Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]Com. Animesh Mitra
[ President ]Com. P. Abhimanyu
[ General Secretary ]Com. John Verghese
[ Deputy General Secretary ]Com. Irfan Pasha
[ Treasurer ]Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008
011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
[email protected]The AUAB of Tripura district submitted the memorandum to Ms. Jharna Das Baidhya, MP, on 08.08.2020. The AUAB delegation sought the intervention of Ms. Jharna Das Bhaidya, MP, for the early launching of BSNL’s 4G service as well as the implementation of it’s revival.
On behalf of the AUAB, it’s memorandum was submitted to former Central Minister, as well as presently Lok Sabha member from Sultanpur, Ms.Menaka Gandhi. The details regarding the road-blocks being caused in BSNL’s 4G roll out as well as delay in the implementation of the Revival Package were explained to Ms. Menaka Gandhi. She has assured to do the needful intervention.
The AUAB leaders of Ernakulam district met Shri Hibi Eden, Lok Sabha member from Ernakulam, on 08.08.2020 and submitted the memorandum. The representatives of the AUAB explained about the inordinate delay being caused in the launching of BSNL’s 4G service, as well as in the implementation of BSNL’s Revival Package. Shri Hibi Eden, MP, assured to make intervention on this issue.
The AUAB of Aurangabad district submitted the memorandum today to Dr. Bhagwat Karad, Rajya Sabha member, at Aurangabad. The leaders apprised Dr. Bhagwat Karad, MP, about the inordinate delay in the launching of BSNL’s 4G service, as well as delay in the implementation of the Revival Package. Dr. Bhagwat Karad, assured to do the needful in these regards.
The AUAB organised a Twitter Campaign today. Request was made to the comrades of BSNL to make the tweetings between 11:00 hrs and 13:00 hrs., under hashtag #BSNL4GNow. According to reports, 77,300 tweetings are made today, as per the call of the AUAB. Certainly, the AUAB has attracted the attention of the nation today, demanding the early launching of BSNL’s 4G service as well as it’s revival. The CHQ of BSNLEU heartily congratulates all the comrades who participated in this Twitter Campaign.
BSNLEU is observing the Birth Centenary of Com.K.G. Bose, the path finder of the P&T Trade Union movement. BSNLEU has decided that, this programme is to be observed for one full year, by organising seminars and special meetings. As a part of this, Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the Facebook live yesterday the 09.08.2020.
In his address, the General Secretary explained about the struggles and sacrifices of Com.K.G.Bose. He also explained how the path shown by Com.K.G.Bose is valid even today, to tackle the problems being faced by the working class movement in general and the BSNL trade union movement in particular.
In this connection, the General Secretary also delivered a speech live in Tamil on the Facebook, on 08.08.2020. This programme was organised by the Tamil Nadu circle union of BSNLEU.
Shri Anantkumar Hegde, BJP MP, from Karnataka has spitted venom against BSNL employees. He has stated that, all the BSNL employees are traitors (Desh drohis). Participating in a function at Uttara Kannada, Karnataka state, he has stated that the Prime Minister has provided funds and technology to BSNL, but the employees are not willing to work. “BSNL has become a black mark for the entire country and we will finish it”, said Shri Anantkumar Hedge. All the 88,000 BSNL employees will be fired and the government will privatise BSNL, said Mr. Anantkumar Hegde.
BSNL has always gone to the rescue of the people, whenever natural calamities like cyclone, flood, etc., struck the nation and when all the private telecom companies shut down their services. The BSNL employees have organised many movements like "Customer Delight Year", "Service with a smile" "BSNL at Your Door Steps" , etc., to improve the quality of services and customer satisfaction. Shri Anantkumar Hedge, MP, does not know anything about the devotion and dedication of BSNL employees. BSNLEU strongly condemns Shri Anantkumar Hedge’s outburst.
BJP के सांसद श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े द्वारा सभी BSNL कर्मियों को देशद्रोही (traitors) निरूपित किए जाने पर, BSNLEU द्वारा कड़ी भर्त्सना....
कर्नाटक से BJP के सांसद श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े ने BSNL कर्मियों के खिलाफ जहर उगला है। उन्होंने कहा है कि सभी BSNL कर्मी देशद्रोही (traitors) हैं। कर्नाटक राज्य के उत्तरा कन्नडा में आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में उन्होंने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री ने BSNL को धनराशि और तकनीकी (funds and technology) उपलब्ध करवाई है, किन्तु कर्मचारी काम ही नही करना चाहते हैं। श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े ने कहा कि “BSNL सम्पूर्ण देश पर एक बदनुमा दाग बन चुका है और हम उसे खत्म कर देंगे।" सभी 88,000 BSNL कर्मियों को नौकरी से बाहर कर दिया जाएगा और सरकार BSNL का निजीकरण कर देगी, श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े ने कहा।
जब जब देश में तूफान, बाढ़ आदि नैसर्गिक आपदाएं आई है, BSNL हमेशा लोगों की सहायता के लिए तत्पर रहा है, जबकि निजी कंपनियां ऐसी आपदा के समय अपनी सेवाएं बंद कर देती है। BSNL कर्मियों ने सेवाओं में सुधार और ग्राहक संतुष्टि के लिए "कस्टमर डिलाइट ईयर ", "सर्विस विथ अ स्माइल ", "BSNL एट योर डोर स्टेप ", जैसे कई कार्यक्रम चलाए हैं। श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े, एमपी BSNL कर्मियों के समर्पण और निष्ठा भाव से किंचित भी भिज्ञ नही हैं। BSNLEU, श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े के बौखलाहट भरे बयान की भर्त्सना करती है।
In response to the atrocious and irresponsible outbursts of Shri Anantkumar Hegde, BJP MP, made in an event at Kumta, in Uttara Kannada district, yesterday, the AUAB has issued the following press statement today.
The AUAB has decided to organise lunch hour protest demonstrations tomorrow the 13-08-2020, to condemn Shri Anantkumar Hedge, MP, for his maligning and derogatory statement against BSNL employees. The AUAB also calls upon the employees to organise a Twitter Campaign, between 11:00 hrs and 13 :00 hrs tomorrow, on this matter.
All the circle and district secretaries are requested to organise this programme successfully.
कल दिनांक 13-08-2020 को भोजन अवकाश में विरोध प्रदर्शन और ट्विटर अभियान आयोजित करें.
AUAB ने निर्णय लिया है कि श्री अनंतकुमार हेगड़े, MP द्वारा BSNL एम्प्लॉईज की छवि धूमिल करने वाले अपमानजनक बयान की भर्त्सना करने के लिए कल दिनांक 13-08-2020 को भोजन अवकाश में विरोध प्रदर्शन आयोजित किया जाए। साथ ही, इस मुद्दे को लेकर, AUAB ने कल 11:00 hrs से 13:00 hrs के बीच ट्विटर अभियान चलाने का भी सभी कर्मचारियों से आव्हान किया है। सभी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट सेक्रेटरीज से अनुरोध है कि इस कार्यक्रम को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित करें।
As regards the provocative speech of Shri Anantkumar Hegde, MP, the AUAB has given call for holding protest demonstrations and Twitter Campaign, to be organised tomorrow the 13-08-2020. At the same time, some spontaneous protest actions are already being organised in the country. BSNLEU, Telangana circle, has organised protest demonstrations throughout the state today. Employees have participated in large numbers and have condemned Shri Anantkumar Hedge, MP, severely, for calling BSNL employees "traitors" (Desh drohis). CHQ heartily congratulates Telengana circle for this spontaneous protest.
After VRS in BSNL, the strength of the employees has greatly been reduced. In this situation, a thinking arises in the minds of our comrades, whether we can organise struggles hereafter. Today, the answer to this question has been given by Com. Ponugoti Swamy Rao, Telecom Technician, working at Narkatpally, in Nalgonda SSA, Telengana circle. He is the only employee working in this station. However, single handedly, he has carried out the call of BSNLEU today. Wearing the black badge, Com. Ponugoti Swamy Rao, single handedly conducted the protest demonstration, condemning Shri Anantkumar Hedge, MP. CHQ feels proud of Com. Ponugoti Swamy Rao and heartily congratulates him for his fighting spirit.
Dear comrade,
The following is the hashtag for our Twitter Campaign, to be organised tomorrow.
The Twitter Campaign is to be organised between 11:00 hrs and 13:00 hrs tomorrow. CHQ requests all our comrades to make the programme successful.
Time at our disposal is short. We have to put in extra effort to make the Twitter Campaign successful. Please rush.
Com.Shib Shankar Roy, one of the tallest leaders of the P-III Union and a veteran leader of NFPE & Confederation of Central Government Employees, passed away today. He suffered a massive heart attack. Further, he was also infected with COVID-19. The death of Com.Shib Shankar Roy is a very big loss. BSNLEU dips it’s banner and pays respectful homage to Com.Shib Shankar Roy. BSNLEU conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to the family members and friends of the departed leader.
The 2,300 km long Submarine Optic Fibre Cable, between Chennai and Port Blair, was commissioned and dedicated to the nation by Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 10.08.2020. Consequent to this, BSNL acquired high speed internet connectivity. As a result, it is reported that people are standing in a long queue, in front of BSNL Office at Port Blair, to avail BSNL’s connection. This is a sample to prove that BSNL will flourish and serve the nation, if it is provided with the right technology. BSNL needs technology. Not lip-service.
The AUAB of Tamil Nadu circle, organised protest demonstrations throughout the circle, to condemn the atrocious outburst of Shri Anantkumar Hegde, MP, branding BSNL as a black mark of the nation and calling it’s employees traitors. At a very short notice, the protest demonstrations were orgnaised very powerfully in all the SSAs in Tamil Nadu circle. The CHQ of BSNLEU heartily congratulates the AUAB of Tamil Nadu circle for organising this struggle spontaneously.
Protesting against the outbursts of Shri Anantkumar Hegde, MP, calling BSNL employees traitors, lunch hour demonstrations and Twitter Campaign are being organised today. Shri Anantkumar Hegde, MP, should withdraw his statement, remarking BSNL as the black mark of the country and branding BSNL employees as traitors and should apologise.