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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU initiates legal action against five persons for tarnishing the image of the Union and it’s General Secretary..

The anti-BSNL and pro-private policies being continuously adopted by the government, has pushed BSNL into a deep crisis. The unions and associations in BSNL are continuously fighting to save BSNL and also to protect the interests of it’s employees. In this direction, many strikes and other forms of agitations have been organised by the unions and associations. However, BSNL’s financial position has become very critical and employees are not getting salary on time. Contract workers are not paid wages for the past 10 months. Utilising this frustrating situation, certain mischievous elements are continuously trying to tarnish the image of the trade unions and it’s leaders. Trade Unions and it’s leaders have become soft target. Recently, two audio clips have been made viral in the social media, to tarnish the images of BSNLEU and it’s General Secretary, Com.P.Abhimanyu. The anti-BSNLEU forces have circulated these audio clips in a big way, among the employees. The All India Centre of BSNLEU discussed this issue and has decided to file defamation cases against person who prepared these audio clips and four other persons who have widely circulated these audio clips, together with derogatory remarks. Accordingly, steps have been taken to file defamation cases against these five persons in the Tis Hazari Court at Delhi. Notices have been sent to all these five persons. Case will be filed on receiving replies from them.

17 - Sep - 2020
Collection of "Contract Workers Relief Fund" and wild allegations..

On 25.04.2020, a website updating has been made on the website of Telecom Officers Association (BSNL), wherein it is stated as follows:- 


“Most of so called Communist Associations are collecting funds for helping contract workers and now all funds collected so far has contributed it to Kerala Government Relief Funds.” 


In BSNL, only BSNLEU is collecting relief fund for the contract workers. The fund collected is being fully utilised for providing emergency relief to the contract workers, in the form of food materials. All the details are being updated on the website in a transparent manner. Under these circumstances, it is extremely surprising to note that, the TOA BSNL has accused that the funds collected for contract workers, is being given to the Kerala government. No person / organisation, having common sense, will make such an accusation. We request the TOA BSNL to have some minimum decency and refrain from making such 'wild allegations' on it's website. We will be compelled to reply in the appropriate manner, if such wild allegations are continued to be made.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Corporate media trying to fool the people on the 4G tender issue."

BSNL के 4 G टेंडर मुद्दे पर लोगों को बेवकूफ बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा कॉर्पोरेट मीडिया। 

कॉर्पोरेट मीडिया (इकोनॉमिक टाइम्स दिनांक 06 जुलाई, 2020) द्वारा इस समाचार को प्रमुखता से फैलाया जा रहा है कि, टेक महिंद्रा 4 जी उपकरणों की आपूर्ति के लिए BSNL के टेंडर में बोली लगाएगा।  यह भी बताया जा रहा है कि, टेक महिंद्रा BSNLको 4 जी उपकरणों की आपूर्ति करने में, ITI के साथ भागीदारी करेगा।  इसमें कोई शक नहीं है कि, टेक महिंद्रा भारत में 5 वीं सबसे बड़ी सॉफ्टवेयर कंपनी है।  लेकिन, यह भी सच है कि इनके पास 4 G उपकरणों के निर्माण की तकनीक उपलब्ध नहीं है।  हम यह भी जानते हैं कि, ITI केवल एक एजेंट के रूप में काम कर रहा है, कमीशन कमाने के लिए, बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों (MNC) से दूरसंचार उपकरण खरीदने और BSNL को आपूर्ति करने के लिए। ITI के पास मोबाइल उपकरणों के निर्माण करने की अपनी कोई तकनीक नहीं है।


इन परिस्थितियों में, कॉर्पोरेट मीडिया केवल आम जनता को मूर्ख बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा है।  ऐसी गलत खबर क्यो फैलाई जा रही है तो , सिर्फ केवल BSNL के 4 G टेंडर को रद्द करने की सरकार की कार्रवाई को सही ठहराने के लिए । लेकिन यह निर्णय गलत था आज उसे सही करने में सरकारी तंत्र के साथ मीडिया आ गया है।  सब कॉरपोरेट मीडिया को इन गलत चीजों से बचना चाहिए और भारत के जनता को सही सही जानकारी देना चाहिए कि किस भारतीय कंपनी ने 4 G तकनीक (टेक्नोलॉजी) को विकसित किया है और वह 4 G मोबाइल नेटवर्क को चालू करने में BSNL  की आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने में सक्षम है।

17 - Sep - 2020
AUAB decides to organise hunger strike, with social distancing, on 01.10.2020.

The AUAB has decided to organise struggles in a phased manner, to compel the government to allow BSNL to start it’s 4G service. In this direction, the AUAB has decided to organise hunger strike with social distancing on 01.10.2020, at the All India, Circle and District levels. BSNLEU calls upon it’s circle and district unions to effectively organise this programme, in coordination with the other constituents of the AUAB.

17 - Sep - 2020
United Coal India Ltd. trade unions settle wage revision with 20% fitment with 5 year period.

BSNLEU has kept our comrades informed about the developments taking place in the wage revision issue of Coal India Ltd. We are glad to inform that the wage revision agreement is signed yesterday the 10-10-2017, between the unions and the Coal India Ltd Management. According to the agreement, the workers will be benefited with Minimum Guaranteed Benefit (MGB) of 20% (fitment) with extra 4% Special Allowance and other benefits. 2 lakh 90 thousand workers of Coal India will be benefited by this agreement. Major Central Trade Unions of INTUC, BMS, AITUC, CITU, HMS, etc., have unitedly negotiated and clinched this wage settlement. Earlier, these Central Trade Unions have threatened to on a three day strike from 19th to 21st June, 2017. It is only in the backdrop of the preparations for united struggles by all Central Trade Unions, the wage revision of Coal India Ltd. has been settled. BSNLEU heartily congratulates the Coal India Ltd. trade unions, as well as the entire workers.

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MP, Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to shri Rao Uday Pratap, Hon’ble MP, Narsinghpur.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU's new website will be operated in a full-fledged manner from tomorrow onwards.

Due to the advancement of technology, it became incumbent on the part of BSNLEU also, to run it’s website with updated technology. Thus, the new website was started at the time of our last CEC meeting, held at New Delhi. This new website is mobile friendly, and is having a lot of new features. The old website, i.e., was started on 21.09.2005 and has served our organisation for the last 12 years. It has been a great tool to educate not only our members, but the entire BSNL Non-Executives and Executives. Everything changes and we also have to change. Let us march ahead. Good bye to

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU pays it's respectful homage to Shri V.K. Mahuli, DGM (looking after as the GM), Bijapur, Karnataka circle.

BSNLEU pays it’s homage to Shri V.K. Mahuli, DGM (looking after as the GM), Bijapur, Karnataka circle, who passed away while addressing the 3 day Relay Hunger Strike at Bijapur on 24.07.2018. All along, Shri V.K. Mahuli had been a staunch participant and supporter of the agitational programme, called on by the Unions and Associations. Accordingly, he addressed the first day hunger strike at Bijapur on 24.07.2018. After addressing the hunger strike, Shri V.K. Mahuli, collapsed at the venue of the agitation itself. Soon after getting the sad news of Shri V.K. Mahuli’s death, the leaders and participants of the first day Relay Hunger Strike at the BSNL Corporate Office, paid their respectful homage to him, by observing a minute’s silence.

17 - Sep - 2020
Precarious working condition of construction workers - four workers crushed to gruesome death in Noida.

Construction of multistorey buildings is a flourishing business in our country. But, the millions of labourers, who are involved in the dangerous work of constructing these skyscrapers, do not have any security for their lives. Four construction labourers were crushed to death at Noida yesterday, while engaged in construction work. The scaffolding of an 18 storey building under construction has collapsed, and the four labourers were pathetically crushed to death. Nobody knows what compensation their families are going to get. This is the precarious condition of the construction workers throughout the country. These labourers are part of the unorganised sector in the country. Government’s own statics say that, 96% of the Indian workers are in the unorganised sector. Neither minimum wage nor any social security measures have been extended to them.  It is the important demand of the Central Trade Unions that these unorganised workers should be provided not only the minimum wages, but also with social security schemes.  Neither the Congress led UPA government which ruled the country for ten years, nor the BJP led NDA government which is ruling the country since 2014, has accepted the demand of the Central Trade Unions in respect of these unorganised workers.

17 - Sep - 2020
General Secretary addressed Chennai circle executive committee meeting.

The circle executive committee meeting of BSNLEU, Chennai circle was held today. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.S.Chellappa, AGS, attended the meeting. Com.Kanniappan, CS welcomed all and presented the report on activities. The GS and AGS spoke at length and explained about the status of all the important issues. 21 comrades participated in the report presented by the circle secretary. Many important decisions to strengthen the Organisation were taken.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU writes to the General Secretary, NFTE, on the Membership Verification campaign

BSNLEU has conducted a principled campaign for the 8th Membership Verification. As per the decision taken in the Pune Extended CEC meeting, leaders of BSNLEU utilized the campaign to expose the anti- public sector / anti – BSNL policies of the government. The whole campaign of BSNL was aimed at removing the frustration of the employees and to create confidence among them. To a great extent, BSNLEU has succeeded in fulfilling this task. However, during this campaign, mudslinging has been done against BSNLEU. Hence, General Secretary, BSNLEU, has taken up this issue with the General Secretary, NFTE.

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17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ calls upon to hold the circle and district executive committee meetings at the earliest.

The implementation of VRS will get completed on 31.01.2020. Almost 50% of the employees are going on VRS. Under these circumstances, the circle and district unions have to immediately discuss about the issues related to the revival road map of BSNL including the utilisation of manpower, role of the trade union in the changed scenario, etc. Hence, the CHQ calls upon all the circle and district unions to hold the circle and district executive committee meetings at the earliest, to discuss these issues and to send their inputs to the All India Union.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU initiates legal action against five persons for tarnishing the image of the Union and it’s General Secretary."

यूनियन और यूनियन के महासचिव की छवि खराब करने वाले पांच व्यक्तियों के खिलाफ BSNLEU द्वारा कानूनी कार्यवाही की पहल...
सरकार द्वारा BSNL विरोधी और निजी समर्थक नीतियों के निरंतर रूप से अपनाए जाने से BSNL गहरे संकट में धकेल दिया गया है। BSNL की यूनियन्स और एसोसिएशन्स, BSNL को बचाने और साथ ही उसके कर्मचारियों के हितों की रक्षा के लिए लगातार संघर्ष कर रहे हैं। इस दिशा में, कई हड़ताल और अन्य स्वरूपों के आंदोलन, यूनियन्स और एसोसिएशन्स द्वारा आयोजित किए गए हैं। किन्तु, BSNL की वित्तीय स्थिति बेहद गंभीर हो चुकी है और कर्मचारियों को समय पर वेतन भी प्राप्त नही हो रहा है। कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को विगत 10 माह से वेजेस का भुगतान नही हुआ है। इस निराशापूर्ण स्थिति का लाभ उठाते हुए, कुछ शरारती तत्व बार बार ट्रेड यूनियन्स और उसके लीडर्स की छवि खराब का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। ट्रेड यूनियन्स और उसके लीडर्स ऐसे तत्वों के लिए एक आसान लक्ष्य हैं। अभी हाल ही में,  BSNLEU और उसके महासचिव कॉम पी. अभिमन्यु की छवि खराब करने के लिए 2 ऑडियो क्लिप्स सोशल मीडिया में वायरल किए जा चुके हैं। BSNLEU विरोधी ताकतों ने इन ऑडियो क्लिप्स को कर्मचारियों के बीच व्यापक रूप से प्रसारित किया है। BSNLEU के ऑल इंडिया सेन्टर ने इस मुद्दे पर चर्चा की और निर्णय लिया कि इन ऑडियो क्लिप्स बनाने वाले और कर्मचारियों के बीच व्यापक रूप से  अपमानजनक टिप्पणियों के साथ ऑडियो क्लिप्स प्रसारित करने वाले अन्य चार व्यक्तियों के खिलाफ अवमानना का प्रकरण दर्ज किया जाए। तदनुसार, इन 5 व्यक्तियों के खिलाफ दिल्ली के तीस हजारी कोर्ट में अवमानना का प्रकरण दर्ज करने हेतु कार्यवाही की गई है। इन सभी पांचों व्यक्तियों को नोटिस जारी कर दिए गए हैं। इनसे जवाब प्राप्त होने के पश्चात प्रकरण दर्ज (file) कर दिया जाएगा।

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "AUAB decides to organise hunger strike, with social distancing, on 01.10.2020."

AUAB का 01.10.2020 को सोशल डिस्टनसिंग का पालन करते हुए भूख हड़ताल आयोजित करने का निर्णय....
AUAB ने, BSNL को 4G सेवाओं की शुरुआत के लिए अनुमति देने हेतु सरकार पर दबाव बनाने के लिए चरण बद्ध तरीके से आंदोलन आयोजित करने का निर्णय लिया है। इस दिशा में, AUAB द्वारा 01.10.2020 को सोशल डिस्टनसिंग का पालन करते हुए ऑल इंडिया, सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट लेवल पर भूख हड़ताल आयोजित करने का निर्णय लिया गया है। BSNLEU , अपनी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट यूनियन से अनुरोध करती है कि, AUAB के सभी घटकों से समन्वय कर, कार्यक्रम प्रभावी रूप से आयोजित करें।  

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MPs, Kolhapur, Maharashtra circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to Hon’ble MPs, shri Raju Shettiji and shri Dhananjay Mahadikji, Kolhapur.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL's market share is 10.15%.

As per the statement of TRAI, as of 31st November, 2017, the total telephone connections in the country stood at 1186.29 million. Out of this, BSNL’s connections were 120.39 million. According to this BSNL’s market share comes to 10.15%, and BSNL is placed in the 5th place according to market share. The market shares of other operators are as follows:-


Bharti Airtel  : 24.74% ; Vodafone : 17.80% ; Idea : 16.36%  and Reliance Jio : 12.82%

17 - Sep - 2020
Right to protest is recognised as a fundamental right under the Constitution - Says Supreme Court.

In a judgement, which is having far reaching consequences, the Supreme Court of India has upheld the right of the citizens to protest. The Apex Court has stated in it’s judgement that the right to protest is recognised as a fundamental right under the Constitution. Justices A.K. Sikri and Ashok Bhushan has further stated that, protests strengthen representative democracy by enabling direct participation in public affairs where individuals and groups are able to express dissent and grievances, expose the flaws in governance and demand accountability from state authorities as powerful entities.

17 - Sep - 2020
Submission of memorandum to the Members of Parliament by the circle/district level AUAB representatives.

The AUAB is it’s meeting on 22.02.2019, decided that memorandum to be submitted to all the MPs, latest by 28.02.2019. Accordingly, the AUAB of circles and districts have submitted the memorandum to the MPs of the respective areas. CHQ is in receipt of informations about submission of memorandum of the following areas.

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17 - Sep - 2020
RLC (Central) holds conciliation on Non-payment wages to the contract workers.

BSNLEU and BSNL Casual Contract Workers Federation organised massive dharnas throughout the country on 16.07.2019, demanding immediate payment of the wages arrears, which is not paid for the past 6 months. Notice was also issued to the RLC(C) for his intervention. Consequent to this, the RLC(C) conducted a conciliation yesterday the 26.07.2019. From BSNLEU, Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS and Com.Gakul Borah, Treasurer, attended. 

Representatives of BSNLEU complained that almost 80,000 contract workers, working in BSNL throughout the country, are not paid wages for the past 6 months and as a result of which 5 contract workers have committed suicide. They also reported that, issue was already raised with the CMD BSNL, Director (Finance), BSNL and Director (HR), BSNL, on a number of occasions, but no result has arrived. The Management, representatives submitted that due to the acute financial crisis they were not in a position to make payment. From the meeting, the RLC(C), spoke to the CMD BSNL over phone. The CMD BSNL told the RLC(C) that, he is trying to overcome the problem. Thereafter, the RLC(C) adjourned the meeting with an intent to discuss the matter either by calling or by visiting the Apex level Management of BSNL within a short period and come to reach a settlement, so that at least a part payment is made at the earliest.

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17 - Sep - 2020
The CEC meeting of BSNLEU to meet in the first week of March, 2020.

Impact of VRS in BSNL, efforts to be taken for the early revival of the Company in the wake of allotment of 4G spectrum, the role of the Union in the changed scenario are certain issues warranting immediate discussion and decision making at the All India level of the Union. Hence, the CHQ has decided to prepone the next CEC meeting, to the first week of March, 2020. Gujarat circle union has accepted the responsibility of hosting the next CEC meeting. Accordingly, CHQ has requested the Gujarat circle union to immediately start with the preparations to hold the next CEC meeting in Gujarat circle.