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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Nov - 2020
Organise Press Meets on 19.11.2020 – ensure widest media coverage for the strike message.

As per the call of the eight unions and associations, press meets are to be organised on 19.11.2020. This is an excellent opportunity to take our strike message to the vast sections of the general public. Hence, circle and district unions of BSNLEU are requested to coordinate with the other unions and associations and to effectively organise the Press Meet. Invite maximum number of media persons to the Press Meet. A press statement, signed by the General Secretaries of the eight unions and associations, is already circulated. In the non-Hindi speaking circles, this press statement needs to be translated into regional languages. For the Hindi speaking circles, CHQ will send the Hindi translation of the press statement shortly. 

17 - Nov - 2020
Com.K. Hemalata, President, CITU, is addressing Facebook live today.

As has already been informed by the CHQ, Com.K. Hemalata, President, CITU, is addressing the Facebook live today, at 6:00 pm. All circle and district secretaries are requested to take the last minute efforts, to ensure that the maximum number of comrades view this live address.

17 - Nov - 2020
Press statement for the 26th November General Strike.

The eight unions and associations, which are organising the 26th November General Strike in BSNL, have issued the following press statement. A call has already been given by the eight unions and associations, to organise press meets at the circle and district levels on 19-11-2020. This press statement has to be translated into regional languages, wherever required and to be handed over to the media persons. Since, we have to take our strike message to the general public in a big way, CHQ requests all the circle and district secretaries to take necessary steps and to ensure that, this press statement gets the widest possible coverage in the media.

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16 - Nov - 2020
BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee (BSNL WWCC), Kerala circle, held online.

The BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee (BSNL WWCC), Kerala circle, was held online on 14.11.2020. The meeting was presided over by Com.K.N.Jyothilakshmi, ACS. Com.V.Bhagyalakshmi, Convenor, welcomed everyone and reported on the activities of the BSNL WWCC. Com.C.Santhoshkumar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, inaugurated the meeting and explained in detail about the roadblocks being created in BSNL’s 4G launching, the demands for the General Strike to be held on 26.11.2020, etc. All the Committee members participated in the debate. Decisions were taken to successfully organise the forthcoming General Strike. Com.P. Manoharan, Circle President, Com.M.Vijayakumar, AGS and Com.R. Rajeshkumar, Circle Treasurer, greeted the meeting. The meeting ended with Com.Beena John, giving a vote of thanks.

16 - Nov - 2020
BSNLEU, Karnataka circle, releases the Kannada pamphlet for the General Strike.

BSNLEU, Karnataka circle union, has translated the pamphlet for the General Strike, into Kannada language. It was released at Bengaluru on 03.11.2020. All the circle and district office bearers of BGTD attended the meeting. The house was addressed by Com.H.V.Sudharshan, Circle Secretary, Com.Irfan Pasha, Organising Secretary (CHQ), Com.B. Krishna Murthy, ACS, Com.M. Manchaiah, DS, BGTD, Com. Kempegowda, DP and Com.S. Murali, Circle Treasurer. The meeting resolved to organise the General Strike successfully.

16 - Nov - 2020
Kolkata Circle prepares for the General Strike.

Kolkata Telephones circle organised a meeting at Ladies Club, Telephone Bhawan, on 13.11.2020, for organising the forthcoming General Strike. Com.Swapan Bharati, DS, presided over the Convention. Com.Animesh Mitra, President and Com.Sisir Kumar Roy, Circle Secretary, addressed the meeting and explained about the charter of demands. The meeting finalised a Committee for successfully organising the General Strike. Com.Biswajit Sil, DS, HQ, proposed vote of thanks.

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16 - Nov - 2020
Reminder for tomorrow’s Facebook live programme..

As has already been informed, Com.K. Hemalata, President, CITU, will be addressing  BSNL employees through Facebook live, at 06:00 pm tomorrow the 17.11.2020, regarding the General Strike being organised on 26.11.2020. This address will be in Hindi. All circle secretaries, especially the circle secretaries of Hindi speaking circles, are requested to mobilise maximum number of employees from their circles, to view this programme. The link for this programme is already sent through WhatsApp to all the circle secretaries. It is also reproduced hereunder: -

13 - Nov - 2020
General Secretary speaks to the Director (HR) urges upon him to expedite the holding of the LICEs..

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, telephonically spoke to Shri Arvind Vadnerkar today. He pointed out the extreme delay being experienced in the holding of the JTO LICE, JE LICE, TT LICE and the JAO LICE and urged upon him to take steps for holding the LICEs early. The Director (HR) assured to do the needful. 

13 - Nov - 2020
Collection of WFTU Fund – final statement.

As per the call of the All India Centre, the CHQ called upon the circle and district unions to collect donations for WFTU Fund. Accordingly, the CHQ has received a total amount of Rs.2,89,872/-. With this, the CHQ is winding up it’s collection of the WFTU Fund. As per the final figures, an amount of Rs.2,89,872/-. Out of this, Rs.2,20,000/- (equivalent to €2,500) has already been sent to the WFTU. Now, the remaining amount will be sent to the Trade Union International (TUI Transports & Communications). BSNLEU is affiliated to the WFTU, through TUI (Transports & Communications). The final list of the donations is attached.

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13 - Nov - 2020
Happy Deepawali to all the comrades..

BSNLEU wishes a very Happy Deepawali to all the comrades.  Let the festival of lights bring everlasting peace and joy in the lives of all.

13 - Nov - 2020
Tamilnadu contract workers get payment wage arrears, as per the order of the Hon’ble Madras High Court.

We have already informed that, the Tamil Nadu comrades have approached the Hon’ble Madras High Court, for the redressal of their grievance of non-payment of contract workers' wages for more than a year. The Hon’ble Court has already directed the BSNL Management to make payment of a minimum amount before Deepawali. Accordingly, the contract workers have received payment of wage arrears ranging from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.40,000/-. Nearly 2100 contract workers are benefited due to this. CHQ heartily congratulates the TNTCWU and BSNLEU, Tamil Nadu circle.

13 - Nov - 2020
WFTU Fund received.

CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the following personal donations, from Karnataka circle comrades, towards WFTU Fund. 

1)   Com. C. K. Gundanna, Circle President - Rs.1,000/-

2)   Com. B.R. Krishna Murthy, ACS - Rs. 500/-.

3)   Com. Girish P., District Secretary, CGM Office District Union - Rs. 500/-.

4)   Com. Parandaman, Circle Organising Secretary - Rs. 500/-.

11 - Nov - 2020
Convention at Telecom Factory, Kharagpur.

A Convention has been organised at Kharagpur today the 11-11-2020, at Telecom Factory, for organising the General Strike to be held on 26.11.2020. Com.Sekhar Bhattacharjee, Circle President, presided over. Com.Arjun Singh, District Secretary, welcomed all the comrades. The Convention was addressed by Com.Sisir Kumar Roy, Organising Secretary (CHQ) and Com.Omprakash Singh, GS, BSNL CC. Both the comrades explained the issues connected with the General Strike. Finally, Com.J. Manna, District President, proposed vote of thanks. 

11 - Nov - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNL can fly high. But, it's wings are tied by the government. Join the General Strike enmasse on 26-11-2020 to defeat the conspiracies to kill BSNL."

BSNL ऊंची उड़ान भर सकता है। किन्तु सरकार ने उसके पर कस दिए हैं। BSNL को खत्म करने की साजिश को परास्त करने के लिए 26-11-2020 की आम हड़ताल में बड़ी तादाद में शामिल होइए...

BSNL ऊंची उड़ान भर सकता है। वह किसी भी निजी कंपनी से ज्यादा ऊंचा उड़ सकता है। किन्तु सरकार ने BSNL के पर कस दिए हैं। सरकार BSNL को अपनी 4G सेवाएं शुरू करने की अनुमति नही दे रही है। ऐसे परिदृश्य में BSNL निजी कंपनियों से कैसे प्रतिस्पर्धा कर सकता है ? कैसे अपनी नुकसान प्रद स्थिति से उबर सकता है ? यही समय है, जब यह संदेश व्यापक रूप से सभी कर्मचारियों के साथ ही आम नागरिकों तक ले जाना है। अब वक्त आ गया है कि सरकार के षड्यंत्र का मुकाबला किया जाए, जिसकी वजह से BSNL को लगभग पंगु बना कर अंततोगत्वा खत्म किया जाना है।

26.11.2020 की आम हड़ताल में बड़े पैमाने पर शामिल हो कर सरकार को करारा जवाब दीजिए।  

11 - Nov - 2020
BSNL can fly high. But, it's wings are tied by the government. Join the General Strike enmasse on 26-11-2020 to defeat the conspiracies to kill BSNL.

BSNL can fly high. It can fly higher than the private companies. However, BSNL’s wings are tied by the government. The government is not allowing BSNL to start it’s 4G service. In this scenario, how BSNL can compete with private operators? How BSNL can come out of loss making? This is the time to take this message far and wide, to the entire employees, as well as to the public. This is the time to fight against the conspiracies of the government which is out to cripple BSNL and to kill it ultimately. Join the General Strike enmasse on 26.11.2020 and give a befitting reply to the government.

10 - Nov - 2020
Chhattisgarh Circle Executive Committee meeting held online.

The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Chhattisgarh, is held online today. Com.S.H. Dhani, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Com.R.S. Bhatt, Circle Secretary, welcomed. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the meeting and explained the situation in which General Strike is being organised on 26.11.2020. He also elaborately explained about the charter of demands. Com.John Verghese, AGS, greeted the meeting. All the district secretaries and circle office bearers who attended the meeting assured that the strike would be organised successfully in Chhattisgarh circle. At last the meeting came to an end with the circle secretary proposing a vote of thanks. 

10 - Nov - 2020
BSNLEU serves notice for joining the General Strike on 26.11.2020..

BSNLEU, together with 7 other unions and associations, is joining the General Strike taking place on 26.11.2020. Accordingly, BSNLEU has served strike notice today, on the Secretary, Telecom and the CMD BSNL. For this General Strike, a detailed explanatory note, on the 10 point charter of demands, has also been enclosed with the strike notice. Similar strike notice, together with the explanatory note, will also be served by the other participating unions and associations.

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09 - Nov - 2020
Com. Raghunath Singh, General Secretary, CITU, Punjab, addresses strike preparatory meeting at Ludhiana.

The various district unions of BSNLEU, Punjab circle, are gearing up to successfully organise the General Strike on 26.11.2020. In this connection, a strike preparatory meeting is held at Ludhiana today.  The meeting was addressed by Com.Raghunath Singh, GS, CITU, Punjab, Com. Avtar Singh Jhande, District Secretary, Ludhiana and Com.Balvinder Singh, Circle Vice President.

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09 - Nov - 2020
Executive Committee meeting of Kolkata Telephones circle, decides to make the General Strike successful.

The  Executive Committee meeting of Kolkata Telephones Circle, is held online today. 18 district secretaries and circle office bearers participated in the meeting. Com. Sharmila Dutta, Vice President, presided over. Com.Sisir Kr. Roy, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, inaugurated the meeting. He explained about the deadlock created by the government in BSNL’s 4G launching and the call of the Central Trade Unions to organise a General Strike on 26.11.2020. He also explained about the charter of demands of both BSNL unions and associations, as well as that of the Central Trade Unions. Com.Animesh Mitra, President,  addressed the meeting and gave valuable suggestions for organising the Strike successfully. All the circle executive committee members present in the meeting participated in the deliberations. All of them assured to make the General Strike a success in Kolkata Telephones Circle. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, replied to the all India level issues raised in the meeting. Thereafter, Com.Sisir Kr. Roy, Circle Secretary, summed up the discussions. The meeting came to an end with  vote of thanks from the chair.

07 - Nov - 2020
TNTCWU and BSNLEU organise massive struggle of contract workers at CGM office, Tamil Nadu circle.

Tamil Nadu Telecom Contract Workers Union and BSNLEU organised a massive struggle at the CGM Office, Tamil Nadu circle, in Chennai, on 05-11-2020.  This struggle was organised against the retrenchment of contract workers and non-payment of their long pending wage arrears. 


More than 500 contract workers participated in this struggle from various districts of Tamil Nadu circle. Leaders of BSNL Employees Union, including Com.S. Chellappa, AGS, and Com.Babu Radhakrishnan, circle secretary, participated and led the struggle. Com.Sukumaran, State General Secretary, CITU, Tamil Nadu, addressed and greeted the struggle. 


The struggle came to an end in the evening, following the settlement reached between the CGM, Tamil Nadu circle and the leaders of BSNLEU and TNTCWU. The CHQ of BSNLEU heartily congratulates the contract workers union of Tamil Nadu circle, for organising this massive struggle. The CHQ also appreciates BSNLEU, Tamil Nadu circle, for leading the struggle. 

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