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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

14 - Jan - 2021
Ensure the early launching of BSNL’s 4G service – Shri Pinarayi Vijayan, CM, Kerala, writes to the Prime Minister..

The BSNL customers throughout the length and breadth of the country, are fed up with the delay in BSNL’s launching it’s 4G service. Such a delay is causing great inconvenience to the BSNL customers. Echoing the views of the BSNL customers, Shri Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister of Kerala, has written a letter to Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, urging upon him to take early measures to ensure BSNL’s 4G launching. BSNLEU heartily thanks Shri Pinarayi Vijayan for taking this proactive step.

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14 - Jan - 2021
Many Services - One Name - BSNL..

13 - Jan - 2021
BSNLEU wishes a very happy Makar Sankranti / Pongal to all.

13 - Jan - 2021
AUAB meeting being held on 16-01-2021.

An online meeting of the AUAB is being held on 16-01-2021, to discuss the following important issues. 


  1. EoI called for BSNL’s 4G launching and the denial of level playing ground to BSNL, in the matter of procurement of equipments. 


  1. Outsourcing of works, massive retrenchment of contract workers and the resultant deterioration in the quality of services.


  1. Roadblocks being created by the Management, in the career progression of the Executives and Non-Executives.


  1. Negative attitude of the Management in the payment of salary on the due date. 


The General Secretaries of the constituents of the AUAB, have been requested to come with proposals for the required action programme.

13 - Jan - 2021
Farmers express their reservation in accepting the Committee formed by the Supreme Court.

These are the members of the Committee, formed by the Supreme Court, to resolve the Farmers' protest. Even before the Supreme Court constituted the Committee, all these four experts have expressed their opinions, supporting the 3 Farm Acts and against the demands of the Farmers. Hence the Farmers have rightly expressed their reservation about accepting this Committee. 

13 - Jan - 2021
Com.S.C.Srivastava, former CHQ office bearer of BSNLEU, passed away.

CHQ is extremely saddened to know that, Com.S.C.Srivastava, former CHQ office bearer of BSNLEU, as well as one of the founding leaders of the Union in Madhya Pradesh circle, passed away yesterday. He had been affected with COVID-19 and had been hospitalised. Before the formation of BSNLEU, Com.S.C.Srivastava had worked as the circle secretary of T3 Union of Madhya Pradesh circle for long years. He has worked shoulder to shoulder with the late Com.S.R.Nayak and has immensely contributed to establish and to strengthen BSNLEU in Madhya Pradesh circle. CHQ pays it's respectful homage to the departed leader and also conveys it's heartfelt condolences to his family members.

12 - Jan - 2021
BSNL turns EBITDA positive – says DoT’s report.

The DoT has issued a press statement yesterday, the 11.01.2021, claiming that both BSNL and MTNL have turned EBITDA positive in the first half of the current financial year, 2020-21. (EBITDA means earnings before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation) The statement says BSNL’s EBITDA is positive Rs.602 crores in the half year ended in September, 2020. The EBITDA of BSNL during the same period in 2019-20 was minus Rs.3,596 crore, says the report. The EBITDA of MTNL was minus Rs.549 crores in September, 2019, and the current figure is positive Rs.276 cores, as per the report. It also says that, BSNL added over 10 million new mobile customers during this financial year and that BSNL’s mobile market share has increased to 10.36% in October, 2020, as per the figures published by TRAI.  The full statement of the DoT is attached.

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12 - Jan - 2021
CMD BSNL replies to the General Secretary, BSNLEU - welcomes feedbacks/suggestions for the development of the Company.

On 07-01-2021, BSNLEU has written a serious letter to the CMD BSNL, regarding the non-holding of any discussion with the unions and associations, on the financial revival of the Company.   In reply to the aforementioned letter of BSNLEU,  Shri P.K Purwar, CMD BSNL has written a letter to Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU. In his letter, the CMD BSNL has appreciated the positive and constructive role of the unions and associations, for the development of the Company. He has also pointed out that, as a result of the hard work of all, BSNL has become EBITDA positive in first half of the current financial year. Further, the CMD BSNL has also invited  feedbacks / suggestions for the betterment of the Company and it’s employees.

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11 - Jan - 2021
Issuing Presidential Orders to the TSMs who directly became Telecom Technicians – BSNL Corporate Office sends file for the approval of the DoT.

BSNLEU is continuously pursuing the case of issuing Presidential Orders to the TSMs who directly became Telecom Technicians.  Com.P.Abhimanyu discussed this issue with Shri Saurabh Tyagi today. The Sr.GM(Estt.) informed the General Secretary that the BSNL Corporate Office has now sent the file for the approval of the DoT. Now, the DoT has to take a policy decision to issue Presidential Orders to such of those TSMs who directly got promoted as Telecom Technicians, without getting regularised as RMs. BSNLEU has already written to the Secretary, Telecom and the Member (Services) on this matter. BSNLEU will further pursue the case with the DoT. 

11 - Jan - 2021
Hindi translation of "DPE order on IDA freezing – ignore rumours."

IDA फ्रीजिंग के संबंध में DPE का आदेश- अफवाहों पर ध्यान न दें...

DPE द्वारा , अपने आदेश दिनांक 08 जनवरी, 2021, के संबंध में पत्र जारी किया गया है, जिसमें कहा गया है कि IDA फ्रीजिंग नॉन- एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज के लिए लागू नही है। किन्तु, निहित स्वार्थी तत्वों ने अफवाहें फैलाना शुरू कर दिया है। वें यह कह रहे हैं कि DPE का दिनांक 08.01.2021 का पत्र कोयला मंत्रालय और खान मंत्रालय को संबोधित किया गया है और इसलिए वह BSNL के लिए लागू नही होगा। हम यह ध्यान दिलाना चाहेंगे कि DPE द्वारा अपने पत्र में स्पष्ट रूप से कहा गया है कि IDA फ्रीजिंग के आदेश सभी CPSEs (सेंट्रल पब्लिक सेक्टर अंडरटेकिंग्ज) के कर्मियों (नॉन- एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज ) पर लागू नही होंगे। अतः, साथियों से अनुरोध है कि वें अफवाहों से भ्रमित न हों। BSNL के नॉन- एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज को 11.6% IDA भुगतान हेतु आदेश शीघ्र जारी होंगे।

11 - Jan - 2021
DPE order on IDA freezing – ignore rumours.

The DPE, vide it’s order dated 08th January, 2021, has issued a letter stating that, the IDA freezing is not applicable to the Non-Executives. However, vested interests have started spreading rumours. They say, the DPE letter dated 08.01.2021 is addressed to the Ministry of Coal and Ministry of Mines, and hence it is not applicable to BSNL. We wish to point out that, the DPE has clearly mentioned in it’s letter that the IDA freezing order is not applicable to the workmen (Non-Executives) of all the CPSEs (Public Sector Undertakings). Hence, comrades are requested not to get confused by rumours. Order will soon be issued for payment of 11.6% IDA to the Non-Executives of BSNL.

11 - Jan - 2021
Farmers' united struggle put the cronies in the back foot..

For the past 6 years, the policies of the Modi government have favoured the big corporates. Ambani and Adani have emerged as the biggest cronies in the country. Wealth of the nation, including the assets of the Public Sector, are being thrown open to the looting of the corporates, particularly the cronies. Working class has been continuously fighting against the pro-corporate policies of the government, for the last 6 years. Today, the united struggle of the farmers has put Ambani, Adani and all the cronies in the back foot. It is the duty of the working class to whole heartedly support the Farmers' struggle.

09 - Jan - 2021
Hindi translation of "Baap of bad boy billionaires".

बॅड बॉय बिलेनियर का बाप...

बैड लोन्स  (डूबत ऋण) की वजह से पब्लिक सेक्टर बैंक्स के वित्तीय हालात गंभीर रूप से प्रभावित हुए हैं। यह सर्व विदित है कि बड़े कॉर्पोरेट्स सरकारी बैंकों से अथाह ऋण लेते हैं और इस ऋण को कभी वापिस नही करते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, विजय माल्या ने बैंकों के साथ रु 9,000 करोड़ की धोखाधड़ी की। इसी प्रकार, नीरव मोदी ने रु 11,400 करोड़ की धोखाधड़ी की। मेहुल चौकसी ने रु 5,492 करोड़ की धोखाधड़ी की। इन लोगों को "बॅड बॉय बिलेनियर" कहा जाता है। CBI और प्रवर्तन निदेशालय   (ED) द्वारा इन पर कार्यवाही की गई है।

लेकिन, एक शख्स ऐसा भी है, जिसने देश में बैंकों के साथ सबसे बड़ा धोखा किया है और सर्वाधिक राशि की धोखाधड़ी की है। वो है अनिल अंबानी। उनके रिलायंस कम्युनिकेशन्स ने रु 49,193 करोड़ की चपत लगाई है। इसी प्रकार उनके ही रिलायंस टेलीकॉम ने रु 24,306 करोड़ की धोखाधड़ी की है। रिलायंस इंफ्रा, अनिल अंबानी की एक अन्य कंपनी, ने रु 12,687 करोड़ का चूना लगाया है। अनिल अंबानी द्वारा की गई  धोखाधड़ी की कुल राशि रु 86,188 करोड़ बनती है। अतः, अनिल अंबानी को "बॅड बॉय बिलेनियर का बाप" निरूपित किया जा रहा है। उनके द्वारा धोखाधड़ी कर लुटा गया सारा पैसा आम जनता का है। किन्तु, CBI और प्रवर्तन निदेशालय   (ED) द्वारा इन पर अभी तक कोई कार्यवाही नही की गई है। क्यों ? यह लाख टके का सवाल है। इतना ही नही, यह जानना अपने आप में अहम है कि अनिल अंबानी द्वारा की गई इतनी बड़ी धोखाधड़ी के बावजूद सरकार ने उन्हें राफेल का कॉन्ट्रैक्ट हासिल करने में मदद की।  

09 - Jan - 2021
Hindi translation of "Status of BSNLEU’s case in the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, against freezing of three instalments of IDAs.."

IDA के तीन इन्स्टालमेन्ट फ्रीजिंग के विरोध में BSNLEU द्वारा माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय में दायर प्रकरण की वर्तमान स्थिति (status)...

जैसा कि पूर्व में सूचित किया जा चुका है, BSNL के नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज के तीन IDA  इन्स्टालमेन्ट फ्रीजिंग के विरोध में BSNLEU द्वारा दायर पिटिशन की आज माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय में सुनवाई हुई। BSNLEU के अभिभाषक श्री व्ही व्ही सुरेश ने आज अपनी बहस पूर्ण की। किन्तु, सरकार की ओर से उपस्थित असिस्टेंट सॉलिसिटर जनरल ने लिखित प्रत्युत्तर प्रस्तुत करने के लिए माननीय न्यायालय से 2 दिन की मोहलत हेतु निवेदन किया। माननीय न्यायालय ने इस निवेदन को स्वीकार किया। प्रकरण में अगले सप्ताह पुनः सुनवाई होगी।  

09 - Jan - 2021
Hindi translation of "IDA freezing is not applicable to Non-Executives- DPE issues guidelines- significant victory for BSNLEU.."

IDA फ्रीजिंग नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज पर लागू नही- DPE द्वारा दिशा निर्देश जारी- BSNLEU की उल्लेखनीय विजय....

नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव कर्मियों के तीन IDA  इन्स्टालमेन्ट फ्रीजिंग के विरोध में BSNLEU द्वारा माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय में प्रकरण दायर किया जा चुका है। इस प्रकरण पर कल सुनवाई हो चुकी है। हम निश्चिंत हैं कि अगले सप्ताह हमें अनुकूल परिणाम प्राप्त होंगे । माननीय केरल उच्च न्यायालय और माननीय कर्नाटक उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज के पक्ष में फैसला दिया जा चुका है। इसके अलावा, BSNLEU द्वारा सेक्रेटरी, DPE को, 01-10-2020 और 01-01-2021 से देय (due) हो चुके 2 IDA इंस्टालमेंट के त्वरित भुगतान हेतु आदेश जारी करने की मांग करते हुए एक कड़ा पत्र भी लिखा गया है। 

इन परिस्थितियों के तहत, DPE ने यह उल्लेख करते हुए पत्र जारी किया है कि IDA के 3 इंस्टालमेंट फ्रीजिंग आदेश नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज पर लागू नही है। निश्चित ही, DPE ,  केवल वैधानिक कार्यवाही किए जाने से उत्पन्न दबाव की वजह से ही यह पत्र जारी करने के लिए बाध्य हुआ है। BSNLEU को गर्व महसूस हो रहा है कि, DPE को यह पत्र जारी करने हेतु बाध्य करने में उसने (BSNLEU ने) महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका का निर्वहन किया है। 

नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव कर्मियों को अब  01-10 -2020 से 5.5% IDA और 01-01-2021 से 6.1% IDA (कुल 11.6% IDA) प्राप्त होगा।  यह उल्लेखनीय विजय BSNLEU द्वारा किए गए प्रयासों का परिणाम है। BSNL के सभी नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज को दिली मुबारकबाद, बधाई। 

08 - Jan - 2021
"Baap of bad boy billionaires"

The financial health of public sector banks is seriously  affected by bad loans. It is a known fact that, the big corporates take huge loans from government banks and do not return those loans. For example, Vijay Mallya has cheated the banks Rs.9,000 crore. Similarly, Nirav Modi has cheated Rs.11,400 crore. Mehul Choksy has cheated Rs.5,492 crore. These people are called "Bad boy billionaires" The CBI and Enforcement Directorate (ED) have taken action on them. 


However, there is one man, who has committed the biggest fraud on banks and swindled the highest amount in this country. He is Anil Ambani. His Reliance Communications has cheated Rs.49,193 crores. Similarly, his Reliance Telecom has cheated Rs.24,306 crore. Reliance Infra, another company of Anil Ambani, has cheated Rs.12,687 crore. The total amount cheated by Anil Ambani comes to Rs.86,188 crore.  Hence, Anil Ambani is being called the "Baap of bad boy billionaires". All the money swindled by him is people's money.  However, so far, the CBI or Enforcement Director (ED) has not taken any action on Anil Ambani. Why? This is a billion dollar question. Not only that. It is important to note that, despite such a big fraud committed by Anil Ambani, the government has helped him to get the Rafale contract. 

08 - Jan - 2021
Status of BSNLEU’s case in the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, against freezing of three instalments of IDAs.

As has already been informed, BSNLEU’s petition against freezing of three instalments of IDA for the Non-Executives of BSNL, came up for hearing today in the Hon’ble Kerala High Court. BSNLEU’s advocate, Shri V.V. Suresh, completed his arguments today. However, the Assistant Solicitor General, who appeared for the government, requested the Hon'ble Court to grant two days’ time, for submitting a written rejoinder. The Hon’ble Court has accepted this request. The case will again come up for hearing next week.

07 - Jan - 2021
IDA freezing – case to be heard in the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala tomorrow.

BSNLEU has filed a writ petition in the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala, against the freezing of three IDA installments, for the Non-Executives of BSNL. The case came up for hearing today. The counsel for BSNL sought one week's time for the arguments. However, the Hon’ble Court did not accept that and decided that the hearing will take place tomorrow. Accordingly, the case will come up for hearing tomorrow.

07 - Jan - 2021
Com.S.Hemavathi, Circle Treasurer, Chennai Telephones circle, donates Rs.10,000/- to the CHQ.

Com.S.Hemavathi, Circle Treasurer, Chennai Telephones circle, retired on superannuation on 31.12.2020. She has donated Rs.10,000/- to the CHQ. The CHQ heartily thanks Com.S.Hemavathi and wishes her a long and active retired life.

06 - Jan - 2021
BSNLEU writes to the GM (Restg.), BSNL CO., requesting to consider BSNLEU’s demands in the Consolidation of Business Areas.

BSNLEU has already written to the Management, seeking modifications in the Consolidation of Business Areas. BSNLEU has  demanded that, Cuddapha SSA should be brought under Chittoor SSA, instead of under the Ananthapur Business Area. Similarly, BSNLEU has  demanded that, Nagaon should continue as an independent SSA and should not be brought under the Tezpur Business Area. The Management has not taken any action on the demands of BSNLEU. Hence, BSNLEU has once again written to the GM (Restg.) BSNL CO., insisting to take action on the demands.

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