञातव्य है कि विगत तिमाही, यानी अप्रैल से जून 2019 के बीच जीडीपी वृद्धि दर 5% थी। यह सुनिश्चित है कि अगली तिमाही में जीडीपी की वृद्धि दर गिर कर 4% तक आ सकती है। यह बेहद चिंताजनक है कि भारत, जो कि कुछ वर्षों पूर्व तेजी से विकसित होती अर्थव्यवस्था था, अब खस्ताहाल स्थिति में है। किसी राजनीतिक आलोचक ने सही ही कहा है कि, आज भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था ICU में है।

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "CEC meeting to be held at Vadodara – CEC members are requested to note please."

CEC मीटिंग वडोदरा (बड़ौदा) में आयोजित होगी- CEC मेंबर्स कृपया नोट करें...
BSNLEU की CEC मीटिंग 06 और 07 मार्च, 2020 को वडोदरा (बड़ौदा) में आयोजित होने जा रही है। सभी CEC मेंबर्स से अनुरोध है कि वें अपने आगमन प्रस्थान का समय व दिनांक स्वागत समिति को तत्काल सूचित करें। इस संबंध में कॉम डी के बाकुत्रा, सर्किल सेक्रेटरी, गुजरात से उनके मोबाइल नंबर 9426435999 पर सम्पर्क किया जा सकता हैं।

17 - Sep - 2020
Food materials supplied to contract workers in Tamil Nadu circle..

As per the call of the CHQ of BSNLEU, food materials were supplied to the contract workers in Tamil Nadu circle, from the donations collected from the employees and retirees, as per the following details:-


Nagercoil Main Exchange – 22.04.2020 : food materials worth Rs.1,000/- were supplied to each of the 85 contract workers.


Kuzhithurai Telephone Exchange – 21.04.12020 : Food materials worth Rs.1,000/- were supplied to each of the 50 contract workers.


Thuckalay Telephone Exchange – 23.04.2020 : Food materials worth Rs.1,000/- were supplied to each of the 14 contract workers.


Office bearers of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and TNTCWU, including Com.P.Raju, DS, BSNLEU, Com.K.George, DP, BSNLEU, Com.A. Meenakshisundaram and Com. A. Hariharan (AIBDPA) and Com.A.Selvam, DS, Com.R.Suyambulingam, DP,TNTCWU,   participated in  the above programmes.


Palani, Madurai District – 23.04.2020 : As per the call of the CHQ, donations were collected from all serving and retired BSNL employees. Out of the money collected, 18 contract workers were supplied with food materials worth Rs.1,000/- each.

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17 - Sep - 2020
AUAB meeting is to be held online on 06.07.2020..

It has been decided to hold an online meeting of the AUAB, on 06.07.2020. Issues such as cancellation of BSNL’s 4G tender, delay in the implementation of BSNL’s Revival Package, etc., will be prominently discussed in this meeting.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL, protesting the Management's decision to retrench the remaining contract workers also - calls on the CMD BSNL to sit with the unions and associations for finding out a solution."

BSNLEU ने  शेष कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स के छंटनी के मैनेजमेंट के निर्णय का विरोध करते हुए CMD BSNL को पत्र लिखा- यूनियन्स और एसोसिएशन्स के साथ बैठकर इसका उपाय ढूंढने के लिए CMD BSNL से आव्हान भी किया..

BSNL मैनेजमेंट BSNL का रिवाइवल करने में असफल रहा है। वह कंपनी की 4G सेवाएं भी शुरू नही कर सका है। नतीजतन, मैनेजमेंट, कंपनी के राजस्व में वृद्धि हेतु तौर तरीके भी ढूंढ नही पाया है। VRS पश्चात कंपनी के लाभ अर्जित करने के CMD BSNL के बड़े बड़े दावों अनुसार कुछ भी नही हुआ है। और तो और, 79,000 कर्मचारियों की छंटनी करने के बाद भी शेष बचे कर्मचारियों को मैनेजमेंट निर्धारित तिथि पर वेतन भी नही दे पा रहा है। वह वेंडर्स व कॉन्ट्रैक्टर्स , मान्यताप्राप्त हॉस्पिटल्स के बिल्स के साथ ही इलेक्ट्रिसिटी, किराया आदि का भुगतान भी नही कर सका है। अतः अपने आपको बचाने के लिए मैनेजमेंट ने बड़े पैमाने पर कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स की छंटनी की है। कुछ ही दिनों पूर्व जारी पत्र में, कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस ने बचे हुए सभी कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को भी हटाने के CGMs को निर्देश दिए हैं। निश्चित तौर पर, यदि बचे हुए कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स की भी छंटनी हो जाती है, BSNL की सेवाएं छीन भिन्न हो जाएगी। यह एक जल्दबाजी भरा निर्णय है। BSNLEU ने इस पत्र में उल्लेखित निर्देशों का पुरजोर विरोध करते हुए CMD BSNL को लिखा है।  BSNLEU ने मैनेजमेंट से अनुरोध भी किया कि यूनियन्स और एसोसिएशन्स के साथ बैठकर वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के जरिए चर्चा करें, जिससे कि इस मुद्दे पर सार्थक निर्णय लिया जा सके।

17 - Sep - 2020
Indian telecom sector set to lose 1,50,000 direct and indirect jobs.

As per media reports, nearly 1,50,000 direct and indirect jobs are likely to be wiped out in the telecom industry. This is due to the ongoing crisis, being witnessed in the telecom sector. Each telecom company is cutting down it's tariff rates, in a bid to safeguard it's customer base. This tariff war was triggered by the entry of the Reliance Jio. According to sources, Rs. 8 lakh crore is the debt of the various telecom companies. Till some time back, telecom was considered to be one among the top five employment generators of the country. According to the Annual Report of the Department of Telecom for the year 2016-17, the telecom sector was contributing for 6.5% of the GDP, which was equivalent to 140 billion US dollars, and it was employing 40 lakh employees, directly and indirectly.

17 - Sep - 2020
Joint Convention of West Bengal BSNLEU, BSNLCCWF and AIBDPA conducted.

A circle level convention of West Bengal was organised on 14.03.2018, at CTO hall, Kolkata. A large number of BSNL employees, casual & contract workers and pensioners participated in this convention. It was addressed by Com. Animesh Mitra, CS, BSNLEU & Vice President (CHQ), Com. Tapas Ghosh, CS, SNEA, Com. Prakash Chandra Kar, VP, AIBSNLEA, Com. Partha Das, CS, SEWA BSNL and Com. Sameer Nandi, AIBDPA. Issues related to deterioration of BSNL services, drastic fall in revenue and retrenchment of contract workers in West Bengal circle were discussed. The convention decided to conduct a March to CGMT Office on 28.03.2018, on these issues.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU fondly remembers Com. Moni Bose, on his 8th death anniversary.

Com. Moni Bose, former General Secretary of the AITEU CL-III union and our beloved leader, passed away on this day in 2010. On the day of his 8th death anniversary, the leaders and members of BSNLEU fondly remember the contributions of Com. Moni Bose to the working class movement and resolve to march forward in the path shown by him.

17 - Sep - 2020
Meeting of BSNLEU's Wage Revision Committee members' meeting held.

A meeting of BSNLEU’s members of the Wage Revision Committee is held at New Delhi today. Elaborate discussions took place with regards to the construction of the new pay scales. The main aspect of the discussions is to avoid the stagnation problem. The proposals finalised in today’s meeting will be placed for discussion in the meeting of the Wage Revision Committee members of BSNLEU and NFTE, to be held on 03.08.2018. Finalising the new pay scales is one of the important tasks of the Joint Committee on Wage Revision. BSNLEU is taking all out efforts to complete this task at the earliest.

17 - Sep - 2020
AUAB meeting to be held on 08.10.2018.

A meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) will be held at 03:30 pm on 08.10.2018, in NFTE’s office. The meeting will take stock of the developments on crucial issues such as wage revision, pension revision, payment of pension on actual basic pay, allotment of 4G spectrum, superannuation benefits of the DR employees and other issues, and will also take decision on trade union actions for expediting the settlement of these issues.

17 - Sep - 2020
Resolution adopted in the 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU, in respect of the demands of the casual and contract workers of BSNL.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to Hon'ble MP, Shri Jitendra Chowdhury and Shri Sankar Prassad Datta on behalf of AUAB Tripura SSA on 24th February,2019, in support of 8 point chatter of Demands.