Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]The Co-ordination Committee of UP (East) circle organised it’s Convention at Lucknow on 09.02.2024. A good number of comrades participated in this Convention. Com R.K.Mishra, Circle President, BSNLEU, UP (East) Circle presided over. Com K. R. Yadav, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, welcomed everyone and initiated the discussion. Com. Prem Nath Rai, General Secretary, CITU, Uttar Pradesh, inaugurated. Com Animesh Mitra, President, BSNLEU addressed the Convention and explained in detail about the demands contained in the strike notice to be organised on 16th February. He severely criticised the anti-BSNL and pro-private policies of the Government, as a result of which lakhs of customers are leaving BSNL. He highlighted the non-settlement of Wage Revision, Stagnation, New Promotion Policy, Restructuring issue and urged upon the employees to massively join the strike on 16th February. After the Convention, an Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, UP(East) circle, was held.
The launching of BSNL’s 4G service is getting terribly delayed. As a result of this, BSNL is losing lakhs of customers every month. The 4G equipments of TCS, to be supplied to BSNL, are still undergoing field trials. The CMD BSNL has told the unions and associations in Ahmedabad that, BSNL’s 4G service would be launched only in December, 2024. The Government of India is the biggest shareholder in Vodafone Idea. Hence, BSNLEU has written a letter to the Hon’ble Minister of Communications today and has suggested that, as a temporary measure, BSNL should be allowed to immediately launch 4G service to it’s customers, by utilising the 4G network of Vodafone Idea.
CoC of Uttarakhand circle organised a very good Convention at Dehradun today. The Convention started with the hoisting of the Union Flag by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS. Com.J.P. Kothari, President, AIBDPA, presided over the Convention and delivered the presidential address. Com.Devendra Singh Bisht, CS, welcomed everyone and delivered his speech. Com.Unniyal, CS, AIBDPA, did the compering. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the Convention and elaborately spoke on the burning issues of non-settlement of Wage Revision, Pension Revision, denial of 4G & 5G to BSNL, need for a New Promotion Policy, review of the Restructuring, etc. He called on the employees to join the 16th February, strike and to make it a total success. Many comrades who participated in the Convention spoke and supported the decision of BSNLEU to go on One Day Strike on 16.02.2024.
Bihar circle organised an enthusiastic Convention at Patna on 08.02.2024. A good number of comrades participated. Com.B.P. Singh, President, presided over. Com.Prasant Kumar, CS, delivered the welcome address. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, addressed the Convention and explained in detail about the demands contained in the charter of demands for the One Day strike to be organised on 16.02.2024. He criticised the anti-worker and pro-rich policies of the Modi government. The Convention was also addressed by Com.N.K. Shrivastava, CS, AIBDPA. Com.Lakshman Kumar, CS, BSNLCCWF, Com.Ramnath Roy and others. The Convention decided to join the strike on 16th February.The meeting concluded with the presidential address of Com.B.P. Singh.
The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Kerala circle was held online on 11.02.2024. Com.P. Manoharan, Circle President & Organising Secretary(CHQ), presided. Com.M.Vijayakumar, CS, welcomed everyone and spoke briefly explaining the agenda of the meeting. Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained about the demands contained in the charter of demands for the strike. Com.K.N. Jyothilekshmi, AGS & Convenor, BSNLWWCC, also addressed the meeting. Thereafter, all the district secretaries and circle office bearers participated in the deliberations and explained about the preparations being carried out to make the strike successful. The meeting unanimously resolved to make the One Day Strike on 16th February, a big success in Kerala circle. Finally, Com.M. Vijayakumar, CS, summed up the discussions and delivered vote of thanks.
Punjab circle union of BSNLEU organised it’s Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting at Chandigarh. Com.Sanjeev Kumar, Circle President, presided over. Com.H.S. Dhillon, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and briefed on the purpose of conducting the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained elaborately about the demands on which the strike is being organised on 16.02.2024. He severely criticised the government and the BSNL Management for not settling the Wage Revision, denying BSNL’s timely launching of 4G & 5G services and other issues. Further, he clarified that the strike is being organised purely on the demands of the BSNL employees and appealed to the employees to make the strike successful.
Andaman & Nicobar circle union organised a strike preparatory general body meeting at Port Blair on 09-02-2024. A good number of employees, pensioners and contract workers participated. Com.SP.Kalairajan, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Andaman & Nicobar, addressed the meeting and explained about the demands on which strike is being organised by BSNLEU on 16th February, 2024. Com. S.P. Kalairajan called on the employees to fully participate in the strike and to make it a total success in Andaman & Nicobar circle.
A few days back, Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister, made a statement in the Parliament that, the erstwhile Government has ruined BSNL. Similar statements are already made by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, former Communications Minister and also by Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, the present Communications Minister. All these statements prove that, BSNL has become loss making not because of the employees, but only because of the wrong policies of the Government. In this background, BSNLEU has written letter to the Hon’ble Minister of Communications once again, demanding to settle the Wage Revision of BSNL employees.
The All India Centre has called on the circle and district unions to organise a Meet the Employees programme, from 12.02.2024 to 15.02.2024. The CHQ has already sent posters and handbills to all the circle and district unions. In this Meet the Employees programme, our circle and district level leaders have to meet each and every employee, irrespective of their union affiliation and mobilise them to join the strike to be held on 16-02-2024. The Meet the Employees programme should be effectively used to campaign among the employees and to make them to join the strike.
The Chattisgarh circle union of BSNLEU organised it’s Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting at Durg today. The meeting was lively and a lot of comrades attended. Com.R.S. Bhatt, CS, welcomed all the comrades and explained about the need to organise this meeting. Com.H.S. Dhani, CP, presided and delivered the presidential address. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting. He explained in depth about the issues of non-settlement of Wage Revision, Pension Revision, extreme delay in BSNL’s 4G & 5G launching, discrimination in the Promotion Policies of the Executives and Non-Executives and also the need for a proper review of the Restructuring of Manpower scheme. He fervently appealed to the employees to massively participate in the One Day Strike to be organised on 16th February, 2024.
On 6th Feb, circle level convention of NE2 was held at Dimapur. The Convention started after the hoisting of the union flag. In the morning, Extended CEC Meeting started started with the report of Com.Ahamad, circle Secretary. Com .R.K.Das, VP narrated the main points for discussion on which 11 comrades participated in the discussion. In the afternoon, the Convention started. Regular employees, Pensioners and casual contract workers participated. Senior veteran leader comrade Buddhi Singh (AIBDPA) inaugurated the Convention with a valuable speech. Com. R. K.Gohain CS, BSNLCCWF also spoke and supported the strike decision on 16th February. Com. Animesh Mitra narrated the present All India situation in detail and clarified the background of 16th February strike decision. He elaborately explained the charter of demands.
The CoC of Kolkata organised a convention on 06–02–2024 in support of 16th February Strike, at Burrabazar Telephone Exchange. The Convention was presided by Com. Jayanta Ghosh. In which members of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and CTTMU, participated. Com.Manisha Biswas, Com. Biswajit Sil, Com.Sulagna Basu and Com. Shankar Kesar Nepal delivered their speech. All the speakers described why BSNL employees are going on the strike and also described different issues regarding to this strike.
The Gujarat circle Coordination Committee organised a lively convention at Ahmedabad today. A large number of working employees, pensioners and contract workers participated in this convention. Com. M.B Chaniara,CS, AIBDPA, presided over the convention. Com. Vijay Prajapati, CS, BSNLEU. welcomed everyone and spoke briefly on the need to organise the convention. Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS addressed the convention and explained in detail about the charter of demands on which the 16th February strike is being organised. He appealed to the employees to participate enmasse in the strike and to make it a grand success. Com.Sunil Thakkar, CS, BSNLCCWF, greeted the convention.
A meeting is held today between the Director (HR) and BSNLEU. Apart from the Director (HR), Ms. Anita Johri, PGM(SR) and Shri S.P. Singh, PGM(Estt.), participated. From BSNLEU, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Ashwin Kumar, Organising Secretary (CHQ), participated. The details of the discussion are as follows:-
(a) Discussion on the strike issues.
A detailed discussion took place on the issues contained in the strike notice issued by BSNLEU. Both, the General Secretary, as well as the Organising Secretary (CHQ), well explained the charter of demands. The Management Side responded to the issues raised by the Union. Eventhough, the Director (HR) was sympathetic to the demands of the employees, no concrete settlement was given by the Management on any of the issues. Finally, the Director (HR) made an appeal to withdraw the strike. The General Secretary replied that the All India Centre of the Union would take a final call on the appeal made by the Director (HR).
(b) Vindictive transfer of District Secretary, BSNLEU, Ghazipur.
The CHQ is continuously knocking the doors of the Corporate Management, demanding cancellation of the transfer order issued to Shri Rakesh Kumar Maurya, District Secretary, BSNLEU of Ghazipur in UP (East) circle. Today, the issue was once again raised with the Director (HR). The General Secretary pointed that, Shri Rakesh Kumar Maurya, has been transferred to Kanpur BA in violation of the Corporate Office orders on immunity from transfer. It was strongly demanded that the transfer order of Shri Rakesh Kumar Maurya, should be cancelled. The Director (HR) replied that the matter would be looked into seriously.
(c) Pick and Choose transfer made in CNTX(North) circle.
Shri S.C. Ramola, ACS, BSNLEU, CNTX(North) circle has been transferred in violation of the Corporate Office orders on immunity from transfer. The General Secretary vehemently protested, stating that the arbitrary transfer order issued to Shri S.C. Ramola, under Pick and Choose method. The Director (HR) assured that the matter would be looked into.
The combined Convention of CNTx(North) and the Corporate Office circles are organised at New Delhi today. Com.R.C. Malhotra (AIBDPA), presided over. Com.R.S. Chauhan, (BSNLEU), Com.Sisodia (AIBDPA) were on the dais. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Ashwin Kumar, Organising Secretary (CHQ), BSNLEU, addressed the Convention and explained in detail about the demands of the employees and the pensioners. Both the leaders called upon the employees to successfully organise the strike on 16th February, 2024.
A meeting of the BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee (BSNLWWCC) was held online on 03.02.2024. 16 comrades - members of the All India Committee, as well as Circle Convenors - participated in the meeting. From the CHQ, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.John Verghese, Dy.GS, attended. Com.K. Ramadevi, CS, AP circle & Vice President (CHQ), presided over the meeting. Com.K.N. Jyothilakshimi, AGS & Convenor of the BSNLWWCC welcomed all the participants and spoke briefly on the strike being organised on 16.02.2024. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained about the demands and the need to make the strike successful. Thereafter, all the participants took part in the deliberations. All the comrades appreciated the All India Union for taking the decision to go on strike on the burning issues of Wage Revision, 4G & 5G, etc. They also emphatically expressed their resolve to make the strike successful. Finally, Com.K.N. Jyothilakshmi, summed up the discussions and delivered vote of thanks.
उत्तर प्रदेश (पश्चिम) की विस्तारित सर्कल कार्यकारी समिति की बैठक में 16 फरवरी की हड़ताल को सफल बनाने का संकल्प लिया गया।
BSNLEU की विस्तारित सर्कल कार्यकारी समिति की बैठक आज गाजियाबाद में आयोजित की गई है। बैठक की शुरुआत साथी पी. अभिमन्यु, महासचिव द्वारा यूनियन ध्वज फहराने के साथ हुई। बैठक की अध्यक्षता सर्कल अध्यक्ष साथी अंसार अली ने की। साथी पुनित कुमार, सर्कल सेक्रेटरी ने सभी का स्वागत किया। बैठक को साथी पी. अभिमन्यु, महासचिव ने संबोधित किया, जिन्होंने 16 फरवरी, 2024 को होने वाली आगामी हड़ताल के लिए BSNLEU द्वारा जारी हड़ताल नोटिस के मांग पत्र में शामिल सभी मांगों के बारे में गहराई से बताया। बैठक को साथी सुखवीर सिंह, उपाध्यक्ष (सीएचक्यू), साथी अश्विन कुमार, आयोजन सचिव (सीएचक्यू) और साथी नरेश पाल, सहायक सर्कल सेक्रेटरी ने भी संबोधित किया । बैठक में 16-02-2024 की हड़ताल को सफल बनाने का संकल्प लिया गया।
The Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU is held at Ghaziabad today. The meeting started with the hoisting of the Union flag by Com.P.Abhimanyu,GS. Com. Ansar Ali, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Com. Puneeth Kumar, CS, welcomed everyone. The meeting was addressed by Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, who explained in depth about all the demands contained in the charter of demands of the strike notice issued by BSNLEU, for the forthcoming strike to be held on 16th February, 2024. The meeting was also addressed by Com. Sukhvir Singh, Vice-President (CHQ), Com.Ashwin Kumar, Organising Secretary (CHQ.) and Com.Naresh Pal, ACS. The meeting resolved to make the strike on 16-02-2024 successful.
The CoC, Rajasthan circle, organised an inspiring Convention at Jaipur on 05.02.2024. Com.Kamal Singh Gohil, CP, BSNLEU, presided over. Com. Ashok Pareek, CS, BSNLEU, welcomed everyone. The Convention is addressed by Com. Shukla, State President, CITU, Rajasthan, Com.M.K.Nagpal, CS, AIBDPA, Com.P.K. Jain, Organising Secretary (CHQ), BSNLEU, Com.Hari Narayan, VP (CHQ), AIBDPA. Addressing the Convention, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, elaborately spoke on the issues of Wage Revision, Pension Revision, 4G / 5G, Promotion Policy, Restructuring of Manpower and other issues. He criticised the anti-working class and pro-corporate policies of the Government and called on the employees to enmasse participate in the strike on 16.02.2024.
राजस्थान सर्कल ने जयपुर में एक प्रेरक सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया।
समन्वय समिति, राजस्थान सर्कल ने 05.02.2024 को जयपुर में एक प्रेरक सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया। अध्यक्षता BSNLEU के सर्कल प्रेसिडेंट साथी कमल सिंह गोहिल ने की। BSNLEU के सर्कल सेक्रेटरी साथी अशोक पारीक ने सभी का स्वागत किया। सम्मेलन को साथी शुक्ला, राज्य अध्यक्ष, सीआईटीयू, राजस्थान, साथी एम.के.नागपाल, सर्कल सेक्रेटरी, एआईबीडीपीए, साथी पी.के. जैन, आयोजन सचिव (सीएचक्यू), BSNLEU, साथी हरि नारायण, उपाध्यक्ष (सीएचक्यू), एआईबीडीपीए ने संबोधित किया । सम्मेलन को संबोधित करते हुए साथी पी.अभिमन्यु, महासचिव ने वेतन संशोधन, पेंशन संशोधन, 4G/5G, प्रमोशन नीति, मानव संसाधनों के पुनर्गठन और अन्य मुद्दों पर विस्तार से बात की। उन्होंने सरकार की मजदूर वर्ग विरोधी और कॉर्पोरेट समर्थक नीतियों की आलोचना की और कर्मचारियों से 16.02.2024 को हड़ताल में शामिल होने का आह्वान किया।