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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble Minister of State and Member of Parliament, Ghaziabad, UP (West) circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to Hon’ble MP, shri V.K. Singh, Ghaziabad.

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17 - Sep - 2020
A very effective convention held at Ernakulam.

A largely attended convention is organised at Ernakulam today, which is addressed by the General Secretary. Comrades from nearby SSAs like Aleppey, Kottayam, Palakkad and Malappuram also attended this convention. Com.A.V.Kuriakose, circle president, presided over the convention. Com.P.S.Peethambaran, district president, Ernakulam, welcomed everyone. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the convention. In his speech, the General Secretary, spoke in detail, about the international and national developments and on the decisions taken in the 8th All India Conference of BSNLEU. Com.M.Vijayakumar, Organising Secretary(CHQ) translated the General Secretary's speech into Malayalam. Com.S.Pratap Kumar, AGS, com.N.Guruprasad, CS, AIBDPA and Com.V.Bhagyalakshmi, Convenor, Kerala circle Mahila Committee, addressed the convention. Com.K.V.Premkumar, district secretary, Ernakulam, thanked everyone. CHQ heartily congratulates the Kerala circle union and Ernakulam district union for organising a very effective convention.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Complete road-map on 5G will be ready by June, 2018.

Ms. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, DoT, has informed that, India wants to take a lead position in introducing the 5G technology. She told media persons that a high level committee on 5G, which includes global experts, industry experts, IITs and IISC is already on the job, and that it has covered considerable ground. The committee would also look into the spectrum policy, pilot programme, etc. said the Secretary, DoT.

[Source: The Hindu dated 28.03.2018]    

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Only Jio and BSNL increased their customers in Oct.2018."

अक्टूबर 2018 में केवल जिओ और बीएसएनएल ने अपनी ग्राहक संख्या में वृद्धि की..

यह बेहद उत्साहवर्धक खबर है कि अक्टूबर 2018 में अपनी ग्राहक संख्या में रिलायंस जियो के अलावा अगर किसी कंपनी ने वृद्धि की है तो वह कंपनी बीएसएनएल है।भारतीय दूरसंचार क्षेत्र की अन्य सभी कंपनियों ने अपने ग्राहकों को खोया है। ट्राई की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार अक्टूबर 2018 में केवल जिओ और बीएसएनएल ने ही अपनी ग्राहक संख्या में वृद्धि की है। जिओ ने 1 करोड़ ग्राहक जोड़े हैं, वहीं बीएसएनएल ने 3.66 लाख ग्राहक बढ़ाएं हैं। हालांकि, रिलायंस जिओ द्वारा जोड़ी गई ग्राहक संख्या की तुलना में बीएसएनएल द्वारा जोड़ी गई ग्राहकों की संख्या कम जरूर प्रतीत होती है, किन्तु बीएसएनएल का परफॉरमेंस एक बड़ी उपलब्धि है, विशेष रूप से वोडाफोन के परफॉरमेंस की तुलना में जिसने अपने 73.61 लाख ग्राहकों को खोया है। एयरटेल ने 18.64 लाख ग्राहक, टाटा टेली सर्विसेस ने 9.25 लाख ग्राहक, एमटीएनएल ने 8068 और आर कॉम ने 3831 ग्राहकों को खोया है। इन सभी कंपनियों ने कुल 1.01 करोड़ की बड़ी संख्या में अपने ग्राहकों को खोया है।

[ स्त्रोत: टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया दिनांक 02-01-2019 ]

17 - Sep - 2020
Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU writes to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble MoS(C), on the issue of non-payment of salary to BSNL employees..

Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, has written to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble MoS(C), drawing his attention to the issue of non-payment of salary to BSNL employees. He has urged upon the need for government support, for BSNL to tide over it's financial difficulties, including permitting the Company to avail bank loans for it's operational expenditures. BSNLEU heartily thanks CITU, for it's support to BSNL employees, at this critical juncture.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU circular no.5.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Good news - BSNL's Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) grew by 27.94% between April to June, 2019.

It is a good news that the revenue of the telecom industry has finally started growing. According to the data released by the TRAI, the Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) of telecom industry between April to June, 2019, stood at Rs.39,124 crore. The AGR during the same period in 2018 stood at Rs.36,552 crore. This is a growth of 7.3%. AGR is the revenue earned by companies by providing various telecom services. This does not include other revenues like bank interests, revenue earned through infrastructure sharing, etc. It is very encouraging to note that BSNL has recorded the highest AGR growth. BSNL’s AGR grew by 27.94% at Rs.2,598.61 crore. BSNL’s AGR during the same period in 2018 was Rs.2,031.07 crore. Airtel’s AGR grew by 26.15% and Reliance Jio’s AGR grew by 9.77%. However, Vodafone’s AGR has declined by 5.78%.

[Courtesy: Financial Express – 02.10.2019]

17 - Sep - 2020
Serious discussion held between BSNLEU and CMD BSNL, on the problems of contract workers.

The wages of the contract workers has not been paid almost from January, 2019. BSNLEU, together with BSNLCCWF has already conducted many agitational programme on this issue. BSNLEU has raised this issue with the top Management on several occasions and written letters. As a result of the efforts taken by BSNLEU and BSNLCCWF, some nominal funds have been released to some circles, but not to all. Seven contract workers have already committed suicide due to the crisis caused by non-payment of wages. The issue has been raised in the Parliament also. In their meeting with Shri P.K.Purwar, CMD BSNL today, this issue was seriously raised and discussed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS. Once again, the acute financial crisis being faced by BSNL, was cited by the CMD BSNL, as the reason behind the non-payment of wages. However, the GS and Dy.GS pointed out that this is a humanitarian problem and should be addressed on a priority basis. They told the CMD BSNL that, the outstanding wage arrears of the workers could have been cleared in instalments, if not in one go. They told the CMD BSNL that the families of the contract workers are in starvation and fervently appealed to him to immediately release funds, at least to clear a part of the wage arrears. The CMD BSNL assured to do the needful at the earliest.


In addition to the payment of wage arrears, the Union raised the issue of large scale retrenchment of contract workers. The CMD BSNL replied that it will not be possible for the Company to continue to engage one lakh contract workers. However, the Union stated that, it is not correct to say that BSNL is having one lakh contract workers. The Union pointed out the following.


  • The original strength of contract workers in BSNL could have been in the range of 80,000. Out of this, 30% to 40% workers were retrenched in most of the circles one year back.
  • In addition to this, another round of retrenchment was done recently.
  • Further, a good number of contract workers have already left the job on their own, especially in the Northern circles, due to the non-payment of wages.
  • Hence, the present strength of contract workers will be only around 40,000.


The Union urged upon the CMD BSNL that, the Management should think about gainfully utilising the left out contract workers, especially in the backdrop of around 80,000 regular employees having opted for VRS. It was also pointed out that, considering the age profile of the contract workers, they could be gainfully utilised in the marketing activities, which will bring a win-win situation both for the Company, as well as the contract workers.  The CMD BSNL gave a patient hearing to the views of the Union and agreed to positively consider the same. The Union also assured to come back with the exact number of contract workers presently working in various circles, so that their gainful utilisation can be discussed in a more concrete manner. The CMD BSNL agreed for further discussion on the issue. 

17 - Sep - 2020
Meeting between Recognised Unions and Associations to be held today.

Accepting our demand that the Management should discuss issues connected to development and restructuring with the unions and associations, the Management has called a meeting at 4:00 pm today. The CMD BSNL and Director (HR) will attend this meeting.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "NFTE should discipline it's rogue circle secretary, C.K.Mathivanan - an open appeal to NFTE leadership."

NFTE को अपने उद्दंड सर्किल सेक्रेटरी सी के मादिवनन को अनुशासित करना चाहिए- NFTE नेतृत्व से खुला निवेदन....

BSNLEU के ऑल इंडिया सेन्टर ने चेन्नई सर्किल के अपने सर्किल ऑफिस बेयरर के खिलाफ अनुशासनात्मक कार्यवाही की है। यह  BSNLEU का आंतरिक मामला है।

अन्य किसी को भी इसमें अपनी टांग अड़ाने की जरूरत नही है। किंतु, सी के मादिवनन, NFTE, चेन्नई सर्किल के
उद्दंड सर्किल सेक्रेटरी ने इस प्रकरण में अपनी वेबसाइट पर अपमानजनक रूप से आलोचना की है।

यह सभी जानते हैं कि सी के मादिवनन एक अनुशासनहीन और गरिमा विहीन व्यक्ति हैं। जब कॉम VAN नंबूदिरी BSNLEU के महासचिव थे, सी के मादिवनन उन्हें भी अपमानित कर उन पर हमले करते रहे हैं। महासचिव बनने के बाद कॉम पी अभिमन्यु, हमले करने के लिए उनके टारगेट बन गए हैं। और कहानी का  सबसे दुःखद  पहलू तो यह है कि सी के मादिवनन अपने लीडर्स को भी गालियां देते हैं, उन पर हमले करते हैं।

कुछ साल पहले, कॉम चंदेश्वर सिंह, महासचिव, NFTE ऑल यूनियन सेमिनार को संबोधित करने के लिए चेन्नई आए थे। वहां पर सी के मादिवनन और उनके ठगों ने काफी देर तक उनका घेराव किया था। जहां तक हम जानते हैं, ऐसी दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना किसी भी अन्य महासचिव के साथ कभी भी नही हुई होगी।

इसके अलावा NFTE के एक अन्य प्रमुख ऑल इंडिया ऑफिस बेयरर भी सी के मादिवनन के हमलों का शिकार हो चुके हैं। सी के मादिवनन ने अपनी सर्किल यूनियन वेबसाइट पर उनके लिए लिखा था कि इस व्यक्ति ने जितनी बार अपनी शर्ट बदली होगी उतनी बार अपनी यूनियन भी बदली है।

जब JAC लीडर्स ने BSNL प्रबंधन के साथ 78.2% IDA मर्जर निराकरण से संबंधित एग्रीमेंट पर हस्ताक्षर किए थे, सी के मादिवनन ने अपनी वेबसाइट पर लिखा कि ऑल इंडिया लीडर्स ने कर्मचारियों के हितों को सरेंडर कर दिया है। और तो और, उन्होंने एग्रीमेंट की निंदा करते हुए विरोध स्वरूप मीटिंग्स भी आयोजित की थी। लेकिन जब 78.2% IDA मर्जर के आदेश जारी हुए तो सी के मादिवनन ने इसके सारे लाभ प्राप्त कर लुत्फ उठाया।

AUAB द्वारा BSNL के सभी अधिकारियों और कर्मचारियों के बीच एकता स्थापित कर, BSNL और उसके कर्मचारियों की रक्षा के लिए निरन्तर रूप से संघर्ष किए जा रहे हैं। किन्तु, सी के मादिवनन ने AUAB पर हमले करने और उसका उपहास करने की आदत सी बना ली है। इस मुद्दे को ऑल इंडिया AUAB की मीटिंग्स में NFTE लीडरशिप के समक्ष उठाया जा चुका है। अभी भी, चेन्नई सर्किल में NFTE, AUAB का हिस्सा नही है। 

कुछ महीनों पूर्व, एक बार पुनः, सी के मादिवनन ने  कॉम चंदेश्वर सिंह, महासचिव, को अपमानित किया था। सी के मादिवनन ने उनके लिए अपनी वेबसाइट पर जो लिखा था, वह कुछ इस प्रकार था, " महासचिव, जो स्वयं को कम्युनिस्ट कहते हैं, पटना एयरपोर्ट पर संचार मंत्री का इंतजार करते रहे। किन्तु, उनके आगमन पर मंत्री महोदय ने नेताजी की उपेक्षा की और उनकी तरफ देखा तक नही। फिर भी, महासचिव दोनों हाथ जोड़ कर उनके पीछे पीछे चलते रहे। ऐसी दयनीय स्थिति क्यों ? " 

यह भी एक हकीकत है कि  सी के मादिवनन ने कॉम ओ पी गुप्ता और कॉम जगन जैसे महान लीडर्स को भी नही बख्शा है। सी के मादिवनन द्वारा कॉम ओ पी गुप्ता के लिए तो प्रायः " वो बुढ्ढा " संबोधन प्रयुक्त किया जाता था। सी के मादिवनन द्वारा अक्सर कॉम ओ पी गुप्ता और कॉम जगन को गंदी भाषा में गालियां दी जाती थी।

NFTE के अंदर जो भी हो रहा है वह उनका आंतरिक मामला है। किंतु NFTE की लीडरशिप यदि सी के मादिवनन को  BSNLEU और AUAB को गालीगलौच की इजाजत देती है तो यह उचित नही होगा। 
अतः, BSNLEU, NFTE की लीडरशिप से अनुरोध करना चाहेगी कि वक्त रहते सी के मादिवनन को अनुशासित करें। 

17 - Sep - 2020
Tamil Nadu conducts an inspiring Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting.

The Tamil Nadu circle union of BSNLEU conducted an Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting today at Madurai, addressed by com.P.Abhimanyu,GS. Com.S.Chellappa, circle president & AGS presided over the meeting and addressed. Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, circle secretary, welcomed everyone and initiated the discussion. Addressing the meeting, the General Secretary spoke in detail on the current issues, such as 3rd wage revision, pension revision, formation of Subsidiary Tower Company, attacks on trade union rights in BSNL, PLI, revival of BSNL, contract workers issues, etc. The meeting resolved to successfully organise the agitational programme, called on by the "All Unions and Associations of BSNL".

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17 - Sep - 2020
Com.M.L.Tiwari, former CHQ staff member passed away.

CHQ is extremely saddened to know that com.Madan Lal Tiwari, a former CHQ office staff of BSNLEU, passed away yesterday (07.12.2017). He was a former BSNL employee of NTR circle, as well a former circle office bearer of BSNLEU. He worked along with leaders like com.H.L.Makkad and com.R.S.Chauhan. After retirement from BSNL service, com.M.L.Tiwari joined as a staff member at the CHQ Office of BSNLEU. Almost for eight years, he worked dedicatedly for BSNLEU, at the CHQ office. Com.M.L.Tiwari maintained close contact with the GS and other office bearers and CHQ office staff members, till the last. Com.Balbir Singh, President, com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, com.RS.Chauhan,VP(CHQ) and com. Ramesh Chand,Org.Secretary(CHQ) went to the residence of com.M.L.Tiwari and paid their last respects. BSNLEU pays it's respectful homage to the late comrade, and expresses heartfelt condolences to his family members.

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17 - Sep - 2020
A rogue officer finally lands in jail.

B.N. Singh, the notorious ITS officer who got involved in huge corruptions and who also victimised BSNLEU’s Jamshedpur district secretary, Com. Ram Naresh Prasad, by imposing the punishment of compulsory retirement, has finally landed in jail. A Jamshedpur court has given him the punishment of 6 months in jail and Rs.10,000/- fine, for maligning the character of the widow of a deceased employee. Shri Anil Kumar, Telecom Mechanic, Jamshedpur, died in October, 2015. His wife, applied for extension of time for vacating the quarters in which the deceased employee was living. However, B.N. Singh rejected her request. While doing so, the arrogant B.N. Singh recorded on the file that, the wife of the deceased employee “is a characterless woman”. Insulted by the remark made by B.N. Singh on record, the widow of the deceased employee approached the court for justice. The court has rightly given the punishment of 6 months in jail to the rogue officer. Together with him, another retired DE, by name Marshal Topno, is also sentenced to 6 months in jail and Rs.10,000/- fine. BSNLEU heartily thanks the court for giving justice to the wife of the deceased employee and sending the rogue officer to the right place.

17 - Sep - 2020
All India Convention of Public Sector Workers.

The All India Convention of Public Sector employees will be held at New Delhi Tomorrow. The Convention will start at 01.00 pm. The venue of the Convention Ghalib Institute, Opp. Matha Sundari College, ITO. Arrangements for staying / freshening-up, are made in Garhwal Bhawan, (Near Jandewalan Metro Station) for those comrades coming from outstations.

17 - Sep - 2020
Non-implementation of the assurances of the Hon'ble MoS(C) - CEC meeting of BSNLEU calls upon the employees to get prepared for strike action, including an indefinite strike.

Non-implementation of the assurances of the Hon’ble MoS(C), on wage revision, allotment of 4G spectrum, pension revision and payment of pension contribution on actual basic pay, was seriously discussed in the CEC meeting of BSNLEU, held at Ghaziabad on 22nd & 23rd October, 2018. Since Parliament elections are approaching fast, time left with us for the settlement of wage revision, is running out. In view of this the CEC meeting has called upon the BSNL employees to massively organise the agitational programme called on by the AUAB, and also prepare the employees for strike action, including an indefinite strike.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Women in Kerala create history by forming 620 km long human wall."

620 km की मानव दीवार (Human Wall) बना कर केरल की महिलाओं ने इतिहास रचा.
महिलाओं के साथ भेदभाव के विरोध में 01.01.2019 को केरल की महिलाओं ने 620 km लंबी ऐतिहासिक मानव दीवार बनाई। यह मानव दीवार उत्तर में स्थित कासरगोड से दक्षिण में स्थित तिरुअनंतपुरम तक बनाई गई। महिलाओं के लिए समानता की मांग करते हुए बनाई गई इस दीवार की निर्मिति में कई संगठन सहभागी हुए। इस मानव दीवार हेतु, एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, 50 लाख महिलाएं शामिल हुईं। ऐसे समय में, जब कट्टरपंथी ताकतें केरल को तमोयुग (dark age) की ओर ले जाने हेतु प्रयासरत हैं, वहीं केरल की महिलाओं का यह आंदोलन निःसंदेह प्रशंसनीय है। बीएसएनएल एम्प्लॉईज यूनियन उन सभी महिलाओं को और उनके संगठन को सैल्यूट करती है जिन्होंने इस ऐतिहासिक आंदोलन में शिरकत की।

17 - Sep - 2020
More views of the celebration of International Women's Day, in various circles.

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17 - Sep - 2020
No payment of ex-gratia for the employees who go on VRS - surplus employees in BSNL can be taken back by the DoT - says the DoP&PW.

The Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare (DoP&PW) has rejected the proposal for making ex-gratia payment for the BSNL employees who opt for VRS. The DoP&PW has stated that the BSNL employees are eligible for payment of government pension after retirement. As such, payment of ex-gratia for those who go on VRS is not permissible, said the DoP&PW. It has also stated that payment of ex-gratia under VRS is eligible only for the Public Sector employees who are not eligible for government pension. An important observation of the DoP&PW is that, surplus employees in BSNL if any, can be taken back by the DoT.

17 - Sep - 2020
Extended CEC meeting of BSNLEU held at Trichur.

The Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of Kerala was held at Trichur on 03.08.2019. Nearly 400 comrades participated in this meeting from all over the circle. Com.Manoharan, CP, Presided over and Com.Santhosh KumarCS, welcomed everyone. Com. M. Vijayakumar, AGS, Com.P.R. Parameswaran, Organising Secretary (CHQ), and Com.Baghyalakshmi, Joint Convenor, BSNLWWCC, were present on the dias. Com. V.A.N.Namboodiri, former General Secretary of BSNLEU, Com. Mohanan, former Kerala Circle Secretary, addressed the meeting. Finally, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained about the issues related to BSNL’s revival. He also explained the demands placed by the AUAB, demanding actions by the government, for the financial revival of BSNL.

17 - Sep - 2020
Payment of salary for the month September, 2019.

A lot of queries are being raised by our comrades, regarding payment of September salary. This issue was already discussed by BSNLEU, with the CMD BSNL on 23.09.2019 itself. In that meeting, the CMD BSNL told that it would not be possible to make payment of salary in the month of October. Thereafter, on 24.09.2019, BSNLEU wrote to the CMD BSNL. It was pointed out that, important festivals like Pooja, Dusshera and Deepawali are coming in the month of October and it was strongly demanded that salary payment should be made on time. Despite all these efforts, Management has not made payment of salary. It was under these circumstances that, BSNLEU, together with SNEA, AIBSNLEA, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM and BSNL OA, has organised protest lunch hour demonstrations on 01.10.2019. One of the most important demands is immediate payment of September salary. All out efforts are now being taken for intensifying the struggle further, by uniting all the unions and associations.