Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]A meeting of the Extended Circle Executive Committee of Tamil Nadu circle was held at Cuddalore yesterday the 05.08.2019. Com.S.Chellappa, Circle President, delivered the presidential address. Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and made a presentation on the revival of BSNL and on the forthcoming Membership Verification. More than 300 comrades including the circle office bearers, district secretaries and branch secretaries attended the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and spoke at length. He exposed the so called revival package of the government and accused that large scale retrenchment of the employees is in the offing. Further, he accused that the landed properties of BSNL are being taken away at throw away price, in the name of making BSNL a debt free Company. He lamented that the 63 land parcels, have already been identified for handing over to the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). These 63 land parcels are being grossly undervalued, which is going to result in a huge loss to BSNL. He called upon the employees to popularise the alternative charter of demands of the AUAB, for the financial revival of BSNL. A good number of the branch secretaries participated the deliberations and assured, they would take all out efforts to make BSNLEU victorious in the forthcoming Membership Verification.
The All India Centre of BSNLEU has finalised a tour programme for the Central Office bearers of BSNLEU, for the forthcoming 8th Membership Verification. The circle secretaries are requested to immediately contact the respective central office bearers allotted their circles, and organise the meetings very effectively. The Central Office bearers are also requested to contact the concerned circle secretaries, for effectively organising the tour programme.
One of the prominent leaders of the BJP, as well as the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Sushma Swaraj, has passed away yesterday the 06.08.2019. Due to health reasons, she did not contest in the recent Parliament elections. She had undergone kidney transplantation and was not maintaining good health ever since then. Ms. Sushma Swaraj, had also been Minister of Communications. BSNLEU pays respectful homage to Ms. Sushma Swaraj and conveys it’s heart felt condolences to her family members, friends and relatives.
The Hon’ble Madras High Court has today extended it’s stay order upto 26.08.2019, in respect of the gag order issued by the SR Branch of the Corporate Office, banning demonstrations, dharna, etc. The BSNL Management has filed their counter in this case. BSNLEU will appropriately handle the case and we are surely to win.
The Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Chennai Circle, was held at Chennai yesterday the 06.08.2019. Com.E.Natarajan, President, presided over the meeting. Com.S. Lakshmanan, Circle Organising Secretary, delivered the welcome address. Com.M. Kanniappan, Circle Secretary, submitted his report on activities and initiated the discussion. Com.S. Chellppa, AGS, briefly addressed the meeting and explained about the lootings of workers' money, that is taking place in the Chennai Telecom Employees Co-operative Society. Addressing the meeting, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, spoke elaborately about the crisis being faced by BSNL today, the root causes for the crisis, as well as the alternative road map for the revival of BSNL. In this regard, Com.P. Abhimanyu, also explained about the decision taken in the AUAB meeting held on 01.08.2019. He declared with confidence that the unions and associations will ensure the financial revival of BSNL through mass movements.
Com.P.Abhimanyu,GS, who was in Chennai to attend the Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting, visited the Harbour Telecom Exchange today. The exchange was burnt down in a massive fire, in the intervening night of 31.07.2019, and 01.08.2019. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, was accompanied by Com.M.Kanniappan, Circle Secretary, Com.Ramachandran, District Secretary, North East, Com.Bharathy, District Secretary, Development, Com.Sri Ganesh, District Secretary, South East, Com.Madhivanan, Circle Organising Secretary, Com.Thulukkanam, Assistant Circle Secretary and Com.Murali, Branch Secretary, Flower Bazaar. The delegation visited the affected areas of the Harbour Telephone Exchange building and enquired about the restoration work being carried out. It is a matter of pride that within a short time, services have been restored to a great extent by the BSNL team.
Defying deployment of heavy security personnels and Delhi Police as well as the cordoned off main gates of BSNL Corporate Office by the Management, the AUAB organised a lunch hour demonstration in the Corporate Office. A large number of both Executives and Non-Executives have participated in the gate meeting. The meeting was presided over by Com.R.S. Chauhan, CS, BSNLEU, NTR & Convenor of AUAB, NTR. The meeting was addressed by Coms.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, BSNLEU, Islam Ahmed, President, NFTE BSNL, K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA and Com.K.G. Jayaraj, GS, AIBDPA. The leaders explained in detail the present developments going on in BSNL and mis-propaganda from certain sections of media and government on BSNL Revival. They clarified the stand of AUAB on BSNL Revival and also explained 4 point demand of the AUAB, sent to the Secretary, DoT, as well as to the CMD BSNL for immediate actions, so that BSNL overcomes the present unprecedented crisis. They also appealed to the workers to make a total unity among the workers for further struggles on BSNL’s revival.
The Department of Telecommunications is moving a Cabinet Note for the Revival of BSNL. One of the components envisaged in the Revival Package is to make BSNL a debt-free Company, through transfer of BSNL’s bank loans to a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). Identified land parcels of BSNL will also be transferred to the SPV, to be sold by the latter, for the repayment of the loans. BSNL Management has already finalised a list of 63 land parcels, located in major cities and towns, to be transferred to the SPV. In this process BSNL has also fixed the value for these land parcels.
It is shocking to know that these land parcels are grossly undervalued. In the name of monetisation of lands, for the purpose of making BSNL a debt-free Company, BSNL’s lands are being transferred to the SPV at a “throw-away price”. It must be noted that BSNL’s vacant land parcels are mostly situated in the prime locations of India’s metro cities, as well as in other big towns. According to our information, the market value of these land parcels is very high. However, in the name of book value, these land parcels are going to be transferred to the SPV at dirt cheap price.
डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ टेलीकम्युनिकेशन्स द्वारा BSNL के रिवाइवल के लिए एक कैबिनेट नोट प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है। रिवाइवल पैकेज में उल्लेखित एक घटक (component) यह भी है कि BSNL को ऋण मुक्त कंपनी बनाने के लिए BSNL के बैंक ऋण को स्पेशल परपज वेहिकल (SPV) को स्थान्तरित कर दिया जाए। BSNL के चिन्हित (identified) लैंड पार्सल्स भी SPV को स्थानान्तरित किए जाएंगे, जिसे ऋण के पुनर्भुगतान हेतु SPV द्वारा बेच दिया जाएगा। SPV को स्थानांतरित किए जाने वाले, प्रमुख शहरों और टाऊन्स में स्थित, ऐसे 63 लैंड पार्सल्स की सूची को BSNL मैनेजमेंट द्वारा अंतिम रूप दे दिया गया है। इस प्रक्रिया के तहत BSNL ने इन लैंड पार्सल्स का मूल्य निर्धारण भी कर दिया है।
यह आश्चर्यजनक है कि इन लैंड पार्सल्स का बेहद कम मूल्यांकन किया गया है। BSNL को ऋण मुक्त कंपनी बनाने के लिए लैंड मोनेटाइजेशन (मुद्रीकरण) के नाम पर BSNL की जमीन "नाम मात्र दरों" पर SPV को स्थानांतरित की जा रही है। ज्ञातव्य है कि BSNL की रिक्त लैंड पार्सल्स (जमीन) अधिकांशतः देश के मेट्रो सिटीज के साथ ही अन्य बड़े शहरों में प्रमुख लोकेशन्स पर स्थित है। हमारी जानकारी के अनुसार इन लैंड पार्सल्स का बाजार मूल्य काफी ज्यादा है। किंतु बुक वैल्यू के नाम पर इन लैंड पार्सल्स को औने पौने दामों पर SPV को स्थानांतरित किया जा रहा है।
An energetic Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Bihar circle was held at Patna today. Com.M.K. Singh, Circle President, presided over. Com.B.P. Singh, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone and spoke briefly about the forthcoming Membership Verification. Addressing the meeting, Com.P.Abhimanyu,GS, elaborately explained about BSNL’s present position, alternative proposals for the revival of the Company, as well as about the role of the unions and associations. He also explained as to how BSNL’s valuable lands are being transferred to the SPV at throw-away price. The General Secretary also answered questions that came forward in the deliberations of the branch secretaries.
BSNL में जमीन घोटाले को रोकिए- BSNLEU ने सेक्रेटरी, टेलीकॉम को लिखा...
BSNLEU यह जान कर बेहद विचलित है कि रिवाइवल पैकेज के नाम पर BSNL के बेशकीमती लैंड पार्सल्स स्पेशल परपज वेहिकल (SPV) को स्थान्तरित किए जा रहे हैं। इसके बदले में ये लैंड पार्सल्स SPV द्वारा नाममात्र मूल्य पर कॉर्पोरेट उद्यमियों को सौंप दिए जाएंगे। BSNLEU के अनुसार यह एक बहुत बड़ा जमीन घोटाला है। BSNLEU ने BSNL में इस घोटाले को रोकने के लिए शीघ्र हस्तक्षेप की मांग करते हुए सेक्रेटरी, टेलीकॉम को लिखा है।
Accepting the call of the AUAB, lunch hour demonstrations and gate meetings were organised throughout the country, demanding financial support for BSNL’s revival, withdrawal of the ban imposed on capital expenditures in BSNL, ensuring of job security and also against BSNL Management's banning of dharna, demonstration, etc. As per reports received from various circles, the call has been implemented very effectively, defying the ban imposed by the Management for demonstrations, dharnas, etc. The CHQ of BSNLEU heartily congratulates the unions and associations for the success of the programme.
BSNLEU has issued a press statement yesterday the 08.08.2019, wherein it has accused that BSNL 63 land parcels are being transferred to the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) at a throw-away price. The ET Telecom has carried an article based on BSNLEU’s press release.
Today’s ET Telecom has carried a write up about the press statement issued by BSNLEU, wherein the union has alleged that BSNL’s lands are being transferred to the SPV, at throw-away price. Responding to the report, Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL has refuted the allegation of the Union. He has stated that, "such allegations are baseless and incorrect since the valuation has been done on indicative basis for the purpose of preparation of cabinet note.
In it's press release, BSNLEU has clearly pointed out that, in the year 2013 itself, the Kerala government had paid Rs.15 lakh per cent, for buying land from BSNL's RTTC, at Thiruvananthapuram. Whereas, after 9 long years, the BSNL Management has assessed the price of 1 cent land of RTTC,Thiruvananthapuram at Rs.10 lakh. It is upto Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL, to justify how a land sold at Rs.15 lakh per cent in 2013 can be valued at Rs.10 lakh per cent in 2019.
The Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Assam circle, was held at Guwahati today the 09.08.2019. Apart from circle executive committee members, a large number of branch secretaries, from all over Assam, attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Com.Gakul Borah, Circle President. Com.M.R. Das, President, Reception Committee welcomed everyone. Com.Bijoy Deka, Circle Secretary, initiated the discussion. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and spoke elaborately about the present financial condition of BSNL and also about the ways and means to come out of it. He also explained about the decisions of the AUAB in respect of the revival of BSNL. Quoting today's ET Telecom report, based on BSNLEU's press release, the General Secretary demanded that BSNL's lands should not be undervalued, while transferring to the SPV.
श्री पी के पुरवार, CMD BSNL, BSNL की जमीनों को बेहद न्यूनतम दरों पर SPV को स्थानांतरित करने को किस तरह उचित बता रहे हैं ?....
आज के ET टेलीकॉम ने BSNLEU द्वारा प्रेषित प्रेस विज्ञप्ति के संबंध में, जिसमें यूनियन द्वारा BSNL की जमीनों को बेहद न्यूनतम दरों पर SPV को स्थानांतरित करने का आरोप लगाया लगाया गया है, पर एक लेख प्रकाशित किया है। इस पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए श्री पी के पुरवार, CMD BSNL ने यूनियन के आरोपों का खंडन किया है। उन्होंने कहा है कि "इस तरह के आरोप निराधार और गलत है क्योंकि कैबिनेट नोट बनाने के लिए जमीनों का मूल्यांकन सांकेतिक आधार पर किया गया है।"
अपनी प्रेस विज्ञप्ति में BSNLEU ने स्पष्ट रूप से उल्लेखित किया है कि वर्ष 2013 में ही केरल सरकार द्वारा तिरुअनंतपुरम में स्थित BSNL RTTC की जमीन खरीदने के लिए रु 15 लाख प्रति सेंट की दर से भुगतान किया गया था। जबकि, 9 वर्ष के अंतराल के पश्चात, BSNL मैनेजमेंट ने RTTC तिरुअनंतपुरम की 1 सेंट जमीन का मूल्य रु 10 लाख आंका है। अब यह श्री पी के पुरवार, CMD BSNL पर निर्भर करता है कि वें 2013 में रु 15 लाख प्रति सेंट की दर से बेची गई जमीन का मूल्यांकन 2019 में रु 10 लाख प्रति सेंट किया जा सकता है, इसे कैसे उचित साबित करेंगे।
The North East-I circle union organised a well attended Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting at Shillong, today the 10.08.2019. District secretaries, circle office bearers and branch secretaries from Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram participated in the meeting. A presidium consisting of Com.Swapan Goswami, Vice President, Com.Subhra Sen Gupta, VP and Com.Debojit Majumdar, VP, presided over the meeting. Com.Shivji Ray, CS, NE-I circle, welcomed everyone. Com.Gopal Das, a veteran leader of NE-I circle, as well as the Circle Secretary of AIBDPA, greeted the meeting. Addressing the meeting, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, spoke in detail about the forthcoming 8th Membership Verification, the anti-BSNL policies of the government, the united struggles of the unions and associations of BSNL, alternative proposals for the revival of BSNL, etc., were explained in detail. The General Secretary also explained about the settlement of the issues of the Non-Executives since the 7th Membership Verification. Com.M.V. Mokhiew, proposed the vote of thanks. Today’s meeting has greatly enthused the comrades of NE-I circle, which will greatly strengthen the struggles in the circle in the day’s to come.
Torrential rains are battering Maharashtra and Kerala circles. It is reported that water has entered in our exchanges at Sangli and Kohlapur. Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri districts are also severely affected.
Similarly, non-stop rains have resulted in the breakdown of electricity service in many parts of Kerala. Thus, heavy expenditure is being incurred to buy diesel, to ensure the running of our services. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, has sent WhatsApp message to the CMD BSNL, demanding immediate rushing of funds to Maharashtra and Kerala circles, to ensure that BSNL's services do not break down.
As has already been announced, BSNLEU and BSNLCCWF are organising March to Labour Commissioners’ offices tomorrow, demanding immediate payment of wage arrears to contract workers and also to stop their retrenchment. At the end of the rallies, a memorandum is to be submitted to the Deputy Labour Commissioner / Regional Labour Commissioner / Assistant Labour Commissioner / Labour Enforcement Officer, as the case may be. A copy of the memorandum to be submitted tomorrow is attached herewith. It is already sent to the circle secretaries and central office bearers on Whatsapp also. All circle and district secretaries are requested to organise the rallies tomorrow and submit the memorandum. Report and photos may be sent to the CHQ promptly.
महाराष्ट्र और केरल में मूसलाधार वर्षा- BSNLEU ने CMD BSNL से धनराशि उपलब्ध कराने का अनुरोध किया, जिससे कि सेवाएं संचालित होती रहे...
महाराष्ट्र और केरल सर्किल में मूसलाधार बारिश का जबरदस्त प्रहार हुआ है। यह जानकारी प्राप्त हुई है कि हमारे सांगली और कोल्हापुर एक्सचेंज में भी पानी प्रवेश कर गया है। सिंधुदुर्ग और रत्नागिरी जिले भी बुरी तरह से प्रभावित हुए हैं।
इसी प्रकार, लगातार जारी वर्षा की वजह से केरल के कई क्षेत्रों में भी बिजली आपूर्ति बाधित हुई है। इसकी वजह से सेवाएं सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए डीजल खरीदने में भारी खर्च हुआ है। कॉम पी अभिमन्यु, जीएस ने CMD BSNL को व्हाट्सएप्प मैसेज कर महाराष्ट्र और केरल सर्किल के लिए तत्काल आवश्यक धनराशि उपलब्ध कराने का अनुरोध किया है, जिससे कि BSNL की सेवाएं बाधित न हो।