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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Subscription money deducted from the salaries of VRS optees, is being remitted to the Union.

From May, 2019 onwards, the Union subscription money deducted from the salaries of employees, has not been remitted to the unions and associations. As a result, it has become difficult for us to function without getting remittance of subscription money from the Management.  BSNLEU has been continuously pressing upon the Management to remit the subscription money, that has been deducted from the salaries of our members. Now, the Management has cleared all the dues of the employees who have retired under VRS. As a result of this, the subscription money, deducted from their salaries, is also being remitted to the Union. This will give some relief in our functioning. Wherever this remittance is not made, the circle and district secretaries are requested to approach their respective level Management and demand the same.

17 - Sep - 2020
Corona Virus originated in animal and not produced in lab - says the WHO.

Due to the mismanagement of the Donald Trump administration, the United States is seriously affected by the Corona Virus infection. So far, 8.26 lakh people are infected with the Corona Virus in that country and 45,300 people are already dead. Further, the US has already lost 2.25 crore jobs. In short, the United States has become the biggest victim of the Corona Virus Disease. However, to hide his mismanagement and inefficiency, Donald Trump is trying to mislead the people of the US and the world. Last week, Trump tried to make the world believe that the Corona Virus was produced in a Chinese laboratory. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has categorically stated that, all available evidence suggests that the novel corona virus originated in animals in China  and was not manipulated or produced in a laboratory. Trump is very unhappy with the WHO, because it is speaking the truth. He has already stopped all financial assistance to the WHO. The Director General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has become a special target for attack, including racial abuses, by  Donald Trump's camp. 

[Source : News dated 21-04-2020]


कोरोना वायरस की उत्पत्ति जानवर से हुई है और लैब में नही बना है- कहना है WHO का...

डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प प्रशासन के कुप्रबंध की वजह से यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण से बुरी तरह से प्रभावित है। अभी तक उस देश मे  8.26 लाख लोग कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण से प्रभावित हो चुके हैं और  45,300 लोगों की मृत्यु भी हो चुकी है। साथ ही, US में 2.25 करोड़ नौकरियां भी खत्म हो चुकी है। संक्षेप में यह कि, यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स कोरोना वायरस की बीमारी से बुरी तरह से ग्रसित हो चुका है। किन्तु, डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प अपनी अक्षमता और कुप्रबंधन पर पर्दा डालने के लिए US की जनता और पूरी दुनिया को गुमराह करने के प्रयास में है। विगत सप्ताह, ट्रम्प ने दुनिया को यह विश्वास दिलाने की कोशिश की, कि कोरोना वायरस चीन की लेबोरेटरी में निर्मित किया गया था। किन्तु विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) ने  दृढ़ता के साथ स्पष्ट किया है कि सभी उपलब्ध प्रमाण दर्शाते हैं कि नावेल कोरोना वायरस की उत्पत्ति चीन में जानवरों से हुई थी और लेबोरेटरी में न तो इसके साथ छेड़छाड़ की गई थी और न ही बनाया गया था। ट्रम्प WHO से बेहद नाराज है, क्योंकि वह सच बोल रहा है। ट्रम्प द्वारा WHO के सभी वित्तीय सहयोग पर रोक लगा दी जा चुकी है। WHO के डायरेक्टर जनरल, टेडरॉस एधानोम घेब्रेइसस (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प समर्थकों के खास निशाने पर है, जिसमें नस्लीय हमले भी शामिल हैं।

17 - Sep - 2020
Modi government takes major step to privatise the Indian Railways.

The Modi government has taken a major step in privatising the Indian Railways. It has invited “Request For Qualification (RFQ)” from Indian and foreign corporates, for operating 109 pairs of high-speed passenger trains. These 109 pairs of high-speed passenger trains have been formed into 12 clusters, to run across the Indian Railway network. The drivers and guards of these trains will be from the Indian Railways. The other employees will be of the private operators. It may be remembered that the Modi government has already allowed 100% FDI in the Indian Railways.

17 - Sep - 2020
BPCL privatisation - employees unions going on two day united strike on 7th and 8th September, 2020 - Central Trade Unions call for solidarity action..

The unions of the employees of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., are going on a united two day strike, on 07th & 08th September, 2020. This strike is against the anti-national decision of the Modi government, for outright privatisation of BPCL, through strategic sale. It is important to note that BPCL is earning thousands of crores of rupees as profit every year. It is paying Rs.8,000 crore, as dividend alone, to the government every year. Will the Modi government tell the nation, why is it privatising such a huge profit earning PSU? 


The only reason behind this privatisation is that, the government wants to hand over the entire petroleum sector, to the looting of Mukesh Ambani. The joint platform of the Central Trade Unions, consisting of all the 10 major trade unions of the country, except the BMS, have condemned this move of the government and have demanded that the BPCL should not be privatised. The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions have called on to organise massive solidarity actions in support of the BPCL employees' strike and against the privatisation of BPCL.

17 - Sep - 2020
J&K circle JAO candidates to be deputed for training soon.

The JAO LICE, conducted throughout the country in July last year, was conducted belatedly in the J&K circle. 14 candidates got successful in this circle. But, still they are not sent for the training. BSNLEU took up the case with the GM (Trng.) of the BSNL CO. The GM(Trng.) has replied today that the NATFM, Hyderabad is soon releasing the schedule for the training of the 14 J&K circle candidates.

17 - Sep - 2020
Observe BSNLEU's Foundation Day on 22-03-2018

BSNLEU, the vanguard of the united struggles in BSNL, will observe it’s Foundation Day on 22nd March,2018. This year’s Foundation Day should be celebrated with extra enthusiasm, in view of the fact that the united struggles of the employees have made a major achievement, by breaking the deadlock that prevailed not only on wage revision and pension revision issues, but also on important issues related to the revival of BSNL. Hence, CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to celebrate this year’s Foundation Day in a befitting manner, with the hoisting of the Union Red Flag in all the places, combined with other special programme like blood-donation camp,etc.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture, Government of Pondicherry, addressed Street Corner meeting at Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu circle.

Street Corner meetings have been conducted throughout the country, as per the call of the AUAB, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company, as well as against the anti-BSNL and anti-PSU policies of the government. In many parts of the country, the leaders of the AUAB had taken innovative steps to make the programme more meaningful. Kumbakonam district of Tamil Nadu circle is one such place. The leaders of AUAB of Kumbakonam, mobilised the support of all the major political parties for the struggle. In a meeting held at Karaikkal (coming under Pondicherry state) bus stand on 09.05.2018, leaders of all political parties addressed and expressed their support and solidarity for the struggle. Among those who addressed the meeting was Shri Kamalakannan, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Government of Pondicherry. He strongly criticised the decision of the government to break BSNL, by forming the Subsidiary Tower Company. He also stated such steps of the government are unwarranted, at a time when BSNL is heading for it’s revival. CHQ heartily congratulates the AUAB leaders of Kumbakonam district.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL Board meeting held today - two HR issues of the Non-Executives are said to be approved.

The BSNL's Board of Directors meeting is held today. Two HR issues of the Non-Executives were on the agenda. One is grant of one extra increment to the left out Non-Executives who faced wage loss after 01.01.2007. The other issue is implementing Gratuity for the casual labourers. It is understood that the Board has taken a positive decision on both the issues. Even though the issue of implementation of Gratuity to the casual labourers is not an issue of the Non-Executives, BSNLEU has actively taken up this issue.

17 - Sep - 2020
Pre-All India Conference CEC meeting of BSNLEU started at Mysuru.

The pre-All India Conference CEC meeting of BSNLEU started at Mysuru today. The meeting is taking place at RTTC, Mysuru, and is being presided over by Com.Balbir Singh, President. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, welcomed everyone and briefly explained about the business to be transacted in the CEC meeting. This meeting will consider and adopt the report on activities, as well as the audited accounts ,to be submitted to the All India Conference beginning tomorrow. This meeting will also consider the proposals for amendments to the Union Constitution.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Normalcy should be restored and the Management should desist from taking punitive measures on the employees."

सामान्य स्थिति बहाल करें और मैनेजमेंट कर्मचारियों पर किसी भी प्रकार की दंडात्मक कार्यवाही करने से बाज आए...
AUAB के प्रतिनिधियों ने आज श्री अनुपम श्रीवास्तव, CMD BSNL से मुलाकात की। कॉम पी अभिमन्यु, GS, BSNLEU, कॉम चंदेश्वर सिंह, GS, NFTE, कॉम के सेबेस्टिन, GS, SNEA, कॉम एस सिवकुमार, President, AIBSNLEA, कॉम रविशील वर्मा, GS, AIGETOA, कॉम रेवती प्रसाद, AGS, ATM और कॉम एच पी सिंह, Dy.GS, BSNLOA उपस्थित थे । उन्होंने CMD BSNL  को बताया कि AUAB की मांगों के प्रति DoT के नकारात्मक रवैये के परिप्रेक्ष्य में वें हड़ताल पर जाने के लिए बाध्य हुए। प्रतिनिधियों ने बताया कि 80% से अधिक एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज व नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज हड़ताल में शामिल हुए। "अब हड़ताल खत्म हो चुकी है और कर्मचारी ग्राहकों को पुनः बेहतर सेवाएं देने के लिए पूर्ण रूप से तैयार हैं ", प्रतिनिधियों ने कहा। साथ ही उन्होंने CMD BSNL से अनुरोध किया कि सामान्य स्थिति बहाल हो और  मैनेजमेंट कर्मचारियों पर किसी भी प्रकार की दंडात्मक कार्यवाही करने से बाज आए।

17 - Sep - 2020
Resumption of negotiations for wage revision of the Non-Executives.

BSNLEU is pressing hard upon the Management to resume the negotiations for wage revision of the Non-Executives. In the formal meeting held with the Director (HR) on 08.04.2019, this issue was raised. The Director (HR) directed the GM(SR) to immediately write to the DoT, stating that the Management wants to resume the negotiations. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, spoke to Shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR), today, and enquired about the status. It seems that the SR Branch of the Corporate Office has not yet made the communication with the DoT in this regard. The General Secretary urged upon the GM(SR) to complete the process quickly for the early resumption of the wage negotiations.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hon'ble Madras High Court stays BSNL Corporate Office letter, banning trade union activities till the Membership Verification..

It is a great news that the Hon'ble Madras High Court has granted interim stay to the BSNL Corporate Office letter dated 02-07-2019, banning demonstrations, dharna, etc., till the completion of 8th Membership Verification. Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Tamil Nadu circle, had filed the petition in the Hon'ble Madras High Court, seeking stay for the Corporate Office letter dated 02-07-2019. That letter has threatened that any union, organising demonstration, dharna, etc., will be debarred from participation in the 8th Membership Verification. This letter issued by the SR Branch of the BSNL Corporate Office is totally arbitrary, high-handed and violative of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution. Hence, BSNLEU decided to challenge this order in the court of law. The SR Branch should learn lesson from this and should not try to trample on the fundamental rights of the trade unions. The concerned authorities in the Corporate Management should ensure that the SR Branch does not indulge in such adventurous activities, which will spoil industrial peace in BSNL. CHQ heartily congratulates the Tamil Nadu circle union for this victory.

17 - Sep - 2020
8th Membership Verification is underway.

The 8th Membership Verification, for granting recognition to the Non-Executive union / unions has started today, as per the schedule. As per reports being received by the CHQ from various circles, the voting is taking place briskly and without any major problem. All the circle and district unions are monitoring the situation. The CHQ is in constant touch with the various circle unions.

17 - Sep - 2020
Shri K.K. Ragesh, CPIM, MP, raises the issue of non-payment of wages to contract workers.

Shri K.K. Ragesh, the CPI(M)  MP from Kerala, raised the issue of the contract workers in the Rajya Sabha yesterday, during the zero hour. He pointed out that the contract workers were not paid wages for the past many months, as a result of which many contract workers had already committed suicide. He also pointed out that the contract workers who had worked in BSNL for the past many years are being retrenched. He demanded that the contract workers should be paid wages immediately. It is notable to mention that Com.K.K. Raghesh is the President of the BSNL CCWF, Kerala circle.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of “BSNLEU demands the sanctioning of one day's salary to all BSNL employees”.

BSNLEU ने सभी BSNL कर्मियों के लिए एक दिन का वेतन स्वीकृत करने की मांग की...

दूरसंचार एक आवश्यक सेवा होने की वजह से BSNL के कर्मचारी राष्ट्रव्यापी लॉकडाउन लागू किए जाने के बावजूद लोगों को संचार सेवाएं उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं। कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण से अपने बचाव को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए BSNL कर्मचारियों को प्रतिदिन मास्क्स, ग्लव्स, सेनिटाइजर, लिक्विड सोप आदि का उपयोग करना पड़ रहा है। इस हेतु वें अपनी जेब से पैसा खर्च कर रहे हैं। BSNLEU ने उपर्युक्त आइटम्स खरीदने के लिए व्यय की जा रही राशि की पूर्ति हेतु सभी कर्मचारियों को एक दिन का वेतन (Basic Pay +DA) तत्काल स्वीकृत किए जाने की मैनेजमेंट से मांग की है। BSNLEU ने मैनेजमेंट को सूचित किया है कि अन्य पब्लिक सेक्टर उपक्रमों, जैसे भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम, स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया और यूनियन बैंक ऑफ इंडिया इस तरह की एकमुश्त ग्रांट स्वीकृत कर चुके हैं।

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s double-talk on Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India)."

आत्मनिर्भर भारत पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की दोहरी बात।  

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने आत्मनिर्भर भारत की स्थापना का आह्वान किया है। लेकिन, यह केवल दोहरी बात है। व्यावहारिक रूप से वह हमारे अमूल्य सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रमों को विदेशी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों को बेचने के लिए सब कुछ कर रहे हैं ।  भारतीय रेलवे, दूरसंचार, बैंक, इंश्योरेंस, एयर इंडिया,बंदरगाहों और नाव, रक्षा उत्पादन कारखानों में 100% एफडीआई की अनुमति दी गई है l इसका अर्थ है कि अभी या बाद में हमारे सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रमों की अमूल्य परिसंपत्तियों को विदेशी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों द्वारा अपने कब्जे में ले लिया जाएगा । क्या यह आत्मनिर्भर भारत के निर्माण का तरीका है?

17 - Sep - 2020
Joint press release of the Central Trade Unions, calling for solidarity action for the 2 day strike on 7th and 8th September, 2020, against the privatisation of the BPCL.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Joint meeting at Gorakhpur.

A very enthusiastic meeting of all unions and associations of Gorakhpur, Faijabad, Devria, Ballia and Basti district held at Gorakhpur on 1st December, 2017. Com.Manoj Verma ADS, SNEA, presided over. Com.Nitya Nand Mishra , DS, BSNLEU, Gorakhpur, conducted the proceedings of the meeting. Com.Balbir Singh, President, BSNLEU, Com. R.P.Shahi,AGS, BSNL, MS, R.K.Mishra, CS, BSNLEU UP(E). Sanjay Dube, CS, NFTE address the meeting. The leaders explained the 12& 13, December, 2017, strike issues. The meeting unanimously resolved to make the strike call a grand success. Rajesh Singh, DS, NFTE, Gorakhpur, offered vote of thanks.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Observe the Martyrdom Day of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru on 23-03-2018

The greatest hero of the Indian Freedom Movement, Bhagat Singh, together with Sukhdev and Rajguru, was sent to the gallows by the British imperialists on 23-03-1931. It is already 87 years since these great heroes attained martyrdom. However, still they continue to inspire all those who fight against exploitation and injustices. Despite the “Goebal’s lies” unleashed by the corporate media, the working class continues to launch heroic struggles against capitalist exploitations. It is also relevant to mention here that, Bhagat Singh was inspired by the Great October Revolution and the teachings of Lenin. BSNLEU has inherited the revolutionary spirit of these great heroes. As per the decisions of it’s CEC meetings, BSNLEU is observing the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru every year. Accordingly, CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to observe this day, by conducting special meetings and other programme.

17 - Sep - 2020
The 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU starts at Mysuru tomorrow.

The 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU is starting at Mysuru tomorrow the 17th December, 2018. It is a 4 day Conference, which will get concluded on 20th December, 2018. Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, is delivering the Inaugural Address of the Conference. Leaders of fraternal organisations are greeting. A colourful rally will be organised tomorrow afternoon. This will be followed by a seminar, on the revival of BSNL. This All India Conference will be discussing very serious issues including the 3rd Wage Revision, Revival of BSNL, etc., and will also draw the road map for achieving them.