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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

09 - Sep - 2021
“Meet the Members” campaign going on in full-swing.

As per the call of the CHQ of BSNLEU, the “Meet the Members” campaign is being organised in various circles. The circle level and district level leaders of BSNLEU, are meeting the employees and are campaigning against the anti-BSNL, anti-Pubic Sector and pro-corporate policies of the Modi government. The leaders are also distributing pamphlets creating awareness. Here are the views of the campaign being organised in certain circles.

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08 - Sep - 2021
Co-Ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF issued notification for agitational programmes.

As has already been informed, the Co-Ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF has decided to organise agitational programme on the burning issues of the serving and retired employees, as well as the contract workers. The notification for this agitational programme was issued to the CMD BSNL and Secretary, Telecom, yesterday.


Charter of demands.

  1. Stop privatisation of the Public Sector.
  2. Disburse salary on the last date of every month.
  3. Settle 3rd Wage Revision for BSNL employees.
  4. Implement Pension Revision with 15% fitment, by delinking from Wage Revision.
  5. Scrap the SLA based outsourcing of landline and broadband works.
  6. Implement 30% Superannuation Benefits to the Directly Recruited Employees.
  7. Immediately hold the various LICEs.
  8. Immediately pay the wage arrears of the contract workers.
  9. Do not reduce the posts, in the name of “Restructuring”.
  10. Settle the medical bills of the serving and retired employees without delay.
  11. Stop retrenchment of contract workers and re-engage the already retrenched contract workers.
  12. Implement 7thCPC pay scale for the casual labourers.
  13. Settle the Rule 8 transfers of the DR JEs and other employees.
  14. Implement E1 pay scale for the Non-Executives, as has already been approved by the BSNL Management Committee.
  15. Introduce a New Promotion Policy, to solve the problem of stagnation.


Agitational programmes

  1. Demonstrations on 14.09.2021.
  2. March to SSA and BA (Business Area) Offices on 05th October, 2021.
  3. March to the CGM Offices on 22nd October, 2021.
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07 - Sep - 2021
Inspiring Maharashtra circle conference held on 03rd & 04th September, 2021.

The Circle Conference of BSNLEU, Maharashtra circle, was held at Ahmednagar on 03rd & 04th September, 2021. The conference started with the flag hoisting ceremony. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was well attended by delegates from the various SSAs of Maharashtra circle. Com. Appa Gagre, Circle President, presided over the conference. Com.N.K. Nalawade, Circle Secretary, welcomed the delegates and presented the report on activities. Com.Ganesh Hinge, circle treasurer, submitted the accounts of the Union. All the delegates participated in the deliberations. Very good suggestions were given by the delegates to strengthen BSNLEU in Maharashtra circle and to improve the quality of BSNL’s services. Com.Yusuf Hussain, General Secretary, Maharashtra Casual Contract Workers Union, greeted the conference. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the conference and explained about the anti-Public Sector, anti-BSNL and pro-corporate policies of the Modi government. The General Secretary also explained about the decisions of the Hyderabad CEC meeting, the issues of the employees taken up and settled by BSNLEU and the demands, as well as the agitational programmes of the AUAB. Election of office bearers took place unanimously. 

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06 - Sep - 2021
Meeting between BSNLEU and the CMD BSNL.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Anand Kumar Singh, AGS, met Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL today and discussed the following issues.


  1. Payment of IDA arrears.

The leaders insisted that the IDA arrears, w.e.f. 01.10.2020 should be paid immediately. They pointed out that the payment of IDA arrears is already delayed and that further delay is undesirable. The CMD BSNL replied that the matter is under consideration.


  1. 3rd Wage Revision.

The recently held CEC meeting of BSNLEU has passed a detailed resolution insisting upon the BSNL Management to immediately settle Wage Revision. The resolution is already sent to the CMD BSNL. In today's meeting, the leaders explained to the CMD BSNL, how the matter has already been discussed at the highest level, with the erstwhile Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, as well as the erstwhile Secretary, Telecom, who had assured settlement of the Wage Revision. The leaders urged upon the CMD BSNL to immediately convene the Wage Negotiation Committee meeting and to sign the Wage Agreement. The CMD BSNL told that the matter would be looked into.


  1. Unwarranted restrictions imposed on temporary transfers.

Recently the Corporate Office has issued letter, imposing restrictions on temporary transfers to employees. As per this letter, it will be impossible for the employees to get temporary transfers hereafter. BSNLEU has already issued a strong letter to the CMD BSNL demanding to review the decision. In today’s meeting, the leaders explained how the employees would be affected due to the restrictions imposed. The CMD BSNL assured to look into the matter.


  1. Restructuring.

BSNLEU has already given a detailed note on the issue of Restructuring of BSNL’s Manpower. However, no serious meeting has been held with BSNLEU, to discuss the Union’s view. When this issue is raised in today’s meeting, the CMD BSNL replied that, the Management had already accepted BSNLEU’s demand for maintaining the Sr.TOA and the ATT as ‘Live Cadres’. However, BSNLEU demanded that, a discussion should be held with the Union, on it’s note. The CMD BSNL agreed for the same.

03 - Sep - 2021
AUAB issues notice for 3 day dharna at Jantar Mantar.

As has already been informed, the AUAB will be organising a 3 day dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi, on 21st, 22nd & 23rd September, 2021. The AUAB issued notification today, to the Secretary, Telecom and CMD BSNL, for this dharna.

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03 - Sep - 2021
Agitational programmes of the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF.

The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, held at Hyderabad noted with concern that, the genuine grievances of the Non-Executives as well as the retired employees are not being addressed by the BSNL Management. Hence, the CEC meeting decided to organise agitational programmes under the banner of the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF. Accordingly, the Co-ordination Committee has met and finalised the charter of demands, as well as the agitational programmes. The following programmes would be organised by the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF.


14.09.2021 –   Demonstrations.

05.10.2021 –   March to SSA / Business Area offices.

21.10.2021 –   March to CGM offices.


Charter of demands.

  1. Stop privatisation of the Public Sector.
  2. Payment of salary on the last date of every month.
  3. 3rd Wage Revision.
  4. Pension Revision with 15% fitment, by delinking from Wage Revision.
  5. Immediately pay the wage arrears of the contract workers.
  6. Implement 30% Superannuation Benefits to the Directly Recruited Employees.
  7. Immediately hold the various LICEs.
  8. Introduce a New Promotion Policy, to solve the problem of stagnation.
  9. Do not reduce the posts, in the name of “Restructuring”.
  10. Settle the medical bills of the serving and retired employees without delay.
  11. Implement 7th CPC pay scale for the casual labourers.
  12. Settle the Rule 8 transfers of the DR JEs and other employees.
  13. Implement E1 pay scale for the Non-Executives, as has already been approved by the BSNL Management Committee.
  14. Re-engage the retrenched contract workers.

03 - Sep - 2021
The month of September will be full of actions – a time table of the programmes.

BSNLEU has already launched the “Meet the Members” campaign, which is currently going on. Apart from this, some more agitations and conventions have also been decided by the CEC meeting of BSNLEU. Similarly, the AUAB has also decided action programme. For the benefit of the circle and district secretaries, CHQ is giving details about all the programmes that are going to take place in this month of September.


03 - Sep - 2021
Formation of circle councils in the Core Network Circles.

The erstwhile ETP / ETR ; NTP / NTR ; WTP / WTR and STP / STR circles have been merged and Core Network East, Core Network North, Core Network West and Core Network South circles have been formed. Consequently, erstwhile circle councils which were functioning in the Maintenance and Project Circles cannot continue to function. Circle Councils have to be formed for all the four Core Network Circles. However, the SR Branch of the Corporate Office has not yet issued letter for this. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Ms. Anita Johri, Sr.GM(SR) yesterday and discussed this issue. The Sr.GM(SR) assured to take needful action in this connection. 

03 - Sep - 2021
“Young Employees Convention” - online, on 19th September, 2021..

03 - Sep - 2021
BSNLEU organising “Young Employees Convention”, online, on 19th September, 2021..

As has already been announced, BSNLEU is organising a Young Employees Convention on 19th September, 2021. This will be an online convention and will start sharply at 10:00 am. Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) BSNL Board, has kindly consented to deliver the inaugural address of this convention. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, will deliver the key note address on, “the role of trade union in safeguarding the future of the young employees and the Company.” Com.Suresh Kumar, General Secretary, SNATTA, will deliver the special address. This will be followed by an interactive session by the participants in the convention. BSNLEU heartily welcomes all the young employees of BSNL to participate in this online convention. The link for this online convention will be sent shortly.

02 - Sep - 2021
BSNLEU’s “Meet the Members” programme started.

BSNLEU has launched a “Meet the Members” programme yesterday. This programme will go on up to 15th September, 2021. According to the call, the “Meet the Members” programme is being organised in various parts of the country. The leaders of BSNLEU are meeting the employees and explaining about the anti-BSNL, anti-Public Sector and pro-corporate steps being taken by the government. The CHQ heartily congratulates those circle and district unions which have started the programme. The CHQ also calls upon the other circle and district unions to immediately start the programme.

02 - Sep - 2021
Hindi translation of "The 3 day dharna programme of AUAB, at Jantar Mantar, postponed due to heavy rains."

जंतर मंतर पर आयोजित एयूएबी-AUAB का 3 दिवसीय धरना  कार्यक्रम दिल्ली में भारी बारिश के कारण स्थगित किया गया है ।

एयूएबी-AUAB ने 6 सितंबर, 2021 से जंतर मंतर में 3 दिवसीय धरना कार्यक्रम आयोजित करने का फैसला किया था। हालांकि, दिल्ली में भारी बारिस हो रही है। टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया ने मेट्रोलॉजिकल विभाग के हवाले से अनुमान किया है की 6 सितंबर से भारी बारिश होगी और इसके बारे में चेतावनी दी है । इसके संदर्भ में  एयूएबी-AUAB ने  3 दिवसीय धरना कार्यक्रम को 2 सप्ताह तक स्थगित करने का फैसला किया है। धरना  कार्यक्रम अब 21 वीं, 22 वीं और 23 सितंबर, 2021 पर आयोजित किया जाएगा।

02 - Sep - 2021
The 3 day dharna programme of AUAB, at Jantar Mantar, postponed due to heavy rains..

The AUAB has decided to organise a 3 day dharna programme at Jantar Mantar, from 6th September, 2021 onwards. However, Delhi is witnessing heavy rainfall. Further, Times of India has quoted the Metrological Department and has cautioned heavy rainfall from 6th September onwards. In view of this, the AUAB has decided to postpone the dharna programme by 2 weeks. The dharna programme will now be held on 21st, 22nd and 23rd September, 2021.

01 - Sep - 2021
The AUAB is meeting online today.

The AUAB has already decided to organise a three day dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 06th, 07th & 08th September, 2021. The demands include the immediate launching of 4G by BSNL, Payment of salary on the due date, no selling out of BSNL's towers in the name of Monetisation, settlement of the Rs.39,000 crore dues to BSNL, by the DoT, settlement of wage revision and pension revision, etc. Preparations for this dharna are being made. As a part of this, the AUAB is meeting online at 05:00 pm today, to review the preparations that are being made to organise the dharna programme successfully.

01 - Sep - 2021
Hindi translation of "Meet the Members Campaign - 01st to 15th September - Implement it successfully."

Meet the Members -सदस्यों से मुलाक़ात अभियान - 1 से 15 सितंबर : अभियान को सफल बनायें ।


बीएसएनएलईयू-BSNLEU का देशव्यापी "meet the members-सदस्यों से मुलाक़ात” अभियान आज से शुरू हो गया है और इस महीने की 15 तारीख तक चलेगा । बीएसएनएलईयू की हैदराबाद सीईसी की बैठक में बीएसएनएल पर किए जा रहे हमलों के साथ-साथ देश के पूरे सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र पर हो रहे हमलों और इन हमलों के खिलाफ लड़ने की जरूरत के बारे में कर्मचारियों को अवगत कराने के लिए इस तरह के अभियान का आयोजन करने का फैसला किया गया ।

इस अभियान के दौरान हमारे सर्कल और जिला यूनियन के नेताओं और कार्यकर्ताओं की टीमें बनानी चाहिए और सभी कर्मचारियों से मिलना चाहिए । सीएचक्यू पहले ही एक pamphlet-पत्रिका भेज चुका है । इस पत्रिका को कर्मचारियों को वितरित किया जाए और उन्हें इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी देनी चाहिये । सर्कल यूनियनों से अनुरोध है कि वे एक विस्तृत कार्यक्रम तैयार करें और इस अभियान को सफलतापूर्वक लागू करने के लिए जिला यूनियनों की मदद करें । इस कार्यक्रम के पूरा होने पर सर्कल सचिवों को सीएचक्यू को विस्तृत रिपोर्ट भेजनी चाहिए जिसमें निम्नलिखित जानकारी देनी चाहिए ।


A. इस अभियान में भाग लेनेवाले साथियों की संख्या ।


B.   कितने कर्मचारियों से मुलाक़ात की गई ।


C.   वितरित किए गए पत्रिका-pamphlets की संख्या ।


D.   अभियान अंतर्गत आयोजित की गई मीटिंग की संख्या ।


E.   हमारे अभियान के बारे में कर्मचारियों की प्रतिक्रिया ।


सभी सर्कल और  ज़िला यूनियनों से अनुरोध है कि इस अभियान को सफलतापूर्वक लागू किया जाए।

01 - Sep - 2021
Meet the Members Campaign - 01st to 15th September - Implement it successfully..

BSNLEU's countrywide "Meet the Members Campaign" has started today and will go on till the 15th of this month. The Hyderabad CEC meeting of BSNLEU decided to organise such a campaign, to enlighten the employees about the attacks being carried out on BSNL, as well as on the entire Public Sector of the country and the need to fight against these attacks. 


During this Campaign, our circle and district union leaders and frontline comrades should form teams and meet the entire employees. CHQ has already circulated a pamphlet. These pamphlets should be distributed to the employees and the contents of the pamphlet should be explained to them. Circle Unions are requested to chalk out a detailed programme and should help the district unions to successfully implement this campaign. On completion of this programme, circle secretaries should send a detailed report to the CHQ, explaining,


  1. The number of comrades participated in this campaign.


  1. The number of employees met.


  1. The number of pamphlets distributed.


  1. The number of meetings conducted.


  1. The response of the employees for our campaign.


All the circle and district unions are requested to ensure that the campaign is implemented successfully.

31 - Aug - 2021
Hindi translation of "Reconstitute the Welfare Board and Sports Board – BSNLEU demands."

वेल्फेर बोर्ड-Welfare Board और स्पोर्ट्स बोर्ड-Sports Board का पुनर्गठन-Reconstitution : बीएसएनएलईयू- BSNLEU ने माँग की ।

साथी पी. अभिमन्यु, जनरल सेक्रेटरी और साथी स्वपन चक्रवर्ती, डेप्युटी जनरल सेक्रेटरी ने बीएसएनएल निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office, BSNL के जनरल मेनेजर, (एडीएमएन)-General Manager, (Admn), श्री एसपी सिंह-Shri SP Sinh से मुलाकात की और बीएसएनएल कर्मचारी कल्याण बोर्ड-BSNL Staff Welfare Board और बीएसएनएल खेल एवं सांस्कृतिक बोर्ड-BSNL Sports and Cultural Board के पुनर्गठन-Reconstitution में अत्यधिक विलंब पर गहरी चिंता व्यक्त की। उन्होंने यह भी बताया कि, बीएसएनएल के खेल कर्मियों के करियर प्रोग्रेशन (प्रमोशन) में बेवजह देरी की जा रही है । जनरल मेनेजर, (एडीएमएन) ने जवाब दिया कि उपरोक्त सभी तीन मुद्दों को सुलझाने के लिए उचित कार्रवाई की जा रही है।

31 - Aug - 2021
Reconstitute the Welfare Board and Sports Board – BSNLEU demands..

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, met Shri S.P. Singh, GM (Admn.), BSNL CO., and expressed their deep concern over the inordinate delay in the reconstitution of the BSNL Staff Welfare Board and the BSNL Sports and Cultural Board. They also pointed out that, the career progression (promotions) of the BSNL sports personnel is being unduly delayed. The GM (Admn.) replied that appropriate actions are being taken to resolve all the above mentioned three issues.

31 - Aug - 2021
Sikkim becomes a separate circle.

Presently, Sikkim is an SSA under the West Bengal circle. The Chief Minister of Sikkim has been demanding the formation of separate Sikkim circle. Recently, BSNLEU had reported on it’s website that, the Hon’ble Minister of Communications had accepted the demand for the formation of a separate Sikkim circle, as per the Twitter of Sikkim Chief Minister. Today, the BSNL Corporate Office, vide letter no.BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/4/2021-PERS1, has informed that, Sikkim will function as a separate circle w.e.f. 01st September, 2021, with Gangtok as it’s Head Quarters.

31 - Aug - 2021
Hindi translation of "Implementation of Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees."

बीएसएनएल कर्मचारियों के लिए स्वास्थ्य बीमा पॉलिसी - Health Insurance Policy का कार्यान्वयन।

न्यू इंडिया एश्योरेंस-New India Assurance के निगम कार्यालय-Corporate Office ने अभी तक बीएसएनएल कर्मचारियों की स्वास्थ्य बीमा पॉलिसी-Health Insurance Policy को मंजूरी नहीं दी है।कल कॉम.पी.अभिमन्यु, जनरल सेक्रेटरी ने बीएसएनएल के सीएमडी श्री पीके पुरवार-Shri PK Purwar, CMD, BSNL और श्री अरविंद वाड़नेरकर, निर्देशक(मानव संसाधन), Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director(HR) से इस मामले के बारे में फोन पर बात की । सीएमडी बीएसएनएल-CMD BSNL ने बताया कि उन्होंने पिछले शुक्रवार को न्यू इंडिया एश्योरेंस-New India Assurance के चेयरमैन-Chairman से पहले ही बात की थी और जल्द कार्रवाई का अनुरोध किया था । निदेशक ने आश्वासन दिया कि इस स्वास्थ्य बीमा पॉलिसी-Health Insurance Policy को 01-09-2021 से लागू करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास किए जाएंगे।