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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Government of India gave it's approval for "Net Neutrality".

In a major development, the government of India gave it’s approval yesterday for “Net Neutrality”. Under the principle of Net Neutrality, every Internet user must have equal access to all lawful online content, at the “same cost and speed”. The necessity for the government to announce this Net Neutrality arose because, some time back, the private operators attempted to start a system, in which those who pay extra money alone will be getting access to all the internet sites at assured speed, and others will be having only limited access and slower speed. The Telecom Secretary, Ms.Aruna Sundararajan announced yesterday that, this policy comes into effect immediately, and any violation of rules would attract severe penalties.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Victory has a hundred fathers."

अंग्रेजी में एक कहावत है,

"विक्टरी हैज़ ए हंड्रेड फादर्स एंड डेफ़ीट इज ऑलवेज एन ऑर्फ़न."
तात्पर्य यह कि "जीत के सौ दावेदार होते हैं और पराजय हमेशा अनाथ सी होती है।"

यह कहावत एक बार फिर सही साबित हुई है। AUAB को BSNL रिटायरीज के पेंशन रिवीजन के संबंध में एक और सफलता मिली है। अभी तक DOT इस बात पर अडिग था कि BSNL रिटायरीज को  कार्यरत कर्मचारियों के वेज रिवीजन के बाद ही पेंशन रिवीजन मिल पाएगा। इस संबंध में DOT द्वारा लिखित में CMD BSNL को सूचित भी किया गया था। BSNLEU का यह स्पष्ट मत था कि पेंशन रिवीजन को कार्यरत कर्मियों के वेज रिवीजन से सम्बद्ध (लिंक) नही किया जाए। इसी प्रकार अन्य संगठनों ने भी इस मुद्दे पर अपनी ऐसी ही राय रखी थी। लेकिन अब यह हर कोई जानता है कि AUAB द्वारा दिए गए जोरदार झटके की वजह से ही इसका निराकरण संभव हुआ है। अगर हम इसकी पृष्ठभूमि पर दृष्टिपात करें, तो यह स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि BSNL के असंख्य एग्जीक्यूटिव और नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव के द्वारा प्रदर्शित हड़ताल की तैयारी की वजह से ही सेक्रेटरी, टेलीकॉम ने AUAB को 02.12.2018 को चर्चा के लिए आमंत्रित किया था। और इसी मीटिंग में, संभवतः पहली बार, सेक्रेटरी, टेलीकॉम द्वारा जानकारी दी गई कि DOT ने पेंशन रिवीजन को कार्यरत कर्मियों के वेज रिवीजन से पृथक (delink) करने का निर्णय लिया है। किंतु AUAB के नेतृत्व में देश के सभी एग्जीक्यूटिव और नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव कर्मियों के जबरदस्त प्रयासों की अनदेखी कर कुछ लोगों द्वारा इस उपलब्धि का श्रेय लूटना अपने आप में हास्यास्पद है।

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL employees pay homage to the 40 CRPF brave-hearts, killed in the Pulwama terror attack.


The AUAB has called on the BSNL employees to gather in front of the offices at 10:00 am today, and pay homage to the CRPF brave-hearts, killed in the Pulwama terror attack. Accordingly, throughout the country, BSNL Executives and Non-Executives gathered in front of the offices and payed their respectful homage to the martyrs, and conveyed their condolences to the bereaved families.


17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL to lease out it's optic fibre network.

It is reportedly told to the media, by Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL, that, BSNL is contemplating to lease out it’s huge optic fibre network to generate extra revenue. According to media reports, BSNL is having 7.5 lakh route kilometres of optic fibre. Reliance Jio comes next with it’s 3.2 lakh route kilometres of optic fibre. (This includes 1.78 lakh route kilometres of OFC acquired from Anil Ambani’s Reliance Communication). Airtel comes 3rd with 2.5 lakh route kilometres of OFC and Vodafone Idea comes 4th with 1.60 route kilometres of OFC.

17 - Sep - 2020
Make the 16th July, dharna programme massive and effective.

BSNLEU and BSNLCCWF have already given call to organise dharnas on 16.07.2019, at the Corporate Office and at all circle head quarters, demanding immediate payment of the 6 month wage arrears to the contract workers and also to stop their retrenchment. CHQ once again calls upon all the circle unions to take the requisite steps for organising the 16th July, dharna massively and effectively. After successfully organising the dharna, circle unions are requested to send report to the CHQ with photos.

17 - Sep - 2020
Speech delivered by Com. P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, in the All India Conference of the AIGETOA - Beware of edited video clip, misleading the employees.


Recently, Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the All India Conference of the AIGETOA, held at New Delhi. In that meeting, the General Secretary has spoken elaborately about the dangers of VRS, reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58 and also about the future danger of implementing CRS (Compulsory Retirement Scheme) in respect of the younger generation of the workers. The General Secretary called upon the Directly Recruited employees also to join hands with the absorbed employees, to fight against the menace of VRS, 58 years and CRS. It is has been brought to the notice of the CHQ that, some mischievous elements are circulating an edited part of the General Secretary’s speech, to create bad name for BSNLEU and it’s General Secretary. Hence, we are uploading the relevant portion of the General Secretary’s speech, delivered at the AIC of the AIGETOA. All can listen to the General Secretary’s speech and understand exactly what he spoke.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Telecom Companies get 2 year moratorium to pay spectrum dues.

The private telecom companies have been representing to the government for bailing them out from the owning crisis. Based on this, the Cabinet has now decided to grant a 2 years’ moratorium for paying spectrum charges. As per this moratorium, the private telecom companies need not pay the spectrum charges for 2 years. As a result of this, payment of spectrum charge to the tune of Rs.11,746 crores of Airtel will be deferred. Similarly, payment of spectrum charges to the tune of Rs.23,920 crores by Vodafone Idea will also be deferred for 2 years.

17 - Sep - 2020
Payment of Contract Workers Wages - General Secretary urges upon the CMD BSNL for release of funds.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, spoke to Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL telephonically today and discussed the issue of non-payment of wages to the contract workers. The General Secretary explained about the plight of the contract workers and urged upon the CMD BSNL that funds needs to be immediately released by the Corporate Office, to ensure payment of wages to the contract workers, so that their families are saved from starvation during this lock-down period.  The CMD BSNL explained about the financial constraints of the Company. At the same time, he assured that he would try his best to release the funds.

17 - Sep - 2020
Financial Express makes write-up on delay in BSNL’s 4G network roll out, non-implementation of BSNL’s Revival Package, non-payment of salary to employees.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Formal meeting to be held online tomorrow between Director (HR) and BSNLEU.

BSNLEU has demanded a formal meeting to be held online with the Director (HR). BSNLEU has also given a 5 point agenda for discussion in the meeting. The SR Branch of the Corporate Office has informed that this meeting would be held at 16:00 hrs. tomorrow the 27.08.2020.

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MP, Nizamabad, Telangana circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to smt. K. Kavitha, Hon’ble  MP, Nizamabad, Telangana circle.

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17 - Sep - 2020
India is the 6th largest economy in the world now.

India has become the 6th largest economy in the world now, based on the country’s performance in 2017. India’s GDP was 2.59 trillion US dollars in 2017. Thus, India pushed back France to the 7th place, whose GDP was 2.58 trillion US dollars in 2017. It is also expected that India will soon overtake Britain, which is having a GDP of 2.62 trillion US dollars. All these news make every Indian to feel proud. At the same time it also pains to note that India is a country, with the largest number of poor people in the world.

17 - Sep - 2020
Allotment of funds by the Corporate Office, for the payment of wages of contract workers.

It is already brought to the notice of the CHQ by many circles that, funds are not allotted by the Corporate Office for the payment of wages of the contract workers. As a result of this, wages are not paid to the workers for many months. The issue is already discussed with the GM (BFCI) a number of times, and he says that Corporate Office is facing acute problem in cash flow. The issue was discussed again today. The GM (BFCI) says that Corporate Office is trying to allot the funds to all the circles by next week. In case this is not done, then it will be allotted in the following week.

17 - Sep - 2020
Strike is massive and total - Red salutes to comrades.

The 3 day strike called on by the AUAB started at 00:00 hrs. today. The entire Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL have given a tremendous response to the strike call. In almost all the circles, strike is total. This is a fitting reply given by the BSNL employees, in response to the arrogant and high-handed DoT. BSNLEU salutes all the leaders and comrades who have made the strike a grand success. Through this historic strike, the entire Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL have told no uncertain terms that, they would not allow the government to ruin BSNL, for the benefit of Reliance Jio. BSNLEU requests that the same vigour and spirit should continue for the next 2 days also.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL has improved download speeds, but no where close to private telecom companies.

As per the study conducted by mobile analytics firm, BSNL has improved it’s download speed by nearly 7% in the past 6 months, according to the study conducted by open signal, between 1st December, 2018 and 28th February, 2019. However, it is no where close to it’s competitors, Airtel, Reliance Jio and Vodafone Idea. According to the study, Bharti Airtel, has the fastest mobile network, followed by Reliance Jio. Vodafone Idea comes third. 

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU, Kalyan district organises a huge election campaign meeting.


Kalyan district union organised a huge election campaign meeting today, addressed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS. Despite intermittent rains, a large number of comrades attended the meeting. Com. Bhangre, district president, presided over. Com. Baste, district secretary, welcomed all. The meeting was also addressed by Com.N.K.Nalawade, CS, Maharashtra, and Com. B.Mane, ACS. The General Secretary, in his speech, declared that, BSNL is not a sinking ship and that, it would once again become a profit making company, through the united struggles of the employees. He exposed that VRS and Rolling back of the Retirement Age are nothing but stepping stones for the privatisation of BSNL. The General Secretary also highlighted the achievements of BSNLEU, since the last Membership Verification. The huge gathering enthusiastically responded to the speech of the General Secretary.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Organise one day Hunger Strike massively on 25.11.2019.

As has already been announced, BSNLEU, BTEU, FNTO, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM and BSNL OA have decided to organise a one day hunger strike on 25.11.2019. On issues related to VRS-2019 and other burning issues of the employees. This programme is being organised at a very short notice. Hence, circle and district unions of BSNLEU are requested to swing into action for mobilising the hunger strike massively throughout the country, together with the other organisations which have given the call.

17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the following donations from Karnataka and Haryana circles.


1) Com. Rajalakshmi Desikan, RTD SSS, CGMT - Rs.1,000/-

2) Com. Loganathan, Retd.OS, BGTD - Rs.1,000/-

3. Com. Yogesh, Retd.OS, BGTD - Rs.1,000/-

4. Com. Sudharshan. M.N., TT, BGTD - Rs.1,000/-

5. Com. Sharanapoa, DS, AIBDPA, Kalburgi - Rs.1,000/-

6. Com. Shashikala, Retd. JAO, Mangalore TD - Rs.1,000/-

7. Com. Marigowda - Rs.500/-



1) Com. Kishan Chand, Ex District President - Rs.2,500/-

2) Com. Subhash Chand, Ex Member LCM - Rs.2,100/-

3) Com. Sourabh Singh, JE Ateli (Narnaul) - Rs.1,000/-

4) Com. Sube Singh Yadav, Br.President (Narnaul) - Rs.500/-

5) Com. Deewan Ji, JE (Narnaul) - Rs. 500/-

17 - Sep - 2020
Decisions of the Central Secretariat meeting, held on 15-06-2020 - CHQ circular no.6.

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17 - Sep - 2020
AUAB submits memorandum to Shri Thomas Chazhikadan, MP, Kottayam, Kerala circle.

The AUAB leaders of Kottayam, Kerala Circle, submitted a memorandum to Shri Thomas Chazhikadan, MP, Kottayam, about the inordinate delay in the launching of BSNL’s 4G service, as well as delay in the implementation of the Revival Package.