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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to Shri Raj Bahadur Singh, Member of Parliament, Sagar (MP).

AUAB leaders of Sagar, MP Circle, met Shri Raj Bahadur Singh, Member of Parliament of Sagar Constituency  and apprised him of the delay in launching of BSNL's 4G service, as well as the delay in the implementation of the Revival Package, announced by Hon'ble MoC on 23.10.2019.  Shri Raj Bahadur Singh, MP, assured the AUAB leaders to do the needful. BSNLEU heartily congratulates the AUAB leaders of Sagar. 

17 - Sep - 2020
What will happen after formation of BSNL's Subsidiary Tower Company???

At a time when the government is trying to separate BSNL's 70,000 mobile towers, despite severe opposition from the employees, and to hand it over to a Subsidiary Tower Company, the BSNL employees have to understand what actually is happening in the telecom tower business.

"Indus Towers" is the Indian telecom infrastructure company, and it is one among the biggest tower companies in the world, having 1,23,000 towers. It is being jointly owned by Bharti Infratel (42% shares), Vodafone India (42% shares) and Idea Cellular (11.15% shares). Airtel, India's largest telecom company, is the owner of Bharti Infratel. On it's own, Bharti Infratel is already having 39,264 towers. Now, Bharti Infratel has initiated the process of buying out the remaining 52% shares in Indus Towers. Thus, Indus Towers is going to be taken over by Airtel soon. If this acquisition materialises, then, almost the entire Indian tower business will go into the hands of Airtel.

But, experts say that, this is only the first part of a two part deal. The second part of the deal is coming soon. In that second part, the entire tower business of Airtel will be taken over by a multinational consortium, for 11 billion US dollars. That multinational consortium is being led by an US company called KKR, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board(CPPIB), Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and GIC of Singapore. So, it is very clear that, the telecom tower business in India is slipping into the hands of multinational companies. In such a scenario, it is not difficult to understand that, the so called BSNL's Subsidiary Tower Company, will also be taken over by multinational giants. The BSNL employees have to sharpen their struggles, to stop such a disaster, and to save BSNL.

[Inputs from the Economic Times dt. 31-10-2017]

17 - Sep - 2020
Settlement of anomalies / aberrations of the first wage revision.

This issue is long being discussed with the Establishment Branch. The GS, and the Dy.GS, in their meeting with the GM (Estt.), yesterday, once again urged upon the GM (Estt.) to play a pro-active role, to get the matter approved by the DoT. The GM (Estt.) assured to look into this issue.

17 - Sep - 2020
National Council meeting postponed.

We have already intimidated about the postponement of the National Council meeting, scheduled to be held on 16-04-2018. The Corporate Office has issued letter for the postponement.

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17 - Sep - 2020
2nd meeting of the Joint Committee on Wage Revision.

A meeting of the Joint Committee of Wage Revision for the Non-Executives was held today. Shri H.C. Pant, Chairman of the Committee, presided over. All the Staff Side members were present. The Staff Side have already submitted to the Management, their note on the proposed new pay scales. Discussions took place on the note submitted by the Staff Side. The Staff Side members explained how their proposals were arrived at. The Management Side did not come with any proposal. They informed that, their sub-committee appointed for this purpose is working out the details. The Staff Side told the Management Side that the Joint Committee should conduct it’s business in a more speedy manner, or else it will be difficult to complete the task of finalising the wage revision on time. The next date of the Joint Committee is fixed at 27.08.2018.

17 - Sep - 2020
Dharna at BSNL Corporate Office with massive participation.

As per the decision of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL  (AUAB), dharna was organised at  Corporate Office today the 30th October 2018, demanding implementation of the assurances given by shri Manoj Sinha Ji , Hon'ble MoC(S). There was massive participation in the dharna, which started at 10:00 am. It was addressed by Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS,BSNLEU, Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE BSNL, Com. G.L.Jogi,Chairman, SNEA, Com.Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com.Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGTEOA, Com.Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS and Com. H.P.Singh, Dy.GS, BSNL OA. All the leaders spoke at length on the demands of the employees and appealed to the employees to totally participate in all the forthcoming coming programmes, including the indefinite strike, if the issues are not settled.

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17 - Sep - 2020
CEC meeting of BSNLEU to be held at New Delhi on 06th & 07th April, 2019.

The All India Centre has decided to conduct a meeting of the Central Executive Committee at New Delhi on 06th & 07th April, 2019. Since most of our Circle Secretaries and Central Office bearers will be participating in the March to Sanchar Bhawan to be held on 05th April, 2019, it is decided to hold the CEC meeting on 06th & 07th April, 2019. All Circle Secretaries and Central Office bearers are requested to participate in this crucial CEC meeting without fail.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Greater unity of the BSNL employees is achieved - more organisations become part of the AUAB."

BSNL कर्मचारियों में व्यापक एकता बनी- कुछ और संगठन AUAB का हिस्सा बने...
BSNL का संकट गहराता जा रहा है। अतः, यह समय की मांग है कि BSNL कर्मचारियों की एकता को सुदृढ बनाया जाए जिससे कि BSNL में संयुक्त ट्रेड यूनियन आंदोलन के जरिए कंपनी का वित्तीय उन्नयन (रिवाइवल) जल्द से जल्द सुनिश्चित किया जा सके। BSNL कर्मियों के सभी प्रमुख संगठनों ने विगत कुछ सप्ताहों में इस दिशा में गंभीरता के साथ प्रयास किए हैं। फलस्वरूप, व्यापक रूप से एकता निर्मित हुई है। अब AUAB में कुछ और संगठन जुड़े हैं। यह, कल दिनांक 11.10.2019 को सम्पन्न AUAB की मीटिंग में परिलक्षित हुआ है। कल की मीटिंग में उपस्थित यूनियन्स और एसोसिएशन्स के नाम हैं:

BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, AIBSNLOA, SNATTA, TEPU, BSNLOA, TOA BSNL एवं BEA । मीटिंग में यह भी निर्णय लिया गया कि कल की मीटिंग में जो यूनियन्स और एसोसिएशन्स शामिल नहीं हो पाए, उन्हें  AUAB में शामिल करने के उद्देश्य से उनसे संपर्क किया जाए। हम, कर्मचारियों की एकता की और अधिक मजबूती के लिए प्रयास जारी रखेंगे।

17 - Sep - 2020
November salary will be cleared by 31.12.2019 - all salary arrears will be cleared by 15.01.2020 - BSNL informs Delhi High Court.

In a case filed by the ITSA (Indian Telecom Services Association) in Delhi High Court, the Additional Solicitor General, appearing on behalf of BSNL, has assured the Delhi High Court on 13-12-2019 that, BSNL would clear the November salary by 31.12.2019. He has further assured that “any salary or arrear to either class of employees would be cleared by 15.01.2020”.

17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the following donations from Andhra Pradesh circle, to the "Contract Workers Relief Fund". We heartily congratulate the AP circle union.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to Shri C.N. Annadurai, MP, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu Circle.

The AUAB leaders of Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu circle, met Shri C.N. Annadurai, Lok Sabha member from Tiruvannamalai today and presented the memorandum, seeking his intervention for the early launching of BSNL’s 4G service, as well as implementation of BSNL’s Revival Package. Shri C.N. Annadurai, MP, received the memorandum and assured the AUAB leaders to intervene in the matter. BSNLEU heartily congratulates the AUAB leaders of Tiruvannamalai.

17 - Sep - 2020
Discussion on the implementation of the decisions taken in the 35th meeting of the National Council.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, met Ms. Anima Roy, GM (Estt.), yesterday, and discussed the following decisions taken in the 35th meeting of the National Council, and which are related to the Establishment Branch.

Conferment of 1st upgradation under NEPP, on completion of 4 years, to the TSMs regularised after 01.10.2000.

The TSMs regularised after 01.10.2000, are issued with Presidential Orders, and they are treated as DoT recruitees. However, they are treated as BSNL recruitees for the purpose of NEPP, and their 1st upgradation under NEPP is granted only after completion of 8 years. This issue was discussed in the National Council, and it was assured that once again this issue would be taken to the Management Committee for necessary approval. The Union representatives insisted expeditious action on this matter. The GM (Estt.) agreed to do the needful.

Amendment to JTO RR.

As per the existing RR the officials require 5 years of residency period in NE-9 pay scale, to become eligible for appearing in the JTO LICE. In the National Council meeting, the Management Side agreed to favourably consider 5 years of service in NE-6 pay scale. As regards, settlement of this issue, the GM (Estt.) replied that the Management Committee has accepted this proposal, whereas it was turned down by the DoT. The Union representatives told the GM (Estt.) that amendment of the RR is the prerogative of the BSNL Board, and that DoT should not interfere in this matter. This issue will be further taken up with the Director (HR).

Implementation of the 7th CPC CDA pay scale for the casual labourers.

This issue was discussed in the National Council meeting, and the Management Side responded favourably. In yesterday’s meeting the Union representatives insisted the GM (Estt.) to take expeditious steps for revision of wages to the casual labourers, based on the lowest CDA pay scale recommended by the 7th CPC. GM (Estt.) assured to do the needful.

Payment of medical allowance on the basis of 78.2% IDA fixation benefit.

In the National Council meeting, this demand of the Staff Side was accepted by the Management Side and it was assured that decision would be taken within one month. Union representatives insisted implementation of the National Council decision. The GM (Estt.) assured to do the needful. 

Restructuring of the Industrial Cadres.

In the National Council meeting, the demand of the Staff Side for implementation of Restructuring of the Industrial Cadres was discussed, and the Management Side agreed to consider it. In yesterday’s meeting, this issue was discussed in detail. The Union representatives strongly argued that Restructuring of the Industrial Cadres should be completed soon, and for this matter the Establishment Branch should take the initiative. The GM (Estt.) assured to do the needful.  

17 - Sep - 2020
Labour Law reforms will be implemented soon - says the budget.

The budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has not mentioned any thing about the important demand of the trade unions that, the minimum wage should be increased to Rs. 18,000 per month. 90% of the work force in India are contract workers, whose wages are abysmally low. Increasing their minimum wages to Rs. 18,000 will not only help the workers,  but will also give a boost to the economic growth,  since increase in the wages of a very large section of the workers will certainly increase the demand for goods. However, nothing is mentioned about this in the budget. 
 However, it is clearly mentioned in the budget that, the government will move fast, to bring the Labour Law reforms. Indian and multi national corporates have been telling the government that, Indian Labour Laws are very stringent, and have been demanding that these Labour Laws should be diluted in favour of the investors. They say that, these laws are outdated and need to be changed. However, due to the stiff opposition from the Indian working class, the government is not able to implement the so called reforms. Now, it is mentioned in the budget that government will speedily bring the Labour Law reforms.

17 - Sep - 2020
Organise tomorrow's dharna programme very effectively.

The AUAB is conducting dharna programme throughout the country, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. The CHQ of BSNLEU has already called on the circle and the district unions of BSNLEU to take the initiative to conduct the programme very effectively. Serious mobilisations among the public, against the Subsidiary Tower Company will certainly create compulsions on the government. Hence, all units of BSNLEU are requested to conduct this programme very effectively tomorrow.  

17 - Sep - 2020
Declaration of the All India Convention of the Central Public workers.

The All India Convention of Central Public Sector Workers, held at New Delhi on 30-05-2018,  has unanimously passed a declaration. It calls upon the Public Sector workers to uncompromisingly fight against the anti-Public Sector policies of the Narendra Modi government. It also demands that the Modi government should give up it's decision to introduce Fixed Term Employment, as well as to immediately settle the Wage Revision of the Central Public Sector workers. All circle and district secretaries are requested to give widest publicity to this Declaration.

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17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ circular no.3 dated 16.03.2019.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Contract workers on strike due to non-payment of wages for the past 4 months.

Wages of the contract workers is not paid for the past 4 months, throughout the country. Due to the intervention of BSNLEU, a small amount was released recently by the Corporate Office, for payment of the wages of the contract workers engaged for House Keeping. However, the workers engaged in repairs and maintenance works are left high and dry. Under these circumstances, contract workers are going on struggles in many parts of the country. Consequent to these struggles, the repairs and maintenance works are affected. The New Indian Express dated 29-05-2019, has reported about the strike of the contract workers going on in Berhampur district in, Odisha circle. Com.J.Kameshwar Rao, District Secretary, BSNLEU, Berhampur, has told the media that the contract workers are on strike, since wages are not paid to them for the past 4 months and that the EPF contribution of the workers is also not being remitted.

17 - Sep - 2020
Decisions of the CEC meeting of BSNLEU, held at Ghaziabad on 12th & 13th October, 2019.

The landmark Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, was held at Ghaziabad on 12th & 13th October, 2019. The programme started with the hoisting of BSNLEU’s Red Flag by Com.P.Asokababu, veteran leader and circle secretary, Andhra Pradesh circle. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, BSNLEU, presided over. Com.Upender Singh Teotia, Circle Secretary, UP(West), welcomed the CEC members. Com.A.K. Padmanabhan, Vice President, CITU, inaugurated the meeting and delivered a visionary speech, explaining about the economic and political scenario of the country, as perceived by the working class. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, presented the report on activities. All the circle secretaries and central office bearers participated in the deliberations enthusiastically. The meeting took the following decisions unanimously:-



  1. The meeting heartily thanked the BSNL employees for re-electing BSNLEU as the Main Recognised Representative Union for a record 7th term consecutively. The meeting also heartily congratulated the leaders and cadres of BSNLEU at the All India, Circle and District levels, for working tirelessly to achieve this historic victory.
  1. The meeting expressed it’s extreme resentment over the non-payment of the salary of the employees, as well as the non-payment of wages to the contract workers for the past 8 months. The meeting demanded the BSNL Management to immediately to settle these payments.
  2. The meeting also expressed it’s deep anguish over the extreme delay in the allotment of 4G spectrum and necessary financial assistance / soft loan for BSNL’s revival. The meeting demanded the government to immediately implement these measures, as well as the other needful steps, for the early revival of BSNL.
  3. The meeting welcomed the decision of the Central Trade Unions to organise a one day General Strike on 08th January, 2020, against the pro-corporate and anti-worker policies of the Narendra Modi government and decided to fully participate in it. The meeting decided to organise the following campaign programme to successfully organise the General Strike in BSNL.


  1. Holding of all the Circle Executive Committee meetings from 01st to 15th November, 2019.
  2. Holding of all the District Executive Committee meetings between 16th to 30th November, 2019.
  3. Holding of all the General Body meetings between 01st to 15th December, 2019.
  4. Organising of mass meetings, to be addressed by the Central Office bearers, gate meetings, distribution of hand-bills and other preparations, during the period from 16th to 30th December, 2019.


  1. The meeting welcomed with satisfaction that, more unions and associations have become part of the AUAB now and that, the AUAB has got strengthened now. The meeting appreciated the GS, BSNLEU, and all other leaders for achieving this. The meeting also desired that all the other left out organisations should also be approached and brought into the fold of the AUAB. It also decided to successfully implement the decision of the AUAB to organise One Day hunger strike on 18.10.2019.
  1. The next meeting of the BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee (BSNL WWCC) is to be held at Mumbai, by the second week of November, 2019.
  2. The meeting also decided that the circles of Gujarat, NE-I, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana should complete the formation of circle level BSNL WWCC before the next CEC meeting.
  3. The meeting decided that BSNLEU should take the initiative, in coordination with the AIBDPA, for taking legal action, to settle the pension revision of the BSNL retirees. Com.J. Sampath Rao, CS, Telangana, announced a donation of Rs.50,000/- for this legal action.    
  4. The meeting decided that the next Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU will be held in Gujarat.

17 - Sep - 2020
Organise lunch hour demonstrations and gate meetings tomorrow the 27.12.2019 – mobilise the employees for the 08th January General Strike.

The All India Centre of the Union has already called on the circle and district unions to conduct Lunch Hour Demonstrations and Gate Meetings on 27.12.2019. This programme should be utilised to mobilise the employees for participating in the General Strike to be held on 08th January, 2020. The material, contained in the matter sent by the CHQ, for printing pamphlets, should be explained to the employees during this programme. Circle and district secretaries are requested to take all steps to effectively organise tomorrow’s programme.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL helps to fight Corona..

At a time when the entire nation is closed down, BSNL was urgently requested to provide 20 FTTH connections in the 'make shift' Corona Care Hospital, at the Kochi Naval base in Kerala. The team BSNL of Kochi has completed this task within no time. 20 FTTH connections have been made operational in the Kochi Naval base hospital. This has again proved the competence of BSNL to help the nation, in times of crisis. The CHQ of BSNLEU salutes and heartily congratulates the entire officers and employees of BSNL, Kochi, for this feat.