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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

21 - Apr - 2023
BSNLEU conveys best wishes and warm greetings on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Fitr.

BSNLEU conveys best wishes and warm greetings to all the comrades on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Fitr. Let the festival bring peace, harmony and joy in the lives of all.

21 - Apr - 2023
BSNL Corporate Office issues letter for payment of IDA at the increased rate of 202.3% w.e.f 01-04-2023.

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21 - Apr - 2023
Inclusion of statutory obligations in the contract for protecting the rights of contractual employees engaged on outsource basis in Government Offices - Request to Chief Secretaries/Administrators of all States/UTs - Press Information Bureau report.

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20 - Apr - 2023
Meeting held with Director (HR) on Health Insurance Scheme.

All trade unions and associations have already rejected the exorbitantly hike of premium rate of Health Insurance Scheme. Consequent to this, Director (HR) had arranged a meeting with the Recognised Unions on 19.04.2023. Elaborate discussion took place in the meeting and ultimately it was decided not to accept the exorbitantly hike of premium from Oriental Insurance Company. Fresh quotation would be called from top ten Insurance Company in the market for further proceedings.

20 - Apr - 2023
BSNL Sports Board meeting held on 19.04.2023, after continuous persuasion of BSNLEU.

It was after continuous persuasion of BSNLEU, the meeting was held on 19th April 2023, under the chairmanship of Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR). Com. John Verghese, Dy.GS, represented BSNLEU.


Review the arbitrary sports compendium.

BSNLEU insisted on keeping the Anti sports compendium in abeyance until a consensus is formed on the new changes. BSNLEU strongly demanded that a review committee should be formed, which should include members from the union side who have knowledge about sports, to review the same. 


Career Progression.

Regarding career progression, we bought to the notice that many deserving candidates who have applied have been left out. All the cases recommended by the CGM sent to Corporate Office should be considered as per the old policy before implementation of the new Sports compendium. We showcased the cases of West Bengal, Odisha, Karnataka and others. The Board agreed to call for all such cases and new cases as of today and process them accordingly.


Director (HR) also agreed for the promotion of sports recruited person to the level of executive after getting medals at international level.


Certain rates for conducting All India meets were revised for Mementoes and refreshments.

19 - Apr - 2023
Rent for the residential quarters allotted to the CHQs of Recognised Unions and Associations - CHQ writes to the CMD BSNL.

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19 - Apr - 2023
Rent payable by the CHQ of Recognised Unions and Associations for residential quarters - Corporate Office issues revised letter.

On 18.10.2022, the BSNL Management issued letter for allotment of residential quarters to the CHQ of Recognised Unions and Associations.  As per this, rent will have to be paid based on CROP.  According to this, the rent to be paid by the CHQ of BSNLEU, for the Type-IV quarters, will be around Rs.25,000/- per month.  Against these instructions, BSNLEU strongly demanded that the Recognised Unions and Associations should not be forced to pay rent as per CROP.  Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL on 02.02.2023 and discussed the issue in detail.  The CMD BSNL assured to revisit the issue. Accordingly, today the Corporate Office has issued revised letter, as per which only License fee needs to be paid as rent.  BSNLEU heartily thanks Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL for this.

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19 - Apr - 2023
Hindi translation of "Rent payable by the CHQ of Recognised Unions and Associations for residential quarters - Corporate Office issues revised letter."

मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियनों और एसोसिएशनों के सीएचक्यू द्वारा आवासीय क्वाटर्स के लिए देय किराया - कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस ने  संशोधित पत्र जारी किया है ।

दिनांक 18.10.2022 को बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन ने मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियनों एवं एसोसिएशनों के सीएचक्यू को आवासीय क्वार्टर आवंटन हेतु पत्र जारी किया । इसके अनुसार CROP के आधार पर किराए का भुगतान करना होगा । इसके अनुसार, टाइप-IV क्वार्टर के लिए BSNLEU के सीएचक्यू द्वारा भुगतान किया जाने वाला किराया लगभग रु. 25,000/- प्रति माह होगा । इन निर्देशों के खिलाफ, BSNLEU ने पुरजोर मांग की थी कि मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियनों और एसोसिएशनों को CROP के अनुसार किराए का भुगतान करने के लिए मजबूर नहीं किया जाना चाहिए । साथी पी. अभिमन्यु, महासचिव ने श्री पी.के. पुरवार, सीएमडी बीएसएनएल से 02.02.2023 को इस मुद्दे पर विस्तार से चर्चा की । सीएमडी बीएसएनएल ने इस मुद्दे पर फिर से विचार करने का आश्वासन दिया। तदनुसार, आज कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय ने संशोधित पत्र जारी किया है, जिसके अनुसार किराए के रूप में केवल लाइसेंस फ़ी का भुगतान करने की आवश्यकता है । BSNLEU श्री पी.के. पुरवार, सीएमडी बीएसएनएल इसके लिए हृदय से धन्यवाद देता है । 

19 - Apr - 2023
“Immunity from Transfers” to the office bearers of BSNLEU – President and Dy. GS met the Director (HR)..

Violating the Corporate Office order on “Immunity from Transfers”, the Gujarat circle administration has transferred the Vadodara District Secretary of BSNLEU, out of the district. The CHQ of BSNLEU is strongly taking up this case. The GS, BSNLEU, has written a detailed letter on this issue, to the Director (HR). Com.Animesh Mitra, President and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS, met Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) today and discussed the case in detail.  They have demanded implementation of the Corporate Office order without any deviation.  The Director (HR) has assured to look into the issue.

19 - Apr - 2023
Hindi translation of "“Immunity from Transfers” to the office bearers of BSNLEU – President and Dy. GS met the Director (HR)."

BSNLEU के पदाधिकारियों को "इम्युनिटी फ्रॉम ट्रान्सफ़र" - अध्यक्ष और उप महासचिव नियामक (मानव संसाधन) से मिले।

"इम्युनिटी फ्रॉम ट्रान्सफ़र " पर कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय के आदेश का उल्लंघन करते हुए, गुजरात सर्कल प्रशासन ने BSNLEU के वड़ोदरा जिला सचिव को जिले से बाहर स्थानांतरित कर दिया है । BSNLEU का सीएचक्यू इस मामले को मजबूती से उठा रहा है । महासचिव, BSNLEU ने इस मुद्दे पर नियामक (मानव संसाधन) को एक विस्तृत पत्र लिखा है । साथी अनिमेष मित्रा, अध्यक्ष और साथी जॉन वर्गीश, उप महासचिव, श्री अरविंद वाडनेरकर, नियामक (मानव संसाधन) से मिले और मामले पर विस्तार से चर्चा की । उन्होंने कॉर्पोरेट कार्यालय के आदेश को बिना किसी विचलन के लागू करने की मांग की है । निदेशक (मानव संसाधन) ने मामले की जांच का आश्वासन दिया है 

18 - Apr - 2023
All the Recognised Unions and Associations rejects the premium rates quoted by Oriental Insurance Company.

As all are aware, the MoU signed between BSNL and Oriental Insurance Company expires on 30.04.2023. For renewal of the MoU, Oriental Insurance Company has quoted extremely high rates of premium.  Even after several rounds of discussions held between the Recognised Unions & Associations and BSNL Management, the Oriental Insurance Company refused to reduce the premium rates.  Hence, all the Recognised Unions and Associations, viz., BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, wrote to the Management today, rejecting the premium rates offered by the Oriental Insurance Company.  They have also requested the Management to immediately call for quotations from the open market. Further, they have also requested the Management to ensure the immediate empanelment of hospitals for ensuring cashless treatments to the employees.

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18 - Apr - 2023
Hindi translation of "All the Recognised Unions and Associations rejects the premium rates quoted by Oriental Insurance Company."

सभी मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियन और एसोसिएशन ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी द्वारा प्रदर्शित प्रीमियम दरों को अस्वीकार करते हैं।

जैसा कि सभी जानते हैं, बीएसएनएल और ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी के बीच एमओयू 30.04.2023 को समाप्त हो रहा है।  एमओयू के नवीनीकरण के लिए ओरिएण्टल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी ने प्रीमियम की अत्यधिक ऊंची दरें प्रदर्शित की हैं।  मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियनों और एसोसिएशनों और बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन के बीच कई दौर की चर्चा के बाद भी ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी ने प्रीमियम दरों को कम करने से इनकार कर दिया।  इसलिए, सभी मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियनों और एसोसिएशनों अर्थात, BSNLEU, एनएफटीई, एआईजीईटीओए, एसएनईए ने आज प्रबंधन को लिखकर ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस कंपनी द्वारा दी जाने वाली प्रीमियम दरों को खारिज कर दिया।  उन्होंने प्रबंधन से खुले बाजार से तुरंत कोटेशन मंगवाने का भी अनुरोध किया है।  इसके अलावा, उन्होंने प्रबंधन से कर्मचारियों को कैशलेस उपचार सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अस्पतालों के तत्काल पैनल को सुनिश्चित करने का भी अनुरोध किया है।

18 - Apr - 2023
Punchok Dorjey, who committed sexual harassments against women employees is finally removed from Ludhiana.

The CHQ of BSNLEU wishes to inform that, Shri Punchok Dorjey has finally been relieved from Ludhiana. Transfer order was issued to him in December, 2022. However, his reliever did not join at Ludhiana. Utilising this, Shri Punchok Dorjey continued to harass comrades of BSNLEU and others who are not in his good book. Under this circumstance, BSNLEU continued to press on the Management to ensure the immediate relieving of Shri Punchok Dorjey from Ludhiana. Even on 10.04.2023, BSNLEU wrote to the CMD BSNL demanding the immediate relieving of Shri Punchok Dorjey. Finally, order has been issued today to struck off Shri Punchok Dorjey from Ludhiana. With this, the struggle launched by BSNLEU to get rid of Punchok Dorjey, who committed sexual harassments against women employees has come to the conclusion.

18 - Apr - 2023
Hindi translation of "Punchok Dorjey, who committed sexual harassments against women employees is finally removed from Ludhiana."

महिला कर्मचारियों के खिलाफ यौन उत्पीड़न करने वाले पंचोक दोरजे को आखिरकार लुधियाना से हटा दिया गया है।

BSNLEU का सीएचक्यू सूचित करना चाहता है कि, श्री पंचोक दोरजे को आखिरकार लुधियाना से कार्यमुक्त कर दिया गया है।  उन्हें दिसंबर, 2022 में स्थानांतरण आदेश जारी किया गया था। हालांकि, उनके रिलीवर ने लुधियाना में ज्वाइन नहीं किया।  इसका उपयोग करते हुए, श्री पंचोक दोरजे ने  BSNLEU के साथियों और अन्य लोगों को परेशान करना जारी रखा, जो उनकी नजरों में ठीक नहीं हैं।  इन परिस्थितियों में, BSNLEU ने लुधियाना से श्री पंचोक दोरजे की तत्काल कार्यमुक्ति सुनिश्चित करने के लिए प्रबंधन पर दबाव डालना जारी रखा।  10.04.2023 को भी, BSNLEU ने सीएमडी बीएसएनएल को पत्र लिखकर श्री पंचोक दोरजे को तत्काल कार्यमुक्त करने की मांग की।  अंतत: लुधियाना से श्री पंचोक दोरजे को हटाने का आदेश आज जारी किया गया है।  इसके साथ, महिला कर्मचारियों के खिलाफ यौन उत्पीड़न करने वाले पंचोक दोरजे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए BSNLEU द्वारा शुरू किया गया संघर्ष समाप्त हो गया है।


18 - Apr - 2023
Management is trying to shift the responsibility for settling the problem related to immunity from transfer - case of Com. Anand Singh, District Secretary, BSNLEU, Vadodara.

BSNL Management has taken a stern attitude not to extend any trade union facility to the union leaders including immunity from transfer. CHQ has taken up the case of transfer of Com. Anand Singh, District Secretary, Vadodara, Gujarat circle. CHQ wrote a letter to the Director (HR) on the same subject. But it is learnt that, the Management is going to release the said official from ERP. Yesterday the 17.04.2023, Com.Animesh Mitra, President and Com. John Verghese, Dy.GS met Smt. Anita Johri, PGM (SR) and demanded for taking suitable action to consider our case. They also expressed the strong resentment over the negative attitude of the local administration. After hearing the grievances, the PGM (SR) talked to the GM (HR), Gujarat circle and gave a direction to settle the issue after a discussion with the union leaders. CHQ conveys it’s sharp reaction to the Management for snatching the TU facilities from the Recognised Unions.

18 - Apr - 2023
Corporate Office will upload guidelines to give option in favour of a higher pension.

Yesterday the 17.04.2023, Corporate Office arranged an online meeting with the union leaders. Shri Aravind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), explained all the inputs for the higher pension in EPF system. 3rd May is the last date to submit the option through online system. A joint declaration is to be uploaded from employees and employer too. Union leaders raised some points for its clarification. Recently, one court case has come at Kerala High Court on the subject. BSNLEU has suggested to open a help desk and also to arrange a similar meeting at circle level for speedy communication to the employees.

17 - Apr - 2023
Management issued notification for holding Telecom Technician LICE as online exam – this decision is arrogant and atrocious – BSNLEU writes to the Director (HR), demanding to hold the Telecom Technician LICE as offline exam.

It is shocking to note that, the Corporate Office has issued letter on 13.04.2023 for holding the Telecom Technician LICE of an online exam. The officials who will be writing the Telecom Technician LICE are Regular Mazdoors and equivalent cadres. These employees do not know computer operation. How the Management expects the RMs and equivalent cadres to appear in the examination on computers. BSNLEU has strongly demanded that all LICEs for the promotion of one Non-Executive cadre to another Non-Executive cadre, should be conducted only as offline exam. This issue was raised in the National Council and the Management Side has accepted the demand. However, thereafter, the Management has violated this assurance and has conducted the JE LICE as online exam. Now, the Management has issued notification to hold the Telecom Technician LICE also as online exam. This decision of the Management is arrogant and atrocious. BSNLEU has written letter to the Director (HR) today, demanding the Management to hold the Telecom Technician LICE as offline exam.

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17 - Apr - 2023
Views of Ambedkar Jayanthi celebrated in Kerala circle.

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15 - Apr - 2023
BSNL Employees Union celebrates Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Birth centenary through out the country.

As per the call of All India Centre of BSNLEU, the Birth centenary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, was celebrated through out the country yesterday. The photo of great social reformer was garlanded in all the offices of BSNL. Many circle and district union organised seminar, special meeting and paid homage to father of the Indian constitution. Some of the views of the celebration are enclosed.

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13 - Apr - 2023
BSNLEU pays respectful homage to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, one of the greatest social reformers of the world.

BSNLEU pays it’s respectful homage to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on the occasion of his 132nd birth anniversary. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is the Chairman of the Committee which drafted the Indian Constitution. Thus, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has played a great role in keeping India a democratic country even today. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar revolted against the oppression of man by man in the name of the caste system. His slogan, “Educate, Organise and Agitate” is much relevant even today. BSNL Employees Union resolves to march ahead on the footsteps of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar.