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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
General Secretary, BSNLEU, addressed the CWC meeting of CITU, being held at Visakhapatnam.

The 3 day Central Working Committee (CWC) meeting of CITU, started today at Visakhapatnam. Com.K.Hemalata, President, CITU, is presiding, and delivered the presidential address. Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, presented the report on activities. In his detailed presentation, Com.Tapan Sen explained about the anti-PSU and pro-Corporate policies of the BJP rule. He called on the CWC meeting to make the 2 day General Strike, to be held on 8th and 9th, January, 2019, a great success. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, who is a special invitee to this meeting, addressed and gave a detailed picture of developments taking place in BSNL, and also about the united struggles going on to save and strengthen BSNL.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Interim report of IIM-Ahmedabad on the revival / restructuring of BSNL.

The Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad has been asked to give a report on the revival of BSNL. Accordingly, the Institute has submitted it’s interim report. The report carries some good recommendations, as well as some recommendations which are unacceptable. Our comrades are requested to go through the report and to send their views to the CHQ, based on which the Union will take a final view of the report.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Meeting with the GM(BFCI).

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, met Shri P.C. Bhatt, GM(BFCI), yesterday, and discussed the following issues:-


  1. Renewal of the MoUs with Canara Bank and Bank of India.

BSNLEU has already written to the GM(BFCI), demanding that the MoUs signed with Canara Bank and Bank of India should be renewed, since they have expired. In yesterday’s meeting, the GM(BFCI) was urged upon to expedite the renewal of the MoUs.


  1. Releasing funds for payment of wages of contract workers.

It was taken to the notice of the GM(BFCI) that in all circles, contract workers are not paid wages for several months. Since, these workers are engaged in the maintenance of the networks, non-payment of wages would hamper the maintenance works. The GM(BFCI) was urged upon to release the funds at the earliest.  

17 - Sep - 2020
WFTU - TUI Transports & Communications raises it's voice against US aggressions in Venezuela.

It is a well known fact that the US imperialism is taking all out efforts to overthrow the elected government in Venezuela. The US imperialism has already imposed sanctions on Venezuela, to cripple it’s economy. The US has ordered that no country should import oil from Venezuela. Billions of dollars are being pumped into Venezuela, by the US imperialism, to oust Maduro, who is the democratically elected president of Venezuela. The whole game plan of the US imperialism is to topple the elected government of Venezuela, and to install it’s puppet government in that country, so as to loot the huge oil reserves that Venezuela is having. The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and the Trade Union International (TUI Transports & Communications) have raised their voices against the blatant aggression of the US imperialism on Venezuela. The leaders of the TUI Transports & Communications, belonging to France, Britain, Russia, Turkey, etc., have gone to Venezuela now, to express their solidarity to the people of Venezuela, and against the aggression of US imperialism in that country. BSNLEU heartily congratulates all the leaders of the TUI Transports & Communications, who are participating in this programme and shares their spirit of solidarity with Venezuela.

Long live the elected government of Venezuela !

Down with aggressions of US imperialism !!

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17 - Sep - 2020
Bharatiya Telecom Employees Union (BTEU BSNL) and Telecom Officers Association of BSNL (TOA BSNL) support the hunger strike being organised by the AUAB on 18.10.2019.

All out efforts are being made, to unite all the unions and associations of BSNL, to solve the issue of salary payment on time, as well as the revival of the BSNL. Now we wish to inform that the BTEU BSNL and TOA BSNL have informed that they support the 18th October, hunger strike.

17 - Sep - 2020
CITU and BSNL employees give relief fund to the family of the contract worker committed suicide at Nilambur, Kerala.

Unable to face the financial crisis created due to the non-payment of wages, many contract workers have committed suicide in BSNL. Com.Ramakrishnan, a physically challenged contract worker, working at Nilambur, Kerala circle, also committed suicide. Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) and BSNL Employees have collected relief fund to the family of Com.Ramakrishnan and same has been handed over to his family. Com.Elamaram Kareem, MP & General Secretary, CITU, Kerala, handed over Rs.7 lakh, to the family of Com.Ramakrishnan, in a largely attended meeting in Nilambur on 26.12.2019. The meeting was addressed by Com.Elamaram Kareem, MP and Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, President, BSNLCCWF. Two days prior to this, Rs.5,61,200/- collected from BSNL employees, was handed over to the family of Com.Ramakrishnan.  BSNLEU appreciates and heartily congratulates the CITU and the comrades of BSNL for raising the funds to help the family of Com.Ramakrishnan.

17 - Sep - 2020
Announcement by Government of India regarding retirement of staff on superannuation on 31st March 2020.


Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Retirement of Government Servants on 31st March, 2020

Posted On: 31 MAR 2020 5:32PM by PIB Delhi

In view of the unprecedented situation arising out of country-wide lockdown declared by the Government consequent to the outbreak of COVID-19, it is clarified that the central Government employees who are attaining the age of superannuation on 31st March, 2020 in terms of Fundamental Rule 56 and  due to retire, shall retire from Central Government service on 31st March, 2020, irrespective of whether they are working from home or working from office.


17 - Sep - 2020
Cutting down the ceiling for Outdoor Treatment from 23 days’ pay to 15 days’ pay – Chief Labour Commissioner acts on BSNLEU’s letter and advises CMD BSNL to take appropriate action.

The Corporate Office issued letter on 08.05.2020, cutting down the ceiling for Outdoor Treatment expenditure from 23 days’ pay to 15 days’ pay. Immediately, BSNLEU wrote a strong letter to CMD BSNL, demanding to restore the ceiling back to 23 days’ pay. A copy of this letter was endorsed to the CLC. The CLC in turn, has sent an email to the CMD BSNL, advising him to take appropriate action on BSNLEU’s letter. Obviously, the action taken by the BSNL Management, cutting down the Outdoor Treatment ceiling, has not gone down well with the CLC, especially when the nation is faced with the crisis of the Coronoa Virus Disease.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Airtel’s net loss is Rs.15,933 crore in the first quarter (April to June).

Airtel has reported a net loss of Rs.15,933 crore in the first quarter, i.e., from April to June, 2020. Airtel’s loss for the same period in last year was at Rs.2,866 crore.

[Source: ET Telecom – 29.07.2020]

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL came to a grinding halt. Strike continues for the second day.

The strike, called on by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL was a historic success on the first day, i.e., yesterday. It was total, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. The attempts made by the BSNL Management to break the strike, by creating confusions, got a befitting reply from the employees, who brought BSNL to a grinding halt. Today, the strike is taking place more vigorously. The employees have expressed their determination to get the demands settled.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU urges upon the GM (Restg.) to hold the Joint Committee on PLI, without further delay.

A Joint Committee on PLI has already been formed to decide about the quantum of PLI to be paid to the employees for the year 2015-16. The last meeting of this Committee was held on 16.10.2017. Thereafter, no meeting has been called on. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, discussed this with Shri Ashutosh Gupta, GM(Restg.), today, and urged upon him to hold a meeting of the Joint Committee on PLI without further delay. The GM (Restg.) agreed to call on the meeting soon.

17 - Sep - 2020
Two day circle executive committee meeting of West Bengal, resolves to implement the Ghaziabad CEC decisions effectively.

The two day Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, WB Circle was held at Katwa, Burdwan, on 27th& 28th October, 2018.  The meeting started with the hoisting of the Union Red flag by Circle President Com. Nazes Nouroz. Homage was paid to the legendary leader, Com.K.G.Bose, by garlanding his statue.  Com. Anjan Chatterjee, President, CITU, Burdwan (East) district, inaugurated the Conference.

After the inaugural session, the subjects committee started. 20 districts Unions, 36 Branch unions and 14 circle office bearers participated. Asstt. Circle Secretary, Com. Amitava Chattopadhyay presented the report on activities. Com. Madhusudan Saha, Circle Treasurer placed the un-audited statement of accounts.

Com. Animesh Mitra, Circle Secretary, in his speech,  emphasised the need to join the  two day General Strike to be held on 8th and 9th January, 2019 and also the strike to be organised in BSNL, as per the call of the AUAB, for settling the 3rd PRC to the BSNL Employees. He appealed to the delegates that a powerful campaign should be organized at the grass root level to make the strikes successful.  Com. Banani Chattopadhyay, Joint Convener, Working Women Coordinating Committee, reported on the functioning of the Committee in the circle. Decisions were taken to organise the struggle programme called on by the AUAB very effectively, and also to organise trade union classes throughout the circle, to educate the cadres. As regards the betterment of services, it was decided to effectively implement the "BSNL at your door step" movement with all seriousness.  A rally and public meeting were also organised effectively, in connection with the meeting.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of AUAB Circular no.63 dated 12.01.2019.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad once again takes over as the Minister of Communications."


श्री रवि शंकर प्रसाद एक बार पुनः संचार मंत्री बने...
श्री रवि शंकर प्रसाद, एक प्रतिष्ठित अधिवक्ता और मंजे हुए राजनेता, ने एक बार पुनः माननीय संचार मंत्री के रूप में पदभार ग्रहण किया है। श्री मनोज सिन्हा के पदभार ग्रहण करने तक, 2014 से संचार का यह पद उनके पास पूर्व में भी था। श्री रवि शंकर प्रसाद, कॉल ड्राप के मुद्दे पर निजी कंपनियों को आड़े हाथों लेने का साहस प्रदर्शित करने वाले प्रथम संचार मंत्री थे। सत्ताधारी बीजेपी के वरिष्ठ लीडर होने के नाते श्री रवि शंकर प्रसाद, अपने निर्णयों का निर्भीकता पूर्वक क्रियान्वयन करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं। हमें उम्मीद है कि माननीय मंत्री महोदय बीएसएनएल के रिवाइवल के प्रकरण में DoT में बैठे नौकरशाहों द्वारा निर्मित अवरोधों को दूर करने में सफल होंगे। BSNLEU, श्री रवि शंकर प्रसाद का अभिनंदन करते हुए आश्वासित करती है कि बीएसएनएल के रिवाइवल हेतु वह पूर्णरूपेण सहयोग करेगी।

17 - Sep - 2020
Punjab circle organises enthusiastic Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting, despite heavy rains.


The extended circle executive committee meeting of BSNLEU, Punjab circle, was held enthusiastically at Jalandhar today. Despite heavy rain, a large number of comrades from various SSAs of Punjab circle participated in this meeting. Com. A.K. Verma, Vice President presided over the meeting. Com. Balbir Singh, Circle Secretary welcomed every one and addressed the meeting. All the District Secretaries participated in the discussion and expressed their views regarding BSNL's present condition and about the 8th membership verification. Finally Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary addressed the meeting and explained about our approach towards the 8th membership verification, as well as about, the financial revival of BSNL, Land monetisation, VRS, 58 years, etc. He also clarified the doubts raised by the comrades. CHQ appreciates the Punjab circle union for organising an enthusiastic programme, despite heavy rains.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Human chains organised in Kerala circle demanding payment of contract workers' wages.

In Kerala circle, continuous struggles are taking place, demanding immediate payment of the wages of the contract workers. It is a matter of serious concern that, payment of contract workers has not been done for the past 8 months. Strike, dharnas, demonstrations, etc., are going on continuously. Human chains are organised in Kannur, Malappuram and Pathanamthitta SSAs. A wider platform, supporting the strike has also been formed.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Government forms one more Group of Ministers - says it is to expedite the revival of BSNL and MTNL.

The government has formed one more Group of Ministers (GoM) in connection with the revival of BSNL and MTNL. It is reported that this GoM will expedite the implementation of the Cabinet decisions already taken, in connection with the revival of BSNL and MTNL. Members of this new GOM are Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, IT and Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, Home Minister Amit Shah, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal and Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.

[ Source : PTI dt. 28-12-2019]

17 - Sep - 2020
GPF deductions being remitted to the DoT.

It is informed by the Director( HR) today that, the deductions made from employees salary, towards GPF, is being remitted to the DoT.


डायरेक्टर (HR) ने सूचित किया है कि, कर्मचारियों के वेतन से की गई GPF कटौती की सम्पूर्ण राशि DoT को प्रेषित की जा रही है।

17 - Sep - 2020
DoT recommends banning Huawei and ZTE from 5G trials.

As per media reports, a committee of the DoT has recommended to the government, to ban Chinese Telecom Equipment makers, Huawei and ZTE, from participating in 5G trials. Following this, both the Chinese companies will be banned in the 5G auction process also. It is reported this decision is taken after the Government of India has imposed restrictions on public procurement, from countries sharing their borders with India.

[Source: ET Telecom – 29.07.2020]

17 - Sep - 2020
Best Wishes and Warm Greetings on 69th Republic Day.

BSNLEU extends best wishes and warm greetings to all, on the occasion of the 69th Republic Day of our great nation. Democracy, secularism and socialism are the basic concepts of our constitution. Let us all strive to up hold these ideals.