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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

15 - Feb - 2021
Organise the hunger strike on 18.02.2021 successfully..

BSNLEU has already given call for organising hunger strike throughout the country on 18.02.2021, demanding payment of salary on the due date, immediate holding of the LICEs, etc. There are only two more days for the hunger strike. Hence, circle and district secretaries are requested to take all out efforts to conduct the hunger strike successfully. 

15 - Feb - 2021
BSNLEU demands to extend the last date for submitting option to join the GTI.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, has spoken to Shri A.M. Gupta, Sr.GM(SR),  who is also holding the Additional Charge of the GM(Admn.) today and has requested him to extend the last date for submitting option to join the GTI. The General Secretary told that, this extension of date will ensure more Non-Executives giving option to join the GTI. The Sr.GM(SR), while assuring to look into the demand, also told that, the last date cannot be extended for long, in view of the fact that pay bills have prepared. He also told that the premium amount has to be paid to the LIC on 01st March, 2021.

15 - Feb - 2021
Com. Amita Naik is the new District Secretary of Goa.

CHQ is glad to inform that Com.Amita Naik, Telecom Technician, has been unanimously elected as the District Secretary of BSNLEU, Goa District. In an environment, wherein women comrades normally hesitate to take up responsibilities in the Union, it is appreciable that, the young Com.Amita Naik has boldly taken over this Challenging task. She is already functioning as the All India Committee member of the BSNL Working Women's Coordination Committee. The CHQ heartily congratulates Com.Amita Naik and assures her of the fullest cooperation. The CHQ also appreciates the Maharashtra circle union, as well as the senior leaders of Goa, for encouraging a woman comrade to take over the leadership of the Goa District Union. 

15 - Feb - 2021
Hindi translation of "The budget is "For The Rich, Of The Rich, By The Rich".

यह बजट "अमीरों के लिए, अमीरों का, अमीरों के द्वारा " है ।


बजट पर हो रही बहस में शामिल होते हुए श्री पी चिदंबरम ने कहा, यह बजट "अमीरों के लिए, अमीरों का, अमीरों के द्वारा " है । इसमें भारत की गरीब जनता के लिए कुछ भी नही है, जो लगातार परेशानी झेल रही है। यह बजट उन एक प्रतिशत लोगों के लिए है, जो भारत की 73% संपदा (wealth) को नियंत्रित करते हैं।


उन्होंने आगे कहा, " दुनिया के प्रत्येक अर्थशास्त्री ने कहा है कि हमें मांग में वृद्धि हेतु प्रोत्साहित करना होगा और मांग वृद्धि के प्रोत्साहन का सही तरीका है कि लोगों के हाथों में पैसा दिया जाए। उस दिशा में, यह सरकार विफल रही है। मैं यह आरोप दोहराता हूँ। आप विगत 36 महीनों के सबक से अभी भी सिख नही पा रहे हैं। मुझे भय है कि आपके सबक नही सिख पाने के फलस्वरूप आगामी 12 माह और बर्बाद हो जाएंगे और गरीब परेशान और अधिक परेशान होगा।" यह कहा, भूतपूर्व वित्त मंत्री ने संसद के उच्च सदन में।


[ स्त्रोत- PTI dated 11-02-2021]

15 - Feb - 2021
Hindi translation of "Sufferings of the DR JEs posted in far-flung areas, due to non-getting of transfers."

स्थानांतरण न होने से, सुदूर क्षेत्रों में पदस्थ DR JEs की परेशानियां...


BSNLEU ने, DR JEs द्वारा, उनके सर्कल्स में  निर्धारित सेवाकाल अवधि पूर्ण करने के बावजूद उनके नियमान्तर्गत स्थानांतरण न होने से, उन्हें हो रही परेशानियां और व्यथा का उल्लेख करते हुए निदेशक (HR) BSNL को पत्र लिखा है। BSNLEU का पत्र देखने के बाद, दूरस्थ मिजोरम एसएसए, NE-I सर्किल में पदस्थ DR JEs ने, बर्मा की सीमा से लगे सर्किल में 7 साल का सेवाकाल पूर्ण करने के बावजूद स्थानांतरण न होने से, उन्हें हो रही परेशानियों का विस्तार से उल्लेख करते हुए, महासचिव, BSNLEU को पत्र लिखा है। यह वाकई तकलिफप्रद है कि संबंधित जिम्मेदार, DR JEs की परेशानियों का संज्ञान नही ले रहे हैं और उनके द्वारा समस्या का निदान भी नही किया जा रहा है। BSNLEU, इस मुद्दे के शीघ्र निदान हेतु, जोरदार तरीके से कार्यवाही करेगी। पीड़ित DR JEs द्वारा, BSNLEU को प्रेषित पत्र के अंश इस वेबसाइट पर प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं।

15 - Feb - 2021
Hindi translation of "The status of the case filed by BSNLEU, in the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala, against the freezing of the IDA."

IDA फ्रीजिंग के विरोध में BSNLEU द्वारा माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय में दायर प्रकरण की वर्तमान स्थिति...


BSNL के स्थायी अभिवक्ता ( standing counsel ) ने 09.02.2021 को माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय में  हलफनामा दायर कर दिया है, जिसमें उन्होंने कहा है कि, BSNL प्रबंधन और नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज की मान्यता प्राप्त यूनियन्स के प्रतिनिधियों के बीच हस्ताक्षरित वेतन पुनरीक्षण समझौते के अनुसार IDA में वृद्धि का भुगतान DPE द्वारा, समय समय पर, IDA रेट्स प्रसारित किए जाने पर ही होगा। आगे यह भी कहा गया है कि DPE द्वारा 01.10.2020 से संशोधित IDA रेट्स घोषित नही किए गए हैं। BSNLEU के अधिवक्ता ने सूचित किया है कि उनके द्वारा प्रकरण में शीघ्र सुनवाई हेतु कदम उठाए जा रहे हैं। 

15 - Feb - 2021
Hindi translation of "All India Committee meeting of BSNLWWCC being held on 19th February, 2021."

BSNL WWCC की ऑल इंडिया कमिटी की मीटिंग 19 फरवरी, 2021 को होने जा रही है....


BSNL वर्किंग वुमन्स कोआर्डिनेशन कमिटी (BSNL WWCC) की मीटिंग 19 फरवरी, 2021 को होने जा रही है। कोविड-19 महामारी की स्थिति को देखते हुए, यह मीटिंग भी ऑनलाइन ही होगी। पी. अभिमन्यु, महासचिव इस मीटिंग का उद्घाटन करेंगे। इस मीटिंग में, अन्य मुद्दों पर चर्चा और निर्णय के साथ ही, आगामी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस मनाने हेतु भी निर्णय लिया जाएगा। 

15 - Feb - 2021
GTI scheme for Non-Executives - Today is the last date for giving options - All circle and district secretaries are requested to gear up....

Upto 11:00 hrs. today the 15.02.2021, only 6176 Non-Executives (5575 upto 50 years and 449 above 50 years) have opted for the GTI scheme. There are 34500 Non-Executives in BSNL. Among them, 18,000 employees are less than 50 years of age. Today is last day to exercise the options for GTI scheme. Option will close today evening. It is needles to say that, till now the response to the policy is not satisfactory and there is a need to accelerate the process so that more number of Non-Executives are benefitted. Hence, all the circle and district secretaries are requested to kindly send message to the employees, so that maximum number of Non-Executives join the GTI scheme.

13 - Feb - 2021
The budget is "For The Rich, Of The Rich, By The Rich".

Participating in a debate on the budget, Mr P. Chidambaram said, " This is a budget for the rich, of the rich and by the rich.... There is nothing for the poor people of India, who continue to suffer.... This is a budget for those one per cent people who control 73% of India's wealth." 


He further said, "Every economist in the world has said we have to stimulate demand and the best way to stimulate demand is to put money in the hands of people. This government has failed on that account. I repeat the charge. You are still not learning the lessons of the last 36 months. I am afraid that as a result of your not learning the lessons, another 12 months will be lost and the poor will suffer and suffer greatly," the former Finance Minister said in the Upper House of Parliament.    

 [ Source- PTI dated 11-02-2021]

13 - Feb - 2021
All India Committee meeting of BSNLWWCC being held on 19th February, 2021.

The All India Committee meeting of the BSNL Working Women's Coordination Committee (BSNL WWCC) is being held on 19th February, 2021. In view of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic situation, this meeting also is being held online. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, will inaugurate this meeting. The meeting will discuss and decide, among other things, the observing of the forthcoming International Women’s Day.

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12 - Feb - 2021
Conciliation by the Dy.CLC(C) on 16.02.2021 will be held online..

As is already informed, the Dy.CLC (Central) has issued notice for holding conciliation between BSNLEU, DoT and the BSNL Management, physically on 16.02.2021, in the office of the Deputy Labour Commissioner(C), at New Delhi. Since, Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, is unwell and is under treatment at Pondicherry, he requested the Dy.CLC office to hold it as an "online conciliation". The request of the General Secretary has been accepted and the conciliation on 16.02.2021 will be held online. 

12 - Feb - 2021
BSNLEU's Hunger strike on 18.02.2021 – Deputy Labour Commissioner (Central) calls BSNLEU, DoT and BSNL Management for conciliation on 16.02.2021...

BSNLEU has given call for country wide hunger strike on 18.02.2021, demanding payment of salary on the due date and also demanding settlement of important HR issues.  BSNLEU has marked a copy of the notification to the Chief Labour Commissioner. Today, the Deputy Labour Commissioner (Central) has issued notice for holding conciliation on this matter on 16.02.2021. The Dy.CLC(C) has issued the notice to :-


(1)    Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary (Telecom), DoT.

(2)    Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL.

(3)    Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), BSNL.

(4)    Ms. Yojana Das, Director (Finance), BSNL.

(5)    Com.P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU.

(6)    Shri A.M. Gupta, Sr.GM(SR), BSNL C.O.


The CHQ feels satisfied that, the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) has taken BSNLEU's notification for Hunger Strike seriously. At the same time, it is also a fact that, the BSNL Management and the DoT don't take these conciliations seriously. 

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12 - Feb - 2021
Bank employees to go on two day strike, on 15th & 16th March, 2021, against privatisation.

The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), the umbrella body of nine trade unions, has given call for a two day country wide strike on 15th & 16th March, 2021, against privatisation of the Public Sector Banks. Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman has announced in her Budget speech that, two public sector banks would be privatised. The NDA government has already sold the IDBI Bank. It is also in the process of privatising LIC, among other measures, like increasing FDI in the insurance sector up 74%, setting up of a “Bad Bank”, etc. BSNLEU congratulates the UFBU for it’s fight against privatisation. 

11 - Feb - 2021
India is not prepared to roll out 5G – says, Parliamentary Committee on IT.

The Parliamentary Committee on Information Technology has criticised that, India is set to miss the 5G Bus, due to poor planning and execution. In the report, placed before the Parliament on 08th February, 2021, the report has stated that so far certain bands within 5G spectrum, have not even been identified and no spectrum allocation has taken place. The DoT has informed this Parliamentary Committee on IT that, by the end of 2021 or in early 2022, 5G will be rolled out for some specific use cases. The DoT has also informed the Committee that 4G should continue in India for at least another 5 to 6 years.

[Source: Forbes Magazine, published on 9th February, 2021]

11 - Feb - 2021
Sufferings of the DR JEs posted in far-flung areas, due to non-getting of transfers..

BSNLEU has written to the Director (HR) BSNL, explaining about the difficulties and pains being suffered by the DR JEs, in getting their legitimate transfers, after completing the stipulated period of service in their recruited circles. On seeing BSNLEU’s letter, the DR JEs posted in the distant Mizoram SSA, NE-I circle, have written to the General Secretary, BSNLEU, detailing the sufferings being experienced  by them, due to the non-getting of transfers, even after completing 7 years in the circle bordering Burma. It really pains to note that, the sufferings of these DR JEs are not being looked into and redressed by the concerned authorities. BSNLEU will take up this issue vigorously to find an early solution. A portion of the letter of the aggrieved DR JEs, sent to BSNLEU, is reproduced herein below.

11 - Feb - 2021
The status of the case filed by BSNLEU, in the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala, against the freezing of the IDA..

The standing counsel of BSNL has filed his affidavit in the Hon’ble Kerala High Court on 09.02.2021, wherein he has stated that, as per the Wage Revision Agreement, signed between the BSNL Management and the representatives of the Recognised Union of the Non-Executives, the increase in the IDA is to be paid only when the IDA rates are circulated by the DPE from time to time. It is further stated that, the DPE has not declared revised rates of IDA w.e.f. 01.10.2020. The advocate engaged by BSNLEU has informed that, he is taking steps for the early hearing of the case. 

11 - Feb - 2021
Hindi translation of the CHQ circular no. 02/2021.

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11 - Feb - 2021
CHQ circular no. 02/2021.

The CHQ has issued circular no.02/2021, carrying the decisions taken in the All India Centre meeting held online on 06.02.2021. Circle and District Secretaries are requested to fully implement the decisions of the All India Centre. The Circle Secretaries of the Non-Hindi speaking circles are requested to translate the circular in the regional languages and to forward it to the district secretaries, so that the contents of the circular could be understood and fully implemented by the district unions. Hindi version of this circular is being despatched shortly. 

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10 - Feb - 2021
Hindi translation of "Payment of IDA to the Non-Executives of BSNL - DPE forwards BSNLEU's letters to the Secretary, DoT, with the direction to take necessary action."

बीएसएनएल के नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव को आईडीए का भुगतान - डीपीई ने सचिव, दूरसंचार को बीएसएनएलईयू के पत्रों के आधार पर आवश्यक कार्रवाई करने के निर्देश दिए। 


बीएसएनएलईयू लगातार बीएसएनएल के  नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिवको आईडीए की ठंड के खिलाफ कदम उठा रहा है। बीएसएनएलईयू इस मामले पर केरल हाईकोर्ट में केस दायर कर चुकी है। बीएसएनएलईयू  लगातार डीपीई को पत्र लिख रहा है, जिसमें आईडीए की दो किश्तों का तत्काल भुगतान करने की मांग की जा रही है। अब डीपीई ने बीएसएनएलईयू के पत्रों को DoT पर भेज दिया है और आवश्यक कार्रवाई करने का निर्देश दिया है। 

10 - Feb - 2021
Payment of IDA to the Non-Executives of BSNL - DPE forwards BSNLEU's letters to the Secretary, DoT, with the direction to take necessary action. .

The Non-Executives of BSNL are being wrongly denied payment of IDA instalments. BSNLEU has filed a case in the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, demanding immediate payment of the IDAs to the Non-Executives. At the same time, BSNLEU is continuously writing letters to the Secretary of DPE, as well as to the Minister of Heavy Industries (DPE comes under this Minister). Now, the DPE, vide it’s letter no.W-02/0045/2020-DPE(WC) dated 04th February, 2021, has forwarded BSNLEU’s letters dated 04.01.2021 and 15.01.2021 to Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary, DoT, with the direction to take necessary action. Copy of the letter is attached herewith.

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