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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

08 - Mar - 2022
BSNLEU deplores the extension of ban on CGA - demands that the Management should immediately lift the ban.

The BSNL Management had already banned compassionate ground appointments in BSNL. BSNLEU has been pressing on the Management to lift this ban. Around 250 BSNL employees have died due to Covid -19. Apart from this, employees die in accidents, while on duty. It is the duty of the BSNL Management to provide Compassionate Ground Appointments to the dependents of the employees who have died under the above mentioned circumstances. However, the BSNL Management issued letter yesterday, extending the ban on compassionate ground appointments beyond 31-03-2022. This is a retrograde step by the BSNL Management. BSNLEU deplores this action of the Management and demands to immediately lift the ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments.

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08 - Mar - 2022
Timing of the twitter campaign - all comrades are requested to note..

The AUAB has already given call to organise Twitter campaign today the 08-03-2022, against the grabbing of BSNL’s lands, buildings and office spaces, including the recent grabbing of the ALTTC. The AUAB has decided that the timing of this Twitter campaign shall be from 12:00 noon to 02:00 p.m. Hence, all the comrades are requested to note the timing for the Twitter campaign and to tweet within the above mentioned time.

07 - Mar - 2022
Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee for recommending Wage Revision for Non-Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 03.12.2021.

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07 - Mar - 2022
Twitter campaign to be organised tomorrow the 08.03.2022, against the arbitrary taking over of the ALTTC and other lands, buildings and office spaces of BSNL, by the DoT..

The AUAB has given call for organising a Twitter campaign tomorrow the 08.03.2022, against the arbitrary taking over of the ALTTC and other lands, buildings and office spaces of BSNL, by the DoT.


The hashtag for tomorrow’s twitter campaign



The tweets are to be sent to the following twitter handles.









The messages for tweeting are being sent on WhatsApp.

07 - Mar - 2022
Facebook live programme tomorrow to observe the International Working Women’s Day.

BSNL Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee (BSNLWWCC) and BSNLEU  are organising a Facebook live programme tomorrow the 08.03.2022, to observe the International Working Women’s Day. The programme will start at 07:00 pm. Com.P. Indira, Convenor, will preside over. Com.Amita Nayak, will welcome. Com.A.R. Sindhu, Secretary, CITU and Convenor, All India Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee, will address. All the circle and district secretaries are requested to mobilise maximum number of comrades to view this Facebook live programme. The link for the Facebook live programme is: 

07 - Mar - 2022
Decisions of the All India Centre meeting held on 05.03.2022 - CHQ circular no.3.

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07 - Mar - 2022
10th All India Conference of BSNLEU at Guwahati, from 02nd to 04th April, 2022..

07 - Mar - 2022
Statement of the Convenor, BSNLWWCC, for the International Working Women’s Day.

Com.P. Indira, Convenor, BSNL Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee (BSNLWWCC) has issued the following statement in connection with the International Working Women’s Day, to be organised tomorrow the 8th March, 2022.

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07 - Mar - 2022
Flag hoisting to mark the 10th All India Conference and gate meetings for organising the General Strike – date changed as 22.03.2022.

The All India Centre has decided that, BSNLEU Flag should be hoisted in all the places, to mark the holding of 10th All India Conference at Guwahati from 2nd to 4th April, 2022. Similarly, gate meetings should be organised for mobilising the employees for the General Strike, to be held on 28th & 29th March, 2022. The All India Centre has now changed the date of these programmes. Accordingly, the Flag hoisting and gate meetings should be organised on 22.03.2022. Circle and district secretaries are requested to kindly make note of the change in the date.

05 - Mar - 2022
All India Centre calls on the circle and district unions to organise a week long “meet the employees programme” w.e.f. 08.03.2022.

For the two day General Strike, to be held on 28th & 29th March, 2022, the CHQ has printed 6,000 pamphlets in English and 36,000 pamphlets in Hindi. These pamphlets are already despatched from the CHQ and have already reached the district unions. The All India Centre met today the 05.03.2022, has decided that a week long “meet the employees programme” should be organised w.e.f. 08.03.2022. The pamphlets should be distributed to the employees during this programme. Further, each and every employee has to be explained, why they should join the strike. The non-Hindi speaking circle unions are requested to translate the strike pamphlet into regional languages, print and distribute to the employees. The CHQ calls on the circle and district unions to organise the “meet the employees programme” effectively.

05 - Mar - 2022
10th All India Conference of BSNLEU – All India Centre calls on for Flag hoisting and holding gate meetings on 25.03.2022.

The 10th All India Conference of BSNLEU starts at Guwahati on 02nd April, 2022. In this connection, the All India Centre meeting held today the 05.03.2022, has called on the circle and district unions to hoist the BSNLEU Flag in all places on 25.03.2022, to highlight the holding of the 10th All India Conference of BSNLEU. Further, gate meetings should be organised on that day and the demands of the General Strike should be explained to the employees. Leaders of the fraternal trade unions and media should also be invited to these gate meetings.

05 - Mar - 2022
All India Centre constitutes committee to suggests amendments to the Constitution.

The 10th All India Conference of BSNLEU is being held at Guwahati from 02nd to 04th April, 2022. The All India Centre meeting of BSNLEU is held today the 05.03.2022 and the meeting has constituted a committee to suggest amendments to the Union Constitution. The members of the committee are Com.S. Chellappa, AGS, Com.C. Santhosh Kumar, CS, Kerala and Com.Sisir Kumar Roy, Organising Secretary (CHQ). The suggestions of this committee will be finalised by the All India Centre and will be proposed in the All India Conference.

04 - Mar - 2022
Why are we collecting donation to the Agricultural Workers’ Union.

The first General Strike, held on 19th January, 1982, was a manifestation of worker-peasant unity. The strike raised the demands of the agricultural workers and peasants also, together with the demands of the workers. 10 comrades were killed in that strike, among whom, many were agricultural workers. In our country, the number of agricultural workers is very big. The unity of the industrial workers and agricultural workers will be a very powerful weapon to fight against the exploitations of the capitalists class and the oppressions of the government. The All India Centre of BSNLEU, while deciding to observe the 40th anniversary of the first General Strike, also decided to collect Rs.5/- each from members and well-wishers.

04 - Mar - 2022
AUAB’s Twitter campaign on 08-03-2022 - Circle and district secretaries are requested to start the ground work immediately.

As per the call of the AUAB, we have successfully organised the lunch our protest demonstrations yesterday, against the arbitrary order of the DoT, for the taking over of ALTTC. As per the decision taken in the AUAB meeting, held on 24-03-2022, Twitter campaign has to be organised on 08-03-2022, against the taking over of BSNL’s lands, buildings and office spaces, arbitrarily by the DoT. We have to organise the Twitter campaign powerfully, so that it will create an impact with the government. All the circle and district secretaries of BSNLEU are requested to ensure that maximum number of comrades from BSNLEU participate in this twitter program. Necessary ground work may please be started immediately.

04 - Mar - 2022
Next meeting of the wage negotiating committee, to be held on 10-03-2022.

A meeting of the wage negotiating committee for the non-executives, was scheduled to be held on to 02-02-2022. It was postponed and rescheduled for 04-03-2022. However, that meeting was also postponed. Today, the management has issued letter, for holding the wage negotiating committee meeting on 10-03-2022.

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03 - Mar - 2022
Observe International Working Women’s Day on 8th March- organise meetings/ programmes enthusiastically.

8th March of every year, is being observed as the international women’s day. BSNLEU organises various programmes on this day. In accordance with this, the CHQ calls on the circle and district Unions, to observe 8th March of this year, as the international working women’s day. Seminars, special meetings and other programmes may be organised on 08.03.2022. On this day, we should resolve to protect the rights of working women and to fight against the atrocities and exploitations being meted out to them.

03 - Mar - 2022
BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee organising Facebook live program on 8th March, 2022.

The BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee is organising a Facebook live programme  on 8th March, 2022. The programme will start at 7 pm. Com.A.R.Sindhu, Convenor of the All India Working Women’s Coordination Committee(CITU), as well as the Secretary of the CITU, will address this Facebook live programme. All the circle and district unions, as well as the CHQ office bearers of BSNLEU are requested to take all out efforts to make this programme a success.

03 - Mar - 2022
BSNL employees vehemently protest against the taking over of the ALTTC, by the DoT..

The executives and non-executives of BSNL, took to the streets today and vehemently protested against the high-handed action of the DoT, in the arbitrary taking over of the ALTTC. Accepting the call of the AUAB, protest demonstrations were organised throughout the country today. The protesters demanded immediate cancellation of the presidential order issued by the DoT, for the taking over of the ALTTC. Further, they also protested against the arbitrary taking over of BSNL’s lands, buildings and office spaces, in many parts of the country, by the DoT. They demanded that, these high-handed actions of the DoT should be stopped forthwith.

03 - Mar - 2022
Organise protest lunch hour demonstrations today, against the arbitrary taking over of the ALTTC, by the DoT.

The AUAB has called on the BSNL employees to organise protest lunch our demonstrations throughout the country today, against the arbitrary order of the DoT, for taking over the ALTTC. This protest is also against the arbitrary taking over of BSNL‘s lands, buildings and office spaces in many circles, by the DoT. Circle and district secretaries are requested to coordinate with the other constituents of the AUAB and to organise the demonstrations successfully.

02 - Mar - 2022
Availing of CCL by single male parent – non-endorsing of DoP&T letter by BSNL – GS, BSNLEU, demands early action.

Recently, the DoP&T has issued letter stating that, single male parents are entitled to avail the Child Care Leave (CCL). However, the BSNL Corporate Office has not yet endorsed this letter. BSNLEU has already written to the PGM(Estt.), demanding endorsement by the Corporate Office. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, discussed this issue today with Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM (Estt.) and requested for early action by the Corporate Office. The PGM(Estt.) assured that the endorsement will be issued shortly.