Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]The Executive Committee meeting of the Trade Union International (Transports, Ports, Fisheries and Communications) was held online yesterday the 25.03.2021. Com.Ricardo, President (Chile), presided over the meeting. Com.Matthiew (France), conducted the proceedings. Com.Ali Riza Kucukosmanoglu, General Secretary (Turkey), welcomed every one and briefed on the activities of the Head Quarters. Totally, 14 office bearers participated in this meeting from the various parts of the world. In depth discussions were made by the Executive Committee members on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, loss of jobs due to the pandemic, attacks on the public sector and on the trade union rights, taking place in various countries, etc., were discussed. Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convenor, Communications Sector of the TUI, participated in the discussion and explained about the attacks on the public sector, curtailment of trade union rights, general strike held on 26.11.2020 and the on going farmers’ agitation. After detailed discussion, the meeting took the following decisions.
The Union Minister of State for Finance, Shri Anurag Thakur, informed the Lok Sabha on 08.03.2021 that, scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) have written off loans of Rs.2,36,265 crore, Rs.2,34,170 crore and Rs.1,15,038 crore during FY2018-19, FY2019-20 and the first three-quarters of FY2020-21 respectively. Thus, the total bad loans written off in less than 3 years comes to Rs.5,85,473 crores. A major chunk of these loans were taken by the corporates and not returned. The government does not take firm action against the defaulting corporates. This results in the looting of public money, by big corporates.
The Circle Council meeting of J&K circle is held at Jammu on 23.03.2021. The CGM of J&K circle presided over the meeting. The acting circle secretary of BSNLEU, Com.Gulam Qadir Dandroo and other representatives of BSNLEU, including senior leader, Com.Manjeet Singh Reen, participated in the meeting. CHQ congratulates the J&K circle union for taking initiative for this ‘in-person’ meeting.
The Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Karnataka circle, was held at Bengaluru on 22nd & 23rd March, 2021. An important event in this meeting, was the release of the book titled “My Life and Struggles”, written by Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, former General Secretary, BSNLEU. The book was released by Com.Amanullah Khan, former President of the LIC Employees Union (AIIEA). Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, addressed this meeting. He was felicitated by the Karnataka circle union. The CHQ of BSNLEU heartily congratulates Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, for the release of his autobiography.
BSNLEU, Karnataka circle, successfully conducted it’s Executive Committee meeting ‘in-person’, on 22nd & 23rd March, 2021, at Bengaluru. Com.C.K. Gundanna, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Circle Executive Committee members, numbering 32, attended this meeting from all over Karnataka circle. Com.M.C. Balakrishna and Irfan Pasha, CHQ office bearers, were present. The meeting was addressed by Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, former General Secretary, BSNLEU and Com.Amanullah Khan, former President of AIIEA. Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, released a wall clock, as the memento marking the 20 years of existence of BSNLEU. Karnataka circle union is distributing this wall clock to all the members of BSNLEU in Karnataka circle. Decisions of the CEC meeting of BSNLEU held at Chennai recently, was reported in the meeting. All the Circle Executive Committee members participated in the deliberations and resolved to fully implement the decisions of the CEC meeting. The meeting also seriously discussed the worsening quality of BSNL’s services in Karnataka circle and has passed resolutions.
(1) IDA payment as per Court order.
As regards, IDA payment to the Non-Executives, as per the order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, discussion was held by the General Secretary with the CMD BSNL, yesterday. In continuation of that, the General Secretary discussed the matter with Director (HR) today. As per the commitment given by the CMD BSNL yesterday, the Director (HR) stated today that, letter is being written to the DoT, seeking the DoT’s view on the matter. The General Secretary told the Director (HR) that the Union would be compelled to file a contempt petition in the court, if the order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court is not implemented, within a reasonable time.
(2) Providing password to the Non-Executives in the E-Office set up.
The General Secretary handed over his letter to the Director (HR) on this matter. He bitterly complaint that, the Non-Executives are being sidelined in the E-Office set up. However, the Director (HR) assured that the Non-Executives would not be ignored and also told that, 10% of the Non-Executives are already provided with password and e-mail ID. After discussion, the Director (HR) assured that, up to 25% of the Non-Executives would be provided with password and e-mail ID.
(3) Issuing Presidential Orders to the DoT recruited Non-Executives, who are appointed on or after 01.10.2000.
The Hon’ble Kerala High Court and the Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court have already given direction that the Non-Executives who are recruited by the DoT, but were appointed on or after 01.10.2000, should be issued with Presidential Orders. However, against these judgments, the BSNL Management has gone on appeal in the Supreme Court. The case is lingering on for a long time in the Supreme Court. In today’s meeting, the General Secretary insisted that, the BSNL Management should take the initiative for quick disposal of the case in Supreme Court. The Director (HR) assured that necessary action would be taken in this regard.
(4) Wage Revision.
The General Secretary demanded that meeting of the Wage Negotiation Committee should resume at the earliest. He pointed out that a large number of employees are in stagnation and that Wage Revision alone is the solution. However, the Director (HR) remained non-committal.
(5) Holding of the LICEs.
Once again, the attention of the Director (HR) was drawn to the inordinate delay in holding the LICEs. The CMD BSNL has already assured that, the process of restructuring would be completed by April, 2021. The General Secretary insisted upon the Director (HR) that, the process for holding the LICEs should be initiated now itself, so that the LICEs can be conducted immediately after restructuring process is completed. The Director(HR) and the GM(Rectt.) agreed to this.
Immediately after the judgement is given by the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, stating that freezing of the IDA is not applicable to the non executives of BSNL, BSNLEU wrote to the Secretary, DPE, demanding immediate implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Court. The DPE, in turn, forwarded BSNLEU's letter to the Secretary, DoT, stating that, the DPE does not issue order for the payment of IDA to the Non-Executives. The DPE had also requested the DoT to take necessary action on this matter. In view of this, BSNLEU has written to the CMD BSNL, demanding immediate implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court. BSNLEU has mentioned in it’s letter that, non-payment of IDA to the Non-Executives is tantamount to contempt of court.
Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, met Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL today and discussed the following issues.
(1) Implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, on payment of IDA to the Non-Executives.
The General Secretary handed over the letter, addressed to the CMD BSNL, demanding implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court. He explained that the DPE has already clarified that, it has nothing to do with the payment of IDA to the Non-Executives of BSNL. Hence, the General Secretary demanded the CMD BSNL to immediately take action for the payment of the 2 instalments of IDA, that have become due from 01.10.2020 and 01.01.2021. The CMD BSNL responded positively. He told that, necessary action would be taken in this regard.
(2) Wage Revision.
In continuation of the discussion held with the CMD BSNL last month, the General Secretary insisted upon the CMD BSNL to resume the Wage Negotiations with the Recognised Unions of the Non-Executives. He pointed out that a vast majority of the Non-Executives are suffering from stagnation and that, Wage Revision is the only way to solve this problem. The CMD BSNL merely told that the matter would be looked into.
(3) Payment of salary on the due date.
The CMD BSNL informed the General Secretary that funds for the payment of February, 2021, salary have already been sent. The CMD BSNL also told that, he had gone through the letter of BSNLEU, given on this issue yesterday. The General Secretary demanded that, the schedule for payment of the salary on the last day of every month should be maintained. He told that, making payment of salary on the due date once, would permanently solve this problem. The CMD BSNL told that he try to implement it.
(4) Payment of wages of the Contract Workers.
The General Secretary demanded that, the Management should immediately release funds for the payment of wage arrears of the contract workers, which remains pending for the past so many months. The CMD BSNL replied that, he had just released funds for the payment of two months' wages. The General Secretary demanded that, the CMD BSNL should hold a full-fledged discussion with BSNLEU, regarding the outsourcing of works and the utilisation of the contract workers. The CMD BSNL accepted this and assured that this meeting would be conducted soon.
The CHQ has come to know belatedly that, Smt. Kusum Devi, mother of Com.Pankaj Atri, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, BSNL Corporate Office, has passed away. She was around 65 years old and had been unwell for some time. The CHQ conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to Com.Pankaj Atri and to the members of his family.
BSNLEU pays it’s respectful homage to the martyrs, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, who made the supreme sacrifice for the freedom of our nation.
Words of Bhagat Singh
"They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. ...
"Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. ...
"If the deaf have to hear, the sound has to be very loud"
The 20th Foundation Day of BSNLEU is celebrated enthusiastically throughout the country. Flags are hoisted and special meetings are conducted in most of the places. Speakers on the occasion highlighted the achievements of BSNLEU and also the crucial role played by the Union in defending the interests of BSNL and that of the employees. CHQ heartily thanks all the circle and district unions which have enthusiastically celebrated BSNLEU’s Foundation Day.
The Chennai CEC meeting has decided that BSNLEU should organise press meets at the circle and district levels, explaining about the denial of 4G to BSNL and also against the attacks being made on the public sector, by the Modi government. Now that the government has decided to monetise BSNL’s mobile towers and optic fibre, this issue should also be highlighted in the press meets. The CHQ has already prepared and despatched the press statement to the circle secretaries and central office bearers. CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to successfully organise the press meets.
The CEC meeting of BSNLEU, held at Chennai from 07th to 09th March, 2021, has decided that, a nationwide “week long campaign” shall be organised, starting on 22nd March, 2021, which is the 20th Foundation Day of BSNLEU. In this campaign, the road-blocks being created by the government to deny 4G service to BSNL, the sinister moves of the government to monetise BSNL’s mobile towers and optic fibre, which will ultimately end up in the privatisation of BSNL, should be explained to the general public. The unprecedented attacks that are being launched by the Modi government, on the public sector, should also be explained. Pamphlets may also be distributed to the general public on the above issues.
CHQ conveys it's revolutionary greetings to all the comrades, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of BSNLEU’s foundation. CHQ also conveys it's gratitude to all the leaders, both of the present and of the past, who have immensely contributed to strengthen BSNLEU as a mighty organisation. BSNLEU has successfully faced all the challenges in the past. It will certainly do so in the future also. BSNLEU will continue to unite all the employees and the officers and fight for making BSNL as a vibrant Public Sector Company and also to ensure a better future for the employees.
"पूर्ण सप्ताह अभियान" के दौरान प्रेस वार्ता आयोजित करें...
BSNLEU की चेन्नई सेंट्रल एग्जीक्यूटिव कमिटी मीटिंग के निर्णय अनुसार 22 मार्च, 2021, जो कि BSNLEU का स्थापना दिवस है, से "पूर्ण सप्ताह अभियान" (“week long campaign”) आयोजित किया जाना है। इसके अलावा, चेन्नई CEC मीटिंग ने यह भी निर्णय लिया है कि सप्ताह भर चलने वाले इस अभियान के दौरान "प्रेस वार्ता" का भी आयोजन किया जाए। यह प्रेस वार्ता, सभी परिमंडल और जिलों में आयोजित की जाए। CHQ द्वारा एक प्रेस विज्ञप्ति भी तैयार की गई है, जिसे प्रादेशिक भाषा में अनुवाद कर मीडिया कर्मियों में वितरित किया जाए। "पूर्ण सप्ताह अभियान" के दौरान आम नागरिकों में वितरित करने हेतु भी, यही मैटर प्रिंट करवा कर उपयोग में लाया जा सकता है।
The Hon’ble Kerala High Court has already given judgement that, the IDA freezing order, issued by the DPE on 19th November, 2020, is not applicable to the Non-Executives of BSNL. As per the court order, the IDA instalments that have become due w.e.f. 01.10.2020 and 01.01.2021 should immediately be paid to the Non-Executives of BSNL. Immediately after the judgement, BSNLEU wrote a letter to the Secretary, DPE, demanding implementation of the court order. However, the DPE has merely written a letter to the DoT on this matter. BSNLEU also wrote a letter to the Secretary, Telecom. However, the DoT and the BSNL Management are also remaining silent and have not taken any action. Under these circumstances, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, held discussion with our Advocate today. He has suggested that a contempt of court petition should be filed against the Secretary, DPE, the Secretary, DoT and the CMD BSNL. The advocate has agreed to take needful action.
As per the decision of the Chennai Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, a “week long campaign” is to be organised from 22nd March, 2021, which is the 20th foundation day of BSNLEU. Further, the Chennai CEC meeting has also decided to organise press meet during this week long campaign. These press meets should be organised in all circles and districts. CHQ has prepared a press statement, which should be translated into regional languages and distributed to the media persons. The same matter can be utilised for printing pamphlets, to be distributed among the general public, during the week long campaign.