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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

29 - Oct - 2020
Outsourcing of works through SLA agreements is a total failure – lakhs of BSNL’s landlines and broadband connections are getting surrendered every month – circle and district unions are directed to intervene.

In the name of reviving BSNL, the government and BSNL Management have retrenched 79,000 BSNL employees through the VRS. Together with this, the BSNL Management has also retrenched almost all the contract workers, through the outsourcing of works. After the retirement of 79,000 employees under the VRS, the necessity for retaining the contract workers became all the more important, to cope with the staff shortage. However, the BSNL Management retrenched the contract workers massively. The Management claimed that the SLA agreements, made with the private contractors, will help to maintain the services efficiently. 


However, the reality tells us something different. The retrenchment of 79,000 BSNL employees, as well as a large number of contract workers, has affected the maintenance of BSNL’s landlines and broadband connections very seriously. For example, 1.54 lakh connections have got disconnected in the month of July, 2020, alone. This has been reported in the ET Telecom dated 14th October, 2020. The blind outsourcing of works, through SLA contracts, has affected the services very badly. The trade unions and associations in BSNL cannot close their eyes to this reality. The mismanagement of the services has to be taken up.


In this direction, the AUAB, Aurangabad, has done a good job. They have discussed this issue in an in-depth manner and have submitted a memorandum to the GMTD, Aurangabad, wherein it is stated that the outsourcing model has failed totally. Further, they have pointed out that 2,700 landlines and 1,000 broadband connections were surrendered during the last 6 months alone. The AUAB, Aurangabad, has pointed out the steps that have to be taken by the Management, for the proper maintenance of the services.


CHQ requests that, all our circle and district unions, together with the AUAB, should raise this issue, with their respective circle and district administrations. The memorandum submitted by the AUAB, Aurangabad, is given hereunder, for the information of our circle and district secretaires.

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29 - Oct - 2020
Posters for the 26th November General Strike.

A poster in English, has been printed by BSNLEU and 7 other organisations participating in the General Strike, to be held 26.11.2020. The poster consists of the demands of the BSNL trade unions, as well as the demands of the Central Trade Unions. This poster is also getting printed in Hindi. The CHQ of BSNLEU has sent the English posters directly to all the district secretaries, by speed post. They will reach all the district secretaries within 2/3 days. The circle secretaries are requested to ensure that, these posters are promptly displayed in offices and exchanges. The non-Hindi speaking circles are requested to get this poster printed in the regional languages. CHQ will be despatching the Hindi posters from Delhi on Saturday.

29 - Oct - 2020
General Strike on 26.11.2020.

29 - Oct - 2020
Join the General Strike enmasse - Com. Tapan Sen appeals to the BSNL employees.

BSNLEU organised a Facebook live programme yesterday evening, for mobilising the employees in the General Strike, to be held on 26th November, 2020. Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, delivered the address. He highlighted how BSNL is continuously being weakened by the pro-private and anti-BSNL steps taken by the successive governments. He also explained in detail, about the massive privatisation of the Public Sector Undertakings, being carried out by the Narendra Modi government. By snatching away the hard-won rights of the workers, the Modi government is trying to convert them into slaves of the big corporates, explained Com.Tapan Sen. The various struggles, viz., struggles of the Coal sector workers, BPCL workers, Ordnance Factory workers and Electricity workers were cited by Com.Tapan Sen, where the privatisation drive of the government has been pushed back. Finally, Com.Tapan Sen appealed to the BSNL employees to join the General Strike on 26th November, 2020 enmasse, to safeguard BSNL and also to stop the anti-working class and anti-Public Sector steps, being taken by Modi government.

28 - Oct - 2020
Letter issued for Special Casual Leave.

The Corporate Office has issued the letter for the sanctioning of special casual leave, to the Circle Secretaries and Central Office Bearers, for attending the CEC meeting of BSNLEU, to be held online on 02.11.2020.

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28 - Oct - 2020
Special Casual leave for CEC meeting – CEC members to note please.

CHQ has already issued notification, for holding the online CEC meeting on 02.11.2020. CHQ has already written to the Corporate Office, for the granting of special casual leave to the CEC members. However, so far the Corporate Office has not issued the letter to the CGMs, for the granting of special casual leave. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, discussed the matter today, with the officers in the SR Branch. It is learnt that, the Director (HR) is out of Delhi, due to which the issuing of letter by the Corporate Office is being delayed. However, the CEC members are requested to apply for their special CL on time. 

28 - Oct - 2020
General Strike on 26th November, 2020 - Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, addressing BSNL Employees through Facebook live today..

The CHQ of BSNLEU is organising a Facebook live programme at 06:00 pm today. Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, will be addressing the BSNL employees, through this Facebook live programme. The subject matter is the General Strike to be held on 26-11-2020. The CHQ has already sent the link of the Facebook account of the CHQ, through which the live address will take place. CHQ requests the circle and district secretaries, as well as the CHQ office bearers, to take the last minute efforts, to ensure that the Facebook live address is viewed by a maximum number of comrades.

28 - Oct - 2020
Central Executive Committee meeting to be held online on 02.11.2020 – circle secretaries and central office bearers to note please..

CHQ has already issued notification for holding the online Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, on 02.11.2020. In this connection, the CHQ wants to inform that, this online CEC meeting will be organised through Zoom. Hence, all circle secretaries and central office bearers are requested to download the Zoom app on their mobile phones. Further to ensure good quality of the online meeting, all CEC members are requested to use FTTH connectivity, or at least broadband connectivity, since mobile signal may not be strong enough to support the video conferencing.

28 - Oct - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of more donations, for WFTU Fund.

(1)      Andhra Pradesh Circle – Rs.18,000/-

(2)      Punjab circle (including donations sent directly to the CHQ, by district unions) – Rs.12,660/-

(3)      UP(West) – Rs.10,100/-

(4)      NE-II Circle – Rs.4,000/-

(5)      A&N Circle – Rs.1,040/-

(6)      Haryana Circle:

GMTD, Ambala – Rs.1,060/-

CGM(O) District – Rs.420/-

(7)      UP(East) Circle:

Lucknow – Rs.1,000/-

Barabanki – Rs.500/-

Sultanpur – Rs.500/-

Pratapgarh – Rs.500/-

(8)      Punjab circle:

Pathankot – Rs.700/-

Bhatinda – Rs.500/-


CHQ heartily thanks and congratulates the above mentioned circle and district unions, for responding to the call of the CHQ. Only a few more circles have not sent the donation for the WFTU Fund. They are also requested to immediately send the same to the CHQ. 

27 - Oct - 2020
BSNLEU's magnificent response to the call for WFTU Fund collection.

The WFTU (World Federation of Trade Unions), the militant international body of the fighting trade unions, gave call for the collection of funds, to overcome it’s strained financial condition. Com.George Mavrikos, Secretary General of the WFTU, addressed the leaders of it’s affiliated unions in India, on 14.10.2020. BSNLEU seriously took the call of the WFTU, for Fund collection. It widely circulated the contents of the speech of Com.George Mavrikos among it's leaders and members. 


The All India Centre of BSNLEU gave the call to collect donations, at the rate of Rs.20/- per member. The circle and district unions of BSNLEU also took the matter seriously and plunged into action. The response has been magnificent. Within two weeks, the CHQ received Rs.2,21,000/- (as on 26.10.2020) as donations for the WFTU Fund. Out of this, BSNLEU has remitted Rs.2,20,000/- today, as WFTU Fund. This comes to 2,500 Euros. CHQ really feels proud of this achievement and it heartily thanks and congratulates the circle and district unions for accomplishing this great task. 

27 - Oct - 2020
BSNLEU, Rajasthan circle successfully conducts it’s online executive committee meeting.

BSNLEU, Rajasthan Circle, successfully conducted it’s online executive committee meeting today. Com.Kamal Singh Gohil, circle president, presided over the meeting. Com.Ashok Pareek, circle secretary, welcomed everyone and presented a brief report on activities. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, delivered the inaugural address of the meeting. He explained in detail about the decisions of the CEC meeting, as well as about the General Strike to be organised on 26th November, 2020. Com.John Verghese, AGS, greeted the meeting. 25 circle executive committee members participated in a lively debate. Finally, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, replied to the all India level issues raised in the meeting. Com.Ashok Pareek, delivered the summing up address. The meeting decided to successfully organise the General Strike on 26th November, 2020.

27 - Oct - 2020
Hindi translation of "Organise Week Long Drive to meet the employees and to distribute pamphlets."

सप्ताह भर, कर्मचारियों से मिलने एवं पैम्फलेट वितरण हेतु अभियान चलाएं....

CHQ द्वारा नवंबर में हड़ताल आयोजित करने हेतु पैम्फलेट छपवा कर प्रेषित कर दी गई है। 4G टेक्नोलॉजी से वंचित कर BSNL को खत्म करने का षड्यंत्र और साथ ही अन्य मांगों को इस पैम्फलेट में विस्तार से समझाया गया है। CHQ द्वारा हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में पैम्फलेट छपवा कर भिजवा दी गई है। गैर हिंदी भाषी सर्किल यूनियन्स को पूर्व में निर्देशित किया जा चुका है कि पैम्फलेट क्षेत्रीय भाषा मे अनुदित कर छपवाएं। 
सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट यूनियन्स कृपया यह सुनिश्चित करें कि ये पैम्फलेट्स प्रत्येक BSNL कर्मी  को प्राप्त हो।अतः, निवेदन है कि पैम्फलेट्स बांटने व जिन मांगों को लेकर हड़ताल की जा रही है, उन मांगों को समझाने हेतु प्रत्येक कर्मचारी से संपर्क करने हेतु सप्ताह भर का अभियान आयोजित करें। सप्ताह भर का यह अभियान पैम्फलेट्स प्राप्त/ प्रिंट होने के तुरंत पश्चात शुरू करें। सभी जिला सचिव सुनिश्चित करें कि पूर्ण सप्ताह  का यह अभियान प्रभावी रूप से आयोजित हो।

26 - Oct - 2020
Posters for 26th November General Strike being printed jointly by 8 unions and associations.

Eight trade unions and associations, viz., BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, FNTO, BSNL MS, SNATTA, BSNL ATM, TEPU and BSNL OA, have decided to jointly organise the General Strike on 26.11.2020. In accordance with this decision, posters are being printed at Delhi in Hindi and English. These posters will be despatched to all the circles shortly. The non-Hindi speaking circles are requested to print these posters in their local languages. These posters should be used widely to organise the strike.

26 - Oct - 2020
Organise Week Long Drive to meet the employees and to distribute pamphlets.

The CHQ has already printed and despatched  pamphlets, for organising the strike in November. The conspiracy to kill BSNL, by way of denying 4G technology, as well as other demands, are  well explained in this pamphlet. CHQ has printed this pamphlet in English and Hindi, and they are already despatched. The circle unions of the non-Hindi speaking circles are already  directed to translate the pamphlet into regional languages and to print the same.


Circle and District secretaries are requested to kindly ensure that these pamphlets reach the hands of each and every BSNL employee. Hence, it is requested to organise a Week Long Drive for meeting each and every employee, by the office bearers, for distributing the pamphlets and for explaining the demands on which the strike is being organised. The Week Long Drive has to start immediately after the pamphlets are received / printed. All the district secretaries are requested to ensure that this Week Long Drive is effectively organised.

26 - Oct - 2020
Government extends the last dates for filing Income Tax Returns.

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26 - Oct - 2020
CHQ appreciates Com.Sunil J. Thakar, District Secretary, Kutch.

Com.Sunil J. Thakar, District Secretary, Kutch, Gujarat Circle, has sent Rs.2,222/-, as his personal donation to WFTU Fund. CHQ appreciates the spirit of Com.Sunil J. Thakkar and heartily thanks him for the donation.

26 - Oct - 2020
BSNLEU receives excellent response for the call for WFTU Fund - sends Rs.1,80,000/- as WFTU Fund.

As already informed, the WFTU had given call for donations from affiliated organisations. The All India Centre has decided to collect Rs.20/- per member as the WFTU Fund. This call of the CHQ has been excellently responded by the circle unions. Most of the circle unions have sent the donation amount, while in some circles, the donation is directly sent to the CHQ by the district unions.


Till today, the CHQ has received Rs.2,21,222/- towards the fund. Out of this, Rs.1,80,000/- is being sent to the WFTU. Some circles have not sent the donation. The remaining collection will be sent as donation to the Trade Union International (TUI), Transports and Communications. The list of donations received by the CHQ so far, is enclosed. CHQ heartily congratulates all the circle and district unions for the donations. It also requests the remaining circles to send the donation without delay.

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24 - Oct - 2020
Frequent outage of backbone links – AUAB, Assam discusses with the CGM, Assam.

Outage of backbone links has become a regular feature, especially on holidays. The AUAB, Assam, has taken this issue seriously. The representatives of the AUAB, met the CGM, Assam, on 19.10.2020 and discussed this issue. They demanded an early solution to the media instability and insufficient media bandwidth issues. The AUAB also demanded reopening of the Agartala International Gateway and also the leasing of 2 nos. of additional 10G links from PGCIL, to cater to the increased data demands of Assam and North East region. The CGM, Assam, assured to take up this issue with the Corporate Office. The CHQ of BSNLEU also will take up this issue with the Corporate Management.

24 - Oct - 2020
More details of the WFTU Fund received by the CHQ.

CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of donations for WFTU Fund, as per the following details.


(1)     Gujarat circle – Rs.18,000/-

(2)     Assam circle – Rs.12,000/-

(3)     Rajasthan circle – Rs.10,000/-

(4)     Uttarakhand circle – Rs.3,300/-

(5)     Jharkhand circle – Rs.2,000/-

(6)     Srinagar SSA (J&K circle) – Rs.1,500/-

(7)     Jammu SSA (J&K circle) – Rs.1,000/-

(8)     Solan SSA (Himachal Pradesh circle) - Rs.1,000/-

(9)     Udhampur SSA (J&K circle) - Rs.300/-


CHQ heartily thanks and congratulates the above circle and district unions for their donation and wonderful response. CHQ requests the remaining circle unions also to remit the WFTU Fund immediately, since we have to send the amount within two / three days.

24 - Oct - 2020
Manipulation by Modi government to deny the industrial workers of their legitimate Dearness Allowance.

The Modi government has become notorious for manipulating data. The government has already robbed the DA of the Central Government employees and Central Government pensioners for one and half years, starting from January, 2020. Now, the government has taken step to benefit the employers, by denying the industrial workers, of their legitimate Industrial Dearness Allowance(IDA).  To achieve this, the base year for computing the Consumer Price Index for the Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) has been changed from 2001 to 2016. All the Public Sector employees, including BSNL employees are going to face loss due to this manipulation. 


While changing the existing base year from 2001 to 2016, the Labour Bureau, functioning under the Ministry of Labour, has done many manipulations to deprive the workers, of their legitimate DA. The CITU has issued a detailed press statement, exposing these manipulations done to compute the Industrial Dearness Allowance. We have enclosed the press statement hereunder. Comrades are requested to give wide publicity for the same.

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