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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Com.K.G. Bose’s Birth Centenary – Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addresses on Facebook live tomorrow.

As a part of BSNLEU’s decision to observe the Birth Centenary of Com.K.G. Bose, Com.P.Abhimanyu, will be addressing the Facebook live at 7 pm tomorrow the 09-08-2020. Circle Secretaries, CHQ office bearers and District Secretaries are requested to ensure that a maximum number of comrades view this live address of the General Secretary.

17 - Sep - 2020
Onus is exclusively on Principal Employer, to ensure payment of wages to contract workers, by the 7th of every month.

BSNLEU, Tamil Nadu circle union and TNTCWU are jointly conducting agitation, against non-payment of wages to the contract workers. These two unions have taken this issue to the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner. The Dy.CLC has written to the CGM, Tamil Nadu circle, and has stated that the onus to ensure payment of wages to the contract workers, is exclusively on the Principal Employer, and that failure to make payment by the 7th of every month, may result in a penalty of maximum 10 times of the actual wages.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Decisions of the Designation Committee meeting held today.

The final meeting of the Designations Committee was held on 26.09.2017, in which the new Designations of the left out Non-Executive cadres were finalised. However, while releasing the minutes of this meeting, the Management Side inserted a paragraph, wherein it is stated that the job description (duties and responsibilities) could also be changed, due to the change in designations. This was strongly protested by GS, BSNLEU, since such a condition was neither discussed in the meeting, nor accepted by the Staff Side. BSNLEU gave a complaint to the Director (HR), protesting the unfair practice of the Management. Consequent to this, a meeting of the Designations Committee is convened today. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and Com. Balbir Singh, President, participated. Com. John Verghese, AGS, was present as observer. Representatives of BSNLEU strongly objected to the manipulated draft minutes, released for the meeting held on 26.09.2017. Consequent to this, it was decided in today’s meeting, to release the minutes, by deleting the above stated paragraph. It is also decided in today’s meeting that, the Technician Grade II (Telecom Factory) is to be redesignated as Telecom Technician.

17 - Sep - 2020
Indian Dollar Millionaires increased by 20% in 2017.

As per the study of the French Tech Firm, Capgemini, the number of High Networth Individuals (HNI) in India has increased by 20% in the year 2017. An High Networth Individual is defined as the one who is having investable assets of over 1 million US Dollars. According to this report, the number of such Dollar Millionaires in India comes to 2.6 lakh people. Their asset worth is a whopping 1 trillion US Dollars! It is also worth mentioning here that, the International Rights Group, Oxfam, has reported that in India, 73% of the wealth created in 2017, has reached the hands of the top 1% of the population, whereas the bottom 67 crore Indians have got only 1% of this wealth. This is how the Narendra Modi government is serving the poor people of this country.

(Source: Times of India dated 20.06.2018)

17 - Sep - 2020
Shri George Fernandes, the leader of the 1974 railway men's strike, passed away.

Shri George Fernandes, the trade union leader turned politician, has passed away yesterday. He will ever be remembered for leading the historic railway men's strike, that took place in 1974. Shri George Fernandes was the leader of the joint platform called NCCRS (National Coordination Committee for Railway Men's Struggle), which organised that strike, and which was brutally suppressed by the then prime minister, Indira Gandhi. BSNLEU pays it's homage to Shri George Fernandes.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of AUAB circular dated 20.06.2019.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU organises a well attended meeting at Halasuru, in Bengaluru.

Com. John Verghese, AGS, addressed a well attended verification meeting at Halasur Telephone Exchange, Bengaluru, yesterday the 30.08.2019. More than 100 comrades were present in the meeting. Com. Sadashivan, Branch President, presided. The meeting was also addressed by Com. Sudharshan, District Secretary, BGTD, Com. Irfan Pasha, CHQ Org. Secretary, Com.B.R. Krishna Murthy, ACS, Com. C.K.Gundanna, Circle Secretary. The leaders addressed, detailing about the necessity of revival of BSNL and reasons to oppose VRS etc.

17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of Rs.5,000/- as donation towards the "Contract Workers Relief Fund" from Shri M. Shanmugasundaram, DGM, Pondicherry.

17 - Sep - 2020
Relief to contract workers provided at Guwahati.

As per the call of the CHQ of BSNLEU, relief to contract workers was provided at Guwahati yesterday the 07.08.2020. In the function, food materials were distributed to the contract workers at CTO Compound, Panbazar, Guwahati.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU wishes a very Happy New Year 2018.

BSNLEU wishes a very Happy New Year 2018 to all the comrades. The united struggle of All Unions and Associations of BSNL, for settlement of wage revision, is sure to succeed in this year.  BSNLEU calls upon the entire Non-Executives and Executives to get ready for serious struggles to achieve wage revision and financial revival of BSNL.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU strongly demands payment of PLI for 2015 - 16.

A meeting of the PLI Committee meeting was held today. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and Com. Balbir Singh, President, represented BSNLEU. Com. John Verghese, AGS, was present as observer. Representatives of BSNLEU strongly demanded that employees should be paid PLI for the year 2015 – 16. Members of the Management Side stated that, the revenue of the Company should be taken into consideration, to decide this issue. It was pointed out by the representatives of BSNLEU that, revenue of the Company has gone down due to competition from Reliance Jio, demonetisation and introduction of GST, for which the employees are not responsible. At the same time, they also pointed out that despite the challenges from Reliance Jio, BSNL is steadily increasing it’s customer base, due to the contribution of the employees, for which they should be rewarded with payment of PLI. After discussion, it was decided to collect data related to revenue collection, increase in customer base and staff strength, for the years 2014-15 ; 2015-16 and 2016-17. The next meeting of the PLI committee will be held on 09.03.2018.

17 - Sep - 2020
US leaves the 'United Nations Human Rights Council'.

Accusing that the United Nations Human Rights Council is biased against Israel, the US has left the Council. The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley has also criticised that the UN Human Rights Council is a ‘cesspool of political bias’. The United Nations Human Rights Council is continuously criticising Israel for it’s forcible occupation of Palestine territories, and also for violation of human rights in those territories. By quitting the UN Human Rights Council, the real face of the US has been exposed. This has also strengthened the criticism that US is the worst violator of human rights. It may also be recollected that the US, under Donald Trump, has also left the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

17 - Sep - 2020
Central Secretariat meeting of BSNLEU taking place at New Delhi today.

The Central Secretariat meeting of BSNLEU is taking place at New Delhi today. The meeting, is taking place at K.G.Bose Bhawan. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, hoisted the Union’s Red Flag. Com.Swapan Chakraborty, moved the condolence resolution. The house stood in silence for a minute and paid homage. Com.Balbir Singh delivered the Presidential address. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, presented the note for discussion. In his speech, the General Secretary explained the developments on Wage Revision, Subsidiary Tower Company, assurances given by the Hon’ble MoS(C) on Pension Revision, Pension Contribution on actual basic pay, allotment of 4G spectrum and settlement of the long pending issues of the Non-Executives. The Central Office bearers are participating in the deliberations.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Shri P.K. Purwar, is selected as the next CMD of BSNL.

The Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB), in it’s meeting held today has recommended the name of Shri P.K. Purwar, as the next CMD of BSNL. Shri P.K. Purwar is presently CMD MTNL. It is pertinent to mention that before becoming CMD MTNL, Shri P.K. Purwar worked as the GM(CA) of BSNL. BSNLEU heartily congratulates Shri P.K. Purwar.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Whether VRS will make BSNL healthy?" (Article of the Telecrusader April, 2019)

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17 - Sep - 2020
GS, Dy. GS and VP (CHQ) participate in Com. M.S. Kadian's wife's funeral.

CHQ has already informed that Com. M.S. Kadian’s wife had passed away yesterday. The funeral took place at Rohtak, yesterday evening. Com. P. Abhimanyu GS, Com. Swapan Chakraborty Dy. GS and Com. R.S. Chouhan, Vice- President (CHQ) went to Rohtak, participated in the funeral and consoled Com. M.S. Kadian, CS, Haryana.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU organises election campaign meeting at Kammam.

A campaign meeting for the 8th Membership Verification was held at GMTD office, Khammam, yesterday the 30-08-2019. Before the meeting started, the statue of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was garlanded. Com.M.Thirumalacharyulu, DS, welcomed everyone. Com.J.Sampath Rao CS & AGS, Com.G.Sambasiva Rao, ACS, Com.Ch.Vanasree, Member BSNLWWCC and Com.S.Ramesh Kumar, DS AIBDPA, addressed the meeting. The leaders explained about the developments related to the revival plan of BSNL and also explained about the approach of BSNLEU, in this connection.  Nearly 150 members attended, despite it was raining.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Meeting with the Director (HR).

BSNLEU met Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), yesterday and discussed the following issues. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, participated in this discussion. The details of the discussion are given below:-

Announcement of results of the JTO LICE, held on 26.05.2019.

The results of the JTO LICE, held on 26.05.2019, has not been announced so far, despite the repeated attempts made by BSNLEU, to get it done expeditiously. Hence, the matter was once again discussed with the Director (HR), yesterday. It is learnt that, the file has already been sent by the Recruitment Branch, for necessary approval. The Union demanded that the results should be declared without further delay. The Director (HR) assured to look into it and to do the needful speedily.


Implementation of DoP&T orders in the validation of caste certificates of 857 ST officials of Maharashtra circle.

BSNLEU is continuously demanding implementation of the DoP&T orders in the matter of validation of caste certificates of 857 ST officials of Maharashtra circle. Despite our efforts, the Maharashtra circle administration is not implementing the orders. In yesterday’s meeting, BSNLEU demanded that, BSNL Management should take up the issue of validation of the caste certificates of 857 ST officials, only with the District Magistrates / District Collectors, etc., as per the DoP&T orders. This demand is being raised by BSNLEU because, our officials will be harassed by the state government officials, if the validation matter is taken up with lower level officials. After detailed discussion, the Director (HR) agreed that the validation matter will be taken up with the District Magistrates / District Collectors, etc.  


Transferring the Non-Executives out of the SSAs.

Recently, the Restructuring Branch of the Corporate Office has issued a letter to the CGMs, wherein it is stated that the Non-Executives could be transferred out of the SSA. BSNLEU has already strongly objected to this, by writing to the Management. In yesterday’s meeting, this issue was discussed in detail. The Director (HR) replied that the entire organisational structure may undergo a change, after the implementation of VRS. He assured that the views of the Recognised Unions will certainly be taken into account, when the matter is reviewed.  


Delay in remitting the LIC premium amount – BSNLEU demands the CMD BSNL should write to the Chairman of LIC.  

BSNLEU has already written to the CMD BSNL, demanding that he should write to the Chairman of LIC, requesting to condone the delay in remitting premium amount of the LIC policies, already deducted from the salaries of the employees. BSNLEU informed the Director (HR) that, on it’s part BSNLEU will also make attempts through AIIEA. The Director (HR) accepted the proposal and assured that the needful would be done.


Taking back the retrenched contract workers and payment of their wage arrears.

BSNLEU, together with the AUAB and BSNL CCWF, has been demanding that the retrenched contract workers should be taken back for duty and that their wage arrears should be paid immediately. The issue was once again discussed with the Director (HR) yesterday. The Union pointed out that extreme shortage of staff will arise after the implementation of VRS and to cope with that situation, the contract workers who are already retrenched, should be taken back. The Union also demanded that the 10 month wage arrears of the contract workers should be paid expeditiously. The Director (HR) replied that these issues would be looked into.


Payment of salary for the month of October.

In yesterday’s meeting, the Union enquired about the payment of October salary to the employees. The Director (HR) replied that there will be delay, but the Management is taking efforts on this issue.

17 - Sep - 2020
Prove or apologise – Indian Medical Association (IMA) tells Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has taken strong exception to the statement reportedly made by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) on 07th January, 2020, asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to deny or prove his alleged statement that, top pharmaceutical companies bribed doctors with women escorts. The country’s largest doctors’ body demanded that the PM should apologise if he fails to do so. “Reports have appeared in the media regarding the purported statement by Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi that top pharmaceutical companies bribed doctors with women escorts. IMA takes strong exception to the statement if it has been really made by the Prime Minister,” a media release from IMA said. The PM reportedly spoke about ethical marketing practices during a meeting with top pharmaceutical companies earlier this month. “IMA wants to know if the government had details about companies involved in supplying women to doctors why it chose to invite them for a meeting in PMO rather than initiate criminal proceedings,” the IMA statement said.

[ Courtesy: – Mumbai 15th January, 2020 05:51 IST ]

17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of Rs.5,000/- as donation towards the "Contract Workers Relief Fund" from Com.Raghavendra, former Karnataka Circle Vice-President of BSNLEU.