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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

12 - Dec - 2020
West Bengal circle organises impressive education programme to mark the death anniversary of Com.K.G. Bose.

The West Bengal circle, BSNLEU, K.G.Bose Smriti Bhavan Trust, BSNL CMU and AIBDPA, organised an impressive education programme yesterday the 11th December, 2020, to mark the death anniversary of the legendary trade union leader, Com.K.G.Bose. A good number of comrades attended this programme. Com.Dilip Das, President, K.G.Bose Smriti Bhavan, hoisted the flag.  Floral tributes were paid at Com.K.G.Bose's statue. Com.Animesh Mitra, Circle Secretary and President BSNLEU, welcomed everyone to the programme. 


In the first session of this programme, Com.Anjan Bera, General Secretary, AIPSO, spoke on ‘The Role of Social Media and Mass Media in Campaign Movement’. In the second session, Com.Somenath Bhattacharjee, CITU leader, West Bengal, spoke on ‘The Role of the Alliance of Workers and Farmers in Developing the Democratic Movement in our Country’. Both the programmes evoked good response from the audience. Finally, Com.Tapas Ghosh, Circle Secretary, BSNL CMU, proposed vote of thanks.

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12 - Dec - 2020
After much delay, BSNL’s Unified Licence (UL) extended for 20 years.

BSNL’s licence to offer services such as mobile, National Long Distance (NLD), International Long Distance (ISD), etc., expired in February, this year. BSNL has approached the government for the extension of this Unified Licence (UL). After much delay, the government has extended this licence, after BSNL submitted a Bank Guarantee for Rs.250 crore. With this, BSNL’s Unified Licence is extended for next 20 years.

11 - Dec - 2020
46th death anniversary of Com.K.G.Bose, the revolutionary trade union leader.

It is today, 46 years ago, Com.K.G. Bose left us forever. The revolutionary leader, who changed the course of the P&T trade union movement, passed away on 11th December, 1974. The path shown by Com.K.G. Bose, that the working class should uncompromisingly fight against the anti-worker policies of the government, has become more popular and prominent today. BSNLEU continues to fight against the pro-corporate and anti-working class policies of the government, independently, as well as by uniting all other unions and associations. In consonance with the path shown by Com.K.G. Bose, BSNLEU has joined the mainstream trade union movement of the country and is fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Central Trade Unions, in pushing back the pro-rich and anti-people policies of the government. On this day, let us pledge to move forward in the path shown by our revolutionary leader, Com.K.G. Bose.

10 - Dec - 2020
General Secretary holds telephonic discussion with the Director(HR) - expresses dissatisfaction over the non-implementation of assurances, as well as on the deadlock created in the functioning of the National Council.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, held a telephonic discussion with Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), today. The discussion lasted for 15 minutes, wherein the General Secretary expressed his dissatisfaction to the Director(HR), regarding the lack of progress  in the HR issues, as well as the non-settlement of the dead-lock created in the functioning of the National Council. The General Secretary drew the attention of the Director (HR) regarding the non-implementation of his assurance given on holding the LICEs, importantly the JTO LICE and the JE LICE. He also expressed his dissatisfaction over the non-implementation of the assurance given on implementing the Group Term Insurance (GTI) for the Non-Executives. Finally, the General Secretary requested the Director (HR) to remove the deadlock that has been created in the holding of the National Council. The General Secretary pointed out that the Recognised Union was earlier having the right to nominate non-members to the National Council. He earnestly requested the Director (HR) to restore that provision and ensure the smooth functioning of the National Council. The Director (HR) gave a patient hearing and assured that needful action would be taken expeditiously.

10 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of "Demands of the AUAB, regarding BSNL's launching of 4G service."


BSNL की 4G सेवाएं शुरू करने के संबंध में AUAB की मांगें.

AUAB की 05.12.2020 को सम्पन्न मीटिंग में BSNL की 4G सेवाएं शुरू करने के संबंध में कुछ मांगों को अंतिम रूप दिया गया है।, यह AUAB के परिपत्र क्र. 15 द्वारा प्रसारित की गई है। इस संबंध में हमारे साथियों द्वारा कुछ स्पष्टीकरण चाहे गए हैं। अतः, BSNL की 4G सेवाएं शुरू करने के संबंध में निम्न स्पष्टीकरण दिया जा रहा है। 

मांग क्र.1:
DoT ने निर्णय लिया है कि BSNL अपने कोर 4G इक्विपमेंट्स केवल भारतीय उत्पादकों से ही खरीदे। जैसा कि सभी जानते हैं, भारतीय उत्पादकों की 4G टेक्नोलॉजी अभी तक परखी नही गई है और अपने आपको साबित भी नही कर पाई है। अतः, AUAB द्वारा मांग की जा रही है कि सरकार BSNL को भी निजी दूरसंचार कंपनियों की तरह बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों से उपकरण खरीदी की अनुमति प्रदान करे।  

मांग क्र.2:
BSNL  के पास 49,300, 2G और 3G BTS हैं, जिन्हें , 4G BTS में अपग्रेड किया जा सकता है। इनमें से, 13,300 BTS नोकिया से और  36,000  BTS  ZTE से खरीदे गए हैं।

सरकार द्वारा चीनी कंपनियों से उपकरण खरीदी प्रतिबंधित की जा चुकी है। लेकिन इसके साथ ही, ZTE जैसी चीनी कंपनी से खरीदे गए उपकरण अभी भी BSNL के नेटवर्क में काम कर रहे हैं और साथ ही निजी कंपनियों में भी। सरकार ने इन उपकरणों को हटाने का निर्णय भी नही लिया है। 

इन परिस्थितियों के चलते, AUAB ने यह मांग करने का निर्णय लिया है कि सरकार द्वारा,  BSNL को ZTE से खरीदे गए 36,000 2G और 3G BTS को 4G BTS में अपग्रेड करने की अनुमति दी जाए।

मांग क्र.3:
फेज 8.4 एक्सपांशन के लिए जारी किए गए टेंडर के जरिए BSNL द्वारा नोकिया से उपकरण खरीदे जा चुके हैं। उक्त टेंडर में नोकिया L1 बोलीदाता (bidder) था। टेंडर की शर्तों के अनुसार, BSNL इस टेंडर के माध्यम से अतिरिक्त उपकरण भी खरीद सकता है।

अब, AUAB का मानना है कि सरकार उपकरणों की अतिरिक्त आपूर्ति के लिए, नोकिया से "एड ऑन पर्चेसिंग ऑर्डर" हेतु अनुमति दें। इसके लिए BSNL को सरकार से अनुमति लेना जरूरी है, क्योंकि DoT द्वारा यह स्टैंड लिया जा चुका है कि BSNL द्वारा अपने 4G के लिए आवश्यक कोर इक्विपमेंट्स केवल भारतीय निर्माताओं से ही खरीदे जाए।

AUAB द्वारा प्रधानमंत्री और संचार मंत्री को पत्र प्रेषित किया जा रहा है। CHQ, सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट यूनियन्स से अनुरोध करता है कि हमारे साथियों को उपर्युक्त मांगों के बारे में समझाएं।

10 - Dec - 2020
Airtel Chairman says 5G will become a norm in the next 2-3 years in India.

Speaking in the India Mobile Congress Sunil Mittal Bharti, Airtel Chairman, has contradicted the timeline stated by Mukesh Ambani, for 5G launching. Sunil Mittal has stated that 5G will become a norm in India in the next 2 to 3 years. While Mukesh Ambani stated that Jio’s 5G would be launched with Indian technology, Sunil Mittal has contradicted it, by saying that India will receive the standards and ecosystem developed by the world. 

10 - Dec - 2020
5G is ready ; Indian technology will be used - says Mukesh Ambani..

In the India Mobile Congress held on 08.12.2020, Mukesh Ambani has declared that 5G is ready. He stated that, Jio will launch it’s 5G service in the second half of 2021. Further, Mukesh Ambani  also asserted that Jio will use Indian technology and equipments for this 5G service.

10 - Dec - 2020
Demands of the AUAB, regarding BSNL's launching of 4G service.

In the AUAB meeting held on 05.12.2020, certain demands are finalised regarding BSNL’s 4G launching. The same is communicated through AUAB’s circular no.15. In this regard, certain clarifications have been sought by our comrades. Hence, the following clarification is given regarding BSNL’s 4G launching.

Demand No.1

The DoT has decided that BSNL should procure it’s core 4G equipments only from Indian manufacturers. As everybody knows, the 4G technology of Indian manufactures is still untested and unproven. Hence, the AUAB is demanding that, the government   should permit BSNL also to procure equipments from multinational companies, as is being done by private telecom companies.


Demand No.2

BSNL is having 49,300 2G and 3G BTSs, which can be upgraded to 4G BTSs. Out of these, 13,300 BTSs are purchased from Nokia and 36,000  BTSs are purchased from ZTE.


Government has already banned purchasing of equipments from Chinese companies. At the same time, the equipments already purchased from Chinese companies like ZTE, continue to function in the networks of BSNL and also in the networks of private companies. Government has not decided to remove those equipments.  


Under these circumstances, the AUAB has decided to demand that, government should permit BSNL to upgrade the 36,000 2G and 3G BTSs purchased from ZTE, into 4G BTSs.


Demand No.3

Through the tender floated for phase of equipments for the 8.4 expansion, BSNL has already procured equipments from Nokia. Nokia was the L1 bidder in that tender. As per the tender conditions, BSNL can purchase additional equipments also, through this tender.


Now, AUAB wants the government to permit BSNL to make additional procurement of equipments, by placing Ad on purchasing order with Nokia. For this, BSNL has to get the approval of the government, because the DoT has already taken a stand that BSNL should procure it's 4G core equipments only from Indian manufactures. 


CHQ requests the circle and district unions, to make our comrades understand about the above mentioned demands. 

09 - Dec - 2020
More view of the lunch hour demonstrations organised by BSNLEU, in support of the Farmers’ agitation and the Bharat Bandh on 08.12.2020..

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09 - Dec - 2020
Hindi translation of the AUAB circular no.15, communicating the decisions of the AUAB meeting, held on 05.12.2020.

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08 - Dec - 2020
BSNLEU organises demonstrations in support of Farmers’ struggle.

Countrywide lunch hour demonstrations are organised today by BSNLEU, in support of the Farmers’ agitation and the Bharat Bandh. Responding to the call of the CHQ of BSNLEU, spirited demonstrations are organised in various circles, demanding the withdrawal of the anti-farmer and pro-corporate Farm Acts, as well as the Electrify Bill (2020). CHQ heartily congratulates all those circle and district unions, which have organised the demonstrations today.


08 - Dec - 2020
ALC(Central) conducts conciliation meeting – Com.John Verghese, AGS, represented BSNLEU.

The Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) conducted a conciliation meeting yesterday the 07-12-2020, on the strike notice issued for organising the General Strike on 26.11.2020.  Com.John Verghese, AGS, represented BSNLEU in this meeting.  BSNL Management is represented by Shri A.K. Sinha, DGM(SR). Detailed discussion took place on the charter of demands. In the course of the meeting, the DGM(SR) informed that, the Management is convening a meeting of the Wage Negotiation Committee, shortly. Action is being taken to implement the Group Term Insurance (GTI) shortly.  Minutes of this conciliation meeting is attached.

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08 - Dec - 2020
AUAB meeting held, in the midst of disturbing developments..

The launching of BSNL’s 4G service is getting further delayed, due to the complications being created by the government. As a result, BSNL has started sinking further. The BSNL Management and the Government have started operationalising the Subsidiary Tower Company. Due to the total mismanagement of the Company, like massive retrenchment of contract workers and mindless outsourcing of works, the landline and broadband services are menacingly affected. Under these circumstances, the AUAB held it’s meeting online on 05.12.2020. The discussions and the decisions taken in the meeting, are contained in the attached circular of the AUAB. Circle and district secretaries are requested to take this circular up to the grass-root level, by translating wherever it is necessary.

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08 - Dec - 2020
‘Bharat Bandh’ being observed today, in support of the Farmers’ agitation.

‘Bharat Bandh’ is being observed throughout the country today, in support of the Farmers’ agitation. The Central Trade Unions have extended their support to this 'Bharat Bandh'. As per media reports, the call for ‘Bharat Bandh’ has received very good support from the people.  It is appropriate that, the people of the country have risen in support of the farmers, who are providing food for the entire nation. BSNLEU supports this ‘Bharat Bandh’ and has called on it’s members to organise solidarity demonstrations today, as well as wearing of badges, in support of the farmers' agitation. 

07 - Dec - 2020
Badges to be worn by the employees tomorrow.

BSNLEU is supporting tomorrow’s Bharat Bandh, called on by the Farmers’ Organisations. BSNLEU has given call for organising lunch hour demonstrations tomorrow the 08.12.2020. CHQ has prepared the above badge to be worn by the employees tomorrow. The badges can be printed wherever possible. In other places, computer print-outs can be taken and worn by the employees.

07 - Dec - 2020
Press statement issued by BSNLEU supporting tomorrow’s Bharat Bandh.

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07 - Dec - 2020
Organise lunch hour demonstrations and gate meetings tomorrow, in support of the Bharat Bandh.

The Farmers’ Organisations, which are agitating for the repealing of the Farms Act and withdrawal of the Electricity Bill 2020, are organising a Bharat Bandh tomorrow. BSNLEU has already organised demonstrations in support of the farmers' struggle on 03.12.2020. Still, the All India Centre of BSNLEU calls upon our circle and district unions to support tomorrow’s Bharat Bandh and organise lunch hour demonstrations and gate meetings. CHQ is issuing a badge. Comrades are requested to wear this badge tomorrow. 

05 - Dec - 2020
Conciliation meeting on 07.12.2020 to discuss the charter of demands for the General Strike held on 26.11.2020.

The Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) has already started conciliation meetings with the unions and associations, to discuss the demands of the General Strike held on 26.11.2020. Separate notices have been issued by various unions and associations for this strike. Hence, the ALC(C) started holding separate conciliation meetings with each union / association. BSNLEU has demanded that all the unions and associations which served the strike notice should be collectively invited for the conciliation, since the charter of demands is one and the same. This demand has been accepted by the ALC(C) and accordingly a conciliation meeting has been called on 07.12.2020.  In the meanwhile, BSNLEU has written to the Chief Labour Commissioner of India, requesting that the conciliation meetings involving BSNL should be conducted at least at the level of the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central).

05 - Dec - 2020
Janata Curfew / Bharat Bandh to be observed on 08th December, 2020.

A Janata Curfew / Bharat Bandh has been called on 08th December, 2020. The call has been given by the “Delhi Chalo Samyukta Kisan Morcha”. The Janata Curfew / Bharat Bandh is being organised demanding the repealing of  all the three anti-farmer and pro-corporate Farm Laws, as well as the withdrawal of the Electricity Bill 2020. 


The Samyukta Kisan Morcha has made an appeal to all sections of the people including workers, traders, petty producers, students, youth and women to extend solidarity and come shoulder to shoulder in support of the Janata Curfew / Bharat Bandh and make it a historic success. We have attached herewith a press statement of the All India Kisan Sabha dated 04.12.2020. 

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05 - Dec - 2020
AUAB is meeting today to discuss important issues.

A meeting of the AUAB is being held at 15:00 hrs today. It will be an online meeting, for which intimation has already been sent to all the General Secretaries on 29.11.2020 itself. Problems being created in BSNL’s 4G launching, efforts of the government to keep the Subsidiary Tower Company operational and outsourcing of works and the worsening of the landline and broadband services, will be discussed in this meeting.