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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
US imperialism is mobilisng 1,20,000 troops to bully Iran..

Media report says that the United States is mobilising 1,20,000 troops in to West Asia. This is nothing, but for bullying Iran. The US has already imposed sanctions against Iran and has ordered that no country should import oil from Iran. Accordingly, even India has stopped importing oil from Iran. Now, the US is mobilising troops massively into West Asia, presumably to attack Iran. Before attacking Iraq also, US mobilised troops in such a massive scale in 2003. The US has already attacked countries like Iraq and Libya and installed it’s puppet government’s. The oil reserves of these countries are now being looted by the US multinational companies. To play a similar game in respect of Iran, the US is mobilising troops now. This move of the US imperialism should be opposed by all the democratic forces.  

[Source: Times of India dated 15.05.2019]

17 - Sep - 2020
SR Branch of the Corporate Office gets belated enlightenment.

On 02.07.2019, the SR Branch of the Corporate Office issued letter banning dharna, demonstration, etc., till completion of 8th Membership Verification. This letter was issued to stop the dharna called on by BSNLEU and BSNLCCWF, to be held on 16.07.2019, demanding payment of wage arrears to the contract workers. BSNLEU filed a petition in the Hon’ble Madras High Court, seeking the Hon’ble court’s intervention to the arbitrary action of the SR Branch, banning legitimate trade union activities. The Hon’ble Madras High Court issued an order on 22.07.2019, granting interim stay to the SR Branch's letter on banning demonstrations, dharna, etc. However, the SR Branch high-handedly issued another letter on 24.07.2019, directing all the Chief General Managers to take disciplinary action, including pay cut, on those who participated in the dharna held on 16.07.2019. Consequent to this, BSNLEU issued notice to the CMD BSNL, DGM (SR) and AGM(SR), for proceeding with contempt action against them, for violating the order of the Hon'ble Madras High Court. Today, the SR Branch has issued another letter intimating the CGMs, that the Hon’ble Madras High Court had stayed it’s letter dated 02.07.2019. Thus, the SR Branch has got belatedly enlightened.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Implementation of the assurances given on certain issues - General Secretary, BSNLEU, discusses with the Director (HR).

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), yesterday, and discussed the following issues.


  1. Awarding of full marks to the questions with multiple correct answers, for the JTO LICE held on 26.05.2019.

The matter is already discussed many times. In the meeting held on 21.01.2020, the Director (HR) assured to sympathetically consider the demand of the Union to award full marks to the questions with multiple correct answers. However, in yesterday’s meeting, Director (HR) replied that the evaluation has been done as per the existing procedure and that awarding of full marks to the questions with multiple answers is difficult. However, the General Secretary insisted that full marks should be given, since whatever method has been adopted in the evaluation has done injustice to the candidates. The issue will be pursued further.  


  1. Verification of caste certificates of the ST employees in Maharashtra circle.

BSNLEU has been insisting that the DoP&T orders should be implemented on this matter, according to which the verification of the ST caste certificates should be done only by the District Collectors / Magistrate. The Director (HR) informed in yesterday’s meeting that the caste certificates of 300 ST employees have already been validated by the District Scrutiny Committees. However, the General Secretary insisted that the assurance given by the Director (HR), for referring the matter to the District Collectors / Magistrate should be implemented.   


  1. Non-declaration of JTO LICE results in Punjab circle.

The General Secretary told the Director (HR) that no improvement has come on this issue and insisted that the Management should take some pro-active steps, so that the results are declared.


  1. Issuing of Presidential Orders to the employees recruited by the DoT, but appointed after formation of BSNL.

The BSNL Management has already filed SLP in the Hon’ble Supreme Court against the judgement of the Hon’ble High Courts. BSNLEU has already sought the co-operation of the Management, so that the Supreme Court case is disposed off at the earliest. The General Secretary informed the Director (HR) that no development has taken place on this issue also.


  1. Hold of the JE LICE without further delay.

The JE LICE already notified, has been postponed, based on the demand of BSNLEU to hold it as an Off-line exam. Management has agreed to hold the exam as an Off-line exam, but the exam is not held so far. In yesterday’s meeting, the Director (HR) replied that the Committee formed by the BSNL Management on holding Internal Examinations is expected to submit it’s report within 2 to 3 weeks. The General Secretary insisted that the JE LICE should be conducted, since it will improve the efficiency of the existing staff.


At the end, the Director (HR) assured that needful action would be taken on the issues discussed today.

17 - Sep - 2020
What Mukesh Ambani announced about, might not be a full-fledged 5G technology, but a "5G-like" technology - says Frontline magazine..

BSNLEU has expressed it’s own doubts about the announcement made by Mukesh Ambani recently, that Jio has developed it’s own 5G technology. In the website updating made on 18.07.2020, BSNLEU has also given the reasons for that.


Now, an article published in the latest "Frontline" magazine, a detailed analysis has been made, claiming why Mukesh Ambani’s announcement might not be correct. The article has stated that, Jio might not have developed a full-fledged 5G technology, but may be a “5G-like” technology.  The following are the excerpts from that article. 


"IPlytics, a Berlin-based company that monitors technology trends, reported that Huawei of China held the most patents among “5G patent families” in the world. Chinese companies, including Huawei and ZTE, commanded the largest number of such patents, closely followed by Korean companies, including Samsung and LG.


As of November 2019, Huawei held 3,325 such patents; its nearest rival was Samsung, with 2,846 patents. Nokia’s alliance with Alcatel-Lucent was the most significant non-Asian rival, with a combined tally of 2,308. 


Companies have spent several years developing the relevant technologies, which is why many are sceptical of Ambani’s claims.


.... The idea is that if a full-scale 5G rollout is not immediately possible or feasible, patches based on software solutions as well as open source hardware could be built in order to give a “5G-like” network performance, at least in limited markets or geographies".

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17 - Sep - 2020
More views of the demonstration, held at various circles on 16.10.2017.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MP, Jammu, J&K circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to Hon’ble MP, shri Jugal Kishore, Jammu.

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17 - Sep - 2020
73% of the wealth created in 2017 went to the richest 1% Indians.

Three and half years ago, Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India. He told the people of this country that he had come from poor, family and that, he would take every effort to help the poor. However, let us see, who is benefited from the policies and efforts of the Narendra Modi government. Ahead of the World Economic Forum meeting being held at Davos, the Oxfam has released it’s report. According to this report, 73% of the total wealth generated in our country in 2017, has gone to the richest 1% Indians. At the same time, the bottom 67 crore Indians have got only 1% of the wealth increase. The wealth of these richest 1% Indians has increased by Rs.20,913 billion in last year. Further, in 2017 alone, 17 new dollar billionaires have come up in India. Now the total number of dollar billionaires in India is 101. Internationally, 82% of the new wealth created in 2017 has gone to the richest 1% people. Everyday two new dollar billionaires have come up in the world. Now, let the ruling BJP and it’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, tell the people of this country, how their economic policy is different from the economic policy of the Congress Party. Whatever pro-corporate and anti-worker policy that was followed by the Manmohan Singh government from 2004 to 2010, is being followed with more vigour by the Narendra Modi government.


[Inputs from Times of India – 23.01.2018]

17 - Sep - 2020
Decisions taken in today's emergency meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU held meeting with shri Saurab Tyagi, GM (Estt.) to review the pending issues.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy. GS and Com. Animesh Mitra, Vice- President (CHQ) met shri Saurab Tyagi, GM (Estt.) today, and reviewed the status of certain important pending issues. The details are as follows:-


  1. Wage revision

The Establishment Branch of the Corporate Office is the nodal branch in the matter of Wage Revision. The Union enquired about the status of formation of the joint committee for negotiating wage settlement. The GM (Estt.) replied that file in this regard has already been moved to the CMD BSNL. Further, he wished to know about the procedure adopted for revision of wages w.e.f. 01.01.2007. The Union representatives shared their experiences with him. They also solicited the best co-operation of the Establishment Branch for the forthcoming wage revision, which he assured.


  1. Granting 1st promotion under NEPP, to the RMs who were conferred with Ty. Status.

The GM (Estt.) replied that inputs are still awaited and requested the Union to help in getting the inputs from left out circles.


  1. Issuing of POs to the TSMs, who directly became Telecom Technicians:-

For this issue also the GM (Estt.) replied that the cases could not be forwarded to the DoT, for the issuing of POs, since inputs are yet to be received from some circles.


Regarding the above two items, the Union demanded the names of those circles which have not sent the requisite information, so that action could be taken through the circle unions, for making the CGMs to send the inputs to the Corporate Office. The GM (Estt.) accepted this proposal.


  1. Stoping illegal recovery of arrears of employees contribution of EPF.

As regards the case of com. Omprakash Jaiswal OS, CGM office, Hyderabad, the GM (Estt.) stated that the Corporate Office has not received any representation. The Union assured that the related papers would be handed over soon.


  1. Downgradation of Sr. TOAs from 7100 to 6550 pay scale.

This case has already been rejected by the GM (Estt.) in the earlier discussion. In today’s meeting, the Union informed that some of the affected officials have expressed their willingness to forego any arrears, that will become accrued on account of settlement of this issue. The Union asked why can’t such cases be considered, when the Company need not spend any money. The GM (Estt.) once again replied that to settle this issue, approval of the BSNL’s Board of Directors, as well as the DoT is required, which is not possible.

17 - Sep - 2020
Strike will become inevitable, if the issues are not settled by 30.11.2018 - AUAB informs the Secretary, DoT and the CMD BSNL.

The AUAB, in it’s notice served today, to the Secretary, DoT and the CMD BSNL, has informed that the AUAB will call on the employees to go on strike, if the issues are not settled by 30th November, 2018. This is also an advance intimation to the circle and district units of the AUAB. During the press meets, dharnas and rallies, the employees should be appropriately told to get ready for the strike action, if the issues are not settled by 30th November, 2018.

17 - Sep - 2020
Karnataka Circle organises Circle Level Joint General Body Meeting of the AUAB.

Karnataka circle is organising the Circle level Joint General body meeting of the AUAB today, the 02.01.2019 at CGM Office Auditorium, Halasur, Bengaluru. Circle Secretaries, Dist. Secretaries, Presidents, CEC Members, All India Office bearers, as well as the general members of BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, TEPU & ATM, are participating in this meeting.  In all, around 400 comrades are expected to take part in the meeting, to be addressed by Circle Secretaries and All India Office bearers of all the unions and associations. The details of the talks held between the Hon'ble MoS (C) and the AUAB on 03-12-2018, which resulted in the deferment of the Indefinite Strike will be explained in this meeting. CHQ of BSNLEU heartily congratulates the Karnataka circle AUAB for taking this initiative.

17 - Sep - 2020

[Courtesy: Times of India dt. 7th March, 2019.

17 - Sep - 2020
Renewal of MoUs with Canara Bank and UBI.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, once again met Shri Ram Krishna, DGM(CBB), BSNL CO., today and discussed about the renewal of BSNL’s MoUs with the Canara Bank and the Union Bank of India. The DGM(CBB) replied that progress is taking place and that the MoUs are likely to be signed soon.

17 - Sep - 2020
*कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस की एस आर ब्रांच को देरी से समझ आई..

दिनांक 02.07.2019 को  कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस की एस आर ब्रांच द्वारा 8वें मेम्बरशिप वेरिफिकेशन की प्रक्रिया पूर्ण होने तक धरना, प्रदर्शन आदि पर प्रतिबंध के आदेश के साथ पत्र जारी किया गया था। यह पत्र BSNLEU और BSNLCCWF द्वारा  16.07.2019 को कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वर्कर्स को वेजेस के एरीअर्स के भुगतान की मांग को ले कर किए जाने वाले प्रदर्शन को रोकने के लिए जारी किया गया था। BSNLEU ने माननीय मद्रास हाइकोर्ट में पिटीशन दायर कर न्यायसम्मत ट्रेड यूनियन गतिविधियों को प्रतिबंधित करने के एस आर ब्रांच द्वारा जारी मनमानीपूर्ण आदेश के मामले में माननीय हाइकोर्ट के हस्तक्षेप का अनुरोध किया था। माननीय मद्रास हाइकोर्ट ने 22.07.2019 को  एस आर ब्रांच द्वारा प्रदर्शन, धरना आदि पर प्रतिबंध के पत्र पर अंतरिम स्थगन आदेश जारी किए। इसके बावजूद एस आर ब्रांच ने तानाशाही पूर्ण तरीके से 24.07.2019 को एक और पत्र जारी किया जिसके तहत सभी CGMs को निर्देशित किया गया कि 16.07.2019 के धरने में शामिल होने वाले सभी कर्मचारियों के खिलाफ अनुशासनात्मक कार्यवाही, वेतन कटौती की जाए। इस पर BSNLEU ने CMD BSNL, DGM(SR), AGM(SR) को  माननीय हाइकोर्ट के आदेश की अवमानना के लिए मानहानि की कार्यवाही किए जाने बाबद नोटिस दिया। आज एस आर ब्रांच ने सभी CGMs को पत्र लिख कर सूचित किया कि माननीय मद्रास हाइकोर्ट ने पत्र दिनांक 02.07.2019 पर स्थगन आदेश दिए हैं। इस प्रकार, देर से ही सही, एस आर ब्रांच को समझ तो आई।

17 - Sep - 2020
Formation of circle and local councils - Circle Secretaries are requested to take prompt action.

Based on the results of the 8th Membership Verification, Corporate Office has issued letters, granting the Main Recognised Representative Union status to BSNLEU and also instructions for the formation of councils at various levels. Accordingly, BSNLEU is entitled to nominate 8 members to the National, Circle and Local Councils. The post of Secretary, Staff Side, will continue to be with BSNLEU. CHQ requests all the circle secretaries to immediately take action for sending nominations to the circle and local councils.

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNL sells 2,29,839 SIMs in April, 2020 - achieves only 16% of it's target.

BSNL has sold  only 2,29,839 post paid and prepaid SIMs in April, 2020. This is against the target of 14,16,300 SIMs, fixed by the Management, for the month of April. Thus, BSNL has achieved only 16% of it’s target. This is due to the lockdown imposed by the government, to contain the spread of the Corona Virus infection. As regards the month of May, 2020, Management has fixed a target of 14,00,300.

17 - Sep - 2020
Let Deepavali, the festival of lights bring cheer.

Deepavali, the festival of lights, signifies the victory of the good and the virtuous, over the evil. This festival is being celebrated on 18th (tomorrow) in some parts of the country and on 19th on some other parts. BSNLEU conveys it's best wishes and warm greetings to everyone. BSNLEU also strongly wishes that the evils of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, diseases, hatred, enmity, etc., should be wiped out once for all from the face of this planet.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Union demands for release of fund from Corporate Office for payment of wages to the contract workers in West Bengal.

Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS and com. Animesh Mitra, VP (CHQ), discussed with the GM (BFCI&Tax) on 05.12.2017, for release of fund from the Corporate Office for payment of wages to the contract workers in West Bengal. The Management assured to release the fund within this week.

17 - Sep - 2020
Standing Committee of the National Council to meet tomorrow.

The first meeting of the re-constituted Standing Committee of the National Council, will be meeting tomorrow. This meeting will review the implementation of the decisions of the 35th meeting of the National Council, held on 11.05.2017 & 13.11.2017.

17 - Sep - 2020
GS, BSNLEU, urges upon the Director (HR) to abandon the idea of Check Off System for future Membership Verifications.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, met Ms. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR) today, and discussed about the proposal made by the SR Branch of the BSNL Corporate Office, to hold the next Membership Verification, under the Check Off System. The GS told that the Check Off System is prone to manoeuvrings and malpractices, and will create undesirable atmosphere in BSNL. He strongly demanded that the next Membership Verification also should be conducted under the secret ballot system only. The GS also handed over the letter written to her on the subject. The Director (HR) gave a patient hearing to the views of the GS and assured that BSNLEU’s views would be looked into.