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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Election campaign meeting at Ghaziabad on 5th September 2019.

An election campaign meeting for 8th membership verification was held at Ghaziabad on 5th September 2019. Com.Ramesh Kumar, District President, presided over. It was addressed by Com. Upender Singh Teotia, Circle Secretary, UP(West), Com.J.B.Tyagi, vice-president and circle president, Com.Jugendra Singh, circle treasurer and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS. The speakers in their deliberations, explained in detail about the present financial crisis of BSNL and the conspiracy of the government to kill the company. They also explained the issues of VRS package, reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58 etc. They also appealed to the employees to keep ready for a long and sustained struggle to protect BSNL and it's employees.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Utter confusion prevailing in BSNL – AUAB decides to launch a 3 day Relay Hunger Strike from 20th November, 2019, to protect the interests of BSNL, employees and the VRS optees..

A meeting of the AUAB was held yesterday the 14.11.2019. General Secretaries / representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BSNL MS, SNATTA, BSNL ATM and BSNL OA, participated. The meeting expressed it's serious concern that the Management has not taken any step for the payment of October salary. Employees are facing untold miseries due to the non-remittance of the recoveries made from their salaries for the past six months. Further, the meeting expressed it’s deep anguish about the inability of the BSNL Management to start 4G service promptly, even though government has already decided to allot 4G spectrum.

In the name of VRS, employees are being sent home massively under pressure and duress. In reality, it has become an FRS (Forced Retirement Scheme). Employees are being continuously threatened, that their retirement age would be reduced to 58 years. 3rd Pay Revision, when implemented retrospectively, and pension revision, have become a big question mark for the VRS optees.

A VRS optee can get Pension Commutation only when he attains 60 years of age. However, as per the existing rules, a retiree has to apply for pension commutation within one year of his retirement. Otherwise, he has to undergo medical examination. This issue is going to create a very big problem for all the VRS optees.

If a VRS optee dies before attaining 60 years of age, then his family will not get the benefit of pension commutation. This will cause a massive loss to the family of the VRS optees.

Without sorting out all these issues, the employees are being forced to opt for VRS. After this massive VRS, how the workload will be coped with, or what will be the structure of the Company? Management is not bothered to discuss the road map on all these issues in advance with the unions and associations. They are only interested in retrenching the employees massively.

The AUAB meeting, after thoroughly discussing all the above issues, has decided to organise a 3 day Relay Hunger Strike  on 20th, 21st and 22nd November, 2019, at the Corporate Office, circle and district levels, demanding settlement of all these issues. All circle and district secretaries are requested to organise this hunger strike programme effectively, in coordination with the other constituents of the AUAB. Detailed circular of the AUAB will follow.

17 - Sep - 2020
Deaths due to the Corona Virus Disease crosses 1,00,000.

The deaths world over, due to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), has crossed the 1,00,000 mark. According to the International News Agency AFP, the death toll reached 1,00,859 at 19:00 hrs. GMT on 10th April, 2020. World over, 16,64,110 persons are affected by the Corona Virus Disease in 193 countries.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "All India Centre meeting held today, through video conferencing."

बीएसएनएलईयू की केंद्रीय सचिवालय की बैठक आज  (15.06.2020) वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से उत्साहपूर्वक आयोजित हुई।

बीएसएनएलईयू की केंद्रीय सचिवालय की बैठक, जिसमें सभी केंद्रीय पदाधिकारी शामिल हैं, आज (15.06.2020) उत्साहपूर्वक आयोजित की गई।  इस बैठक में सभी 25 केंद्रीय पदाधिकारियों ने हिस्सा लिया।  बैठक की अध्यक्षता कॉम अनिमेश मित्रा ने की।  सभी सदस्यों  ने एक मिनट के लिए मौन में खड़े रहे और वडोदरा CEC की बैठक के बाद निधन होने वाले साथियों के साथ-साथ प्रवासी श्रमिकों को भी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की, जिन्होंने लॉक-डाउन लागू होने के बाद अपने गृह राज्यों के लिए रास्ते में चलते हुए या वाहनों या रेल से प्रवास करते हुए अपनी जान गंवा दी थी।  कॉम पी अभिमन्यु, महासचिव, इन्होंने विस्तारित चर्चा के लिए नोट (टिप्पणी) प्रस्तुत किया।  सभी केंद्रीय सचिवालय सदस्यों ने विचार-विमर्श में भाग लिया।  उन्होंने लॉक डाउन अवधि के दौरान CHQ के प्रभावी कामकाज की सराहना की।  उन सभी ने बीएसएनएल के पुनरुद्धार के लिए सरकार की कार्रवाई में असहनीय देरी पर  अपनी गंभीर चिंता व्यक्त की, जिसमें बीएसएनएल की 4 जी सेवा शामिल थी।  बैठक मे कर्मचारियों के गंभीर मुद्दों को निपटाने में बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन की असंवेदनशीलता पर कड़ी नाराजगी व्यक्त की।  बैठक में मोदी सरकार की मजदूर विरोधी और जनविरोधी नीतियों के खिलाफ प्रतिरोधक आंदोलनों के निर्माण के लिए केंद्रीय ट्रेड यूनियन की सराहना की और 03 जुलाई, 2020 को देशव्यापी विरोध प्रदर्शनों सहित सभी कार्यक्रमों में पूरी तरह से भाग लेने का संकल्प किया।

17 - Sep - 2020
Why Rs.13,000 crore should not be recovered from Reliance Jio? – asks the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court, which is presently hearing the case of AGR dues, to be paid by private telecom companies, has asked why Rs.13,000 crore could not be recovered from Reliance Jio, towards AGR dues to be paid by Reliance Communications (owned by Anil Ambani). Reliance Jio has acquired 47.50 Mhz spectrum in the 800 Mhz band from Reliance Communications. Further, Jio is also sharing spectrum with Reliance Communications in 15 circles. So, totally Jio is using 58.75 Mhz spectrum from Reliance Communications, in the 800 Mhz band. The total AGR dues to be paid by Reliance Communications is calculated at Rs.25,194.58 crore. On August 14th, the Supreme Court raised the question why Rs.13,000 crore should not be recovered from Reliance Jio, towards the spectrum it has acquired / using from Reliance Communications.

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hubli MP.

Memorandum submitted to Shri Prahallad Joshi, Hon'ble MP, Hubli, Karnataka.

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17 - Sep - 2020
What is the definition of "Predatory Pricing" according to the TRAI.

In the wake of leading private telecom companies like Airtel, Idea and Vodafone, complaining against the predatory pricing by Reliance Jio, the TRAI has issued definition for predatory pricing. This definition is given by making an amendment to the "Telecommunication Tariff order".

According to this, a tariff will be considered predatory, if in a “relevant market”, a telecom operator with over 30 per cent market share, offers services at a price which is below the average “variable cost”, with a view to reduce competition or eliminate the competitors in the “relevant market”, as per an amendment made by TRAI in the Telecommunication Tariff order.

Under the new rules, TRAI will impose financial disincentive of up to Rs 50 lakh per circle on operators if their service rates are found to be predatory in nature.

(Source : PTI dated 27-02-2018)

17 - Sep - 2020
Week-long campaign of the AUAB, demanding the rolling back of Subsidiary Tower Company and anti-BSNL policies of the government started.

The All Unions and Associations of BSNL, had decided to conduct week long campaign programme throughout the country, from 7th to 11th May, 2018, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company, as well as opposing the anti-BSNL and  anti- Public Sector policies of the government. In accordance with this call, the programme of conducting street corner meetings has started throughout the country in right earnest. CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to effectively organise this programme and send report and photos to the CHQ.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU once again demands re-engagement of the retrenched contract workers.

The Corporate Office has recently issued letter for retrenching 30% of the contract workers, for cutting down the expenditures of the Company. BSNLEU has already demanded the CMD BSNL and the Director (HR) that, the retrenched contract workers could be gainfully re-engaged in sales and marketing activities. Several rounds of discussions have already taken place with the CMD BSNL and the Director (HR). Eventhough, the CMD BSNL and the Director (HR) have already accepted the proposal of BSNLEU, no letter has been issued so far for the re-engagement of the retrenched contract workers. In today’s meeting with the GM(SR), the representatives of BSNLEU demanded early implementation of the assurance given by the Director (HR). The GM(SR) assured that necessary action would be taken in this regard.

17 - Sep - 2020
Enthusiastic strike preparatory meeting at Ranchi.

All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) of   Jharkhand circle conducted a preparatory meeting at Ranchi on 29th November 2018 in the telephone exchange for the indefinite strike from 3rd December 2018. The meeting was addressed by Com. Swapan Chakraborty Dy.GS, BSNLEU, Com.Mahavir Singh, National  Secretary and Circle Secretary of NFTE-BSNL, Com.B.Narayan, former Vice-President of BSNLEU (CHQ), Com. Sashikant Prasad, CS, AIBSNLEA, Jharkhand, Com.Ajai Kumar, DS, SNEA, Com.Arvind Kumar, CS, AIGTEOA and Com.Maheswar Prasad, CS,BSNL MS. Addressing the meeting the leaders explained in detail the background of taking decision for the agitational programme by the AUAB and appealed to all employees to participate in the indefinite strike from 3rd December till the issues are settled. All employees expressed their concern and assured that the strike will be complete in the circle and agreed to sacrifice the wages for the Indefinite Strike.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Demonstrations against VRS - Talks with the Director (HR) fails - programme will take place as per schedule.

Consequent to the call that has been given for conducting protest demonstrations tomorrow, against VRS, Ms. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR), called the concerned unions and associations for talks today. Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, AIBSNLEA, BSNL MS and BSNL OA participated in the talks. Com.Swapan Chakraborty represented BSNLEU. The Director (HR) appealed to the representatives of the unions and associations to call off the demonstration. However, this was not accepted. As per the call, protest demonstrations will be held tomorrow, as per schedule.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU and BSNLCCWF to organise massive dharnas at Corporate Office and circle head quarters on 16.07.2019."

BSNLEU और BSNLCCWF द्वारा 16.07.2019 को कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस और सर्किल हेडक्वार्टर पर विशाल धरना आयोजित किया जाएगा...
BSNLEU और BSNLCCWF ने निर्णय लिया है कि 16.07.2019 को कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस और सर्किल हेड क्वार्टर पर  कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स के वेजेस के एरियर्स का शीघ्र भुगतान करने और कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस द्वारा जारी  कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स की छटनी के निर्देश को वापस लिए जाने की मैनेजमेंट से मांग करते हुए विशाल धरना आयोजित किया जाएगा। BSNLEU की सभी सर्किल यूनियन्स से अनुरोध है कि वें सर्किल हेडक्वार्टर में विशाल धरना आयोजित करने हेतु हर संभव प्रयास करें। BSNLEU के सभी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट सेक्रेटरीज से अनुरोध है कि वें कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स यूनियन्स (BSNL CCWF) से संपर्क कर अधिक से अधिक संख्या में कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स की भी धरने में सहभागिता सुनिश्चित करें।

17 - Sep - 2020
Election campaign meeting at GMTD office Bhopal.

Com.Balbir Singh, Vice President, addressed a well attended election campaign meeting at GMTD office Bhopal on 04th September, 2019. The meeting was presided over by Com. Rashid Ali, District President. Com. Salamat Ali, District Secretary welcomed all. Com. Balbir Singh, explained about the present financial crisis of BSNL, it's reasons and the role of AUAB, particularly, the role of BSNLEU, in the revival of BSNL were explained. VRS, reduction of retirement age from  60 years to 58 years, 4-G spectrum for BSNL, and other staff issues were also explained. He clarified the rumours being spread on the issue of wage revision and told that the struggle for wage revision will continue. The meeting was also addressed by Com. Prakash Sharma CS & AGS, Com. B.S Raghuvanshi, Circle President, Senior leaders, Com. H.S.Thakur and S.C Shrivsatva.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Bihar, held at Patna, on 13th November 2019.

The Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Bihar circle, was held at Patna on 13th November, 2019. The meeting was presided over by Com.Ramsobhit Singh. Com. B.P.Singh, Circle Secretary, presented the report on activities of the circle. Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, reported the decisions of the Ghaziabad CEC meeting. He explained in detail about BSNL's Revival Package approved by the cabinet, issues related to the VRS and the General Strike to be held on 8th January 2020. He also replied to the queries raised by the members on VRS. Com.Sunithi Choudhury, BSNLCCW & ACS, BSNLEU, Bihar, also addressed the meeting. All circle executive committee members and district secretaries submitted their views and participated in the discussions. The Circle Executive Committee decided to make the General Strike total in Bihar circle.

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17 - Sep - 2020
AUAB circular no.110 dated 07.02.2020, conveying the decisions taken in it’s meeting held yesterday the 06.02.2020.

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17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the following list of donations from West Bengal circle, to the "Contract Workers Relief Fund".

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17 - Sep - 2020
Contract workers provided with relief materials in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh circle.

As a part of BSNLEU’s ongoing efforts to provide relief to the contract workers, 15 contract workers were provided with food material packets in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh circle. Each worker was provided with food materials costing Rs 1,500/-. CITU leaders, Com Netaji and Com Nalini Kant, Com P. Suresh, DS BSNLEU, Com Enoch, DS AIBDPA and leading comrades of BSNLEU and AIBDPA participated in this programme. 

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17 - Sep - 2020
CEC meeting of BSNLEU is to be held online on 10th & 11th September, 2020.

The All India Centre meeting of BSNLEU, held online today, decided to hold the Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU on 10th & 11th September, 2020. Due to lock-down and other restrictions on movement, this CEC meeting will be held online. Central Executive Committee members participating in this meeting will be entitled for availing special casual leave as per Rules.

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to shri R.S. Bharati, MP, Chennai.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to shri R.S. Bharati, Hon’ble MP, Chennai.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Enthusiastic conference of BSNLEU, Andaman & Nicobar circle.

The circle conference of BSNLEU, Andaman and Nicobar circle, was held enthusiastically at Port Blair, yesterday the 06-05-2018. A&N is a very small circle, far away from the Indian mainland. However, the militant comrades of this circle, keep the BSNLEU flag flying high, despite many adversities. The circle conference also truly reflected this picture. Comrades working in the remote Diglipur, the northern most part of the Islands, as well as the comrades working in the far off Campbell Bay, the southern most part, enthusiastically participated in the Conference. The Union Flag was hoisted by Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary. Com.S.P.Kalairajan, circle secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.Rajagopal, circle president, presided over. The inaugural address was delivered by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS. He dealt at length on the issue of wage revision, and other issues of the Non-Executives. Deliberations took place on the report submitted by Com.S.P.Kalairajan, CS. An impressive Open Session was held in the post-lunch session. It was addressed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, Shri V.Jagadeesan, CGM, Com.D.Ayyappan, GS, Gazetted Officer's Association, Com.K.G.Das, former GS, NGO's Association, Com. Vinod Krishna, CS, SNEA, addressed it. Unanimous election of office bearers was held. Later in the evening, Com.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed a meeting of the Contract Workers and explained about their various problems and the steps being taken by BSNLEU and the BSNLCCWF.

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