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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

04 - Dec - 2020
Caste-based names of localities will be changed – announces Maharashtra government.

The Maharashtra State Cabinet has taken the decision to change the caste-based names of localities in Maharashtra. Names of localities like Brahman-wada, Mahar-wada, Bouddh-wada, etc., will now be changed. This is really a progressive step, being taken by the Maharashtra government. BSNLEU welcomes the decision and appreciates the Maharashtra government. 

04 - Dec - 2020
Talks with government - kisans leaders refuse to accept tea, lunch offered by government..

The fourth round of talks between the agitating farmers’ representatives and three Union Ministers were held in the Vigyan Bhawan at New Delhi, yesterday. The representatives of the farmers refused to take even tea during the meeting. Further, when lunch break came, the farmers’ representatives refused to accept the lunch offered by the Ministers. Rather, they told that they had brought their own lunch and ate their rotis in meeting venue itself.  Certainly, the farmers representatives have set an example for all of us. 

04 - Dec - 2020
More views of the country wide demonstrations held on 03-12-2020, in support of the farmers' struggle.

View File

03 - Dec - 2020
BSNLEU organises country wide demonstrations, in support of the farmers’ struggle.

BSNLEU had given call to organise demonstrations in support of the lakhs of farmers, who are agitating on the borders of Delhi, demanding withdrawal of the recently passed Anti-Farmer Acts. Accepting the call of the CHQ of BSNLEU, lunch hour demonstrations have been effectively organised in many parts of the country. CHQ heartily thanks all the comrades. BSNLEU will continue to stand with the agitating farmers and will extend support to their justified struggles.

03 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of "Printing and publishing of Tele-Crusader started once again."

सीएचक्यू ने टेलीक्रूसेडर और बीएसएनएल स्वर की छपाई फिर से शुरू कर दी है।   

बीएसएनएलयू के सीएचक्यू ने लॉकडाउन के चलते टेलीक्रूसेडर और बीएसएनएल स्वरा की छपाई बंद कर दी है। पिछली बार टेलीक्रूसेडर और बीएसएनएल स्वर मार्च, 2020 में छपा था। अब स्थिति में सुधार होने के बाद से सीएचक्यू ने टेलीक्रूसेडर और बीएसएनएल स्वर की छपाई फिर से शुरू कर दी है। दिसंबर, 2020 के महीने के लिए टेलीक्रूसेडर की छपाई अभी चल रही है। इसे 05-12-2020 को भेजा जाएगा। बीएसएनएल स्वर भी प्रिंट कर अगले कुछ दिनों के भीतर भेजा जाएगा। 

03 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of "Corporate Office allots funds for payment of outstanding bills of the hospitals and retirees up to 31.03.2019."

निगम कार्यालय ने मार्च, 2019 तक अस्पतालों के बकाया बिलों और सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के बकाया मेडिकल बिलों के भुगतान के लिए धन भेजी।

BSNLEU के सीएचक्यू लगातार मांग कर रहे हैं कि अस्पतालों के बकाया मेडिकल बिलों और सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के मेडिकल बिलों का भी भुगतान किया जाए । हमें यह सूचित करते हुए प्रसन्नता हो रही है कि अब निगम कार्यालय ने अस्पताल के बिलों के भुगतान के लिए धन, मार्च, 2019  तक आवंटित कर दिया है और मार्च, 2019 तक सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के बिल भी आवंटित किए हैं।

03 - Dec - 2020
Corporate Office allots funds for payment of outstanding bills of the hospitals and retirees up to 31.03.2019..

BSNLEU has been consistently demanding that the Corporate Office should clear the pending bills of the empanelled hospitals so that our employees and retirees can avail cashless treatments. BSNLEU has raised this demand in various agitations also. Besides, BSNLEU has strongly written to the CMD BSNL that, the outstanding medical bills of the retirees should also be paid. The CHQ is glad to inform that the Corporate Office has now sent funds to the circles to clear the outstanding bills of the hospitals and outstanding medical bills of the retirees up to the period of March, 2019.

03 - Dec - 2020
Printing and publishing of Tele-Crusader started once again.

The CHQ has stopped the printing and publishing of Tele-Crusader after the imposition of lockdown and other restrictions, related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The last issue of the Tele-Crusader was printed and published in March, 2020. Thereafter, two issues of Tele-Crusader are released as e-copies. Now, the situation has improved and the CHQ has decided to once again start the printing and publishing of Tele-Crusader. Accordingly, the December, 2020 issue of the Tele-Crusader is under printing and will be will be despatched on 05.12.2020.

02 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of "Organise lunch demonstrations on 03.12.2020, in support of the Kisans struggle."

किसानों के संघर्ष के समर्थन में 03.12.2020 को भोजन अवकाश में प्रदर्शन आयोजित करें....

सरकार की अत्याचारपूर्ण कार्यवाही और साथ ही कड़कड़ाती ठंड का सामना करते हुए लाखों किसान संसद के विगत सत्र में पास किए गए किसान विरोधी कानून के विरोध में दिल्ली की सीमाओं पर आंदोलन में शिरकत कर रहे हैं। ये कानून लोभी कॉर्पोरेट्स के लिए किसानों का निर्दयतापूर्ण शोषण करने के लिए मार्ग प्रशस्त करेंगे। ऑल इंडिया सेन्टर ने किसानों के आंदोलन के साथ एकता प्रदर्शित कर किसानों द्वारा किए जा रहे संघर्ष का समर्थन करते हुए सभी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट यूनियन्स से 03.12.2020 को भोजन अवकाश में प्रदर्शन आयोजित करने का आव्हान किया है।

02 - Dec - 2020
BSNLEU gives call for country wide demonstrations on 03-12-2020, in support of the justified agitation of the farmers..

BSNLEU demands that the government should withdraw the pro-corporate and anti-farmer Laws passed in the last session of the Parliament.

BSNLEU calls on it's circle and district unions to extend all out support to the demands and struggle of the farmers. 

01 - Dec - 2020
Organise lunch demonstrations on 03.12.2020, in support of the Kisans struggle.

Braving the repressions of the government and also the harsh winter, lakhs of Kisans are participating in the agitations in the borders of Delhi, against the anti-Kisan Acts passed in the last session of the Parliament. These Acts will enable the greedy Corporates to mercilessly exploit the kisans. The All India Centre  expressed it's solidarity with the kisans' struggle and called on the circle and district unions to organise lunch hour demonstrations on 03.12.2020, supporting  the Kisans'  struggle and their demands.

01 - Dec - 2020
All India Centre of BSNLEU heartily congratulates all the comrades who joined the General Strike.

The All India Centre meeting of BSNLEU is held online today. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, presided over the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, placed a brief report regarding  the General Strike held on 26.11.2020. Despite many difficulties, a good number of members of BSNLEU have joined the strike. The meeting placed on record it’s hearty congratulations to all the comrades who participated in the strike and also to all the circle and district unions which took efforts to organise the strike. It is decided to conduct a full fledged review of the strike, on receipt of complete reports from all the circles.

30 - Nov - 2020
Best wishes and warm greetings on the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti.

BSNLEU conveys best wishes and warm greetings to all, on the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti. Let this occasion spread the message of peace and harmony to all.

29 - Nov - 2020
Hindi translation of "Farmers protest in the National Capital – demand cancellation of the three new Farm Acts."

राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में किसानों का विरोध प्रदर्शन- 3 नए कृषि बिल (Farm Acts) को निरस्त करने की मांग...

विगत संसद सत्र में नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार द्वारा अप्रजातांत्रिक तरीके से 3 नए कृषि बिल स्वीकृत किए गए हैं। इन कानूनों के जरिए, अभी तक किसानों को प्राप्त संरक्षण, जैसे न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य आदि खत्म किए गए हैं और भारतीय और विदेशी कॉरपोरेट्स द्वारा उनकी लूट की खुली छूट दे दी गई है। इस वजह से कई राज्यों, विशेष रूप से पंजाब और हरियाणा के किसान तीनों कृषि बिल रद्द करने (repealing) की मांग करते हुए  आंदोलनरत हैं।  26-11-2020 को किसानों ने व्यापक रूप से विरोध प्रदर्शन करने के लिए दिल्ली में प्रवेश करने के प्रयास किए। किन्तु, दिल्ली पुलिस ने उन्हें प्रवेश करने की अनुमति नही दी और उन्हें तीतर बितर करने के लिए बल प्रयोग किया। दूसरी ओर किसान, राष्ट्रीय राजधानी तक उनका आंदोलन ले जाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। BSNLEU किसानों के जायज संघर्ष का पुरजोर रूप से समर्थन करती है। नए कृषि कानूनों का निरस्तीकरण की मांग,  26-11-2020 को सेंट्रल ट्रेड यूनियन्स द्वारा आयोजित आम हड़ताल की 7 मांगों में से एक मांग थी। 

29 - Nov - 2020
Hindi translation of "State Bank of India loan to Adani - Protestors disrupt one day international cricket match held between India and Australia at Sydney."

अडानी को स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा ऋण - प्रदर्शनकारियों ने सिडनी में भारत और ऑस्ट्रेलिया के बीच खेले गए एक दिवसीय अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट मैच में व्यवधान उत्पन्न किया....

दो प्रदर्शनकारी हाथों में  बैनर लेकर, जिस पर लिखा था “No $1 Billion Adani loan’ ("अडानी को 1 बिलियन डॉलर का ऋण न दें"), क्रिकेट मैदान की ओर दौड़े। वें, स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा भारतीय कॉर्पोरेट गौतम अडानी को क्वीन्सलैंड, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में कोयला खानों के लिए भारी भरकम ऋण दिए जाने का विरोध कर रहे थे।  प्रदर्शनकारी स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा अडानी को ऋण देने के विरोध में बैनर लिए क्रिकेट स्टेडियम के बाहर भी खड़े रहे। प्रदर्शनकारियों का कहना है कि कोयला खनन से  विश्व प्रसिद्ध “Great Barrier Reef'' (पानी का बगीचा) को नुकसान पहुंचेगा जो की ऑस्ट्रेलिया के तट पर स्थित विश्व का सबसे बड़ा coral reef system (समुद्र के भीतर स्थित चट्टान/ प्रवाल ) है।

यह स्मृति में होना चाहिए कि 2014 में, श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के प्रधान मंत्री बनने के तुरंत पश्चात, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में कोयला खनन के लिए स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा अडानी ग्रुप को 1 बिलियन डॉलर का ऋण स्वीकृत किया गया था। किंतु, कुछ आलोचकों द्वारा मोदी सरकार पर  "क्रोनी कैपिटलिज्म" को बढ़ावा दिए जाने के आरोप लगाए जाने की वजह से यह ऋण अडानी को नही दिया जा सका था। यह सभी को ज्ञात है कि गौतम अडानी लंबे समय से श्री नरेंद्र मोदी के समर्थक रहे हैं।

[सौजन्य से: BUSINESS INSIDER INDIA dated 27.11.2020]

28 - Nov - 2020
State Bank of India loan to Adani - Protestors disrupt one day international cricket match held between India and Australia at Sydney.

Two protesters ran into the cricket ground, carrying a banner reading “No $1 Billion Adani loan’. They were protesting against the State Bank of India extending a huge loan to the Indian corporate, Gautam Adani, for coal mining in Queensland, Australia. Protesters also stood outside the cricket stadium carrying banners, against the State Bank of India loan to Adani. The protesters say that the coal mining will harm the world famous “Great Barrier Reef'', which is the world's largest coral reef system, on the coast of Australia.


It may be recollected that in 2014, immediately after Shri Narendra Modi becoming the prime minister, the State Bank of India approved a one billion dollar loan to the Adani Group, for coal mining in Australia. However, the loan was not given to Adani, in the backdrop of critics accusing the Modi government of crony capitalism. It is known to everyone that Gautam Adani is a long time supporter of Narendra Modi.   

[Courtesy: BUSINESS INSIDER INDIA dated 27.11.2020]

28 - Nov - 2020
Farmers protest in the National Capital – demand cancellation of the three new Farm Acts.

The Narendra Modi government has undemocratically passed new three Farm Acts, in the last session of the Parliament. Through these Acts, the protections that the farmers had all along been getting, like the Minimum Support Price, etc. have been cancelled and they have been thrown to the looting of Indian and Foreign corporates. Hence, the farmers of many States, particularly Punjab and Haryana, are agitating, demanding the repealing of the three Farm Acts. On 26-11-2020, the farmers tried to enter into Delhi and organise their massive protests. However, the Delhi Police did not permit them and used force to disperse them. The  farmers on the other hand, are determined to take their agitation into the National Capital. BSNLEU strongly supports this justified struggle of the farmers. Cancellation of the new Farm Acts was one of the 7 demands on which the Central Trade Unions  ORGANISED the General Strike on 26-11-2020.

28 - Nov - 2020
Com.D.K. Bakutra, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Gujarat, retires.

Com.D.K. Bakutra, the Gujarat circle secretary of BSNLEU, is retiring on superannuation today. After the untimely and sudden death of Com.A.N. Patil, leadership of Gujarat circle was taken over by Com.D.K.Bakutra. It was a critical period, but, Com.D.K. Bakutra, with his total dedication, led the Gujarat circle union in an appreciable manner. Prior to becoming the Gujarat circle secretary, he had been the district secretary of Junagad for many years. Under his leadership, the Gujarat circle union successfully organised the Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU and the BSNL WWCC All India Committee meeting at Vadodara, in March, 2019. Com.D.K. Bakutra, is a simple, honest and dedicated comrade. CHQ heartily congratulates him and wish him a long happy and peaceful retired life.

27 - Nov - 2020
Complaints connected with the maintenance of landline and broadband connections – BSNLEU’s RTI Cell raises RTI questions with the BSNL Management.

The BSNL Management has massively outsourced the works related to the maintenance of landline and broadband connections. However, serious complaints are being brought to the notice of the CHQ,  connected with the poor maintenance of landline and broadband connections. News are also appearing in the media, about the large scale surrendering of BSNL’s landline and broadband connections.


Hence, the CHQ has raised RTI questions through it’s RTI Cell, regarding the “Mean Time To Repair”, “Repeat Fault Percentage”, “Revenue Collections” and “Disconnection Details”. BSNLEU’s RTI Cell, consisting of Com.C.K. Gundanna (Convenor), Com.Mihir Dasgupta and Com.M.K. Dave have taken necessary action in this regard.

27 - Nov - 2020
CHQ shocked to hear that Com.D.N. Tripati, Circle President, BSNLEU, UP(East), passed away.

CHQ is shocked to know that Com.D.N. Tripati, Circle President, BSNLEU, UP(East), has passed away. Com.D.N. Tripati, who was Kanpur based, had been affected with COVID-19. He was admitted to Regency Hospital, Kanpur, but succumbed to the dreaded disease. Com.D.N. Tripati, had retired on superannuation only on 31st July, 2019. CHQ pays it’s respectful homage to the departed leader. CHQ also conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to the family members of the departed leader, as well as to the UP(East) comrades.