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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

10 - Jun - 2023
The Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Chennai Telephones circle, held today.

The Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Chennai Telephones circle, is held today, in the Union Office at Flower Bazar BSNL Complex. The meeting started with the hoisting of the Union Flag by Com.S. Chellappa, AGS. Com.Basha, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Com.M. Sridharasubramanian, Circle Secretary, presented the report on activities. Com.S.Chellappa, AGS, addressed the meeting and explained about the decisions taken in the Bhopal Central Executive Committee meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained about the agitational programmes called on by the Joint Forum, the present status of the issues of Wage Revision, Stagnation, launching of BSNL’s 4G & 5G. The General Secretary underscored the need to strengthen BSNL Employees Union in Chennai Telephones circle. Thereafter, all the comrades participated in the deliberations. Many important decisions are taken to implement the decisions of the Bhopal CEC meeting.

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09 - Jun - 2023
Unfilled Special JTO LICE posts of Kerala circle- BSNLEU writes to the GM(Rectt.), BSNL CO.

As per the notification issued for the Special JTO LICE, held on 18.12.2022, Kerala circle was having OC – 59 ; SC – 11 and ST – 6 posts. However, results were declared only for 49 OC ; 12 SC and 6 ST posts, even though candidates with requisite marks are there. Hence, BSNLEU has written letter to the GM (Rectt.), demanding to fill the left out posts, with the candidates who have secured the requisite marks.

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09 - Jun - 2023
March to Raj Bhawan programme, to be organised on 14.06.2023 – circle secretaries are requested to note please..

As a part of it’s massive mobilisation of employees, demanding settlement of Wage Revision, 4G & 5G and New Promotion Policy, the Joint Forum has given call to organise March to Raj Bhawan programme on 14.06.2023. Circle Secretaries are requested to make all preparations for the success of this programme. In this connection, the circle secretaries of BSNLEU are requested to kindly note the following points:-

  1. In some states, permission may not be granted for taking out the procession to the Raj Bhawan. In that case, discussion should be held with the police authorities in advance and permission should be obtained for alternative routes.
  2. All out efforts should be taken to mobilise maximum number of employees and pensioners in the programme. 
  3. Placards and flex banners should be prepared to highlight our demands to the general public.
  4. Suitable media coverage should be arranged for the programme. 
  5. Being the Conveners of the Joint Forum, circle secretaries of BSNLEU are requested to make all arrangements for the success of the March to Raj Bhawan programme.

09 - Jun - 2023
Hindi translation of "March to Raj Bhawan programme, to be organised on 14.06.2023 – circle secretaries are requested to note please."

*14.06.2023 को आयोजित होने वाले मार्च टु राजभवन का कार्यक्रम - सर्कल सचिवों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया ध्यान दें।*

वेज रिवीजन, 4G और 5G और नई प्रमोशन पॉलिसी के निपटारे की मांग को लेकर कर्मचारियों की भारी लामबंदी के तहत संयुक्त मंच ने 14.06.2023 को मार्च टू राजभवन कार्यक्रम आयोजित करने का आह्वान किया है। सर्कल सचिवों से अनुरोध है कि इस कार्यक्रम की सफलता के लिए सभी तैयारियां कर लें। इस संबंध में, BSNLEU के सर्कल सचिवों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया निम्नलिखित बातों पर ध्यान दें  : 


१. कुछ राज्यों में राजभवन तक जुलूस निकालने की अनुमति नहीं दी जा सकती है। ऐसे में पुलिस अधिकारियों से पहले ही चर्चा कर वैकल्पिक मार्गों के लिए अनुमति लेनी चाहिए।

२. कार्यक्रम में अधिक से अधिक संख्या में कर्मचारियों और पेंशनभोगियों को जुटाने के लिए सभी प्रयास किए जाने चाहिए।

३. हमारी मांगों को आम जनता तक पहुंचाने के लिए तख्तियां और फ्लेक्स बैनर तैयार किए जाएं।

४. कार्यक्रम के लिए उपयुक्त मीडिया कवरेज की व्यवस्था की जानी चाहिए।

५. संयुक्त मंच के संयोजक होने के नाते BSNLEU के सर्कल सचिवों से अनुरोध है कि मार्च टू राजभवन कार्यक्रम की सफलता के लिए सभी प्रबंध करें।

08 - Jun - 2023
Convenor, Joint Forum, meets Com.M. Shanmugam, Hon’ble MP & General Secretary, LPF.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convenor, Joint Forum, met Com.M. Shanmugam, MP & General Secretary, LPF at Chennai today. Com.S. Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU, Com.J.Vijayakumar, General Secretary, TEPU, Com.Krishnan, All India Treasurer, TEPU, Com.M. Sridharasubramanian, CS, BSNLEU, Chennai Telephones, Com.Samad, AGS, TEPU and Com.A.J. Sriganesh, ACS, BSNLEU, Chennai, were present in the meeting.


In February, 2023, the Joint Forum has requested the Hon’ble Minister of Communications to grant a meeting for discussing Wage Revision, 4G & 5G and other issues. Thereafter, a reminder has been sent to the Hon’ble Minister of Communications, in May, 2023. However, no meeting has been granted to the Joint Forum so far. In today’s meeting, Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convenor, Joint Forum, requested Com.M. Shanmugam, Hon’ble MP and also General Secretary, LPF to use his good office in getting a meeting for the Joint Forum with the Hon’ble Minister of Communications. The present status of the Wage Revision issue, BSNL’s 4G & 5G launching, etc., were also discussed with the Hon’ble MP, who assured to do the needful.

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08 - Jun - 2023
Hindi translation of "Convenor, Joint Forum, meets Com.M. Shanmugam, Hon’ble MP & General Secretary, LPF."

संयोजक, संयुक्त मंच ने साथी  एम शनमुगम, माननीय सांसद और महासचिव, एलपीएफ से भेंट की ।

साथी पी. अभिमन्यु, संयोजक, संयुक्त मंच साथी एम शनमुगम, सांसद और महासचिव, एलपीएफ को आज चेन्नई में मिले। साथी एस. चेलप्पा, सहायक महासचिव, BSNLEU, साथी जे.विजयकुमार, महासचिव, टीईपीयू, साथी कृष्णन, अखिल भारतीय कोषाध्यक्ष, टीईपीयू, साथी एम. श्रीधरसुब्रमण्यन, परिमंडल सचिव, BSNLEU, चेन्नई टेलीफोन्स, साथी समद, सहायक महासचिव, टीईपीयू और साथी ए.जे. श्रीगणेश, सहायक परिमंडल सचिव, BSNLEU, चेन्नई बैठक में उपस्थित थे।


फरवरी, 2023 में संयुक्त फोरम ने माननीय संचार मंत्री से वेतन संशोधन, 4G और 5G और अन्य मुद्दों पर चर्चा के लिए एक बैठक आयोजित करने का अनुरोध किया है। इसके बाद मई, 2023 में माननीय संचार मंत्री को एक रिमाइंडर भेजा गया है। हालांकि अभी तक संयुक्त मंच की बैठक की अनुमति नहीं दी गई है। आज की बैठक में संयुक्त मंच के संयोजक साथी पी. अभिमन्यु ने साथी एम शनमुगम, माननीय सांसद और एलपीएफ के महासचिव को माननीय संचार मंत्री के साथ संयुक्त मंच की बैठक कराने के लिए अपने कार्यालय का उपयोग करने के लिए अनुरोध किया। माननीय सांसद के साथ वेतन संशोधन मुद्दे की वर्तमान स्थिति, बीएसएनएल की 4G और 5G सेवा का प्रारंभ आदि पर भी चर्चा की गई, साथी ने  आवश्यक कार्रवाई करने का आश्वासन दिया।

08 - Jun - 2023
Consider the mutual transfers of the JTOs selected through the Special JTO LICE – BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL.

BSNL conducted a Special JTO LICE on 18.12.2022. 426 candidates have qualified in this Special JTO LICE. As per the condition of the notification issued for this Special JTO LICE, the candidates cannot apply for transfer before completion of 5 years. BSNLEU has written a letter to the CMD BSNL today, demanding that mutual transfers should be exempted from this clause. Even after considering the mutual transfer, the strength of the JTO cadre in a circle will remain the same. Hence, BSNLEU has demanded that the requests for mutual transfer of the candidates selected in the Special JTO LICE should be considered.

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08 - Jun - 2023
Border dispute going on in the Corporate Office - BSNLEU writes letter to the Director(HR), requesting him to immediately resolve the stalemate.

The Corporate Office has already issued letters stating that, the pre-induction training period should be considered for EPF coverage. Further, the Management has also decided that, the employee contribution for this EPF coverage would be paid by the Management and that the money need not be deducted from employees salary. However, these orders of the Corporate Office are yet to be implemented.  This is because there is border dispute going on in the Corporate Office. Concerned Branches say, they are not connected with the issue. In the meanwhile, the EPFO has fixed 26-06-2023 as the last date for submitting option for higher pension. This date is fast approaching. Hence, BSNLEU has written a letter to the Director (HR), requesting him to resolve the border dispute going on in the Corporate Office. 

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08 - Jun - 2023
Receipt of donations for Agricultural Workers Union.

CHQ has received the following donations for the agricultural workers union.


  1. Himachal Pradesh circle union - Rs.3,400/-
  2. Com.B.S. Raghuvanshi, CS, Madhya Pradesh - Rs.1,100/-
  3. Com. Prakash Sharma, AGS - Rs.1,001/-
  4. Com.Muniraj, DS, Kolar - Rs.1,000/-
  5. Com.Renukaiya Hiramat, Raichur - Rs.1,001/-
  6. Com. Nek Ram, DS, Mandi, HP- Rs.500/-
  7. Com.A.J.Shree Ganesh, ACS, Chennai - Rs.500/-
  8. Com.Amit Kumar Tiwari - Rs.20/-

07 - Jun - 2023
Receipt of donations by the CHQ for Agricultural Workers Union.

CHQ wishes to inform that, so far it has received donations for the Agricultural Workers Union, as per the following details. Those circle unions which have not completed the collection, are requested to complete it immediately.

07 - Jun - 2023
Submitting option for change of Union membership – Corporate Office withdraws it’s provocative instruction..

BSNLEU has already reported on the website on 05.06.2023, regarding the provocative instruction issued by the Corporate Office, stating that the Non-Executives have to submit their options online, for change of Union membership. On the very same day, BSNLEU wrote letter to the CMD BSNL, strongly recording it’s protest on this matter. BSNLEU has clearly pointed out that, a good section of the Non-Executives are not familiar with computer operations. Hence, the decision of the Corporate Office that, options should be submitted online, can be misused by unscrupulous elements. We understand that, the CMD BSNL has immediately intervened on this matter. As a result, the Corporate Office has withdrawn it’s instruction that, options should be submitted online. As per the modified letter issued by the Corporate Office yesterday, the Non-Executives can submit their options, by filling up the form. BSNLEU sincerely thanks the CMD BSNL for his immediate intervention. At the same time, BSNLEU wishes to warn Corporate Management that, taking such arbitrary decisions, without consulting the Recognised Trade Unions, will only spoil the industrial peace prevailing in the Company.

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07 - Jun - 2023
Hindi translation of "Submitting option for change of Union membership – Corporate Office withdraws it’s provocative instruction."

यूनियन सदस्यता में परिवर्तन के लिए विकल्प प्रस्तुत करना - कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय अपने उत्तेजक निर्देश को वापस लेता है।

BSNLEU ने पहले ही 05.06.2023 को वेबसाइट पर कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय द्वारा जारी किए गए उत्तेजक निर्देश के बारे में सूचित कर दिया है, जिसमें कहा गया है कि नोन एक्ज़िक्यूटिव्स को यूनियन की सदस्यता बदलने के लिए अपने विकल्प ऑनलाइन जमा करने होंगे। उसी दिन BSNLEU ने सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल को पत्र लिखकर इस मामले पर अपना विरोध दर्ज कराया था। BSNLEU ने स्पष्ट रूप से बताया है कि नोन एक्ज़ीक्यूटिव का एक बडा वर्ग कंप्यूटर संचालन से परिचित नहीं है। इसलिए, कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय का निर्णय कि, विकल्प ऑनलाइन प्रस्तुत किए जाने चाहिए, का अनैतिक तत्वों द्वारा दुरुपयोग किया जा सकता है। हम समझते हैं कि सीएमडी, बीएसएनएल ने इस मामले में तुरंत हस्तक्षेप किया है। परिणामस्वरूप, कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय ने अपना निर्देश वापस ले लिया है कि, विकल्प ऑनलाइन जमा किए जाने चाहिए। कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय द्वारा कल जारी संशोधित पत्र के अनुसार, नोन एक्ज़िक्यूटिव्स फॉर्म भरकर अपने विकल्प प्रस्तुत कर सकते हैं। BSNLEU सीएमडी बीएसएनएल को उनके तत्काल हस्तक्षेप के लिए हार्दिक धन्यवाद देता है। साथ ही, BSNLEU कॉर्पोरेट प्रबंधन को चेतावनी देना चाहता है कि मान्यता प्राप्त ट्रेड यूनियनों से परामर्श किए बिना इस तरह के मनमाने फैसले लेने से कंपनी में व्याप्त औद्योगिक शांति भंग होगी।

06 - Jun - 2023
Collection of donation to the All India Agricultural Workers Union – circle and district unions to note please..

The CHQ has already given call to collect donations for the All India Agricultural Workers Union at the rate of Rs.10/- per member. Donation may also be collected from well-wishers. As per the call of the CHQ, the UP (West) circle union has sent Rs.3,800/- as it’s contribution for the Agricultural Workers Union.  CHQ heartily congratulates the UP (West) circle union. At the same time, the CHQ also calls on the other circle unions to gear-up the collection of donation to the Agricultural Workers Union.


Responding to the call of the CHQ, Com.H.V. Sudharshan, Circle Secretary, Karnataka circle, has sent Rs.1,000/- as his personal donation to the Agricultural Workers Union. Similarly, Com.C.K. Gundanna, Circle President, Karnataka, has also sent Rs.1,000/- as his personal donation. CHQ heartily congratulates both these comrades.  

06 - Jun - 2023
Hindi translation of "Collection of donation to the All India Agricultural Workers Union – circle and district unions to note please."

*अखिल भारतीय कृषि श्रमिक संघ को दान का संग्रह - सर्कल और जिला संघ कृपया ध्यान दें । * 

सीएचक्यू ने पहले ही अखिल भारतीय कृषि श्रमिक संघ के लिए 10 रुपये प्रति सदस्य की दर से चंदा इकट्ठा करने का आह्वान किया है। शुभचिंतकों से दान भी मिल सकता है। सीएचक्यू के आह्वान पर उत्तर प्रदेश (पश्चिम) सर्कल यूनियन ने 3,800/- रुपये कृषि श्रमिक यूनियन के लिए योगदान के रूप में भेजे हैं। सीएचक्यू उत्तर प्रदेश (पश्चिम) सर्कल यूनियन को दिल से बधाई देता है। साथ ही, सीएचक्यू अन्य सर्कल यूनियनों को कृषि श्रमिक संघ को दान के संग्रह को तेज करने के लिए भी आग्रह करता है।


सीएचक्यू के आह्वान पर साथी एच.वी.  सुदर्शन, सर्कल सचिव, कर्नाटक सर्कल, ने कृषि श्रमिक संघ को अपने व्यक्तिगत दान के रूप में 1,000/- रुपये भेजे हैं। इसी प्रकार,  साथी सी.के. गुंदन्ना, सर्कल अध्यक्ष, कर्नाटक ने भी अपने व्यक्तिगत दान के रूप में रु.1,000/- भेजे हैं। सीएचक्यू इन दोनों साथियों को हृदय से बधाई देता है।

06 - Jun - 2023
General Secretary felicitates Com.P. Raju, CS, Tamil Nadu and Com.T. Prema, Circle VP, Tamil Nadu.

Com.P. Raju, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Tamil Nadu circle, has retired on superannuation on 31stMay, 2023. Similarly, Com.T. Prema, Circle Vice President, Tamil Nadu circle, also retired on 31-05-2023. The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Tamil Nadu circle, being held at Madurai, organised a felicitation function yesterday, for Com.P.Raju, CS and Com.T. Prema, Circle Vice President. Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, Circle President, presided over. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, Com.P. Sampath, Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication Front, Com.S. Chellappa, AGS, Com.Natarajan, CS, NFTE, Com.Sridhara Subramanian, CS, BSNLEU, Chennai circle, Com.R. Rajasekhar, CS, AIBDPA, Com.M.Syed Idris, CS, Contract Workers Union and Com.Berlin Kanakaraj, CS, BSNLWWCC, addressed the meeting and felicitated both the comrades. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, presented, mementos and shawls to Com. P. Raju,CS and to Com.T.Prema, circle VP. Finally, both, Com.P. Raju and Com.T. Prema, Circle VP addressed the meeting and acknowledged the felicitations.

05 - Jun - 2023
Change of union membership - forcing the Non-Executives to submit their option online - BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL, expressing its extreme unhappiness and strong protest.

BSNLEU has written a letter to the CMD BSNL today, strongly protesting against the decision of the Management, forcing the Non-Executives to submit their option to change union membership, through online. In its letter, BSNLEU has complained that, this decision has been taken by the Management, without consulting the Recognised trade unions of the Non-Executives. This only shows the scant regard that the Management is having for the Recognised trade unions of the Non-Executives, BSNLEU has stated in it’s letter. BSNLEU has requested the CMD BSNL to keep this letter under abeyance, pending and to hold discussion with the Recognised trade unions of the Non-Executives.

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05 - Jun - 2023
Option to change membership through the online mode in ESS/ERP.

Every year, BSNL employees are being given opportunity to change their union membership. The window for this will be opened from 16th June to 15th July of every year. However, all of a sudden, the BSNL Corporate Office has issued instruction today to hold this process online. This is surprising. It is deplorable that, the Corporate Management did not even bother to consult the Recognised trade unions on this matter. BSNLEU will express its protest to the Management.

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05 - Jun - 2023
General Secretary addressed the Tamil Nadu Circle Executive Committee meeting.

The 2 day Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Tamil Nadu circle, is being held at Madurai today and tomorrow. Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, Circle President is presiding over. Com.P.Raju, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and presented the report on activities. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the meeting and explained the issues related to BSNL’s 4G / 5G, wage revision and the programme of action called on by the Joint Forum. The General Secretary also explained about the decisions of the Bhopal Central Executive Committee meeting. The meeting is continuing.

03 - Jun - 2023
BSNLEU condoles the death of victims of train accident.

It is heart-rending to note that a gruesome train accident has taken place in Odisha, in which 261 train passengers have lost their lives. As per reports, Chennai-Howrah Coromandel Express, Bengaluru-Howrah Super fast Express and a goods train are involved in this accident. BSNLEU deeply condoles the death of the train passengers and conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims. 

03 - Jun - 2023
9th June set as deadline for the government to take action against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, WFI Chairman..

Indian wrestlers, who had won Asian as well as International level medals, are agitating for the past several months, demanding the arrest of Shri Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Chairman of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). It is alleged that, Shri Brij Bushan Sharan Singh has sexually assaulted women wrestlers. The accusation is very grave. However, the police did not take any action against him. The simple reason is that, Shri Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh is a five time MP of the ruling BJP. There are many criminal cases pending against this man. The CBI and the Enforcement Directorate are raiding and arresting leaders of the opposition, without any valid reason or evidence. However, despite grave allegations, the government is refusing to take action against Shri Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. Only recently, that too after the intervention of the Supreme Court, FIR has been filed against the WFI Chairman. Having lost faith in the government, the wrestlers went to the Ganga to throw their medals into the river. However, they are stopped by the leaders of the Kisan Union. Now, the khap Maha Panchayat of Haryana has set 9th June as the deadline to take action against Shri Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. The government is refusing to take action against Shri Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, due to the simple fact that he belongs to the ruling party. The whole country is witnessing this.